Getting ready

First, get the MaxiNet installer to all the servers that you would like to install it:

$ wget

Make sure you can sudo without entering a password for the user. In Ubuntu, this can be done by adding the following line to the /etc/sudoers file:

myusername ALL=(ALL) NOPASSWD: ALL      

Here, replace myusername with your username.

Now if you type:

$ sudo su

It should not ask for the password.

You will have to install python-setuptools, or upgrade it with pip, to make the MaxiNet installation work:

$ sudo apt-get install python-setuptools
$ pip install --upgrade --user setuptools pip

Run the script from all the servers as the user that would run MaxiNet later:

$ sh

Once installed, copy the MaxiNet.cfg to /etc/:

$ sudo cp ~/MaxiNet/share/MaxiNet-cfg-sample /etc/MaxiNet.cfg

Modify it to include the two lines:

sshuser = yourusername 
usesudo = True 

For example:

sshuser = ubuntu 
usesudo = True 

Once you have followed through in all your servers, you have MaxiNet ready in all of them! Alternatively, you may just download the MaxiNet VMs and host them in your servers:

$ wget

Now, from the server that you would like to use as the master instance to run the emulations, run the following:

$ screen -d -m -S MaxiNetFrontend MaxiNetFrontendServer
$ screen -d -m -S MaxiNetWorker sudo MaxiNetWorker

All your emulations should be executed from this instance. It will communicate and coordinate with the other worker instances on its own.

From the other servers, run the following to make them as worker instances:

$ sudo screen -d -m -S MaxiNetWorker MaxiNetWorker
For more information on MaxiNet, follow through
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