Further information

Useful e-mail addresses

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) and Committee for Advertising Practice (CAP)

ASA website: www.asa.org.uk

CAP’s Copy Advice Service website: www.asa.org

Offers advice online, plus related cases.

Ardi Kolah

Guru in a bottle

Author of Essential Law for Marketers, the UK’s number one best-selling law book for non-lawyers; will help you get to grips with UK and EU laws and regulations that impact modern sales and marketing practice. An indispensable book that’s written in non-legal jargon and language that’s easy to understand and follow.

Email: [email protected]

British Promotional Merchandise Association

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.bpma.co.uk

Contains a list of members’ products and services. Charter members are the best.

The Sourcing Team


Global sourcing and procurement – specialising in promotional products. Provides both standard and made-to-order products for both public and private sector clients. Branded items are used for product launches, exhibitions, events and general corporate merchandise requirements.

CAM Foundation

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.camfoundation.com

Covers specific areas of marketing communication and promotional aspects of marketing for those pursuing a career in advertising, PR, media, market research, direct marketing or sales promotion through examinations.

Chartered Institute of Marketing

Website: www.cim.co.uk

The home of the professional practitioner in marketing. Offers training courses on most marketing subjects.

Chartered Institute of Purchasing and Supply

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.cips.org

Consumer Focus (formerly National Consumers Council)

Website: www.consumerfocus.org.uk

Direct Marketing Association (DMA)

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.dma.org.uk

Europe’s largest trade association in the marketing and communications sector, with over 900 corporate members. On behalf of its membership, the DMA promotes best practice and self-regulation, through its codes, in order to maintain and enhance consumers’ trust and confidence in the direct marketing industry. The DMA has set up the Direct Marketing Authority as an independent body to do this.


Dressipi is an excellent example of being at the forefront of online shopping. It provides the answer to women shoppers’ questions expressed as: Got a wardrobe of clothes and nothing to wear? Never have time to shop or check out new brands? To see the website, go to www.dressipi.com . Dressipi is a free fashion advice and recommendation service for the shopper. After creating an accurate profile for a shopper, called a Fashion Fingerprint®, which is based on the shopper’s own body shape, style and preferences, the online service then finds the most inspiring and flattering and best types of clothes and brands for the shopper.


Website: www.which.co.uk

Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA)

Website: www.isba.org.uk

Trade association for advertisers.

Institute of Practitioners in Advertising

Website: www.ipa.co.uk

Getting into advertising is not easy! But we also know what a great career it can be. So for those of you who really want to know more, the IPA can give you a better understanding of what it is like to work in the advertising world, the variety of jobs that exist, what sort of skills you will need (and what you will learn), how to go about getting into the industry and which agencies are actively looking for graduates. The IPA is the trade body and professional institute for leading agencies in the UK’s advertising, media and marketing communications industry.

Institute of Promotional Marketing (IPM)

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.theipm.org.uk

The IPM’s purpose is to protect and promote professional and effective promotion. It provides professional qualifications at all levels. Formerly the ISP.

Marketing Agencies Association

Website: http://www.marketingagencies.org.uk

Offers communication agencies supplying a range of services such as legal advice, training, management and best practice tools. Will help find an agency through its Search & Selection service.

Office for National Statistics

Website: www.ons.gov.uk


Website: www.pims-sca.com

Interesting case studies. New media capable; text-and-win promotions. With over 29 years as the promotional marketing industry’s ‘silent partner’, PIMS-SCA understands promotions, how they work and the financial risks involved. They estimate promotional response rates and provide coverage to hundreds of promotions across the globe every year. Their enviable wealth of experience enables them to successfully guide your promotional strategy, adding value and maximising return on investment. As a registered Lloyd’s Broker and working with some of the largest insurance companies in the world, they guarantee complete financial security for every promotion – giving their clients greater peace of mind.

Point of Purchase Advertising Institute (POPAI)

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.popai.co.uk

Trade association for point of purchase, point of sale.

Trusted Shops GMBH

E-mail: [email protected]

Website: www.trustedshops.com.uk

Customer reviews provide proof of quality and good sense of customer service; the certification and trustmark visibly display the reliability and professionalism of a shop. Trusted Shops buyer protection contributes to reducing the number of shopping baskets abandoned during the ordering process. Trusted shops produces a handbook for online retailers which has 25 pages of information on EU legislation.

Voucher Association (VA)

Website (www.ukgcva.co.uk).

The VA represents the key players in the £3 billion corporate incentive and consumer gift voucher, card and stored-value market.

Valassis Ltd

Website: www.valassis.co.uk

NCH Business Solutions, part of Valassis UK, is a leader in redemptions, settlement and analysis. It handles 80 per cent of all coupons in the UK.


Marketing , www.marketingmagazine.co.uk/

Marketing Week , www.marketing-week.co.uk

Catalyst , magazine of the CIM, http://www.themarketer.co.uk/

Promotional Marketing (online magazine), published by the Institute of Promotional Marketing – www.promomarketing.info. An up-to-date monthly magazine covering promotional marketing and incentive strategy.

Digital Marketing (online magazine), http://digitalmarketingmagazine.co.uk/

Internet Retailing , http://internetretailing.net/

Mobile Marketing Magazine , http://mobilemarketingmagazine.com/

B2B Marketing , http://www.b2bmarketing.net/


Mobile Marketer , http://www.mobilemarketer.com/

Pragmatic Marketing , http://www.pragmaticmarketing.com

Marketing News , www.ama.org/publications/MarketingNews. See also Marketing Insight.

Field Marketing and Brand Experience , http://www.fieldmarketing.com/fmbx-magazine/

• Econsultancy

Further reading

Harper , C Beyond Shopper Marketing, Storecheck Marketing, Farnham Common, UK.

Kolah , A (2012) Essential Law for Marketers, Kogan Page, London.

Mullin , R and Harper , C (2014) Shoppernomics, Gower, Farnham.

Mullin , R (2001) Value for Money Marketing, Kogan Page, London.

Underhill , Paco (2003) Why We Buy: The Science of Shopping, Thomson Texere: London.

Williams , A and Mullin , R (2008) The Handbook of Field Marketing, Kogan Page, London.

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