© The Author(s), under exclusive license to APress Media, LLC, part of Springer Nature 2022
A. DanialPython for MATLAB Developmenthttps://doi.org/10.1007/978-1-4842-7223-7_14

14. High Performance Computing

Albert Danial1  
Redondo Beach, CA, USA

Engineers, scientists, and data analysts who perform large-scale or long duration numeric work crave ever faster and more cores, memory, bandwidth, and storage. By their nature, numerical models can always be improved with higher resolution, finer discretizations, and an abundance of everything—degrees of freedom, time steps, frequency intervals, neurons, layers, iterations, pixels, rays, cases.

A large subset of MATLAB users falls in this power-hungry group. The MathWorks invests considerable effort to make MATLAB as performant as possible for this core segment of its customer base. Accordingly, performance will interest many MATLAB users investigating Python.

In this chapter, we’ll examine ways to make Python code run faster. By extension, faster Python code could mean faster MATLAB code since MATLAB can call Python. The steps to writing faster code will be familiar to practitioners of high performance computing (HPC):
  1. 1.

    Profile the program to learn where time is being spent.

  2. 2.

    Eliminate redundant I/O and batch I/O operations where possible.

  3. 3.

    Study the complexity of algorithms in the expensive sections of code. Are there, for example, O(N2) steps that could be replaced by O(N log N ) algorithms?

  4. 4.

    Enable compiler or interpreter optimization features.

  5. 5.

    Organize the data into contiguous memory blocks.

  6. 6.

    Implement vector-capable portions of the algorithm as vector operations.

  7. 7.

    Call functions in optimized libraries (likely written in compiled languages).

  8. 8.

    Distribute work across cores on the same machine.

  9. 9.

    Use hardware with more cores (specifically GPUs).

  10. 10.

    Distribute the work across multiple machines.


A fundamental challenge in HPC is that steps 3–10 often conflict and their relative benefits vary with problem type, size, and available computer hardware. An O(N2) algorithm running on a GPU may run faster than an O(N log(N)) algorithm on a conventional CPU, and a communication-intensive parallel program running on a single multicore computer can be faster than the same program running on many such computers tied by a slow network.

Finding a suitable balance in the performance tradespace comes down to deciding how much effort you’re willing to expend to achieve a satisfactory speed boost.

14.1 Paths to Faster Python Code

Of the ten steps outlined earlier, we will focus on four that have Python-specific aspects:
  1. 1.

    Improve single CPU performance with Python-specific tools such as Cython, Numba, and Pythran.

  2. 2.

    Parallelize code over multiple cores with multiprocessing, Pythran, Numba, or Dask.

  3. 3.

    Rewrite critical segments in C, C++, or Fortran and create Python interface modules to them.

  4. 4.

    Parallelize code over multiple computers with Dask.


As we’ll see in the recipes at the end of this chapter (Sections 14.12 and 14.14), MATLAB programs may also run much faster by calling accelerated Python code.

14.2 Reference Problems

Two programs will be used to demonstrate HPC techniques in Python. The first, computing terms of the Mandelbrot set, appears straightforward but has load balancing aspects that complicate vectorization. The second, a finite element solver, more closely resembles a real-world problem. It involves loading data from tens of megabytes of text data, assembling sparse mass and stiffness matrices with a million degrees of freedom, and solving the generalized eigenvalue problem with them. Code is spread across multiple files and classes.

The reference programs are also implemented in MATLAB to allow performance comparison with the Python versions.

A final remark about these problems is that their absolute performance numbers are not especially interesting. The reference problems are presented as proxies for computationally intensive work you want to do. The goal is to show the detailed steps to find slow sections of code, options to speed it up, and compare the techniques and their effectiveness.

14.2.1 The Mandelbrot Set

“The Mandelbrot set is the set of complex numbers c having magnitude ≤ 2 for which the function fc(z) = z2 + c does not diverge when iterated from z = 0, i.e., for which the sequence fc(0), fc(fc(0)), etc., remains bounded in absolute value.”1 In other words, if we pick a random complex number c with magnitude ≤ 2 and initialize the complex number z to zero, at what iteration i will the recurrence $$ {z}_{i+1}={z}_i^2+c $$ exceed magnitude 2? The set is often visualized as a contour plot of iteration count, i, as a function of the real and imaginary components of z.

While a “toy” problem, several aspects make computing terms of the Mandelbrot set useful in illustrating HPC problems: the algorithm is easy to describe, can be implemented with little code, can be vectorized and readily implemented in parallel yet has nontrivial load balancing aspects, and can be made arbitrarily large. The fascinating images that arise are a nice side benefit.

Here are our reference sequential implementations:



% file: code/hpc/MB_main.m


function [i]=nIter(c, imax)

  z = complex(0,0);

  for i = 0:imax-1

    z = z*z + c;

    if abs(z) > 2





function [img]=MB(Re,Im,imax)

  nR = size(Im,2);

  nC = size(Re,2);

  img = zeros(nR, nC, ...


  for i = 1:nR

    for j = 1:nC

      c = complex(Re(j),Im(i));

      img(i,j) = nIter(c,imax);




#!/usr/bin/env python3

# file: code/hpc/MB.py

import numpy as np

import time

def nIter(c, imax):

  z = complex(0, 0)

  for i in range(imax):

    z = z*z + c

    if abs(z) > 2:


    return np.uint8(i)

def MB(Re, Im, imax):

  nR = len(Im)

  nC = len(Re)

  img = np.zeros((nR, nC),


  for i in range(nR):

    for j in range(nC):

      c = complex(Re[j],Im[i])

      img[i,j] = nIter(c,imax)

  return img

function [] = main()

  imax = 255;

  for N = [500 1000 2000 5000]


    nR = N; nC = N;

    Re = linspace(-0.7440,...

                  -0.7433, nC);

    Im = linspace( 0.1315,...

                   0.1322, nR);

    img = MB(Re, Im, imax);

    fprintf('%5d %.3f ',N,toc);



def main():

  imax = 255

  for N in [500,1000,2000,5000]:

    T_s = time.time()

    nR, nC = N, N

    Re = np.linspace(-0.7440,

                     -0.7433, nC)

    Im = np.linspace( 0.1315,

                      0.1322, nR)

    img = MB(Re, Im, imax)

    print(N, time.time() - T_s)

if __name__ == '__main__': main()

14.2.2 A 2D Finite Element Solver

Many excellent finite element (FE) packages are available for Python. Industrial-strength applications include deal.II2, FEniCS3, SfePy4, and Code-Aster.5 These are substantial projects with hundreds of thousands of lines of source code developed by many domain experts.

Needless to say, our second representative program is a mere glimmer of these advanced programs. Although our FE solver implements only two-dimensional rod elements—linear springs, basically—the operations it performs are representative of many FE codes. Our program
  1. 1.

    Reads text files of triangular element and 2D nodal coordinate data created by the triangle [4] program

  2. 2.

    Creates rod elements from the triangle edges

  3. 3.

    Computes stiffness and mass matrices for each rod element, then inserts these into sparse global stiffness and mass matrices, K and M

  4. 4.

    Computes modes of vibration of the unconstrained model by solving the generalized eigenvalue problem Kx = λMx


The K produced in step 3 is exceptionally sparse; a typical mesh of rod elements derived from triangle’s output leaves on average of just 14 non-zero terms per row or column. M is a diagonal matrix. As a result, a million degree of freedom models can be processed quite easily with 8 GB of memory. The names of the Python and MATLAB finite element source files appear in Appendix C; the source files themselves are available on the book's Github repository.6

The finite element solver accepts any 2D mesh created by triangle. The triangle program itself reads a text file defining the exterior (and interior, if there are holes) boundaries of the shape to be meshed. This input file, saved as
# file:  beam.poly
# A rectangle with dimensions 10 x 1.
4 2 0 0    # four vertices, 2D
# node ID   X    Y
     1      0    0
     2     10    0
     3     10    1
     4      0    1
4 0 # four boundary segments, no markers
# boundary ID   node A   node B
     1             1        2
     2             2        3
     3             3        4
     4             4        1
# no holes
defines a 10 x 1 rectangle. The following are command-line invocations of the triangle executable with beam.poly to create five pairs of beam.*.ele and beam.*.node files with increasingly finer resolutions:
> triangle -pq34a.2 beam        # -> beam.1.ele, beam.1.node
> triangle -rpq34a.02 beam.1    # -> beam.2.ele, beam.2.node
> triangle -rpq34a.002 beam.2   # -> beam.3.ele, beam.3.node
> triangle -rpq34a.0002 beam.3  # -> beam.4.ele, beam.4.node
> triangle -rpq34a.00002 beam.4 # -> beam.5.ele, beam.5.node

The mesh from beam.2.ele and beam.2.node, for example, looks like this:

The last pair of files, beam.5.ele and beam.5.node, are 32 MB and 28 MB and define a mesh with more than a million degrees of freedom.

14.3 Reference Hardware and OS

The hardware, operating system, and MATLAB and Python versions used for the benchmarks in the remainder of this chapter are
  • 2015 Dell XPS13 laptop

  • 4 cores of i5-5200U CPU @ 2.2 GHz

  • 8 GB memory

  • Ubuntu 20.04

  • MATLAB 2020b

  • Anaconda Python 2020.07

While the Python code can easily run on faster cloud-hosted hardware, the MATLAB code, being license-locked to this machine, cannot.

14.4 Baseline Performance

Performance for the reference programs shown in Section 14.5.2 and Appendix C appears in the following for a variety of problem sizes.

14.4.1 Mandelbrot Set Performance

MATLAB does well on this problem as it runs three times faster than the Python version. Table 14-1 shows elapsed times for a variety of N × N image sizes.

The larger values of N may seem excessive, but their inclusion will be apparent once we begin applying optimization techniques.

14.4.2 FE Solver Performance

The four stages of the finite element solver described in Section 14.2.2 perform starkly different operations. The first, loading model data from files, is I/O intensive. The second stage, creating rod element connectivity data from triangle connectivity, is purely index manipulation.
Table 14-1

Execution time in seconds for original Mandelbrot programs
















The third stage combines floating-point computations for element matrix generation and sparse matrix creation. The final stage, computing the smallest six eigenvalues and corresponding eigenvectors of the sparse matrices, is dominated by floating-point computation.

Table 14-2 shows timing and peak memory results for each stage. Peak memory use over the entire run is captured with GNU Time on Linux using the command /usr/bin/time -v followed either by the Python program or the matlab7 command, then taking the value from its results for Maximum resident set size (kbytes) after the Python program ends or the MATLAB session is closed.
Table 14-2

CPU time and memory use for baseline finite element solver


Degrees of Freedom






Peak GB


Peak GB



Read files





Triangle → rod





Assemble K, M

















Read files





Triangle → rod





Assemble K, M















Python code outperforms MATLAB on the first three stages—and the total solution time—but MATLAB’s eigensolution is notably faster. Reading model data from text files in particular is ten times faster in Python than MATLAB. Python also uses considerably less memory than MATLAB.

14.5 Profiling Python Code

The first step to any performance boosting attempt is measuring where code is slow. Sometimes, such spots are obvious and one can wrap simple timing statements, as done for the preceding FE solver, at strategic locations to assess the effectiveness of subsequent code refinements. For fine-grained results though, we need additional profiling tools.

The standard Python library includes two modules, cProfile and profile, that deterministically (as opposed to statistically, which is less accurate) measure the number of calls to, and time spent in, individual Python functions. Results are presented as tabular text. There are three drawbacks to the standard profilers:
  1. 1.

    Results are coarse; resolution is at the level of functions. This obscures individual performance-killing lines.

  2. 2.

    The text table can be difficult to interpret for large programs.

  3. 3.

    Only CPU use is profiled; there are no options to profile memory use.


Python IDEs such as Spyder and PyCharm, like MATLAB’s IDE, have integrated profiling features, but the Python versions are based on cProfile and thus only give function-level resolution. MATLAB’s IDE can show profiling results for individual lines. Per-line results are indispensable for performance tuning, so we turn to tools that do not come with Anaconda and must be installed separately.

14.5.1 Scalene

Scalene [1] is a low overhead sampling profiler that additionally reports GPU use (if a GPU is detected), memory copy metrics, and memory consumption—all at a per-line level.

Scalene is unique among Python code profilers for several reasons. Its primary killer feature is stratifying CPU results on each line to time spent in pure Python, time spent in underlying compiled libraries (referred to as “native” time), and system time (for I/O and operations not related to the code). This separation helps answer the implied question of what to do about a slow line of code. If the bulk of time is in pure Python, there might be a way to rewrite the code to call a faster library function. On the other hand, if most of the time is taken by an underlying library or the system, there may be less opportunity for improvement. Scalene also works with multiple threads and processes.

