
Note: Bold entries refer to headings, briefs, case studies or particular sections where the word or phrase is mentioned numerous times.

Aakers 230

Advertising Regulations Act 272

Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) 12, 13, 169, 205, 211, 272275, 279282, 299

Adyen 4

Air Miles (now AVIOS) 153, 190

Aldi 32, 173, 175

Alipay xvii, xviii, 256

Always on Real Time Access (AORTA) 98

Amazon xvii, 282

American Adventure Theme Park 148

Anchor 121

Apple xvii, 82, 106, 266

Apps xvixviii, 8, 23, 72, 98, 106, 113, 242, 260

App Store xvii, 106

Artificial Intelligence (AI) xviii

AR, Augmented Reality xviixviii, 8, 96, 106, 113

Arc Worldwide 140

Argos 94, 190, 281

Arla Foods 121

Asda 9, 82, 149, 166, 172173, 218, 254

attitude xx, 7, 8, 1012, 13, 17, 32, 35, 41, 92, 138139, 173, 229, 285, 288, 292

Autoglas 107

Awareness – trial-reinforcement (ATR) 11

(B2B) business to business xv, xx, xixxx, xxii, 36, 1213, 1422, 2526, 3032, 37, 3944, 4647, 52, 5657, 68, 93, 283, 293, 303

banded offers 53, 267

banded packs 176177

Barclays Bank 14

BBC 158

behaviour xv, xx, 78, 1013, 17, 25, 27, 3841, 43, 54, 72, 91, 108, 111, 137143, 218, 228229, 233, 235, 239, 264, 268, 271, 285, 292

Benetton 264

Blippar 113

Bloomberg 217

Blue-Chip Marketing Consultancy 249, 251

BMW 32

Body Shop, The 132

BOGOF ‘buy one, get one free’ 93, 166, 175, 180, 256

Bomline xviii

‘bonding with the brand’ 46, 165, 191

Boost Mobile 270

Boots 9, 16, 104, 131, 149, 171, 202

‘bounce-back’ offer 5, 8, 11, 97, 104, 110, 151, 154

Bovril 128, 141, 167

brand experience 11, 12, 24, 36, 7677, 114116, 119, 123124, 139, 303

brand extension promotions 183, 193, 198, 203

brand finance xx

brandgram xx, xxii, 18, 22, 2829, 39, 4647, 93, 96, 103, 125, 160, 171, 194195, 198

branding 4546, 110, 230, 252

Branson, Sir Richard 131

British Airways 132

British Codes of Advertising and Sales Promotion 204

British Heart Foundation 164

British Population Survey (BPS) 87

British Premium/Promotional Merchandise Association (BPMA) 54, 169, 254

British Telecom (BT) 115, 157, 164, 167168, 199

Bronto 39

Brylcreem 46

budget control 68

Burger King 167

Burton 123

business gifts 199200, 203, 241

business objectives 1418, 22, 25, 141, 192, 231, 234, 236, 249, 251

Butterkist 79

buying process 22, 32, 116

Cadbury’s 43, 71, 132, 208, 219, 289

Camelot 212

CAP Code xxii, 13, 273275, 281

Captain Morgan 2122

Charities Aid Foundation 91

charity promotions 163164

Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM) xvi, 300

Chartered Institute of Public Relations (CIPR) 91

Cherry Blossom 5354

Clarins 121

Clarke Hooper Consulting 253

Classic FM 123, 250

Clearblue One Step 202

CMA (Competition and Markets Authority, formerly OFT) 275

Coca-Cola 262263

Code of Sales Promotion Practice 13, 248

collector promotions 129130, 133, 139, 163164, 167

Comet 138

communication (one of six Cs) 37

communication canvas 19, 2830, 87, 233, 237

competitions 6, 110, 123, 137, 166, 204207, 209210, 213214, 238, 269, 275276, 279

competitive advantage 19, 226

competitive differentiation 172

concept (one of 6Cs) 37

Concho y Toro 200

consistency (one of 6Cs) 37

Consumer Credit Act 186

consumer packaged goods (CPG) 90, 105

‘container’ promotions 137

Continental 155

Continuity Company 253

convenience (one of 6 Cs) 37

Co-op 130, 167, 253254

cost (one of 6 Cs) 37

coupons xvii, 6, 15, 23, 25, 39, 70, 77, 80, 82, 92, 126, 129, 131, 137140, 147149, 159160, 162164, 179184, 187, 192, 195, 241, 243, 250, 267, 285, 290, 302

