

A.C. Nielsen Company, 2, 35–8
academic library, 85–90
Association of College and Research Libraries, 87–8
future assumptions, 88
trends, 87
African Systems of Kinship and Marriage, 49
Amazon, 92
Argonauts of the Western Pacific, 49
Association for Information Systems, 178
Association for Qualitative Research, 178
Association of College and Research Libraries (ACRL), 76
academic libraries future assumptions, 88
trends impacting academic library, 87
Association of Research Libraries (ARL), 90–1, 95


“Balinda”, 168–9
Barney Glaser’s Grounded Theory Institute website, 179
Bernays, E., 110
Blackboard, 138
Broadband Adoption and Use in America, 83


case study, 15–16
Centre for Information Behaviour and the Evaluation of Research (CIBER), 76
cloud computing, 90–3
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI), 76
collaboration, 179
Coming of Age in New Jersey: College and American Culture, 34
Coming of Age in Samoa, 49
community analysis, 50–1
Community Analysis Research Institute (CARI) model, 51
Computer Anxiety Index, 128
Connaway, L.S., 81, 85
constant comparative method, 127
consumerism, 110–11
content analysis, 22–4
convenience sampling, 163–4
Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR), 86
Csikszentmihalyi, M., 117
Current and Emerging Trends in Qualitative Research Workshop, 181
“cyberkids”, 79


data analysis, 22–4
data coding, 164–5
design by neglect See unintentional design
“design thinking”, 113–14
“Designing Better Libraries” blog, 112
digital immigrants, 80
digital literacy, 82
digital natives, 79, 80–1
disruptive technologies, 134–9
Dynamic Information/Frequent Activities, 138
Dynamic Information/Infrequent Activities, 138


Ethnographic and Qualitative Research Conference, 181
ethnographic research
historical application, 50–6
implications and challenges, 66–8
key concepts, 45–9
paradigms, 47
practices in library settings, 45–68
quantitative and qualitative approaches to library research, 64–6
recent examples in library environments, 56–64
anthropologist in the library, 57–8
California State University Fresno Henry Madden Library ethnographic study, 58
information systems design and evaluation, 60–4
MIT student photo diary study, 58
pre-schoolers’ use of public libraries, 57
Rutgers University Libraries student behaviors and website redesign study, 59–60
Uganda rural village library study, 60
University of Rochester Libraries study of undergraduates, 58–9
ethnography, 46
ethnomethodology, 66
“experience economy”, 109


flow, 117–20
associated progressive states of mind and skills, 118
focus groups, 13–14
framing, 115
Freud, S., 109–10


Gartner Group, 135
Geertz, C., 47
Godin, S., 112–13
Google, 92
Google App Engine, 92
Google Mobile, 95
Google SMS, 95
Gribbons, W., 108
grounded theory, 20–2, 126, 165


HyperResearch, 133


information capture, 139
information-giving, 167
information literacy, 82
information seeking, 78
International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions (IFLA), 96
International Institute of Qualitative Inquiry, 181
interviews, 14–15
Intute research clearinghouse website, 178–9


Joopz, 95
Juggling Food and Feelings: Emotional Balance in the Workplace, 149


Kitengesa Community Library, 162–3


LibQual, 64
libraries, 2–4
explore as workplace, 147–51
qualitative approaches, 185–6
library and information science, 66–8
Library and Information Studies (LIS), 180
library anxiety, 125–30
definition, 126
Library Anxiety Scale, 127, 128
Library Journal, 112
Library Quarterly, 67
library research current trends, 78
generational differences and digital landscape, 79–85
matrix, 96–8
use the Brainstorming Phase, 97
role of technology through research, 90–5
cloud computing, 90–3, 91–3
mobile technology, 94–5
state of research and academic library, 85–90
trends, professional literature and users to create canvas, 75–98
Library Research Roundtable, 178
library settings
ethnographic research practices, 45–68
historical application, 50–6
implications and challenges, 66–8
key concepts, 45–9
quantitative and qualitative approaches to library research, 64–6
recent examples in library environments, 56–64
library website, 130–4