This command profiles the Mandelbrot program:
> scalene ./MB.py
which produces
                Memory usage: =======#####==== (max: 117.00MB)
       ./MB.py: % of time =  99.58% out of  27.70s.
  Line |Time % |Time %  |Sys |Mem %  |Net   |Memory usage  |Copy   |
       |Python |native  |%   |Python |(MB)  |over time / % |(MB/s) |./MB.py
     1 |       |        |    |       |      |              |       |#!/usr/bin/env python3
     2 |       |        |    |       |      |              |       |# code/hpc/MB.py
     3 |       |        |    |       |      |              |       |import numpy as np
     4 |       |        |    |       |      |              |       |import time
     5 |       |        |    |  100% |    3 |---           |       |def nIter(c, imax):
     6 |    1% |        |    |  100% |   47 |-----         |       |  z = complex(0, 0)
     7 |    6% |        |    |   99% |   46 |----          |       |  for i in range(imax):
     8 |   43% |     1% |    |  100% | 3609 |===== 95%     |       |    z = z*z + c
     9 |   44% |     1% |    |  100% |-3608 |--------      |       |    if abs(z) > 2:
    10 |       |        |    |       |  -57 |              |       |      break
    11 |       |        |    |       |      |              |       |  return i
              [... lines truncated...]

Lines 8 and 9 are shown to be the hot spots, consuming nearly 90% of the solution time. The memory results on the other hand are counterintuitive because peak use is shown to happen on a line that simply multiplies and adds complex scalars.

By default, scalene prints every line in every source file whether or not it contributes significantly. This is clearly excessive for large programs; in such cases, output can be trimmed with --reduced-profile. Results can also be sent to an HTML file to simplify browsing results:
> scalene --html --outfile profile.html --reduced-profile make_mesh.py

The portion of profile.html showing the single most expensive line of code—12% overall CPU time spent returning an element stiffness matrix—looks like this in a browser:

Interestingly, the scalene results suggest the time was spent copying memory rather than performing computations.

14.5.2 Austin and FlameGraph

Austin 8 is another sampling profiler. Like scalene, it adds little overhead, requires no change to the code being profiled, and can send results to other metrics tools such as FlameGraph9 for graphical display. (MATLAB’s profiler also displays timing results as FlameGraphs, although with a slate gray color scheme instead of red/orange/yellow.)

FlameGraphs represent the call stack vertically, with the main program at the bottom. The width of each bar represents the amount of time spent at a particular function in MATLAB or line of code with austin; hot spots in the code appear as the widest bars. The left-to-right arrangement of bars is arbitrary and does not indicate chronological execution sequence. Bar colors also are arbitrary. Vertical arrangement is significant: code represented by a bar calls the code in the bars immediately above it. The lowest bar is, naturally, the widest as it represents the program’s main function entry point. Recognizable function names generally appear at the third or fourth bars from the bottom.

Like scalene , austin is invoked from the command line. The primary arguments are the sampling interval in microseconds and the Python program (and arguments) to run. Output can be directed to a file or to FlameGraph through a pipe. FlameGraph itself is a command-line program that takes arguments such as the minimum resolution to display results for and the units the timing results are given in. This command profiles the Mandelbrot program for N = 1000, collecting samples every 50 μs:
> austin -a -i 50 ./MB.py | flamegraph.pl --minwidth 10 --countname=us > flame.svg

The --minwidth 10 switch to FlameGraph excludes entries that would leave a bar fewer than 10 pixels wide. Without it, the graph would be cluttered with entries having inconsequential contributions that make it harder to interpret. Raise or lower this pixel width value to produce the level of resolution that interests you. FlameGraph’s output is an SVG file which can be viewed with a web browser. The image

shows the bulk of compute time is spent in function nIter() at lines 8 and 9. Recall from Section 14.2.1 that nIter()’s implementation is

 5   def nIter(c, imax):
 6     z = complex(0, 0)
 7     for i in range(imax):
 8       z = z*z + c
 9       if abs(z) > 2:
10         break
11     return i

The computational effort at lines 8 and 9 happens with the statements z = z*z + c and if abs(z) > 2.

The same profiling command run against the finite element solver for the beam.4 case produces a more complex plot.

Unlike the Mandelbrot results, there are no obvious smoking guns here. The FlameGraph shows the bulk of execution time happens at line 369 of make_model.py where the global mass and stiffness matrices are created :
368 T_s = default_timer()
369 K,M = m.KM()
370 T_e = default_timer()
371 print(f'[K], [M] creation {m.nDof} dof : {T_e-T_s:.6f} s')
Going one level deeper in the stack, line 166 within the .KM() method is a time consumer:
163       # sparse K in COO (coordinate) form
164       I, J, kV = [], [], []
165       for eid in self.elem:
166           self.add_element(eid, kV, I, J, M)

14.6 Multicore Computation with multiprocessing

Python has a threading module which leads one to believe it can fork work off to multiple threads. It can, but is only effective for I/O events waiting to proceed. Generic computations submitted this way are blocked so that only one thread runs at a time, which renders it pointless for non-I/O tasks. To run arbitrary code simultaneously on a computer’s multiple cores, you’ll need to use another of Python’s standard modules, multiprocessing .

The most common way to use multiprocessing is to set up a pool of workers—generally the number of cores you want to run on—then submit functions that are to run in parallel to the pool.

The following code shows one way to run the Mandelbrot computations on three cores with multiprocessing. Work is subdivided across cores by stepping through rows of the Im array in strides equal to the number of cores we’ll employ. In our case, we’ll set n_workers = 3 so process 0 gets rows 0, 3, 6, …; process 1 gets 1, 4, 7, …; and so on; this is done with the line Im_subset = Im[i::n_workers].

The highlighted code shows the code modifications applied to use the multiprocessing module :

 1   #!/usr/bin/env python3
 2   # code/hpc/MB_multi.py
 3   import numpy as np
 4   import time
 5   from multiprocessing import Pool
 6   def nIter(c, imax):
 7     z = complex(0, 0)
 8     for i in range(imax):
 9       z = z*z + c
10       if abs(z) > 2:
11         break
12     return np.uint8(i)
14   def MB(Re, Im, imax):
15     nR = len(Im)
16     nC = len(Re)
17     img = np.zeros((nR, nC), dtype=np.uint8)
18     for i,I in enumerate(Im):
19       for j,R in enumerate(Re):
20         c = complex(R, I)
21         img[i, j] = nIter(c, imax)
22     return img
24   def main():
25     imax = 255
26     for N in [500, 1000, 2000, 5000 ]:
27       T_s = time.time()
28       nR, nC = N, N
29       Re = np.linspace(-0.7440, -0.7433, nC)
30       Im = np.linspace( 0.1315,  0.1322, nR)
31       n_workers = 3
32       img = np.zeros((nR, nC), dtype=np.uint8)
33       with Pool(n_workers) as pool:
34           results = []
35           for i in range(n_workers):
36               Im_subset = Im[i::n_workers]
37               results.append( pool.apply_async(
38                       MB, (Re, Im_subset, imax,)) )
39           for i,R in enumerate(results):
40               img[i::n_workers, :] = R.get()
41       print(N, time.time() - T_s)
42   if __name__ == '__main__': main()

The loop at lines 35–38 finishes quickly because the functions are submitted to the worker pool asynchronously. Computations don’t begin on the multiple cores until the .get() method is invoked for each submitted function on line 40.

Although multiprocessing dutifully keeps three cores busy, each with one-third of the overall task, Table 14-3 shows that performance is uninspiring for this problem.
Table 14-3

Execution time in seconds for scalar vs. vector Mandelbrot implementations



1 Core


1 Core



+ 3 Cores

















Better options lie ahead, so for the sake of space I’ll omit multiprocessing results from future benchmark results.

14.7 Vectorization

A well-known optimization technique for both MATLAB and NumPy is to write vectorized code—code that performs operations on entire matrices rather than on indexed terms within them. When all terms in the matrices require the same set of operations, vectorization can often yield a performance boost ranging between 10x and 60x over scalar code using explicit loops.

An interesting characteristic of the Mandelbrot set is the amount of computation varies widely across the solution domain. It isn’t clear that vectorization will help performance because the slowest-converging terms govern the speed for the entire region. The only way to know for sure is to implement the solution in vector form and then compare performance.

The following vector solutions make heavy use of Boolean index masks (Section 11.​1.​14). Idx identifies terms which are still actively being updated, and New is the collection of terms which have converged at the current iteration. Each iteration ends with an update to Idx so that the newly converged terms are removed from further refinement. The solution is complete only if there are no new terms to update.



% file: code/hpc/MB_vectorized.m


function [img]=nIter(c, imax)

  [nR,nC]= size(c);

  z = complex(zeros(nR,nC), ...


  img = zeros(nR,nC,'uint8');

  Idx = ones(nR,nC,'logical');

  for i = 0:imax-1

    z(Idx) = z(Idx).*z(Idx)+ ...

           + c(Idx);

    New = (real(z).^2+ ...

           imag(z).^2 <= 4);

    if ~any(New,'all')



    img(New) = i;

    Idx = Idx & New;



function [] = main()

  imax = 255;

  for N = [500 1000 2000 5000]


    nR = N; nC = N;

    Re = linspace(-0.7440,...

                  -0.7433, nC);

    Im = linspace( 0.1315,...

                   0.1322, nR);

    [zR, zI] = meshgrid(Re,Im);

    z_init = complex(zR,zI);

    img = nIter(z_init, imax);

    fprintf('%5d %.3f ',N,toc);



#!/usr/bin/env python3

# file: code/hpc/MB_vectorized.py

import numpy as np

import time

def nIter(c, imax):

  nR,nC = c.shape

  z = np.zeros_like(c)

  img = np.zeros(z.shape,


  Idx = np.ones(z.shape,

            dtype=np.bool )

  for i in range(imax):

    z[Idx] = z[Idx]*z[Idx] +


    New = (z.real**2 +

           z.imag**2 <= 4)


    if not np.any(New):


    img[New] = i

    Idx *= New

  return img

def main():

  imax = 255

  for N in [500,1000,2000,5000]:

    T_s = time.time()

    nR, nC = N, N

    Re = np.linspace(-0.7440,

                     -0.7433, nC)

    Im = np.linspace( 0.1315,

                      0.1322, nR)

    zR,zI = np.meshgrid(Re,Im)

    z_init = zR + zI*(1j)

    img = nIter(z_init, imax)

    print(N, time.time() - T_s)

if __name__ == '__main__': main()

The performance results (Table 14-4) are interesting; vectorization made no difference in MATLAB, but gave a 3× speed increase in Python. Disappointingly, MATLAB 2020b on Linux crashes while computing the solution for N = 5000.
Table 14-4

Execution time in seconds for scalar vs. vector Mandelbrot implementations






























14.8 Cython

Cython10 is a Python-to-C compiler. Although it doesn’t implement the complete Python language, features which are not implemented are interpreted conventionally, just not compiled.

Cython has two powerful capabilities for making Python code run faster. It:
  • Translates portions of your Python to C and then compiles the C into an optimized shared object that can be loaded as a Python module

  • Provides an interface layer that makes it straightforward to call native C and C++ libraries

14.8.1 Python Compiled with Cython

Four steps are needed to produce a compiled Python module with Cython:
  1. 1.

    Copy functions from existing Python source files you wish to compile to new files that end with .pyx instead of .py. The file containing main() is not compiled and must remain in a .py file.

  2. 2.

    Add C language type annotations to Python variables in the .pyx files where speed improvements are desired. If your code uses NumPy, also add a cimport line that mirrors the NumPy import.

  3. 3.

    Create a setup file—a small Python program—that tells Cython which .pyx files to compile and optionally identify the compiler and compile and link flags to use.

  4. 4.

    Run the setup file to compile your code.

The first two steps for the Mandelbrot program are illustrated with a side-by-side comparison of the original code on the left (excluding main()) and the Cython enhancements, in gray, on the right.