cover mount 39

creative techniques 58

creativity 12, 5163, 67, 92, 114, 124, 171, 179, 210, 221, 236237, 272

customer needs 19, 106, 142

customer relationship management (CRM) xix, xxiii, 33, 118, 124

Customs and Excise 213

CVM, core visual mnemonic 27, 35, 38

Daily Express 251

Daily Mail 151, 250

Daily Telegraph 148

data xviii, xix, 34, 7, 9, 13, 16, 19, 25, 27, 35, 3940, 7072, 74, 7678, 81, 85, 87, 88, 92103, 97, 101, 103, 122, 157, 160, 165, 191192, 210, 226229, 231, 265, 280, 285, 287291, 293294

data protection xxii, 268, 280

Dave TV/Burton 43, 123

Daz 138, 201

‘dealer loaders’ see business gifts

Debenhams 107, 149

Deep Pan Pizza 147

delayed discounts 179, 181182

demonstrating 115117, 209, 278

Diabetes UK xxiii, 252253

Diageo 21, 219

differential advantage 63, 143, 233

direct mail xxii, 56, 14, 38, 66, 70, 84, 86, 92, 142, 157, 168, 182183, 209, 211, 241, 243, 253, 256, 272, 275, 278, 283

direct marketing 6, 15, 18, 2124, 87, 9192, 109, 111, 114, 126, 240, 245, 276, 284, 300

Direct Marketing Association (DMA) xxiii, 64, 92, 109, 243, 300

discount coupons 147, 159

discovery foods 81

distribution chain 54

distributors 75, 133134

Donald Russell 131

dressipi 112, 300

dunn-humby 10

Dyson 118, 203

EACA xxiii

EASA (European Advertising Standards Alliance) 277

EasyJet 38, 148, 278

eBay 34, 41

Economist, The 95

Ehrenburg Model 11

Electrolux 134, 199, 202203

email 13, 39, 99, 101, 119

Engram xx, xxii, 9, 1112, 19, 2729, 31, 35, 37, 39, 46, 8587, 8990, 94, 96, 103, 110, 113, 115, 117, 120, 125, 138, 160, 171, 191, 226227, 230231, 284

Esso 132, 138, 153, 168169

Eurostar 13

evaluation see research

Eversheds xxiii, 62, 132, 199200

excess share of voice (ESOV) xx, 12, 30, 38, 46, 126, 227

extra fill packs 133, 137, 178, 237

Faber & Faber 128, 215, 219220

Facebook xvi, 35, 80, 88, 101, 103104, 110111, 122, 229, 261, 279281

FatFace 172

field marketing xvi, xxii, 7, 1718, 23, 7677, 83, 114115, 160, 195, 244, 303

Financial Times 148

Flora 164

Flymo 167

Footlocker 269270

Ford 94, 120130, 244

Forrester Research 41, 100, 108, 260

Fosters 147

free draws 137, 204, 206, 209212, 275

Freudenberg Household Products 216

Gala Coral Group 110111

Gale’s Honey 129, 133, 191, 196, 216

Gambling Act 2005 204, 213, 276, 279

Gaming Act (1968) 213

Gaming Board 213

Gatwick Airport 94

GDPR (data protection) xxii

‘gift with purchase’ (GWP) 122, 194195

Global Loyalty Pty Ltd 33

Golden Wonder 61, 8283

Google xvixvii, 102103, 106107, 110, 113, 259

Great Singapore Duck Race 271

Green Shield stamps 166, 190

Grocer, The 9, 85

Guinness 38, 46, 18, 219

Guinness Book of Records 198

Häagen-Dazs 132, 193

handling houses 6971, 76, 83, 183184, 240, 248

Harper, Colin xviii, 29, 292

‘Hayfever Survival’ campaign see Kleenex

Heineken 44, 132

Henkel 139

HFSS (high in fat salt or sugar) xxii

high street vouchers 149

HMV stores 156

Holland & Barrett 16, 171

Hoover 19, 158, 244

Housecall xviii

HSBC 173

IAB (Internet Advertising Bureau UK) 99, 101

IBM 115, 226

iButterfly 8, 98

IKEA 106, 110, 266

IMC xxiii, 6, 45, 97

iMotions 35

implementing a promotion; 231, 239, 254; budget 239; communication 242; legalities 244; logistics 243; process 245; timings 241