ManyEyes, 165
medicine, 40–1
“millennials”, 79, 81–2, 85
Mobifeeds, 95
mobile technology, 94–5
Moodle, 150
Morville, P., 109
My Freshman Year: What a Professor Learned by Becoming a Student, 34


narrative analysis, 159
narratives, 16–19
naturalistic inquiry, 55
Naven: A Survey of the Problems Suggested by a Composite Picture of the Culture of a New Guinea Tribe Drawn from Three Points of View, 49
“net generation”, 79
Nielsen, J., 115
“Nintendo Generation”, 79
“Njabala”, 169
No Brief Candle: Reconceiving Research Libraries for the 21st Century, 86
North Carolina State University Libraries Mobile (2010a), 131
nursing, 38–40


Online Computer Library Centre (OCLC), 76
oral stories, 166–7
orality, 159


participant observation, 11–13
People Meters, 36
PEW Internet & American Life Project, 91, 94–5
place-aware technology, 138
professional organisations, 177–8
psychoanalytic constructs, 167
psychology, 40–1
public library system, 161–2


Qualitative and Quantitative Methods in Libraries International Conference, 181
qualitative content analysis, 165–72
repeating ideas, themes and theoretical constructs, 166
qualitative research, 4–5, 7–26, 131, 177–81
changes in the modern world, 185–6
data analysis, 22–4
data gathering, 10–20
case studies, 15–16
focus groups, 13–14
interviews, 14–15
participant observation, 11–13
stories and narratives, 16–19
unobtrusive methods, 19–20
description, 8–10
exploring the library as workplace, 147–51
grounded theory, 20–2
non-library setting, 33–41
A.C. Nielsen Company, 35–8
academic environment, 33–4
medicine and mental health, 40–1
nursing, 38–40
qualitative data, 24–6
service-related challenges of librarians, 125–39
disruption and information seeker, 134–9
library anxiety, 125–30
library website, 130–4
study of global libraries, 157–72
content analysis, 165–72
project methods, 163–5
rationale, 158–61
rural village library, 161–3
understanding user experience in library settings, 107–20
design, broken-ness, and library user experience, 111–15
flow as an element, 117–20
self and user experience, 109–11 on UX research, 115–17
Queensborough Public Library, 77–8


Reference and User Services Association, 178
Report on the Information Needs of Communities in a Democracy (2009), 83
research, 1–5
“research agenda”, 75–6
rich media research, 34–8
rural village library, 161–3
Rutgers Libraries website, 130–4


Sakai, 138, 150
Scenario Planning for Libraries, 89
scenarios, 89
“screenagers”, 79
Self Perception Profile for College Students (SPPCS), 128
semi-structured interviews, 163–4
Service Quality Evaluation Academy, 181
set meters, 36
Skweezer, 95
SMS-Web texting services, 95
Social Interdependence Scale (SIS), 128
social networking, 2
Special Libraries Association, 178
Stable Information/Frequent Activity, 137
Stable Information/Infrequent Activity, 137
Stingly, G., 51–4
storytelling, 16–19
Study Habits Inventory, 128
Studying Students: The Undergraduate Research Project at the University of Rochester, 50, 59
Stumbleupon, 95
surveys, 10


The Discovery of Grounded Theory, 20
The Dynamics of Clanship Among the Tallensi, 49
The Nuer, 49
“The Qualitative Report”, 179
The Rutgers Study, 130–4
“The User Experience”, 112
theory-generating approach, 127
“thick description” approach, 47
Tinderbox, 165
“transliteracy”, 82
Tucson Garbage Study, 20


Uganda, 161–3
unintentional design, 112, 115–17
user experience, 108–9
design, broken-ness, and library user experience, 111–15
flow as an element, 117–20
qualitative approaches to understand user experience in library settings, 107–20
self and, 109–11 on UX research, 115–17


video diaries, 150


“Whengivla”, 169
workplace ethnographies, 148, 149
workplace technology, 148


Zinadoo, 95
Zoho, 92
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