Playing Checkers, the Board Game

If you’ve played checkers, then you can probably skip this section. If you need a refresher, then this will still be a quick read.

Checkers is a fairly simple game played on an 8×8 game board. The board’s squares are typically alternating colors (one of the most common in the US is a black and red board).

Each player then positions 12 pieces on the board in fixed squares spaced evenly one square apart from each other. One player controls the black pieces and another controls the white (or red) pieces. The player controlling the black pieces makes the first move.

The simplest move is where a piece is allowed to slide diagonally on the board if there is no other player occupying that spot. If there is, you might be able to jump and capture that player’s piece. Players take turns moving or jumping (which can include multiple jumps per turn if pieces are positioned right) until one player reaches the opponent’s home row. This row is called the kings row or crownhead. Once in the opponent’s kings row, the player’s piece is crowned and gains the ability to move either backward or forward.

The game is over when one player has captured all of their opponent’s pieces, or left their opponent with no more legal moves. When neither side can force a win, the game ends in a draw.

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