Python, Baseline:

Python, with Cython Annotations:

 1   #!/usr/bin/env python3

 2   # cython/mb/MB_orig.py


 4   import numpy as np

 5   import time

 6   def nIter(c, imax):




10     z = complex(0, 0)

11     for i in range(imax):

12       z = z*z + c

13       if abs(z) > 2:

14         break

15     return i


17   def MB(Re, Im, imax):




21     nR = len(Im)

22     nC = len(Re)

23     img = np.zeros((nR, nC))

24     for i,I in enumerate(Im):

25       for j,R in enumerate(Re):

26         c = complex(R, I)

27         img[i, j] = nIter(c, imax)

28     return img

1   #  cython/mb/MB_cython.pyx

2  cimport numpy as np

3   import numpy as np

4   import time

5   def nIter(double complex c,

6             long imax):

7     cdef int i

8     cdef double complex z

9     z = complex(0, 0)

10    for i in range(imax):

11      z = z*z + c

12      if z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag > 4:

13       break

14    return i


16   def MB(Re, Im, imax):

17     cdef int i,j

18     cdef double I, R

19     cdef double complex c

20     nR = len(Im)

21     nC = len(Re)

22     img = np.zeros((nR, nC), dtype=np.uint8)

23     for i,I in enumerate(Im):

24       for j,R in enumerate(Re):

25         c = complex(R, I)

26         img[i, j] = nIter(c, imax)

27     return img

A setup file that works for the third step looks like this:

 1   # file: cython/mb/cython_setup.py
 2   import os
 3   from setuptools import setup
 4   from Cython.Build import cythonize
 5   import numpy
 6   os.environ['CFLAGS'] = '-Ofast'
 7   setup(
 8       ext_modules=cythonize("MB_cython.pyx"),
 9       include_dirs=[numpy.get_include()]
10   )
Finally, run this setup file to compile the code:
> python cython_setup.py build_ext --inplace

A typical invocation produces warnings, then new C source files, and, hopefully, a shared object named after the .pyx file. On my Linux machine, the shared object is MB_cython.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so. Despite the long name, it is imported into Python with import MB_cython.

What have we gained for our efforts? A small driver program loads the compiled module and runs the cases:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# cython/mb/main2.py
from MB_cython import MB
import numpy as np
import time
max_iter = 255
nR, nC = 1000, 1000
Re = np.linspace(-0.7440, -0.7433, nC)
Im = np.linspace( 0.1315,  0.1322, nR)
T_s = time.time()
image = MB(Re, Im, max_iter)
print(f'Cython time = {time.time() - T_s:.3f} sec')

For N = 1000, runtime drops from 17.1 seconds to just 1.85 seconds. The original Python code is 3x slower than MATLAB, but Cython enhancements have made Python 3x faster.

We can do even better. Recall our profiling work in Sections 14.5.1 and 14.5.2 pointed to if abs(z) > 2: as being a hot spot. The abs() of a complex number computes its magnitude, in other words, the square root of the sum of squares of the real and imaginary components. Since this line consumes a lot of time, we should bypass the square root operation by testing just the sum of squares. That can be done by changing line 13 from the original on the left to the accelerated one on the right:



13   if abs(z) > 2:

13   if z.real**2 + z.imag**2 > 4:

This single line refinement cuts the N = 1000 Python+Cython time from 1.85 to 1.01 seconds, and the MATLAB time, with an equivalent change, from 5.8 to 4.4 seconds.

14.8.2 Parallel for Loops with Cython

The core MATLAB product does not include the parfor parallel for loop command—that can only be found in MATLAB Coder or the Parallel Computing Toolbox. MATLAB implementations in this book are therefore limited to sequential for loops.

Cython has a prange() function that allows one to write parallel for loops. Under the hood, this prange() function is implemented via OpenMP and therefore inherits OpenMP restrictions. The Cython documentation shows trivial parallel for loop examples,11 but in practice, nontrivial loops require an inordinate amount of code tweaks to overcome compile error such as “Indexing Python object not allowed without gil,” “Constructing Python tuple not allowed without gil,” and “Coercion from Python not allowed without the GIL.”

Unless your code sections have elementary for loops, you will either need to spend a lot of time with the Cython documentation or avoid its prange(). The Pythran and Numba options for parallel for loops, described in Sections 14.9 and 14.10.1, are much easier to use.

14.8.3 Cython Performance

Our updated performance, after replacing abs(z) with z.real**2+z.imag**2 in the MATLAB and Python+Cython implementations, is shown in Table 14-5.
Table 14-5

Execution time in seconds for Mandelbrot programs























14.9 Pythran

Pythran [3] resembles Cython in that it creates a compiled binary module from a file of lightly annotated Python functions. Its primary advantage over Cython is that the required code modifications are implemented entirely as source code comments. This means Pythran-enhanced code is pure Python; the code will run identically, albeit slower, on a system that lacks the Pythran compiler. Another advantage is that for loop parallelization with OpenMP is implemented easily.

Pythran has disadvantages compared to Cython: Pythran supports a smaller subset of Python and then Cython. Some statements like with are not supported at all, and others, like f-strings, have limited support. Another drawback (as of late 2021) is the project’s documentation website12 lacks sufficient examples. To get a comprehensive sense of the different forms the #pythran directives can take, the best option is to download the project’s source code and then study the many examples in pythran/tests/cases.

14.9.1 Examples of Signature Comments

The Pythran #pythran export Fn directive to declare arguments to the following function Fn() understands data types listed in the following table. In cases where the left column includes “or,” the Pythran compiler will infer the necessary type. Similarly, “string or int” means the function will accept either a string or integer argument at the given position.
Table 14-6

Pythran function signature types

Scalar Type or Data Container

Pythran Type Designation





Unsigned 8-bit integer


Unsigned 16-bit integer


Unsigned 32-bit integer


Unsigned 64-bit integer


32- or 64-bit integer


String or integer

str or int

8-bit integer


16-bit integer


32-bit integer


64-bit integer


32- or 64-bit float


32-bit float


64- or 128-bit complex


128-bit complex


List of integers

int list

List of lists of integers

int list list

List of floats

float list

1D array integers

int[] or int[:]

1D array floats

float[] or float[:]

2D array integers

int[][] or int[:,:]

2D array floats

float[][] or float[:,:]

Dict of strings to integers

str : int dict

Tuple of two integers

(int, int)

The comment line preceding the definition of a function Fn() which takes a string, a list of integers, and a 2D array of 32-bit floats would therefore be

#pythran export Fn(str, int list, float32[])

14.9.2 Python Compiled with Pythran; Parallel for Loops

As with Cython, the Mandelbrot functions nIter() and MB() are separated to their own file for compilation. Only three comment lines are needed to enable Pythran to compile our code:

 1   # pythran/mb/MB_pythran.py
 2   import numpy as np
 3   #pythran export nIter(complex, int)
 4   def nIter(c, imax):
 5     z = complex(0, 0)
 6     for i in range(imax):
 7       z = z*z + c
 8       if abs(z) > 2:
 9         break
10     return np.uint8(i)
12   #pythran export MB(float [], float [], int)
13   def MB(Re, Im, imax):
14     nR = Im.shape[0]
15     nC = Re.shape[0]
16     img = np.zeros((nR,nC),dtype=np.uint8)
17     #omp parallel for
18     for i,I in enumerate(Im):
19       for j,R in enumerate(Re):
20         c = complex(R, I)
21         img[i,j] = nIter(c, imax)
22     return img

The first two comments define signatures (excluding return type, which Pythran figures out on its own) of the functions on the following lines, and the third comment designates the for i,I loop to be parallel.

Compile the functions with
> pythran -Ofast -fopenmp MB_pythran.py

Among other things, Pythran needs the C header file to the basic linear algebra subroutines (BLAS). If your compile command shows

fatal error: cblas.h: No such file or directory

and does not create a shared object file, you’ll need to download and install development headers for BLAS suitable to your OS. On Ubuntu, for example, this is resolved with apt install libopenblas-dev. Even after installing the headers, you may still see the “fatal error” even though the shared object file is created successfully.

To suppress OpenMP parallelism of the for loop, either remove the #omp parallel for comment from the source or remove the -fopenmp switch from the compile command.

The pythran command produces a compiled shared object file named after the input source file (MB_pythran.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so on my computer). The driver program to run the Pythran-compiled module is identical to the driver used for the Cython-compiled module. The only difference is the name of the module being loaded—import MB_pythran instead of import MB_cython:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# pythran/mb/MB_pythran_main.py
import numpy as np
from MB_pythran import MB
import time
def main():
  imax = 255
  for N in [500, 1000, 2000, 5000]:
    T_s = time.time()
    nR, nC = N, N
    Re = np.linspace(-0.7440,
                     -0.7433, nC)
    Im = np.linspace( 0.1315,
                      0.1322, nR)
    img = MB(Re, Im, imax)
    print(N, time.time() - T_s)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()

14.9.3 Pythran Performance

Single-core Pythran performance gives more than a 2.5x speed over single-core Cython, and the four-core version is 2.5x faster than a single core (Table 14-7). Noteworthy is the order of magnitude performance increase over the baseline Python version, achieved merely by adding three comment lines and invoking the Pythran compiler on the file of functions.
Table 14-7

Execution time in seconds for Mandelbrot programs



1 Core



1 Core



1 Core



1 Core



4 Cores

























14.10 Numba

Numba13 is a just-in-time (JIT) compiler for Python with emphasis on accelerating numeric calculations. Like Cython and Pythran, Numba also allows one to write parallel for loops.

Also like Cython and Pythran, code modifications needed to use Numba mostly deal with type definitions. These changes are pure Python. Moreover, there are no externally generated source files, languages, or compilers to deal with. Another benefit is that the functions to be accelerated may coexist with unaltered functions—including the main program—they need not be sequestered to a separate file. For these reasons, Numba-enhanced code is more convenient to use and deploy than Cython- or Pythran-enhanced code.

Numba enhancements are added to Python by doing the following:
  1. 1.

    Include an import to the numba module, pulling in the jit decorator, numeric data types to be used, and optionally the prange function to write parallel for loops.

  2. 2.

    Apply the @jit() decorator to each function that is to be sped up. The arguments to this decorator are the function’s signature, that is, its return type, and the types of each input argument. The decorator also takes additional keyword arguments such as nopython and fastmath.

  3. 3.

    Optionally, rewrite for loops using the Numba parallel range function prange().


The Mandelbrot program enhanced with Numba looks like this:

 1   #!/usr/bin/env python3
 2   # file: numba/mb/MB_numba.py
 3   import numpy as np
 4   from numba import jit, prange, uint8, int64, float64, complex128
 5   import time
 6   @jit(uint8(complex128,int64),nopython=True, fastmath=True)
 7   def nIter(c, imax):
 8     z = complex(0, 0)
 9     for i in range(imax):
10       z = z*z + c
11       if z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag > 4:
12         break
13     return i
15   @jit(uint8[:,:](float64[:],float64[:],int64),
16        nopython=True, fastmath=True, parallel=True)
17   def MB(Re, Im, imax):
18     nR = len(Im)
19     nC = len(Re)
20     img = np.zeros((nR, nC),
21                    dtype=np.uint8)
22     for i in prange(len(Im)):
23       I = Im[i]
24       for j,R in enumerate(Re):
25         c = complex(R, I)
26         img[i, j] = nIter(c, imax)
27     return img
29   def main():
30     imax = 255
31     for N in [500, 1000, 2000, 5000]:
32       T_s = time.time()
33       nR, nC = N, N
34       Re = np.linspace(-0.7440,
35                        -0.7433, nC)
36       Im = np.linspace( 0.1315,
37                         0.1322, nR)
38       img = MB(Re, Im, imax)
39       T_e = time.time()
40       print(f'{T_e - T_s:.3f}  {N:5d}')
41   if __name__ == '__main__': main()

The @jit() decorators to nIter() and MB() may look daunting, but their components are straightforward. nIter() returns a scalar uint8. Inputs are a double-precision complex scalar—a complex128—and a conventional Python integer scalar, an int64. Thus, nIter()’s signature is uint8(complex128, int64). The keyword arguments nopython and fastmath are explained in Section 14.10.2.

The MB() function returns a 2D array of uint8 which is expressed in Numba as uint8[:,:]. Inputs are a pair of 1D double-precision floating-point arrays and an integer scalar. Therefore, MB()’s signature is uint8[:,:](float64[:],float64[:], int64). MB()’s decorator has an additional keyword argument, parallel=True, to denote the use of the parallel range function prange().

14.10.1 Parallel for Loops with Numba

Numba’s prange() function resembles Cython’s. Writing a parallel for loop amounts to replacing the existing for i in ... construct with for i in prange(N) where N is an integer scalar. The requirement that the loop iterate over a range of integers may mean the loop needs small modifications if the existing loop iterates over other objects.

In our case, we have to replace the construct on the left, which populates both the index i and the i-th imaginary scalar value, with the one on the right which merely iterates over the index. The scalar value has to be extracted on a subsequent line:

Python, Baseline:

Python, Numba Parallel for:

for i,I in enumerate(Im):

for i in prange(len(Im)):


Numba handles the distribution of work in the body of the loop to different cores as well as aggregation of results for variables shared between simultaneous computations.

14.10.2 Numba Keyword Arguments nopython, fastmath

The @jit() keyword argument nopython, most often seen set to True, instructs the JIT compiler to skip the Python interpreter completely and use only compiled code. This is the recommended setting and even has its dedicated decorator: @njit() is the same as @jit(...,nopython=True). This keyword should only be set to False if the compilation fails.

