How to do it...

  1. Import the modules and functions to use in this recipe:
>>> from PIL import Image
>>> from PIL.ExifTags import TAGS, GPSTAGS
>>> import xmltodict
>>> from gps_conversion import exif_to_decimal, rdf_to_decimal
  1. Open the first photo:
>>> image1 ='photo-dublin-a1.jpg')
  1. Get the width, height, and format of the file:
>>> image1.height
>>> image1.width
>>> image1.format
  1. Retrieve the EXIF information of the image, and process it for a convenient dictionary. Show the camera, the lens used, and when it was taken:
>>> exif_info_1 = {TAGS.get(tag, tag): value 
for tag, value in image1._getexif().items()}
>>> exif_info_1['Model']
'iPhone X'
>>> exif_info_1['LensModel']
'iPhone X back dual camera 4mm f/1.8'
>>> exif_info_1['DateTimeOriginal']
'2018:04:21 12:07:55'
  1. Open the second image and obtain the XMP info:
>>> image2 ='photo-dublin-a2.png')
>>> image2.height
>>> image2.width
>>> image2.format
>>> xmp_info = xmltodict.parse(['XML:com.adobe.xmp'])
  1. Obtain the RDF description field, which contains all the values we are looking for. Retrieve the model (a TIFF value), the lens model (an EXIF value), and the creation date (an XMP value). Check the values are the same as in step 4, even if the file is different:
>>> rdf_info_2 = xmp_info['x:xmpmeta']['rdf:RDF']['rdf:Description']
>>> rdf_info_2['tiff:Model']
'iPhone X'
>>> rdf_info_2['exifEX:LensModel']
'iPhone X back dual camera 4mm f/1.8'
>>> rdf_info_2['xmp:CreateDate']
  1. Obtain the GPS information in both pictures, transform into an equivalent format, and check that they are the same. Notice that the resolution is not the same, but they match up to the fourth decimal point:
>>> gps_info_1 = {GPSTAGS.get(tag, tag): value 
for tag, value in exif_info_1['GPSInfo'].items()}
>>> exif_to_decimal(gps_info_1)
('N53.34690555555556', 'W6.247797222222222')
>>> rdf_to_decimal(rdf_info_2)
('N53.346905', 'W6.247796666666667')
  1. Open the third image and obtain the creation date and GPS info, and check it doesn't match the other photo, although it is close (the second and third decimals are not the same):
>>> image3 ='photo-dublin-b.png')
>>> xmp_info = xmltodict.parse(['XML:com.adobe.xmp'])
>>> rdf_info_3 = xmp_info['x:xmpmeta']['rdf:RDF']['rdf:Description']
>>> rdf_info_3['xmp:CreateDate']
>>> rdf_to_decimal(rdf_info_3)
('N53.34984166666667', 'W6.260388333333333')
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