safe handles, Constrained Execution Region
SafeHandle class, Constrained Execution Region
sbyte type, Primitives
schemas, LINQ to XML
scoped exceptions, Exception Handling
SDA (static data area), Memory Management
sealed classes, Abstract Classes, Derivation Constraints
sealed keyword, Keywords, Interfaces
sealed modifier, Classes, Member Attributes
security, MSBuild Example, MSBuild Example, Reflection Security, Unsafe Code
ClickOnce deployment, MSBuild Example
reflection, Reflection Security
unsafe code, Unsafe Code
Security Permission.UnmanagedCode permission, Unsafe Code
Select operator, LINQ Essentials, Conversion Operators
selection statements, Selection Statements, Selection Statements, Selection Statements, Selection Statements
defined, Selection Statements
if statement, Selection Statements
switch statement, Selection Statements
semicolon punctuator, Semicolon punctuator
SequenceEqual operator, Conversion Operators, Equality Operator
Serializable attribute, Attributes
serialization, Serialization, Serialization, Remote Exceptions, Remote Exceptions, Attributes
application exceptions, Remote Exceptions
attribute support, Attributes
defined, Serialization
static members, Serialization
SerializationInfo class, Serialization
server GC, Garbage Collection Overview, Workstation GC with Concurrent Garbage Collection, Server GC, Server GC
configuring, Server GC
defined, Garbage Collection Overview
functionality, Workstation GC with Concurrent Garbage Collection
set keyword, Keywords
set operators, Conversion Operators, Set Operators
Shared Source CLI, Miscellaneous Operations
short type, Primitives
Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP), Introduction to LINQ, Serialization
single-dimensional arrays, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Arrays and Collections, Multidimensional Arrays, params Keyword, tail
defined, Arrays and Collections
jagged arrays and, Multidimensional Arrays
MSIL instructions, Arrays and Collections, tail
params modifier, params Keyword
syntax, Arrays and Collections
single-line comments, Colon punctuator, MSIL in Depth
single-line documentation comments, Delimited comments: /* and */
singletons, Singleton
sizeof keyword, Keywords
sizeof operator, Expressions
Snippet element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
SOAP (Simple Object Access Protocol), Introduction to LINQ, Serialization
SoapFormatter type, Serialization
SocketException class, Inheritance
Solution Explorer (Visual Studio), Multiple-Targeting, Solution Explorer, Project Types, Project Types, Project Types, Project Types, Configuration Manager, Unsafe Code
adding reference, Project Types
overview, Multiple-Targeting
Project Designer window, Project Types
Solution Explorer window, Solution Explorer
Solution Property Pages dialog box, Configuration Manager
tabbed window, Project Types
unsafe code, Unsafe Code
Son of Strike, Debuggers (see )
SortedList collection class, Collections, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList, SortedList
Add method, SortedList
Capacity property, SortedList
Clear method, SortedList
Clone method, SortedList
code example, SortedList
constructor, SortedList
Contains method, SortedList
ContainsKey method, SortedList
ContainsValue method, SortedList
CopyTo method, SortedList
description, Collections, SortedList
GetByIndex method, SortedList
GetEnumerator method, SortedList
GetKey method, SortedList
GetKeyList method, SortedList
GetValueList method, SortedList
ICloneable interface, SortedList
ICollection members, SortedList
IEnumerable interface, SortedList
IndexOfKey method, SortedList
IndexOfValue method, SortedList
IsFixedSize property, SortedList
IsReadOnly property, SortedList
IsSynchronized property, SortedList
Item property, SortedList
Keys property, SortedList
Remove method, SortedList
RemoveAt method, SortedList
SetByIndex method, SortedList
Synchronized method, SortedList
SyncRoot property, SortedList
TrimToSize method, SortedList
Values property, SortedList
sorting operators, Core Elements, Set Operators
SOS (Son of Strike) debugger extension, Dump Files, Debuggers, Debuggers, Debuggers, Debuggers, Debuggers, WinDbg Directives, Son of Strike (SOS), Son of Strike (SOS), SOS Commands, SOS Example, Part II, Threads
CDB support, Debuggers
commands supported, Debuggers, SOS Commands
debugging threads, Threads
downloading, Debuggers
example, Son of Strike (SOS), SOS Example, Part II
functionality, Dump Files, WinDbg Directives
loading code, Son of Strike (SOS)
MDbg comparison, Debuggers
source code formatting, Source Code Formatting
SourceFilter class, Tracing
SourceLevels enumeration, Tracing
SourceSwitch class, Tracing, Tracing, Tracing, Tracing, Tracing, Tracing, Tracing
Attributes property, Tracing
constructors, Tracing
creating instances, Tracing
Description property, Tracing
DisplayName property, Tracing
Level property, Tracing
specialized collections, Stack Collection
Spy++ tool, Advanced Debugging
SQL (Structure Query Language), Associations
(see also )
Stack collection class, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Stack Collection, Generic Collections