The keyword argument fastmath enables unsafe operations14 such as assuming inputs are never NaNs or Infs and allows the compiler to reorder floating-point instructions. Naturally, compare output of your code with and without fastmath=True to ensure your results are not compromised.

14.10.3 Numba Performance

Performance of the Numba-enhanced Mandelbrot program, shown in Table 14-8, is nothing less than astonishing. With Numba, pure Python code exceeds the speed of Cython- and Pythran-compiled modules.

14.10.4 Numba Limitations

While Numba’s performance boosts are impressive, they come with strings attached. Functions that are to be accelerated by Numba need to be relatively low level and computationally expensive.
Table 14-8

Execution time in seconds for Mandelbrot programs



1 Core



1 Core



1 Core



1 Core



4 Cores



1 Core



4 Cores

































Unless one employs Numba’s Wrapper Address Protocol,15 functions decorated by @jit may call only a subset of NumPy and standard library functions.

Before undertaking an optimization attempt with Numba, write a test program with functions that contains the language constructs and calls to other functions needed to perform the calculations you want to accelerate. Decorate these trial functions with @jit and see if the program runs. If you see an error like
NameError: global name 'XYZ' is not defined

and a call to XYZ() exists in a function decorated by @jit, it means Numba cannot compile this function. In this case, your options are to simplify the function until it can be compiled, revert to the multiprocessing module (Section 14.6), or use dask, to be covered in Section 14.13.

14.11 f2py

f2py is a command-line utility that comes with NumPy. It allows one to create compiled Python modules from specially annotated Fortran code far more easily than with any other binary interface tool. f2py brings two important benefits: it can create Python interface modules to legacy Fortran code, and it can give a substantial computational boost to Python functions that are rewritten in Fortran.

The following Fortran code implements the nIter() and MB() functions seen early in the Mandelbrot implementations. The five cf2py lines defining the input and output arguments are all f2py needs to create the Python interface, including documentation.

 1   c file: code/f2py/mb.f
 2         integer function nIter(c, imax)
 3   cf2py intent(in)   :: c, imax
 4   cf2py intent(out)  :: nIter
 5         implicit none
 6         complex*16 z, c
 7         integer i, imax
 8         nIter = imax
 9         z = 0
10         do i = 0,imax - 1
11           z = z*z + c
12           if (zabs(z) .gt. 2.0) then
13             nIter = i
14             return
15           endif
16         enddo
17         nIter = imax
18         end
20         subroutine MB(nR, nC, Re, Im, img, imax)
21   cf2py intent(in)   :: Re, Im, imax
22   cf2py intent(out)  :: img
23   cf2py intent(hide) :: nR, nC
24         implicit none
25         integer nR, nC, nIter, imax, i, j, ij
26         integer(kind=2) img(nR*nC)
27         real*8 Re(nR), Im(nC)
28         complex*16 c
29         do i = 1,nR
30           do j = 1,nC
31             c = cmplx(Re(i), Im(j))
32             ij = (i-1)*nC+j
33             img(ij) = nIter(c,imax)
34           enddo
35         enddo
36         end
The command
> f2py -c --opt="-Ofast" -m MB_fortran mb.f

generates Python/Fortran interface code, compiles it and mb.f listed earlier with the system’s Fortran compiler, then links these into a compiled Python module, MB_fortran (the full name of this module is MB_fortran.cpython-38-x86_64-linux-gnu.so on my computer).

In addition to writing the interface code, f2py also generates documentation for each function:

In : import MB_fortran
In : MB_fortran.mb?
Call signature: MB_fortran.mb(*args, **kwargs)
Type:           fortran
String form:    <fortran object>
img = mb(re,im,imax)
Wrapper for ``mb``.
re : input rank-1 array('d') with bounds (nr)
im : input rank-1 array('d') with bounds (nc)
imax : input int
img : rank-1 array('h') with bounds (nr*nc)

This driver program loads the Fortran-compiled module and then runs our benchmark cases:

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# file: code/f2py/MB_main.py
import numpy as np
import time
from MB_fortran import mb
def main():
    imax = 255
    for N in [500,1000,2000,5000]:
        T_s = time.time()
        nR, nC = N, N
        Re = np.linspace(-0.7440, -0.7433, nC)
        Im = np.linspace( 0.1315, 0.1322, nR)
        img = np.zeros((nR*nC,), dtype=np.int16)
        img = mb(Re, Im, imax).reshape(nR,nC)
        print(N, time.time() - T_s)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Table 14-9 shows how the f2py-compiled module stacks up with other single CPU results.
Table 14-9

Execution time in seconds for Mandelbrot programs



1 Core



1 Core



1 Core



1 Core



1 Core



1 Core





























14.12 Recipe 14-1: Accelerating MATLAB with Python on a Single Computer

Single CPU MATLAB performance on the Mandelbrot problem looks great compared to the vanilla single CPU Python implementation (Table 14-8). It pales next to the performance-enhanced Python versions though. Like Python, MATLAB’s performance can also be enhanced several ways:
  • Use parallel for loops (needs the Parallel Computing Toolbox or the MATLAB Coder).

  • Write MB() and nIter() in C, C++, or Fortran, add headers and call mex API functions, then create a compiled MATLAB extension with the mex command.

  • Call performance-enhanced Python modules.

Here, we’ll explore the last option by calling the Python-based Cython, Pythran, Numba, and f2py accelerated solutions from MATLAB. In all cases, the solution includes the overhead of converting MATLAB inputs to Python variables and converting the Python return value to a MATLAB variable. Timing results, shown in Table 14-10, do not include Python module load times within MATLAB when the MATLAB programs start.

14.12.1 Compile Python Modules in a MATLAB-Friendly Virtual Environment

Three of the next four sections, Sections 14.12.2, 14.12.3, and 14.12.5, use your computer’s C, C++, or Fortran compiler to build binary Python modules. On macOS, this means the Xcode development library must be installed. On all operating systems, it is important to work in a conda environment like matpy (Section 2.​5.​1) whose shared libraries are consistent with MATLAB’s. The compiled modules won’t load in MATLAB otherwise.

14.12.2 MATLAB + Cython

This driver loads the MB_cython module compiled in Section 14.11.

MATLAB 2020b:
% file: cython/mb/MB_main.m
np = py.importlib.import_module('numpy');
MB_cython = py.importlib.import_module('MB_cython');
imax = int64(255);
for N = [500 1000 2000 5000]
    nR = N; nC = N;
    Re = np.array(linspace(-0.7440, -0.7433, nC));
    Im = np.array(linspace( 0.1315,  0.1322, nR));
    img = py2mat(MB_cython.MB(Re, Im, imax));
    fprintf('%5d %.3f ',N,toc);

14.12.3 MATLAB + Pythran

This driver loads the MB_pythran module compiled in Section 14.9.

MATLAB 2020b:
% file: pythran/mb/MB_main.m
np = py.importlib.import_module('numpy');
MB_pythran = py.importlib.import_module('MB_pythran');
imax = int64(255);
for N = [500 1000 2000 5000]
    nR = N; nC = N;
    Re = np.array(linspace(-0.7440, -0.7433, nC));
    Im = np.array(linspace( 0.1315,  0.1322, nR));
    img = py2mat(MB_pythran.MB(Re, Im, imax));
    fprintf('%5d %.3f ',N,toc);

14.12.4 MATLAB + Numba

This driver loads the parallel for loop MB_numba_prange module of Section 14.10.

MATLAB 2020b:
% file: numba/mb/MB_main.m
np = py.importlib.import_module('numpy');
MB_numba = py.importlib.import_module('MB_numba_prange');
imax = int64(255);
for N = [500 1000 2000 5000]
    nR = N; nC = N;
    Re = np.array(linspace(-0.7440, -0.7433, nC));
    Im = np.array(linspace( 0.1315,  0.1322, nR));
    img = py2mat(MB_numba.MB(Re, Im, imax));
    fprintf('%5d %.3f ',N,toc);

14.12.5 MATLAB + f2py

This driver loads the MB_fortran module compiled in Section 14.11.

MATLAB 2020b:
% file: code/f2py/MB_main.m
np = py.importlib.import_module('numpy');
MB_fortran = py.importlib.import_module('MB_fortran');
imax = int64(255);
for N = [500 1000 2000 5000]
    nR = N; nC = N;
    Re = np.array(linspace(-0.7440, -0.7433, nC));
    Im = np.array(linspace( 0.1315,  0.1322, nR));
    img = py2mat(MB_fortran.mb(Re, Im, imax));
    fprintf('%5d %.3f ',N,toc);

14.12.6 MATLAB + Python Performance Results

Table 14-10 shows that, for our benchmark problem, performance increases seen in Python benefit MATLAB equally well.
Table 14-10

Execution time in seconds for MATLAB-based Mandelbrot programs enhanced by Python



1 Core


Cython 1




4 Cores



4 Cores



1 Core

























While the single-core f2py performance is modest compared to multicore Numba performance, f2py offers a secondary benefit the other accelerants lack: with f2py you can create a Fortran interface to MATLAB much more easily than you can with MATLAB’s own mex utility.

14.13 Distributed Memory Parallel Processing with Dask

Previous sections showed that distributing work across a computer’s multiple cores can give significant performance increases. We can do even better—much better—by distributing work across multiple computers. Several Python modules, among them Ray,16 dispy,17 and dask,18 make it easy to run a Python program that farms work out to many computers.

Dask has advantages over the other modules because it also provides an out-of-core data container, the dask array, which enables computation with arrays too large to fit in a computer’s memory, similar to MATLAB’s “tall arrays.” Additionally, dask is backed by Coiled19 which offers commercial support and cloud computing for dask jobs. Coiled offers 1000 hours of free CPU hours on up to 100 cores each month for dask jobs, an attractive proposition for individuals who lack access to high-end compute clusters.

Dask will be used to demonstrate distributed memory parallel processing in the following sections. The main dask concepts are covered in Section 14.13.2, but they likely won’t mean much without a detailed example. Such an example follows in Section 14.13.3 where we tackle an embarrassingly parallel and computationally intensive problem—summing prime factors of many numbers. For starters, we’ll just use multiple cores of a single computer.

The real fun doesn’t begin until we use multiple computers. Before we can run dask on multiple computers, we have to launch background scheduler and worker jobs on those computers; the details of that are explained in Section 14.13.4. Once the background machinery is in place, in Section 14.13.5 we’ll rerun the prime factor summation problem on a collection of computers and see some nice speed-ups.

Memory-intensive jobs introduce additional complications. In Section 14.13.6, we’ll generate a gigapixel image of the Mandelbrot set we computed earlier in Section 14.2 using a collection of computers with only 1 GB of memory. Needless to say, we have to take precautions to avoid crashes.

Finally, in Section 14.13.7, we’ll combine our accumulated experience with dask to solve a problem closely resembling a real-world application. We’ll solve a transient dynamic finite element problem with a half million degree of freedom model using a frequency domain solution spanning thousands of frequencies. Such problems can take days on individual computers, but we’ll get solutions—from either Python or MATLAB—in less than 15 minutes using Coiled’s cloud.

14.13.1 Parallel MATLAB

Like Python, MATLAB can run on distributed memory clusters and on clusters in the cloud. The most direct way to do so is to use the Parallel Computing Toolbox. Other options include using MATLAB Coder or the MATLAB Compiler to create a stand-alone executable that can be sent to remote computers.

The MathWorks also offers MATLAB Online, and through it, MATLAB in the Cloud, but its capabilities are limited to those enabled in your MATLAB license. In other words, if you don’t have a license for the Parallel Computing Toolbox or for cloud use, you won’t be able to run your m-files on multiple computers in the cloud.

As mentioned earlier (Section 1.​3), this book’s scope is limited to the core MATLAB product which precludes comparisons of pure MATLAB cloud solutions to their Python equivalents. Nonetheless, we’ll see in Section 14.14 that hybrid MATLAB/Python code runs quite effectively on private clusters as well as Coiled’s cloud.

14.13.2 Dask Execution Paradigm and Performance Expectations

The dask execution paradigm covers four main concepts:
  • A cluster is a collection of computers the job owner can access. The computers in the cluster must have a consistent Python installation with the dask and distributed modules. The cluster can actually be as small as just the single computer you are currently working on, in which case dask jobs are distributed across the computer’s cores, or it can be a large HPC compute cluster, optionally with its own job scheduler like LSF, Slurm, or PBS. In the latter case, the user must have the same account on all computers, be able to ssh between computers without a password, or be able to submit jobs to the computers through a separate job scheduler.

  • dask-scheduler and dask-worker are background jobs that run on the computers of the cluster. An instance of the scheduler runs on one of the computers, while a worker instance runs on each computer. These processes have to be started manually with the dask-ssh command or will be started and managed by a job scheduler–specific configuration file.

  • A client is a Python variable created by connecting to the dask scheduler process.