‘in-pack’ promotion 193

Incorporated Society of British Advertisers (ISBA) 64, 6667, 301

Insight xv, xviii, xxii, xxiii, 34, 12, 14, 16, 1821, 27, 3436, 3839, 4546, 80, 85, 88, 93, 96, 103, 225229, 231232, 273, 283, 287295

Institute of Practitioners in Advertising (IPA) 84, 8687, 90, 283, 301

Institute of Promotional Marketing (IPM) xiii, xvii, xixxxi, xxiii, 6, 9, 22, 29, 4344, 6364, 66, 69, 87, 95, 111, 113, 120123, 155156, 182, 201, 205, 211, 216217, 240, 243, 282, 288, 291, 301

Institute of Purchasing and Supply, Chartered 300

Institute of Sales Promotion (ISP) see IPM

Insurance 5, 32, 65, 7076, 136, 117118, 144, 147, 150152, 154, 158159, 197, 211, 214216, 221, 277, 302

insurance offers 150152

‘integrated marketing’ 2425, 66, 262

intermediaries 23, 57, 126, 128, 133134, 172, 181183, 220, 236, 241242, 268, 274, 288

intermediary support 127, 133, 238, 286

international promotions 12, 256271

internet xvii, xxiii, 7, 18, 24, 26, 3738, 6263, 78, 8486, 92, 99102, 107, 109, 127, 148149, 169, 184, 199, 241242, 257261, 264, 273, 276277 291292

Internet Retailing 99101, 259, 291, 294, 303

Intersport 97

IPC 194

Jacob’s Club 130, 167, 253254

JCDecaux 108

Jet 138

John Lewis 41, 101, 107, 110

joint promotions 24, 72, 131132, 159170, 248, 288; charities 163; loyalty schemes 165; phantom partnerships 166

Kellogg 21, 25, 170

Kerrygold 82

key performance indicator (KPI) 23, 233234, 236, 239, 245, 248249, 255, 283288, 295

Kimberly-Clark 249, 251, 289

KitKat 38, 79, 254

Kleenex 133, 200, 249251

Kolah, Ardi 282, 299, 303

Labour xvixxiii, 10

Law xxii, 55, 62, 93, 114, 152, 167, 172, 199, 205, 213, 221, 236, 244, 263265, 267268, 272282, 299; Data Protection xxii, 268, 280; EU 267, 277; UK 276

Layar 98, 106, 113

Lee & Perrins 131

Lever Brothers 137138, 201

Liberal Democrats 160

Lidl 32, 36, 173, 175

Listerine 44

Lloyds Bank 151

London Business School 176

Lotteries 204205, 221, 276

Lotteries and Amusements Act (1976) 204

Lotto 169, 206207, 216

loyalty schemes 9, 135, 152, 160, 165167

Lucozade 47, 122123

Mail Order Traders’ Association Code of Practice 275

mail-in premiums 137, 243, 290

Marketing 291, 302

marketing accountability 20, 234, 239240, 249, 283289, 295

Marketing Agencies Association (MAA) xxiii, 6467

marketing department xv, 68, 266

marketing objective(s) 1317, 22, 2426, 39, 54, 57, 67, 127, 129, 231, 233235, 237, 239, 245246, 249, 283, 286

marketing mix see Offer, the

Marketing Week 291, 302

Marks & Spencer (M&S) 16, 36, 150, 172, 211

Mars 115, 131

Mastercard 140, 257

Maxwell House 128129, 140141, 216

Mazda 45, 6061

McCain 8081, 217

McDonald’s 110, 130, 167, 264

MEAL 132

‘mechanics’ see promotional mechanics

‘member get member’ schemes 134

Merchandising 6, 99, 115, 117118, 126, 232

Metropolitan Police xxiii, 45

Microsoft 63, 99

Mintel 291

MMS 92, 100

mobile xvxix, xxixxii, 3, 5, 78, 12, 1516, 18, 2324, 26, 30, 33, 37, 43, 51, 72, 8486, 90, 92, 97113, 117, 125127, 136, 148, 152, 179, 182, 206, 219, 242, 258261, 270, 273

