
Acceptance risk response strategy, 187–188

Actual cost, 148, 157, 158

Actual cost of work performed (ACWP), 157, 158

Adequate planning, 47, 57, 93

Analyzing, for project control, 102, 113–116

Arrow diagram method (ADM), 123

Association for Project Management (APM), 2, 22, 29, 146, 171, 173

Association for Project Management Book of Knowledge (APM BoK), 166, 169

Authorization gate, 49–50

Avoidance risk response strategy, 186

Bar charts, 126–129

Benefits management, 200–202

Book of Knowledge (BoK), 22

Budget at completion (BAC), 159

Budgeted cost of work performed (BCWP), 157, 158

Budgeted cost of work scheduled (BCWS), 157, 158

Business case process, 198–200

Change impact analysis, 171

Client representatives, 51–52

Communication problems, 51


adversarial forms of, 50–51

noncollaborative forms of, 50–51

schedule, 37

Cost breakdown structure (CBS), 106, 107, 114, 116

Cost control, 24, 162–163

cost value reconciliation (CVR), 150–154

inhibitors, 78–82

overview, 145–146

profit and loss system, 146–147

program evaluation review technique (PERT), 148–150

S-Curve, 154–161

standard costing, 148

suitability, appraisal of, 161–164

unit costing, 147–148

Cost performance index (CPI), 43, 158, 159, 161

Cost value reconciliation (CVR), 9, 116, 150–151

advantages, 152–153

cost reconciliation, 151–152

good practices, 153 limitations, 154

value reconciliation, 152

Cost variance (CV), 158

CPI. See Cost performance index (CPI)

Critical path method (CPM), 9, 105, 108, 110, 133–136, 142

CVR. See Cost value reconciliation (CVR)

Cybernetic control, 25

Cyclic project control

planning, 101, 104–108

monitoring, 101–102, 108–111

reporting, 102, 109, 112–113

analyzing, 102, 113–116

Delphi process, 102–104

Decision tree, 182–183

Delphi process, 102–104

Disciplinary/organizational function approach, 177

Earned value, 157

Earned value analysis (EVA), 42, 43, 46, 65, 71, 105, 116, 156–161

measures, 157–159

advantages, 159–160

disadvantages, 160–161

Earned value management (EVM), 9, 156–161

Environment, social, and governance (ESG), 194

Estimate at completion (EAC), 159

Fallback risk response strategy, 187

Feedback control, 25–26

Feed-forward control system, 26–27

Financial wastage, 2

Gantt charts. See Bar charts

Go/no-go controls, 25

Graphical evaluation and review technique (GERT), 124, 139–141, 143, 144

Inhibitors, 76–77

Investment appraisal, 200

Key performance indicators (KPIs), 97, 98, 100, 192–197

Line of balance (LOB) method, 129–132, 142

Loss system, 146–147

Master schedule, 37, 122

Milestone date programming, 124–126, 142

Monitoring, 32, 101–102, 108–111

Monte Carlo simulation, 184

Network-based schedules, 124

Nonfactual reporting, 55–56

Non-network-based schedules, 124

Organizational cultural change, 70–71

Organizational inhibitors, 77–78

PDM. See Precedence diagram method (PDM)

Performance evaluation and review technique (PERT), 9, 136, 140, 141, 143, 149–150

advantages, 138

disadvantages, 138–139

time estimation, 136–138

Performance indicators (PIs), 192–193

Performance standards, 27–28

PEST/PESTLE, 176–177

Planned value (PV), 157, 158, 161

Planning, 28–31, 101, 104–108

Postcontrol, 25

Precedence diagram method (PDM), 124, 132–133, 139, 141, 143, 144

Predetermined approach, by organization, 177

Product breakdown structure (PBS), 169

Profit system, 146–147

Program evaluation and review technique (PERT)