  • A delayed task is a Python function plus its calling arguments that is not evaluated immediately but instead added to a list of tasks that will be executed later.

A dask-enabled Python program populates a list with delayed tasks and then passes this list to dask.compute(). This function hands tasks off to the dask scheduler which in turn sends each task to the next idle worker (likely running on a different computer). After a worker receives a task, the worker calls the user-provided function defined for the task with the user’s arguments, then sends its return values back to the scheduler. dask.compute() gets the task return values from the scheduler and appends these to its list of results.

Our program sets up the function calls to be made in parallel, and dask handles everything else—assigning these calls to processors, serializing and then sending input arguments over the network, invoking the calls on remote computers, and finally serializing and sending the return arguments back to the computer which launched the jobs.

The convenience dask brings comes with a performance cost that varies with factors that you may have only limited control over:
  • Load balancing strategy

  • Volume of data passed to or received from remotely executed functions

  • Network speed

  • Uniformity of computer resources

Most importantly, dask decides how and when to transmit data. Code developers are generally happy to offload this burden even if the interleaving of compute/transmit steps isn’t ideal, yet may be disappointed by the ensuing parallel efficiency. The adage “your mileage may vary” is ever true in parallel processing.

This all sounds complicated (and under the hood, it is!). How exactly do we set up and run a distributed memory parallel program? What can be done to make the code run faster? The only way to make sense of this is to work through examples.

14.13.3 Example 1: Sum of Prime Factors on One Computer

Our first example is a program that computes the sum of unique prime factors of all numbers in a given range. The hard part, computing the prime factors themselves, is done with SymPy’s primefactors() function, comparable to MATLAB’s factor().20 The sequential versions look like this:



% code/dask/prime_seq.m

A = 2;

B = 10000000;

incr = 1;

[S, dT] = my_fn(A, B, incr);

fprintf('A=%d B=%d, %.3f sec ',...

         A, B, dT);

fprintf('S=%ld ', S);

function [S, dT]=my_fn(A, B, incr)


  S = 0;

  for i = A:incr:B-1

   S = S + sum(unique(factor(i)));


  dT = toc;


#!/usr/bin/env python3

# code/dask/prime_seq.py

from sympy import primefactors

import time

def my_fn(a, b, incr):

Ts = time.time()

s = 0

for x in range(a,b,incr):

s += sum(primefactors(x))

return s, time.time() - Ts

def main():

A = 2

B = 10_000_000

incr = 1

S, dT = my_fn(A, B, incr)

print(f'A={A} B={B}, '

f'{dT:.4f} sec')


if __name__ == "__main__": main()

and produce this on my Linux laptop:



>> prime_seq

A=2 B=10000000, 682.681 sec


> ./prime_seq.py

A=1 B=10000000, 519.531 sec


Calls to the compute-intensive function my_fn() are independent and can be called in any order, or even simultaneously. We’ll do exactly that with dask, using three cores of the local machine. To spread the load evenly, we merely need to offset the starting counter by the job number and let the call to range(a,b,incr) in my fn() scatter the numbers to factor across processors. For example, if we compute prime factors for numbers between 2 and 20 and want to spread the work evenly over three jobs, the assignments will be

In : list(range(2,21))          # original set
Out: [2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20]
In : list(range(2+0,21,3))
Out: [2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20]
In : list(range(2+1,21,3))
Out: [3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18]
In : list(range(2+2,21,3))
Out: [4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19]

or equivalently in MATLAB

>> 2:3:20
     2     5     8    11    14    17    20
>> 2+1:3:20
     3     6     9    12    15    18
>> 2+2:3:20
     4     7    10    13    16    19

The dask-enabled version of the prime factor summation program on the local computer, splitting up the work to three tasks that are to run simultaneously, looks like this:

 1   #!/usr/bin/env python3
 2   # code/dask/prime_dask.py
 3   from sympy import primefactors
 4   import time
 5   import dask
 6   from dask.distributed import Client
 8   def my_fn(a, b, incr):
 9       Ts = time.time()
10       s = 0
11       for x in range(a,b,incr):
12           s += sum(primefactors(x))
13       return s, time.time() - Ts
15   def main():
16       client = Client('')
17   #   client = Client('')
18       tasks  = []
19       main_T_start = time.time()
20   #   n_jobs = 11*18
21       n_jobs = 3
22       A = 2
23       B = 10_000 # _000
24       incr = n_jobs
25       for i in range(n_jobs):
26           job = dask.delayed(my_fn)(A+i, B, incr)
27           tasks.append(job)
28       results = dask.compute(*tasks)
29       client.close()
30       total_sum = 0
31       for i in range(len(results)):
32           partial_sum, T_el = results[i]
33           print(f'job {i}:  sum= {partial_sum}  T= {T_el:.3f}')
34           total_sum += partial_sum
35       print(f'total sum={total_sum}')
36       elapsed = time.time() - main_T_start
37       print(f'main took {elapsed:.3f} sec')
38   if __name__ == "__main__": main()

When the program runs, the call to Client(’’) at line 16 attempts to connect to a dask scheduler running on the localhost and listening on port 8786. (Line 17, currently commented out, will be discussed in Section 14.13.5.) If such a scheduler isn’t running, the program fails after 30 seconds with

OSError: Timed out trying to connect to tcp:// after 30 s

Line 21 defines n_jobs, our counter for the number of tasks to create. At a minimum, to take full advantage of your hardware, this should equal or exceed the number of cores available in your cluster. If tasks vary in duration and you have many of them, setting n_jobs to a value much greater than the number of cores will help balance the load across cores more equitably.

Lines 24–26 add delayed tasks to the list tasks which was initialized at line 18. Each task is a call to my_fn() with arguments A+i, B, incr.

The computations are performed at line 27 when dask hands the list of delayed tasks to the scheduler to farm out to workers. Return values from each call appear in the list results which will have n_jobs entries.

Finally, lines 29–32 aggregate the partial sums of primes into a total value.

Details on setting up dask scheduler and worker processes on multiple computers appear in the next section. For now, we’ll avoid many complications by just working on the local computer. Background scheduler and worker jobs can be started most easily by creating a text file containing three copies of the loop-back IP address:

then passing this file name as an argument to the dask-ssh command:

> dask-ssh --hostfile hostfile.txt

This starts a worker process on each computer defined in the file, plus a scheduler process on the computer defined on the first line. Of course, in this case, all these background processes run on the local computer.

With the scheduler and workers running in the background, we can now run the dask-enabled prime factor summation program prime_dask.py. It runs faster than the sequential version, but not by much:

3 worker processes, 3 dask jobs:
job 0:  sum= 2418248946959  T= 327.969
job 1:  sum= 659400211060  T= 206.228
job 2:  sum= 2417852197037  T= 327.709
total sum=5495501355056
main took 328.852 sec

Performance disappoints for two reasons. First, the workload is clearly imbalanced since one job took around 200 seconds, while the other two took more than 320. Evidently, terms of the sequence 3, 6, 9 … can be factored much more rapidly than terms in 2, 5, 8 … and 4, 7, 10 …—who knew? The second reason is less obvious. It is that the sum of individual core times, 328.0 + 206.2 + 327.7 = 861.9 seconds, is 66% higher than the single-core time of 519.5 seconds. Dask seems to impose a severe overhead.

Three experiments shed light on the source of dask’s overhead. First, we’ll repeat the single-core runtime using the dask infrastructure with only one worker process, meaning only one CPU core will receive work. A scheduler is always needed so that must also run in the background. Performance in this case is reasonable since dask added less than 7% overhead (555.0 seconds vs. 519.5 seconds):

1 worker process, 1 dask job:
job 0:  sum= 5495501355056  T= 554.426
total sum=5495501355056
main took 555.002 sec

Next, we’ll spin up two more dask worker processes, but still only submit one job:

3 worker processes, 1 dask job:
job 0:  sum= 5495501355056  T= 587.976
total sum=5495501355056
main took 588.105 sec

This time, overhead doubled to 13% even though the additional two workers are merely standing by, waiting for work that never comes.

Finally, we’ll again use just one worker but give it three tasks where the ranges are separated by strides of three, just as when these ranges are given to three workers.

1 worker process, 3 dask jobs:
job 0:  sum= 2418248946959  T= 725.613
job 1:  sum= 659400211060  T= 481.670
job 2:  sum= 2417852197037  T= 725.893
total sum=5495501355056
main took 726.482 sec

The cause of the overhead must be related to how the work is split up. While there’s no obvious remedy to improve this situation, dask does have nice performance monitoring and reporting tools to help diagnose performance issues. One of these tools is the web-based real-time cluster statistics seen on the scheduler host’s port 8787, in our case. Another is a report generator that can be invoked directly from our program. We merely need to import the performance_report function from dask.distributed and then wrap the dask-specific code in a context manager that calls performance_report to get a rich HTML file graphically showing many different aspects of the parallel job.

 1   #!/usr/bin/env python3
 2   # code/dask/prime_dask.py
 3   from sympy import primefactors
 4   import time
 5   import dask
 6   from dask.distributed import Client, performance_report
 8   def my_fn(a, b, incr):
 9       Ts = time.time()
10       s = 0
11       for x in range(a,b,incr):
12           s += sum(primefactors(x))
13       return s, time.time() - Ts
15   def main():
16       client = Client('')
17       tasks  = []
18       main_T_start = time.time()
19       n_jobs = 30
20       A = 2
21       B = 1_000_000
22       incr = n_jobs
23       with performance_report(filename="prime-perf.html"):
24           for i in range(n_jobs):
25               job = dask.delayed(my_fn)(A+i, B, incr)
26               tasks.append(job)
27           results = dask.compute(*tasks)
28       total_sum = 0
29       for i in range(len(results)):
30           partial_sum, T_el = results[i]
31           print(f'job {i}:  sum= {partial_sum}  T= {T_el:.3f}')
32           total_sum += partial_sum
33       print(f'total sum={total_sum}')
34       elapsed = time.time() - main_T_start
35       print(f'main took {elapsed:.3f} sec')
36   if __name__ == "__main__": main()

While the reporting tool is easy to use, comprehending the output is less so.

14.13.4 Setting Up a Dask Cluster on Multiple Computers

Running dask on a single computer is a useful first step during code development and initial troubleshooting. It fails to satisfy on the performance front, however. To really benefit from dask’s power, we’ll need to run it on many computers.

A dask cluster can be set up several ways: manually, with ssh; with Kubernetes; with Helm; or with dask-specific configurations for job schedulers like LSF, MOAB, Slurm, and PBS. This section describes how a dask cluster can be implemented with ssh, perhaps the most approachable method for regular users. Kubernetes, Helm, LSF, and the others may require assistance from coworkers, DevOps specialists, or cluster administrators to set up. The ssh method implies two things: a uniform Python installation and seamless ssh access across all computers. Specifically, all computers should have
  • Compatible (preferably identical) Python installations

  • The same path to the Python executable

  • The same account name for the user setting up and using the cluster

  • Uniform bidirectional, key-based ssh access across all computers for the user account

  • Same ssh port

  • Firewall rules open to allow ssh and the dask scheduler and metrics ports (8786 and 8787 by default)

Once these conditions are met, add IP addresses (or hostnames, if name resolution works) of each computer in the cluster in a host file (my_hosts.txt represents this file as follows). The computer listed first in the host file will run the background scheduler process, and all computers will run background worker processes. Then invoke dask-ssh from a console to start the scheduler and workers:
dask-ssh --hostfile my_hosts.txt

Setting up a distributed dask cluster with dask-ssh is extremely insecure! Any user who knows the scheduler’s IP address and port can connect to your cluster and run arbitrary Python code under the account—namely, yours—that launched the workers.

The correct way to set up a secure, multi-user dask cluster is to configure a dask gateway21 which implements an authentication layer.

14.13.5 Example 2: Sum of Prime Factors on Multiple Computers

Once the computers in the dask cluster are running a scheduler and workers, we can begin to enjoy significant performance increases. This section uses a collection of 18 virtual machines running on DigitalOcean’s22 cloud infrastructure. Each VM runs their lowest tier “droplet” which has 1 GB of memory, 1 CPU core @ 2.5 GHz, and 25 GB of storage. The VMs run Ubuntu 20.04.3 LTS, have Anaconda 2021.05 installed, and use the matpy conda environment (Section 2.​5.​1).

The first step is to log in to one of the 18 VMs and issue the dask-ssh command to start a scheduler and worker:
dask-ssh --hostfile DigitalOcean_VMs.txt

where DigitalOcean_VMs.txt has the IP addresses of all 18 computers. The only change needed to prime_dask.py (code listing in Section 14.13.3) is replacing the call to Client( with the IP address of the VM running the scheduler, in other words, the first entry in DigitalOcean_VMs.txt. Line 17 shows what this might look like.