Mobile Marketer 291, 303

Momentum xvi

money-off coupons 137, 250

Morrisons 10, 138

Mullin, Roddy xxii, 23, 29, 76, 85, 115, 244, 284, 292, 303

Music for Schools 130

Myer 9, 33

National Audit Office (NAO) i

National Lottery 72, 167, 169; see also Lotto

NatWest 151, 167168, 199200

Near Field Communications (NFC) xviii, 98, 113

‘near-packs’ 138, 194192, 200201, 203

needs see customer needs

Nescafé 11, 140, 162

Nestlé 7879, 191, 194, 262

New Zealand Herald 82

Next 37, 184

Nike 90

Nissan 2425

Norweb 138


O2/Telefonika 11, 4344

Ofcom 99, 136, 279

Offer, the (6Cs) xxii, 12, 1819, 22, 33, 3738, 47, 125, 127128, 139, 171, 233234, 237

off-the-shelf offers 68, 144; discount coupons 147148; free accommodation 144145; high street vouchers 149150; holiday vouchers 146147; insurance offers 150151; packaged schemes 152153; plants, print and collectables promotions 153154

OFT now CMA (see above) 10, 136, 275

Ogilvy xvii

on-pack offers 153154, 193195, 203, 206

operational plan 61, 245248

opportunities to apply (OTA) 153154, 240241, 266

Oracle 41

Orange 11

Osram 5254

Outdoor Media Centre (OMC) 89

overriders 186187

Oxo 164

P&MM services 157

packaged schemes 152153

Pallas Foods 4243

Pandora 121122

partnerships see joint promotions

‘partnership sourcing’ 64

Peperami 113

Pepsi 118119, 263

Persil 163

petrol promotions 138

phantom partnerships 160, 166167, 169

Pilot Fashion 147

PIMS-SCA 7375, 7982, 216219, 271, 301

Plusnet 108

Point of Purchase Advertising Institute (POPAI) xxi, 36, 7172, 302

point of purchase manufacturers 71

POP 7172, 83, 117118, 167168, 227, 244

POS material 91, 117, 120121, 140, 155156, 200

premium promotions 193; brand extension promotions 193, 198, 203; business gifts 199200, 203, 241; free mail-ins 80, 136, 164, 192193, 195197, 203, 206; on-pack offers including covermounts 153, 193194, 203; self-liquidators 193, 197198, 237238; with purchase premiums 193195

price xvii, xxi, 45, 710, 14, 16, 3132, 4041, 43, 6465, 79, 88, 110, 115, 121, 127128, 133139, 143, 145, 147, 153155, 157, 160, 166, 168169, 171178, 181, 184188, 190195, 198, 201203, 216217, 219, 231, 237239, 244, 253, 267, 276, 278, 281; discounts/discounting 10, 70, 101, 106, 129130, 135, 148150, 152, 157, 159, 171, 174179, 182, 188, 193, 287; segmentation, segment pricing 3236, 40, 113, 171, 173174, 192, 226, 235, 258; setting 171

price promotions 4, 88, 128, 136138, 143, 169, 171175, 186, 192, 239; coupons 181; delayed discounts 179; finance deals 184; immediate discounts 174; segment pricing 173; trade price promotions 186

price wars 133, 175, 190

pricing policies 172; psychological 172; segment 173; value 172

Prince’s Trust 156

printers see specialist printers

prize promotions 203221, 270, 274, 276, 278, 291; competitions 205; free draws 209; games 212; instant wins 212; probability promotions 214

Procter & Gamble 137138, 166, 170, 193, 201, 293

profile see customer profile

promotion agencies 62, 6467, 83, 234, 242, 289, 292

promotional brief 233234, 239, 245, 247, 255, 285

Promotional Campaigns Group 141, 251

Promotional Handling Association: Code of Practice 275; promotional insurers 83; over-redemption insurance 74, 79

promotional objectives xxii, 39, 51, 54, 5657, 59, 63, 88, 127, 139, 143144, 159, 202, 209, 221, 234, 237, 249, 253254, 263, 283, 286; list of 12 core 127

promotional offers xxii, 12, 15, 19, 59, 7172, 98, 133134, 138, 143, 144221, 225, 231, 284, 288, 292; off-the-shelf 144; joint 129; price 159; premium 193; prize 203

