Mixing pytest Fixtures and xUnit Fixtures

You can mix pytest fixtures and xUnit fixtures:

 import​ pytest
 def​ setup_module():
 print​(​'​​ ​​setup_module() - xUnit'​)
 def​ teardown_module():
 print​(​'teardown_module() - xUnit'​)
 def​ setup_function():
 print​(​'setup_function() - xUnit'​)
 def​ teardown_function():
 print​(​'teardown_function() - xUnit​​ ​​'​)
 def​ module_fixture():
 print​(​'module_fixture() setup - pytest'​)
 print​(​'module_fixture() teardown - pytest'​)
 def​ function_fixture():
 print​(​'function_fixture() setup - pytest'​)
 print​(​'function_fixture() teardown - pytest'​)
 def​ test_1(module_fixture, function_fixture):
 def​ test_2(module_fixture, function_fixture):

You can do it. But please don’t. It gets confusing. Take a look at this:

 $ ​​cd​​ ​​/path/to/code/appendices/xunit
 $ ​​pytest​​ ​​-s​​ ​​test_mixed_fixtures.py
 ============ test session starts =============
 plugins: mock-1.6.0, cov-2.5.1
 collected 2 items
 setup_module() - xUnit
 setup_function() - xUnit
 module_fixture() setup - pytest
 function_fixture() setup - pytest
 .function_fixture() teardown - pytest
 teardown_function() - xUnit
 setup_function() - xUnit
 function_fixture() setup - pytest
 .function_fixture() teardown - pytest
 teardown_function() - xUnit
 module_fixture() teardown - pytest
 teardown_module() - xUnit
 ========== 2 passed in 0.01 seconds ==========

In this example, I’ve also shown that the module, function, and method parameters to the xUnit fixture functions are optional. I left them out of the function definition, and it still runs fine.

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