Finally, we can run prime_dask.py from any computer which is able to connect to the scheduler; the program does not need to be invoked from a VM on the dask cluster itself. In my case, I’ll run the program on my home computer. I chose the number of tasks to be a multiple of the number of workers: 11 x 18 = 198. The result is
/usr/../client.py:1105: VersionMismatchWarning: Mismatched versions found
| Package | client | scheduler | workers |
| numpy   | 1.19.4 | 1.20.3    | 1.20.3  |
| pandas  | 1.2.4  | 1.3.2     | 1.3.2   |
job 0:  sum= 58821526361  T= 4.812
job 1:  sum= 20950602326  T= 2.896
job 2:  sum= 21058399941  T= 5.235
job 3:  sum= 20835967514  T= 2.718
job 4:  sum= 58744527113  T= 5.268
job 192:  sum= 58671468728  T= 4.242
job 193:  sum= 21006229047  T= 2.808
job 194:  sum= 21149296400  T= 3.376
job 195:  sum= 20947903441  T= 3.108
job 196:  sum= 58678967783  T= 3.779
job 197:  sum= 217715273  T= 0.847
total sum=5495501355056
main took 43.393 sec

The sequential version of the program takes 718.057 seconds on a single VM, so the 18 cores gave a 16.5 × speed-up.

14.13.6 Example 3: A Gigapixel Mandelbrot Image

In Section 14.10.3, we used Numba to reduce the time needed to compute a 5000 x 5000 Mandelbrot image from 420 seconds to about 9 seconds on one core. Let’s up the stakes and use our dask cluster of 18 single-core VMs to compute an image with 35,000 x 35,000—1.2 billion—pixels. Each pixel will be represented by a single byte which is the number of iterations needed for the z equation to converge. Both MATLAB and Python running on a computer with at least 8 GB of memory can easily store such an image; MATLAB can even display it with imshow() (matplotlib’s imshow() crashes with an image this size).

Our gigapixel image will be 72, or about 50x larger than our 5k image so a single Numba-powered core should take about 440 seconds to generate it. Then, again, our dask cluster has 18 computers, so if we can load balance the jobs well, that time will come down by a lot. Let’s give it a shot.

One strategy for load balancing the Mandelbrot set is to assign rows or columns to workers in a round-robin fashion. Here’s what the dask + Numba solution looks like with that strategy:

 1   #!/usr/bin/env python3
 2   # code/dask/MB_numba_dask.py
 3   import numpy as np
 4   from numba import jit, uint8, int64, float64, complex128
 5   import dask
 6   from dask.distributed import Client
 7   import time
 8   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
 9   @jit(uint8(complex128,int64), nopython=True, fastmath=True)
11   def nIter(c, imax):
12     z = complex(0, 0)
13     for i in range(imax):
14       z = z*z + c
15       if z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag > 4:
16         break
17     return i
19   @jit(uint8[:,:](float64[:],float64[:],int64,int64,int64),
20                   nopython=True)
21   def MB(Re, Im, imax, job_id, n_jobs):
22     nR = len(Im)
23     nC = len(Re)
24     my_rows = range(job_id, len(Im), n_jobs)
25     n_rows_here = len(my_rows)
26     img = np.zeros((n_rows_here, nC), dtype=np.uint8)
27     row_counter = 0
28     for i in my_rows:
29       I = Im[i]
30       for j,R in enumerate(Re):
31         c = complex(R, I)
32         img[row_counter, j] = nIter(c, imax)
33       row_counter += 1
34     return img
36   def main():
37     imax = 255
38     N = 35_000
39     T_s = time.time()
40     nR, nC = N, N
41     Re = np.linspace(-0.7440, -0.7433, nC)
42     Im = np.linspace( 0.1315,  0.1322, nR)
43     n_jobs = 18
44    #client = Client('')
45     client = Client('413.198.155.245:8786')
46     tasks  = []
47     for i in range(n_jobs):
48       job = dask.delayed(MB)(Re, Im, 255, i, n_jobs)
49       tasks.append(job)
50     results = dask.compute(*tasks)
51     client.close()
53     # reassemble the image
54     img = np.empty((N,N), dtype=np.uint8)
55     for i in range(n_jobs):
56       my_rows = range(i, len(Im), n_jobs)
57       img[my_rows,:] = results[i][:]
59     print(f'{time.time() - T_s:.3f}  {N:5d}')
60     plt.imshow(img)
61     plt.show()
62   if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Values of N < 15, 000 work and give quite satisfactory speed-ups, but larger sizes introduce new problems. The dask workers crash with
[ worker ] : distributed.core - INFO - Event loop was unresponsive
in Worker for 4.89s.  This is often caused by long-running GIL-holding
functions or moving large chunks of data. This can cause timeouts and instability.
causing the main program to end with
distributed.comm.core.CommClosedError: in <TCP (closed) ConnectionPool.gather
local=tcp://u.v.x.y:55364 remote=tcp://a.b.c.d:8786>: Stream is closed

In other words, the workers crashed because they ran out of memory. While the computer submitting the job has 8 GB of memory, the workers only have 1 GB, some of which is taken by the operating system and the dask worker processes.

Rather than have each remote computer accumulate all results for the jobs it was assigned, we’ll need to harvest results from the remote computers as the run progresses. One way to do that is to split the jobs into groups and then call the .compute() method after each group is submitted. The revised version of the following Mandelbrot program does just that. An additional modification is implemented to improve parallel efficiency: instead of sending the real and imaginary arrays to the remote workers, we’ll just send the starting and ending values and let the workers figure out the array terms on their own. Finally, to simplify reassembly of the final image, we’ll have each worker tell us the row indices it worked on in addition to its image slices.

 1   #!/usr/bin/env python
 2   # code/dask/MB_numba_dask2.py
 3   import numpy as np
 4   from numba import jit, uint8, int64, float64, complex128
 5   from numba.types import Tuple as nb_tuple
 6   import dask
 7   from dask.distributed import Client
 8   import time
 9   import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
11   @jit(uint8(complex128,int64), nopython=True, fastmath=True)
12   def nIter(c, imax):
13     z = complex(0, 0)
14     for i in range(imax):
15       z = z*z + c
16       if z.real*z.real + z.imag*z.imag > 4:
17         break
18     return i
20   @jit(nb_tuple((int64[:],uint8[:,:]))(int64,float64[:],int64,float64[:],
21           int64,int64,int64), nopython=True)
22   def MB(nC, Re_limits, nR, Im_limits, imax, job_id, n_jobs):
23     Re = np.linspace(Re_limits[0], Re_limits[1], nC)
24     Im = np.linspace(Im_limits[0], Im_limits[1], nR)
25     my_rows = np.arange(job_id, len(Im), n_jobs, dtype=np.int64)
26     n_rows_here = len(my_rows)
27     img = np.zeros((n_rows_here, nC), dtype=np.uint8)
28     row_counter = 0
29     for i in my_rows:
30       I = Im[i]
31       for j,R in enumerate(Re):
32         c = complex(R, I)
33         img[row_counter, j] = nIter(c, imax)
34       row_counter += 1
35     return my_rows, img
37   def main():
38     imax = 255
39     N = 35_000
40     T_s = time.time()
41     nR, nC = N, N
42     Re_limits = np.array([-0.7440, -0.7433])
43     Im_limits = np.array([ 0.1315,  0.1322])
44     n_groups = 16
45     n_jobs_per_group = 18
46     n_jobs = n_jobs_per_group*n_groups
47    #client = Client('')
48     client = Client('')
49     results = []
50     for c in range(n_groups):
51       tasks  = []
52       Tcs = time.time()
53       for i in range(n_jobs_per_group):
54         job = dask.delayed(MB)(nC, Re_limits, nR, Im_limits, 255,
55                 c*n_jobs_per_group+i, n_jobs)
56         tasks.append(job)
57       results.extend( dask.compute(*tasks) )
58       Tce = time.time() - Tcs
59       print(f'group {c:2d} took {Tce:.3f} sec')
60     client.close()
62     # reassemble the image
63     img = np.empty((N,N), dtype=np.uint8)
64     for i in range(len(results)):
65       my_rows, img_rows = results[i]
66       img[my_rows,:] = img_rows
68     print(f'{time.time() - T_s:.3f}  {N:5d}')
69     return
70     plt.imshow(img)
71     plt.show()
72   if __name__ == '__main__': main()
Our 35,000 x 35,000 array of uint8’s means our cluster will generate, then transmit more than 1 GB of data. Clearly, network speed will affect performance. Two runs demonstrate this quite vividly. The job on the left was launched from my home computer and executed on my cluster of 18 VMs on DigitalOcean’s cloud. The job on the right was launched from one of the VMs directly, so all traffic stayed on DigitalOcean’s network. Of course, since these VMs only have 1 GB of memory, I had to skip the final assembly of the img matrix.

Launched on Home Computer:

Launched on DigitalOcean Computer:

chunk  0 took 7.500 sec

chunk  1 took 5.564 sec

chunk  2 took 4.944 sec

chunk  3 took 4.873 sec

chunk  4 took 4.978 sec

chunk  5 took 5.834 sec

chunk  6 took 5.280 sec

chunk  7 took 4.559 sec

chunk  8 took 4.531 sec

chunk  9 took 5.989 sec

chunk 10 took 4.997 sec

chunk 11 took 4.574 sec

chunk 12 took 4.459 sec

chunk 13 took 4.799 sec

chunk 14 took 5.020 sec

chunk 15 took 4.785 sec

83.715  35000

chunk  0 took 7.929 sec

chunk  1 took 2.427 sec

chunk  2 took 1.955 sec

chunk  3 took 1.851 sec

chunk  4 took 1.808 sec

chunk  5 took 1.806 sec

chunk  6 took 1.812 sec

chunk  7 took 1.817 sec

chunk  8 took 1.805 sec

chunk  9 took 3.032 sec

chunk 10 took 3.456 sec

chunk 11 took 2.697 sec

chunk 12 took 2.612 sec

chunk 13 took 2.114 sec

chunk 14 took 1.842 sec

chunk 15 took 1.777 sec

40.819  35000

My original estimate for solving the Numba-accelerated Mandelbrot set of this size on a single core of my home computer was 440 seconds, so the 83 seconds using 18 cloud-based computers represents a speed-up of 5.3. Disappointing, perhaps, but a clear demonstration that performance for problems involving substantial data transfers depends heavily on the network.

14.13.7 Example 4: Finite Element Frequency Domain Response

As in the multicore sections earlier, I’ll use a finite element model subject to a dynamic load to represent a more real-world distributed memory computing problem. Toy problems for summing prime numbers and computing the Mandelbrot set are instructional but don’t deal with complications that arise with large input sets.

Simulating the behavior of structures subject to a sudden acceleration, for example, an impact, or the firing of explosive bolts (common in spacecraft that release articulating members) is tricky. A finite element model suited to such work needs small elements to capture the short wavelengths of the resulting structural waves. The spectral content of impacts and explosions is high, so if a modal analysis were undertaken, many eigensolutions—often an impractical number—would be needed. Alternatively, one could attempt a direct time integration (e.g., with the Newmark-beta method) of the equilibrium equation of motion:
$$ Mfrac{d^2u}{dt^2}+Cfrac{du}{dt}+ Ku(t)=P(t) $$
u(t) and P(t) are the time-varying response and applied load. A third possibility is where M, C, and K are finite element mass, damping, and stiffness matrices, and perfect for large parallel computers: transform the equilibrium equation to the frequency domain where each of the many frequencies can be worked on independently. Such a transformation can be done with the substitution:
$$ u(t)=sum limits_{n=1}^Nhat{u}{e}^{i{omega}_nt} $$
which leaves a series of N linear equations
$$ -{omega}_n^2M{hat{u}}_n+i{omega}_nC{hat{u}}_n+K{hat{u}}_n=Pleft({omega}_n
ight) $$
$$ left[K+i{omega}_nC-{omega}_n^2M
ight) $$

where P(ω) is the Fourier transform of the load time history P(t). Our time domain second-order differential equation now becomes a collection of linear equations which are independent at each of the N frequencies ωn. The frequency band must be sufficiently wide to capture the full spectral content of the applied load, and the frequency interval small enough that all motion has been dampened to a quiescent state in the equivalent time domain.

In theory, if we had N processors, we could give each processor one frequency and get our solution $$ hat{u} $$ in the amount of time it takes to solve the system of equations just once. The time domain solution u(t) can then be recovered with an inverse Fourier transform of $$ hat{u} $$ [2]. In reality, thousands of frequencies are needed for accurate solutions, and a few of us have access to that many processors. Also, the data volumes are substantial; the overhead of transmitting matrices to a processor so it can solve a system of linear equations just once is unlikely to be worthwhile.