cost control techniques, 148–150

time control techniques, 136–139, 143

Progressive elaboration, 178

Project-based inhibitors, 78

Project contractors, 90, 96

Project control, 57

action, 39–40

analysis, 39

challenges, 43–44

from client, 44, 49–52

from organization, 44–46

from project delivery approach, 44, 47–49

from project team, 52–56

concept, 22–23


estimation, 40–41

monitoring, 41

reporting, 42

performance analysis, 42–43

action, 43

cycle, 27–34

duration assessment

tasks and activities, 36–37

visual representation, 37–38


collaborative approach, 205

cost and time, 206

key ingredients, 203–204

people-centric and training, 204

factors, 23–27

inhibitors, 68

overview, 1–3, 21–22

in practice, 35

process, 3–4

monitoring and reporting, 38–39

types, 25–27

Project control implementation document (PCID), 62, 63, 73

Project control inhibitors management (PCIM), 8, 15, 35

action, 66–67

analysis, 64–65

for effective project control, 10–11

execution phase, 62

exogenous inhibitors, 76–77

endogenous organizational inhibitors, 77–78

endogenous project-based inhibitors, 78

feedback, 65–66

framework, 11

good practice measures

corrective good practice measures, 83

design and scope changes, 84–85

organizational good practice measures, 83–84

preventive good practice measures, 82–83

for risks and uncertainties, 85–98

implemention, barriers to, 70–72

methodology, 60–68

monitoring, 63

planning, 61–62

project control inhibitors, 68

project control methodology

case study, 72–74

checklist, 68–69

research process, 12

scalability, 69–70

reporting, 63–64

revise plan, 67

Project cost accounting system (PCAS), 149

Project execution plan (PEP), 31, 93

Project investment success (PIS), 6

Project management success (PMS), 6

Project master schedule, 37

Project ownership success (POS), 6

Project scope management, 22, 24, 166

components, 166–171

overview, 165

work breakdown structure (WBS), 171–173

Project success measurement approach, 7

Quantitative cost risk analysis (QCRA), 89, 185

Quantitative risk analysis techniques, 89, 181

costing risk, 183

decision tree, 182–183

Monte Carlo simulation, 184

quantitative cost risk analysis (QCRA), 185

quantitative schedule risk analysis (QSRA), 184–185

sensitivity analysis, 181–182

three-point estimating/probabilistic method, 184

Quantity surveyor, 40, 42, 63, 150

Reduction risk response strategy, 186

Relative importance index (RII), 78–80

Reporting, 32, 102

Revise plan, 67

Risk drivers, 179

Risk management

overview, 175–176

systematic approach

risk analysis, 180–185

risk classification, 176–178

risk identification, 178–180

risk response, 185–189

Risk matrix, 180

Risk register, 88, 179–180

Schedule at completion (SAC), 159

Schedule performance index (SPI), 43, 158

Schedules, 37–38, 90, 122. See also Time control

Schedule variance (SV), 158

Scope creep, 165

S-curve, 154–161

Senior management, 45–46

Sensitivity analysis, 181–182, 200

Sharing risk response strategy, 188–189

SPORT, 177

Stage schedule, 37

Standard costing, 148

Subcontractors, 93, 95–99

Supplier performance management

evaluation approach, 193–194

information collection, 194

key performance indicators (KPIs), 192–193

overview, 191–192

performance data analysis, 194–195

performance indicators (PIs), 192

reporting, 195–196

review and feedback, 196–197

Supply chain management, 96

Target schedule, 37

Tender schedule, 37

Three-point estimating/probabilistic method, 184

Time control, 24, 162–163

critical path method (CPM), 133–136, 142

graphical analysis, 126–129, 142

graphical evaluation and review technique (GERT), 139–140, 141, 143

inhibitors, 78–82

line of balance (LOB) method, 129–132, 142

milestone date programming, 124–126, 142

overview, 121–124

precedence diagramming method (PDM), 132–133, 143

program evaluation and review technique (PERT), 136–139, 143

Transfer risk response strategy, 187

Unit costing, 147–148

Variance at completion (VAC), 158, 159

WBS. See Work breakdown structure (WBS)

“What-if” analysis, 182

Work breakdown structure (WBS), 16, 106, 107, 116, 122, 169, 171–173

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