Promotional Sourcing Association

Code of Practice 275

publicity xxii, 2324, 38, 91, 125126, 131, 151, 163, 170, 207208, 215, 284

questionnaires 292

QR code xviii, 105, 107, 113

Ramada 5355, 5860, 264

Red Bull VIP Trip 110, 275, 278, 281282

Red or Dead 147

Red Eye xxii

redemption rate 153154, 181, 183, 192, 198, 203, 240241, 248249

redemption systems 183

reduced price offers (RPOs) 177178

referral coupon promotions 162

relationships see customer relationships

repertoire purchasing 129

repurchase offers 180181

research xvxviii, xxxxiii, 3, 67, 9, 14, 19, 24, 27, 32, 3442, 52, 8589, 9192, 95, 99, 107, 109, 111112, 121, 123, 139, 155, 165, 171, 203, 226229, 234, 243, 247, 253, 257, 259, 283, 287295

response rate 23, 5051, 67, 69, 161, 245, 249250

Retail Bulletin 9

retailers xxii, 21, 3334, 3941, 72, 77, 85, 107, 110, 112, 117, 127128, 133134, 138, 148149, 158, 168, 171, 175179, 182, 184190, 194, 200, 209, 211, 216, 220, 227, 244, 258259, 267268, 270, 294, 302

return on investment (ROI) xxi, 42, 85, 115, 122, 124, 139, 142, 172, 217, 283, 295

risk management see promotional insurers

Right Guard 139

Rover Group 32, 62, 216

Royal British Legion 160

Royal Mail 92, 243

Ruddles 147

SAGA 145

Sainsbury’s 8182, 141142, 166167, 190

Sakaré 11

sampling 53, 77, 115, 116118, 124, 128, 141, 160, 167, 194, 237

Sandisk 281

Sarson’s vinegar 75, 217, 236

Screwfix 41

Scrumpy Jack 142

segmenting 226

segment pricing 173, 192

self-liquidator promotion (SLP) 197

Sellotape 167, 169, 236

Shell 54, 130, 133, 138, 153, 168169, 262264

Shelter 164

Sheraton Securities 53, 60

shopper marketing xviii, xxii, 12, 65, 226, 303

Shredded Wheat 252

Sir Martin Sorrell 110

SKU (stock-keeping unit) 40

Sky 150

SMART criteria 15

Smarties 78, 194

Smirnoff 219, 268

Smithkline Beecham 196

SMP 133, 191, 202, 217

SMS 18, 23, 73, 92, 98, 100, 111, 113, 142, 182, 219, 260

Social Media xvi, xviiixix, xxiii, 34, 7, 14, 16, 1819, 23, 27, 30, 35, 37, 4142, 45, 90, 9293, 9798, 100, 103, 109113, 122, 125126, 139, 152, 171, 226, 228, 231, 260, 261, 279, 284, 287, 292

SoLoMo 98

Sony 120, 147

specialist printers 75, 83

Spillers Petfoods 72

Stella Artois 120

Sunday Times, The 213

Sunsilk 120

Sun, The 156157, 169, 213, 221, 281

Suntory 122123

Superdrug 2425

suppliers giving promotional assistance 6483

Swatch 132

Talk Radio 251

Tango 128, 132, 155156

Taylor Nelson Soffres (TNS) 259

Tefal 9495

Tequila 25, 156, 168169

Tesco 910, 81, 138, 166, 190191, 230, 236

text messaging see SMS

Times, The 213, 217, 221

Thompson/Tui 119, 146

Tony Stone Images 269

Topshop 37

trade price promotion 186, 192

trade promotion 153, 189

trial promotions 128

Triangle Communications 140, 219220

‘tribal marketing 160

Triumph 99

Twitter xvi, 7, 21, 101, 103, 110111, 229230, 261, 280281

UCI Cinema 157

Umbro 269270

Unilever 44, 96, 113, 139, 170, 289

University of Westminster xxiii

UPC (universal product code) 36

Urban Outfitters 16

URL (uniform resource locator) 40

USP (unique selling point) 43, 116

Valassis 139, 182184, 202, 241, 302

Value Added Tax (VAT) 200, 241, 265

value for money marketing 23, 85, 284, 260, 303

value promotions 130131, 133, 136139, 143, 190, 192, 237

Vauxhall (Motors) 129, 250

Vileda 216

viral marketing 41

Virgin 33, 131, 150

Visible Vault 270

Visit Scotland 217

Voucher Association 149, 302

Waitrose 33, 230

Walkers Crisps 169

Wal-Mart 173

Warner Bros 147

Wauwaa 30

websites xvxviii, 12, 2223, 45, 64, 66, 78, 93, 98, 100, 103104, 107, 146, 149, 150, 243, 248, 265, 293

Westfield Shopping Centre 98, 147

WhatsApp xvi, 103

Which? 157, 301

Williams, Alison xxii, 76, 115, 244

Willott Kingston Smith (WKS) 2223, 109, 240

Worcestershire sauce 131, 191192

Worthington 218219

Youth Hostel Association 147

Zantac 134, 206, 216, 251252

Zappar 106

Zara 16

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