For our final example, we’ll use dask to solve a direct frequency response problem. This example is more representative of real workloads because, unlike the earlier problems, this one requires large amounts of input data to be sent to the workers. A Notional Satellite Model

As a sample problem, we’ll model a satellite whose solar panel extension mechanism is to be released by an explosive bolt. The satellite has a delicate sensor in the middle. Our objective is to measure the deformation of the sensor’s mount as a result of the detonation.

Once again, we’ll use triangle to tessellate a boundary file, satellite/satellite.poly, to a series of increasingly finer finite element meshes:
triangle -pa0.8        satellite.poly
triangle -rpq34a0.2    satellite.1
triangle -rpq34a0.1    satellite.2
triangle -rpq34a0.05   satellite.3
triangle -rpq34a0.02   satellite.4
triangle -rpq34a0.015  satellite.5
triangle -rpq34a0.005  satellite.6

After the last command, we’ll have a pair of files satellite.7.ele and satellite.7.node, that define a model with about 600,000 degrees of freedom that we’ll use for the analysis. The model will be fully constrained at the base of the adapter ring (the lowest horizontal edge) and loaded (meaning the location of the explosive bolt) at the elbow joint on the left. We’ll only save deformation at the few nodes that represent the sensor’s mount which is the small stem supporting the central cutout. The following figure is of the second refinement of the model, satellite.2, which has about 7600 degrees of freedom (roughly 1% of our 600k DOF model).

Time and frequency domain plots of the explosive bolt’s load history look like this: An Outline of the Problem

Here’s the pseudocode for the direct frequency response problem:
load model data from file
load force time history from file
compute FFT of force history
determine suitable frequency interval and range
assemble K, C, M matrices
loop over frequencies:
    KCM = K - i*omega*C + omega^2*M
    solve x = KCM
    store subset of x

Which part should be done sequentially on the parent (also referred to as the client, or driver) program and which should be sent to the remote workers? A couple of strategies come to mind: (1) send the model data and force history files to the remote computers and have them solve the entire problem from beginning to end but only portions of the frequency loop, or (2) do everything before the frequency loop on the client, then send the matrices and load history to the remote computers to run their portions of the frequency loop.

Both approaches are feasible, especially since the steps before the frequency loop can be done relatively quickly on a single computer.

Say you’re tackling this problem in MATLAB where you already have the entire solution coded in m-files, but it runs too slowly on your computer. You can use Python and dask to distribute the work to a cluster, but the remote computing part has to be written in Python. Now the decision boils down to (1) translate the entire application to Python or (2) write a linear equation wrapper in Python. While I like Python, I like to avoid extra work even more. In this situation, I’d definitely leave the majority of the direct frequency response program in MATLAB and only do the linear algebra part in Python. Sending Large Inputs to Remote Computers

Our solution strategy will be to send each remote computer a subset of frequencies, ωn; the three finite element matrices K, C, and M; load vector b; the load spectrum $$ {hat{P}}_n $$; and the list of degrees of freedom at which we want the response. Unlike the examples for prime number summation and Mandelbrot set, for this problem we have to send huge arrays totalling hundreds of megabytes or more to each worker. (A .mat file of K, C, M, and b for satellite.7 is 224 MB.) Fortunately, dask has a data distribution mechanism—a client’s .scatter() method followed by a client _submit()—to handle this situation. The following code fragments show the conventional method to send data to remote workers on the left and the data distribution method on the right:

Python; Dask Without Scatter:

Python; Dask with Scatter:

client = Client(cluster)

for i in range(n_jobs):

    job = dask.delayed(solve)(

        K, C, M, b, omega_subset[i])


results = dask.compute(*tasks)

client = Client(cluster)


KCMb_dist = client.scatter(

[K, C, M, b], broadcast=True)

for i in range(n_jobs):

job = client.submit(solve2,

KCMb_dist, omega_subset[i])


results = client.gather(tasks)

The regular dask code on the left lets the scheduler serialize the calling arguments to solve() and send them to the workers. If the arguments take a lot of memory, as ours do, you’ll see dask warnings and the code may hang. The code on the right does a few extra steps. First, after creating the client, it waits until the requested workers are ready. It then passes a list of our large variables to the scatter method for distribution to all workers before the solver is invoked. The solver function itself differs slightly in that the arrays are packed into a single list which has to be unpacked by the remotely executing function. Instead of receiving the matrices as on the left, the solver working with the previously scattered data would take arguments as shown on the right:


Python, Using Prescattered Data:

def solve(K, C, M, b, omega):

def solve2(KCMb, omega):

K, C, M, b = KCMb Subdividing Work to Minimize Data Movement

We’ve taken care to predistribute our matrices to each remote computer. The last thing we want is to have the dask scheduler make more calls to the solver, and therefore possibly transfer more data, than are strictly necessary. To achieve this goal, we’ll submit exactly one dask job for each computer in our cluster and have that job run a subset of the frequencies.

We’ll spread frequencies across processors the same way we distributed rows of the Mandelbrot domain, namely, by creating subsets that stride by the number of computers involved. If Hertz is the array of frequencies and we have n_jobs processors, then processor i will get the slice of terms shown here:



Hz_subset = Hertz(i:n_jobs:end);

Hz_subset = Hertz[i::n_jobs] Subsetting Results from the Remote Computers

Finite element direct frequency response solutions can be enormous, even for modestly sized models. The complex double-precision frequency domain displacement vector $$ hat{u} $$ takes Ndof x Nfreq x 16 bytes. Our 600k degree of freedom model at 4092 frequencies would take 40 GB.

Both dask and MATLAB can store and work with arrays larger than memory, but there’s rarely a need to store everything in a direct frequency response analysis. There the goal is to measure displacement (and from it, derived quantities like velocity, acceleration, strain) over time at critical locations rather than at every node. In our case, we just want the response at the sensor mount. We’ll therefore subset our solution $$ hat{u} $$ after computing results to just a critical list of user-provided degrees of freedom. This will be done by passing the solver routine an extra list of indices, keep_dof, which identify the rows of $$ hat{u} $$ to return.

The center of the stem holding the sensor in our finite element model is at (23.5, 10.5). We can get the degree of freedom list by first getting the indices of nodes around that point, say within ±0.5 units, then inflating the node list to a degree of freedom list with the simple rule that horizontal DOF IDs are twice the node ID and vertical DOF are twice the node ID plus 1. The DOFs found this way correspond to the unconstrained model. The solution DOF set is smaller because the constrained DOF, those belonging to the base of the adapter ring, have been removed. The dictionary u_to_c maps unconstrained DOF to constrained DOF, so we can use that to get the correct DOF in our solution set:

keep_nodes = np.argwhere((np.abs(23.5 - node_xy[:,0]) < 1.5) *
                         (np.abs(10.5 - node_xy[:,1]) < 1.5)).ravel()
keep_dof_full = sorted(np.hstack([keep_nodes*2, keep_nodes*2+1]))
keep_dof = sorted([u_to_c[_] for _ in keep_dof_full]) # constrained DOF
keep_nodes = np.argwhere((np.abs(23.5 - node_xy[:,0]) < 0.5) *
                         (np.abs(10.5 - node_xy[:,1]) < 0.5)).ravel()
keep_dof   = sorted(np.hstack([keep_nodes*2, keep_nodes*2+1]))
np.argwhere() always returns a two-dimensional array of indices even if, as in our case, the input array has only one dimension. The .ravel() method strips the extraneous dimension. After that, we can subset the results by keeping only the terms we want from the solver. The Python solution array could have been indexed the same way as MATLAB, but index chaining (Section 3.​4.​5) saves an intermediate step.


Python, Subsetted Ax=b:

KCM = K+1j*omega*C-omega**2*M;

xfull = KCM(b*P);

x  = xfull(keep_dof);

from scikits import umfpack

KCM = K+1j*omega*C-omega**2*M

LU = umfpack.splu(KCM)

x  = LU.solve(b*P)[keep_dof]

Regarding the solver: I picked UMFPACK’s linear equation solver over than the one from SciPy since the UMFPACK solver is faster with complex matrices. It can be found in the scikit-umfpack package. A Parallel Solver Module

The pseudocode of Section a simple algorithm: loop over a collection of frequencies and at each one sum matrices together and then solve the resulting sparse complex system of equations.

For the sake of flexibility—and an eye out for later use in MATLAB—I organized the solver code in a Python module, pysolve.py, that has three functions:
  • remote_solve() takes the user’s top-level inputs (matrices K, C, M, load vector b, frequency-dependent load magnitude P, the list of frequencies at which to solve, and the degrees of freedom at which to report results), configures a dask cluster for n_jobs workers, waits until all workers are ready, distributes the large inputs to those workers, then calls submit_solve_jobs(). One instance of remote_solve() runs on the computer submitting the job.

  • Submit_solve_jobs() subdivides the frequency domain into n_jobs pieces, then submits a dask job to run solve_subset() on each piece. It waits for all workers to produce their solutions and then returns them to remote_solve(). One instance of submit_solve_jobs() runs on the computer submitting the job.

  • Solve_subset() implements the for loop described in the pseudocode. It solves the system of equations on its given frequencies and returns the subsetted solution. When invoked from submit_solve_jobs(), one instance runs on each of n_jobs remote workers. Solve_subset() can also be invoked directly from a conventional, non-dask sequential program in which case only one instance runs.

Here’s the code:

 1   # code/dask/pysolve.py
 2   import numpy as np
 3   from scikits import umfpack
 4   from dask.distributed import Client, LocalCluster
 5   def solve_subset(K,C,M,b, P_subset, Hertz_subset, keep_dof):
 6       results_subset = np.zeros((len(keep_dof),len(P_subset)), dtype=np.complex128)
 7       for i,(w,P) in enumerate(zip(Hertz_subset,P_subset)):
 8           omega = 2*np.pi*w
 9           KCM = K + 1j*omega*C - omega**2 * M
10           LU = umfpack.splu(KCM)
11           x  = np.squeeze( LU.solve(b*P)[keep_dof] )
12           results_subset[:,i] = x
13       return results_subset
14   def submit_solve_jobs(client, KCMb, P, Hertz, keep_dof, n_jobs):
15       K, C, M, b = KCMb
16       results = []
17       n_keep = len(keep_dof)
18       n_freq = len(Hertz)
19       x = np.zeros( (n_keep, n_freq), dtype=np.complex128)
20       results = []
21       for i in range(n_jobs):
22           Hertz_subset = Hertz[i::n_jobs]
23           P_subset     = P[i::n_jobs]
24           job = client.submit(solve_subset,
25                              K,C,M,b, P_subset, Hertz_subset, keep_dof)
26           results.append( job )
27       for i,x_subset in enumerate(client.gather(results)):
28           x[:,i::n_jobs] = x_subset
29       return x
30   def remote_solve(solve_with, n_jobs, K, C, M, b, P, Hertz, keep_dof):
31       if solve_with == 'localhost':
32           cluster = LocalCluster('')
33       elif solve_with == 'digitalocean':
34           cluster = LocalCluster('')
35       elif solve_with == 'coiled':
36           import coiled
37          #coiled.create_software_environment(
38          #    name="and-fe-env",
39          #     conda={ "channels": ["conda-forge", "defaults"],
40          #             "dependencies": ["dask", "numba",
41          #             "scikit-umfpack", "requests" ], },)
42           cluster = coiled.Cluster(n_workers=n_jobs, software="and-fe-env")
43       client = Client(cluster)
44       client.wait_for_workers(n_jobs)
45       client.upload_file('pysolve.py')
46       KCMb = client.scatter([K, C, M, b], broadcast=True)
47       solnx = submit_solve_jobs(client, KCMb, P, Hertz, keep_dof, n_jobs)
48       client.close()
49       cluster.close()
50       return solnx

Organizing the code this way lets us use the same module for both sequential processing, where solve_subset() is called directly, and parallel processing—including parallel processing invoked from MATLAB, as we’ll see in Section 14.14.

The compound if statement on lines 31–42 is part of a “walk before you run” strategy. Sending an untested parallel program to 1000 processors is seldom a good idea. Success comes incrementally: first, get the sequential algorithm working, then verify a parallel run on two or three cores of your local machine, then on a small cluster, and finally pull the trigger on a massive run after the smaller runs check out. The variable solve_with lets me choose the target dask cluster for the run I have in mind—a shake-out of new features or bug fixes on the local machine, an initial performance test on my DigitalOcean virtual machine cluster, or a production run on Coiled’s cloud.

The Python driver which loads the satellite.7 node and element data, assembles the finite element model, applies constraints, then calls pycode.remote_solve() can be found in code/dask/run_fr_dask.py. Running on Coiled’s Cloud

Coiled, the company behind dask, offers a cloud service specifically for dask jobs. This is ideal for individuals or companies that lack access to a private cluster and want to avoid the complications of creating a dask-capable cluster on commercial clouds such as Amazon’s AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud. Better still, as of late 2021, Coiled offers its users 1000 CPU hours per month at no cost.