Clear method, Stack Collection
code example, Stack Collection
Contains method, Stack Collection
description, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Stack Collection
generic types, Generic Collections
Peek method, Stack Collection
Pop method, Stack Collection
Push method, Stack Collection
Synchronized method, Stack Collection
ToArray method, Stack Collection
stackalloc command, Fixed Statements
stackalloc keyword, Keywords
StackFloat class, Generics
StackInt class, Generics
stacks, Main Entry Point, Types, Visibility, "Hello World" Application, "Hello World" Application, Interfaces, Debuggers, Basic WinDbg Commands, SOS Example, Part I, Memory Management, Memory Management
evaluation, "Hello World" Application
memory management, Memory Management
SOS debugging support, SOS Example, Part I
value types, Main Entry Point, Types, Visibility, Interfaces, Memory Management
WinDbg stack trace commands, Debuggers, Basic WinDbg Commands
StackString class, Generics
statement blocks, Sample C# Program, Main Entry Point, Line directives
statement clause, Colon punctuator
states, this Object
static data area (SDA), Memory Management
static keyword, Keywords
static members, Member Attributes, this Object, Overriding Events, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Abstract Classes, Static Members, Static Members, Serialization, Generics Internals, Generic Collections
abstract, Abstract Classes
extension methods, Overriding Events
generic collections, Generic Collections
generic internals, Generics Internals
generic types, Static Members
operator functions, Static Members
overview, Member Attributes
sealed modifier, Abstract Classes
serialization, Serialization
this reference, this Object
static methods, Overriding Events, Defining a Delegate
static modifier, Classes, Member Attributes, Visibility, Visibility, Constructors, DllImport
constructors, Visibility, Constructors
description, Classes, Member Attributes
functions, DllImport
Stopwatch class, Loading Assemblies
streams, metadata, Metadata Heaps
StreamWriter.Close method, Close Method
String class, LINQ to Objects and Cross-Domain Access
String heap, Metadata Heaps
string types, Main Entry Point, Main Entry Point, Generic types, Primitives, Types, Types, CharSet
as reference types, Main Entry Point, Types
as value types, Types
defined, Primitives
escape characters in, Generic types
nonblittable, CharSet
StringBuilder class, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements, Code and <![CDATA ]> Elements, Code and <![CDATA ]> Elements, Code and <![CDATA ]> Elements, Code and <![CDATA ]> Elements, Directional Attributes
CDATA element, Code and <![CDATA ]> Elements
Code element, Code and <![CDATA ]> Elements
code snippet example, Code and <![CDATA ]> Elements
Declarations element, Declarations, Literal, and Object Elements
Header element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
Import element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
namespace, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
References element, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements
unsafe code, Directional Attributes
StringCollection class, Stack Collection
StringDictionary class, Stack Collection
struct keyword, Keywords, Anonymous Types, Interface Constraints
StructLayoutAttribute, Blittable Types
structured exception handling, A Standard Exception Model
Structured Query Language, Associations (see )
structures, Main Entry Point, Types, Class Members, Class Members, Partial Method, Partial Method, Cross-Language Inheritance, Generics, Interfaces
as class members, Class Members
defined, Types, Partial Method
generic types, Generics
main entry points, Main Entry Point
MSIL support, Interfaces
overview, Partial Method
System.Object, Cross-Language Inheritance
subclasses, Inheritance
subscribers to events, Limitations of Anonymous Methods
subscripts, Collections (see )
suffixes, numeric, Generic types
summation notation, The Operator String Operator
superclasses, Inheritance
SuppressUnmanagedCodeSecurityAttribute, Unsafe Code
Surround With feature (Visual Studio), IntelliSense, Code Snippets
switch statement, Selection Statements, Keywords, Contravariance and Covariance
symbol servers, Native Options, Exception Example, Exception Example, Symbols
defined, Exception Example
symsrv.dll file, Symbols
Visual Studio debugging support, Native Options
symbols and tokens, Symbols and Tokens, Symbols and Tokens, Symbols and Tokens, Symbols and Tokens, Colon punctuator, Colon punctuator, Preprocessor Directives, Line directives, Line directives, Blocks, Generic types, Generic types, Generic types, Escape Characters, LINQ Operators, Exception Example, Pointers
blocks, Line directives
characters, Generic types
comments, Colon punctuator
debugging, Exception Example
escape characters, Generic types
generic types, Blocks
line terminators, Colon punctuator
numeric suffixes, Generic types
operators, LINQ Operators (see )
pointers, Pointers
preprocessor directives, Preprocessor Directives
