How to do it...

  1. Import the python-docx module:
>>> import docx
  1. Create a new document:
>>> document = docx.Document()
  1. Add a paragraph that highlights some words in different ways, Italics, bold, and underline:
>>> p = document.add_paragraph('This shows different kinds of emphasis: ')
>>> p.add_run('bold').bold = True
>>> p.add_run(', ')
< object at ...>
>>> p.add_run('italics').italic = True
>>> p.add_run(' and ')
< object at ...>
>>> p.add_run('underline').underline = True
>>> p.add_run('.')
< object at ...>
  1. Create some paragraphs, styling them with default styles, such as List Bullet, List Number,  or Quote:
>>> document.add_paragraph('a few', style='List Bullet')
<docx.text.paragraph.Paragraph object at ...>
>>> document.add_paragraph('bullet', style='List Bullet')
<docx.text.paragraph.Paragraph object at ...>
>>> document.add_paragraph('points', style='List Bullet')
<docx.text.paragraph.Paragraph object at ...>
>>> document.add_paragraph('Or numbered', style='List Number')
<docx.text.paragraph.Paragraph object at ...>
>>> document.add_paragraph('that will', style='List Number')
<docx.text.paragraph.Paragraph object at ...>
>>> document.add_paragraph('that keep', style='List Number')
<docx.text.paragraph.Paragraph object at ...>
>>> document.add_paragraph('count', style='List Number')
<docx.text.paragraph.Paragraph object at ...>
>>> document.add_paragraph('And finish with a quote', style='Quote')
<docx.text.paragraph.Paragraph object at 0x10d2336d8>
  1. Create a paragraph in a different font and size. We'll use Arial font and a point size of 25. The paragraph will be aligned to the right:
>>> from docx.shared import Pt
>>> from docx.enum.text import WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH
>>> p = document.add_paragraph('This paragraph will have a manual styling and right alignment')
>>> p.runs[0] = 'Arial'
>>> p.runs[0].font.size = Pt(25)
>>> p.alignment = WD_ALIGN_PARAGRAPH.RIGHT
  1. Save the document:
  1. Open the word-report-style.docx document to verify its content:
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