Using Coiled’s cloud requires initial setup. First, create an account at their website.23 Next, install the coiled Python module following instructions you’ll receive by email on all the computers from which you plan to launch dask jobs.

The last setup step involves creating a custom software configuration that includes Python modules you need but are not included in Coiled’s default configuration. The default includes NumPy, SciPy, Pandas, and many others but lacks Numba and UMFPACK. The commented lines 37–41 of the pysolve.py module listing show how I created my own custom environment, called and-fe-env, with extra modules. (An earlier experiment used the requests module but that didn’t pan out.) The custom environment is created on Coiled’s cloud the first time these lines run. This is a one-time step so the call to coiled.create_software_environment() can be commented out or deleted in later runs; your custom setup will be remembered and used in future runs when referenced by name with the software = keyword to coiled.Cluster(). Perhaps it goes without saying, but when you submit your initial setup run, there’s no need to use more than one or two workers. Performance and Cost on Coiled’s Cloud

When you submit a dask job to Coiled’s cloud, you’ll see this in your terminal:
: Creating Cluster. This might take a few minutes...

followed by a delay, possibly a long one. What’s going on?

Your job runs after two conditions are met: (1) your job’s container is created, and (2) the number of workers you requested is available. Upon receiving your job, Coiled creates a Docker image containing Python, your extra modules, and the code you submitted. This can take up to five minutes. Next, your job has to wait until the requested number of workers is available. If you’re running during prime time hours in the United States or requesting a huge number of workers, this delay could be substantial. If the delay exceeds 20 minutes, the dask job times out, and you’ll need to resubmit.

The state of your job can be found by logging in to your Coiled account and visiting the Dashboard page. The “Num Workers” column shows the number of workers running your job. Additional details appear in log files which can be seen by hitting the “Logs” button on the right side of the job.

Another source of delay is the data distribution step. In our case, the call

KCMb = client.scatter([K, C, M, b], broadcast=True)

in pysolve.remote_solve() takes about 200 seconds to send our 600k matrices to 100 workers, which works out to about 1 MB per second per 100 workers.

With this much overhead—creating a Docker image, waiting for workers, distributing large datasets—it is pretty clear there’s no point in using Coiled’s cloud for small problems.

Table 14-11 shows elapsed time for runs of the 600k satellite.7 model for a range of frequencies and workers. The elapsed time measurement begins when the job is submitted and includes Coiled-related overhead of creating the Docker image and waiting for workers. The cost values are copied from Coiled’s web-based Dashboard.
Table 14-11

Elapsed time and cost for direct frequency response on Coiled’s cloud

Number of Workers

Number of Frequencies

Time [Seconds]

Cost [US$]

































Some observations:
  • The “price of admission” to run just a single frequency on 32 workers or less on the Coiled cloud is around 400 seconds.

  • The time to solve the 600k system of equations on my Linux laptop is about 12 seconds per frequency using UMFPACK in Python and 15 seconds using MATLAB’s sparse solver. 2048 frequencies would take about 7 hours on a single computer in Python and 8.5 hours in MATLAB. The 100 Coiled workers give us a speed-up of 26× over sequential Python and 33× over sequential MATLAB.

  • Elapsed time to solve 2048 frequencies with 100 workers is only 1.75 greater than solving 100 frequencies. The baseline overhead still amounts to one-third of the overall time.

Bottom line: The Coiled cloud excels at solving large computational problems. Keep small problems on your local computer.

14.14 Recipe 14-2: Accelerating MATLAB with Python on Multiple Computers

MATLAB can send work to a dask cluster—and gain the same performance increases—as easily as Python can. The “work” sent by MATLAB must be implemented in Python though. In this recipe, we’ll write MATLAB programs that submit the Python functions from the three example problems of Section 14.13 (sum prime factors, create a gigapixel Mandelbrot image, and solve a direct frequency response problem) to a dask cluster, then collect the solutions as MATLAB variables.

The first two examples, prime sums and the Mandelbrot set, will use this small bridge module from MATLAB to submit the jobs to dask and then to start the computations:

# code/dask/bridge_dask.py
import dask
def delayed(Fn, *args):
    return dask.delayed(Fn)(*args);
def compute(delayed_tasks):
    return dask.compute(*delayed_tasks)

The third example, direct frequency response, requires a different strategy and does not use the bridge module.

14.14.1 Parallel Prime Sums with MATLAB

The following MATLAB program uploads the file my_fn.py to the dask cluster and then calls the same-named function within it, my_fn.my_fn(), to sum prime factors in the given interval.

# code/dask/my_fn.py
from sympy import primefactors
import time
def my_fn(a, b, incr):
    Ts = time.time()
    s = 0
    for x in range(a,b,incr):
        s += sum(primefactors(x))
    return s, time.time() - Ts
% code/dask/prime_dask.m
Im = @py.importlib.import_module;
ddist = Im('dask.distributed');
my_fn = Im('my_fn');
br_dask = Im('bridge_dask');
A = int64(2);
B = int64(1000000);
n_jobs = int64(11*18);
[S, elapsed] = do_parallel(A, B, n_jobs);
%client = ddist.Client('');
client = ddist.Client('');
% submit the jobs to the cluster
output = py.list({});
incr = n_jobs;
for i = 0:n_jobs-1
    task = br_dask.delayed(my_fn.my_fn, A+i, B, incr);
output = br_dask.compute(output);
% post-processing:  aggregate the partial solutions
S = 0;
mat_output = py2mat(output);
for i = 1:length(mat_output)
    partial_sum = mat_output{i}{1};
    S = S + partial_sum;
dT = toc;
fprintf('A=%d B=%d, %.3f sec ', A, B, dT);
fprintf('S=%ld ', S);

14.14.2 Parallel Gigapixel Mandelbrot with MATLAB

Here’s a MATLAB program that sends the Numba-enhanced MB() function in MB_numba_dask2.py shown in Section 14.13.6 to a dask cluster:

% code/dask/MB_numba_dask.m
Im = @py.importlib.import_module;
ddist = Im('dask.distributed');
np    = Im('numpy');
br_dask = Im('bridge_dask');
MB_py = Im('MB_numba_dask2');
N = int64( 35000 );
Tc = tic;
nR = N; nC = N;
Re_limits = np.array({-0.7440, -0.7433});
Im_limits = np.array({ 0.1315,  0.1322});
n_groups = 16;
n_jobs_per_group = 18;
n_jobs = n_jobs_per_group*n_groups;
%client = ddist.Client('');
client = ddist.Client('');
results = py.list({});
for c = 1:n_groups
  tasks  = py.list({});
  Tcs = tic;
  for i = 1:n_jobs_per_group
    job = br_dask.delayed(MB_py.MB, nC, Re_limits, ...
        nR, Im_limits, 255, (c-1)*n_jobs_per_group+i-1, n_jobs);
  results.extend( br_dask.compute(tasks) )
  Tce = toc(Tcs);
  fprintf('group %2d took %.3f sec ', c-1, Tce)
% reassemble the image
img = zeros(N,N, 'uint8');
Tps = tic;
for i = 1:length(results)
  my_rows  = py2mat(results{i}{1}) + 1; % 0-indexing to 1
  img_rows = py2mat(results{i}{2});
  img(my_rows,:) = img_rows;
Tpe = toc(Tps);
fprintf('py2mat conversion took %.3f ', Tpe);
Te = toc(Tc);
fprintf('%.3f  %5d ', Te, N);
Performance is worse than the pure Python solution (which took 84 seconds) because MATLAB has to convert the 1.1 GB img array from a Python-native to MATLAB-native variable. Without this conversion time, performance would be the same:
>> MB_numba_dask
group  0 took 5.658 sec
group  1 took 6.278 sec
group  2 took 4.812 sec
group  3 took 5.495 sec
group  4 took 4.746 sec
group  5 took 5.028 sec
group  6 took 4.982 sec
group  7 took 5.098 sec
group  8 took 4.911 sec
group  9 took 5.036 sec
group 10 took 4.923 sec
group 11 took 4.790 sec
group 12 took 4.946 sec
group 13 took 4.530 sec
group 14 took 4.528 sec
group 15 took 5.192 sec
py2mat conversion took 30.253
111.463  35000

Recall the 5k x 5k performance time of 112 seconds for MATLAB from Table 14-1. Here, with the help of Python and an 18-node cluster, MATLAB can solve a problem 49x larger in the same amount of time. Much of the performance boost comes from Numba running the MB() function much faster, while the rest from the number of computer themselves.

One advantage MATLAB has over Python for this problem is that MATLAB is able to render the gigapixel image. matplotlib in Python fails with an obscure error.

14.14.3 Parallel Direct Frequency Response with MATLAB

The previous two MATLAB-with-dask examples imported the Python dask module directly into MATLAB and from there submitted jobs to, and collected results from, the dask cluster.

That does not work with the much more substantial direct frequency response problem. For unknown reasons, the Python-based workers for this problem lose connection with the MATLAB-based dask cluster variable, and the job fails. The only way I can get MATLAB to run this large problem is by keeping all dask objects and activity—cluster creation, data distribution, job submittal—in Python. MATLAB then has to access the dask-based solver indirectly through a Python wrapper. This actually the main reason for organizing the direct frequency response solver code of pysolve.py shown in Section into the three functions. The remote_solve() function in pysolve.py is the wrapper MATLAB needs.

Here is the MATLAB code that solves the direct frequency response problem by using the Python-based dask solver. Rather than recreating the finite element model from scratch, we’ll load matrices from .mat files created with the Python program code/dask/save_KCMb.py.

% code/dask/run_fr_dask.m
clear all
Im = @py.importlib.import_module;
np      = Im('numpy');
pysolve = Im('pysolve');
T_main_s = tic;
load('KCMb_7.mat') % K, C, M, b, keep_dof
fprintf('Keeping response at %d DOF ', length(keep_dof))
load_history = load('load_hist_smoothed.txt');
n_jobs = int64(100);
n_FFT = 4096;
solve_with = "coiled";
% solve_with = "localhost";
% solve_with = "digitalocean";
n_freq = int64(floor(n_FFT/2));
dT    = 5.0e-4;   % time between each load_history point
Time  = 0:dT:dT*n_FFT;
Fs    = 1/dT;     % sampling frequency Hz
Hertz = linspace(0, Fs/2, n_freq); % only to Nyquist
dHz   = Hertz(2);
P = fft(load_history);
P_Nyq = P(1:n_freq);
n_dof = size(M,1);
fprintf('Time: %d times, 0.0 to %.6f sec steps of %.6f sec ', n_FFT, Time(end), dT)
fprintf('Freq: %d freq, 0.0 to %.1f Hz steps of %.1f Hz ', n_freq, Hertz(end), dHz)
% convert MATLAB-native arrays to Python-native
b = rand(n_dof,1);
K = mat2py(K);
C = K * 0.004; % proportional damping
M = mat2py(M);
b = np.array(b);
P_Nyq = mat2py(P_Nyq);
Hertz = np.array(Hertz);
keep_dof = np.array(keep_dof).astype(np.int64);
x = pysolve.remote_solve(solve_with, n_jobs, K, C, M, b, P_Nyq, Hertz, keep_dof);
x = py2mat(x);
fprintf('%d frequencies took %.3f s ', n_freq, toc(T_main_s))

Performance and cost resemble the values in Table 14-11. The load on Coiled’s cloud causes time and cost variations that are beyond our control.

As mentioned in Section, the time to run 2048 frequencies on a single computer in MATLAB is about 8.5 hours. With help from Python and 100 workers on Coiled’s cloud, the time drops tois about 15 minutes, a 33 × speed increase.
Table 14-12

Elapsed time and cost for MATLAB-based direct frequency response on Coiled’s cloud

Number of Workers

Number of Frequencies

























14.15 References

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    Emery D. Berger. Scalene: Scripting-Language Aware Profiling for Python. 2020. arXiv: 2006 . 03879 [cs.PL]. URL: https://github.com/plasma-umass/scalene

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    James F. Doyle. Wave Propagation in Structures. Springer-Verlag, 1989.

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    Serge Guelton et al. “Pythran: Enabling static optimization of scientific python programs.” In: Computational Science & Discovery 8.1 (2015), p. 014001.

  4. [4]

    Jonathan Richard Shewchuk. “Triangle: Engineering a 2D Quality Mesh Generator and Delaunay Triangulator.” In: Applied Computational Geometry: Towards Geometric Engineering. Ed. by Ming C. Lin and Dinesh Manocha. Vol. 1148. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. From the First ACM Workshop on Applied Computational Geometry. Springer-Verlag, May 1996, pp. 203–222. URL: www.cs.cmu.edu/˜quake/triangle.html

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