punctuators, Symbols and Tokens
tab characters, Symbols and Tokens
table listing, Symbols and Tokens
verbatim characters, Escape Characters
white space, Symbols and Tokens
symsrv.dll file, Symbols
system exceptions, Exception Handling, System.Exception
System namespace, Namespaces, Classes, Singleton, Arrays and Collections, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, Derivation Constraints, Derivation Constraints, Derivation Constraints, Generic Collections, System.MulticastDelegate Class, Asynchronous Invocation, Application Exceptions, Type Creation, Type Creation, Attributes and Reflection
Activator class, Type Creation (see )
AppDomain class, Type Creation (see )
Array class, Arrays and Collections (see )
Attribute class, Attributes and Reflection (see )
Delegate class, Derivation Constraints (see )
Enum class, Derivation Constraints (see )
Exception class, Application Exceptions (see )
IAsynchResult interface, Asynchronous Invocation (see )
ICloneable interface, ArrayList Collection (see )
IComparable generic interface, Generic Collections
IComparable interface, ArrayList Collection (see )
IDisposable interface, Singleton (see )
MulticastDelegate class, System.MulticastDelegate Class (see )
Object class, Classes (see )
ValueType class, Derivation Constraints (see )
System.Boolean type, Primitives
System.Byte type, Primitives, CharSet
System.Char type, Primitives
System.Collections namespace, IList Interface, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Collections, Collections, ArrayList Collection, ArrayList Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Hashtable Collection, Queue Collection, An Enumerator Example
ArrayList class, Collections (see )
BitArray class, ArrayList Collection (see )
Hashtable class, Hashtable Collection (see )
ICollection interface, Collections (see )
IDictionary interface, Hashtable Collection (see )
IDictionaryEnumerator interface, Hashtable Collection (see )
IEnumerable interface, ArrayList Collection (see )
IEnumerator interface, An Enumerator Example (see )
IList interface, IList Interface (see )
overview, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
Queue class, Queue Collection (see )
System.Collections.Generic namespace, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters, Data Type Conversion Operators, Generic Collections, Generic Collections, IEnumerable<T> Interface
IComparer generic interface, Generic Collections
IEnumerable generic interface, Data Type Conversion Operators (see )
IEnumerator generic interface, IEnumerable<T> Interface (see )
overview, Arrays as Function Returns and Parameters
System.Collections.ObjectModel namespace, System.Array
System.Core.Dll library, LINQ Query Expression Syntax
System.Data.Linq namespace, Entity Classes
System.Data.Linq.Dll library, LINQ Query Expression Syntax
System.Data.Linq.Mapping namespace, Namespaces, Entity Classes
System.Decimal type, Primitives
System.Diagnostics namespace, Loading Assemblies, Registers Window
System.Double type, Primitives, CharSet
System.Int16 type, Primitives, CharSet
System.Int32 type, Primitives, CharSet
System.Int64 type, Primitives, CharSet
System.IntPtr type, CharSet
System.Linq namespace, Namespaces, LINQ Operators, LINQ Operators, LINQ Operators, Aggregation Operators, Data Type Conversion Operators, LINQ Programming, LINQ to XML
Enumerable class, Aggregation Operators (see )
IQueryable generic interface, LINQ Operators, Data Type Conversion Operators
IQueryable interface, LINQ Programming
overview, Namespaces, LINQ Operators, LINQ to XML
System.Linq.Expressions namespace, Namespaces
System.Reflection namespace, Code Snippet Creation Example, ILDASM, Dynamic Invocation
(see also )
System.Reflection.Emit namespace, ILDASM, MSIL Instructions
System.Runtime namespace, Constrained Execution Region
System.Runtime.CompilerServices namespace, Constrained Execution Region
System.Runtime.ConstrainedExecution namespace, Constrained Execution Region
System.Runtime.InteropServices namespace, Constrained Execution Region, Memory Pressure, PreserveSig
System.Runtime.Remoting namespace, Type Creation
System.SByte type, Primitives, CharSet
System.Single type, Primitives, CharSet
System.String type, Primitives
System.Text namespace, CodeSnippets and CodeSnippet Elements, Directional Attributes
System.Threading namespace, Application.ThreadException
System.UInt16 type, Primitives, CharSet
System.UInt32 type, Primitives, CharSet
System.UInt64 type, Primitives
System.UIntPtr type, CharSet
System.Xml.Linq namespace, Namespaces, Namespaces, Validation, Validation, Validation, Navigation, Navigation, Navigation, Navigation, XML Modification, XML Modification
XAttribute class, Namespaces, Validation
XComment class, Validation
XContainer class, Navigation (see )
XDocument class, Navigation (see )
XElement class, XML Modification (see )
XNode class, Navigation (see )
XObject class, Navigation, XML Modification
XText class, Validation
System.XML.Linq.Dll library, LINQ Query Expression Syntax
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