
In this index, f denotes figure and t denotes table.


accuracy, 180

active voice, 50, 171

“and period” rule, 172

animated videos, 8, 86

apps, 57–58, 65, 118

aspect ratio, 126–128

Atkinson, Richard, 15

Audacity, 63–64, 64f, 65, 77f

audience, 43–44, 92


about, 31–32

adding, 140, 143–144

communication tools of, 35–36

digital mindset and, 37–38

distributing, 32–34

history, 31–32

length of, 37

manual, 113

setting, 125–126

strengths/weaknesses, 8

universal content principles, 36–37

using, 34–35

video and, 140, 143–144

work flow, 38–39

audio content, creating, 63–74

about, 63

digital audio, 63–64

interviews, 70–73

professional, sounding, 66–70

recording audio, 65–66, 66f

audio content, editing, 75–84

ethical issues, 76

history, 75

multitracking, 82–84, 81f

processing audio, 79–81, 79f

software, 65

technique, 76–78, 77f

work flow, 83–84

audio content, planning, 41–52

about, 41–42

administrative processes, 42

audience, 43–44

learning objective, 42–43, 44–45

script, 48–52

structuring content, 45–48

audio mixers, 59, 60f

audio toolkit, 53–61

essential tools, 53–58

optional tools, 59–61

augmented reality, 9

automatic level control (ALC), 64

AVI files, 136


background noise, 70

balanced microphones, 56

brain and digital content, 14–18, 16f

breathing, 68

brightness, 152

Budiu, Raluca, 11, 163


camera angles, 97–98, 98t

camera movement, 98–100, 99t


consumer-level, 112–113

DSLR, 110, 111t

embedded, 126–128

manual function, 120–126, 120f, 121f, 122f, 123f, 124f, 125f

professional, 110, 111t

prosumer, 110, 111t

Camtasia, 134, 139, 139f, 140f

captions, 143, 174, 181

cardioid microphones, 55

Century 21 Real Estate, 108

change, 2–3, 18

change principle, 20, 37, 92, 128, 160

clauses, 50–51, 171–172

close-ups, 97t

clutter, 16, 16f

coaching others, 69–70, 71

cognitive load, 17, 92

column width, 162

communication plans, 107

compressors, 80–81

condenser microphones, 54, 54f

consumer cameras/accessories, 110, 111t, 112–113, 113–115, 114f

content below the fold, 161–162

content management systems, 175

continuity, 131, 134

contrast, 152

convergence, 5–6

conversational chats, danger of, 73

copy editing, 181–183

copyright and permissions, 51–52

crabbing left/right, 99t

creating stage overview, 28–29

creative repetition principle, 19, 37, 92

cropping, 151

cutaways, 131


data stories, 9

dialogues, 47

digital content

brain and, 14–18, 16f

defined, 5

as multimodal, 5–6, 7–9

as multiplatform, 6, 9–11

as personalized, 6–7, 11–12

dissolves, 142

dollying in/out, 99t, 100

dots per inch (DPI), 152–153

drones, 118

DSLR cameras/accessories, 110, 111t, 116–117

dynamic microphones, 54, 54f


editing stage overview, 29

effects, adding video, 140

email, 32–33, 176, 176f

embedded cameras/accessories, 110, 111t, 115–116

embedded recording apps, 57–58

emotion principle, 19, 37, 91

enunciation, 68–69

Essmeier, Paula, 87

ethical issues, 76

exposure, 113, 123–124, 124f

expression, in vocal presence, 69

external microphones, 114, 114f, 115–116, 128


familiarity principle, 19, 37, 91, 160

field interviews, 70

file formats, 136–137

file size, 137

FLV files, 136

focus, 113, 125, 125f

folder structure, 42, 135–136

fonts, 162

framing shots, 128–130, 129f, 130f

F-shaped pattern for reading, 161, 161f


graphic equalizers, 79–80, 79f


benefits of, 145–146

editing, 151–153

placing, 153–156, 154f

planning process, 147–150, 150t

screen text, editing, 182

selecting, 150–151

strengths/weaknesses, 8

video and, 103, 143

green screens, 117


headings, 173, 181

headphones, 58, 58f, 114, 116

headroom, 129, 129f

headset microphones, 55

hypertext markup language (HTML), 174–175, 175f


icons, 149

illustrations, 149

images. See graphics

information graphics, 149–150

instructional structure, 45–46

Internet, 2, 7

Internet of Things, 10

interviews, 47, 70–73

inverted pyramid structure, 168, 169


Johns, Jesse, 102

jump cuts, 141

justification, 162


Kipling Method, 44–45


lavalier microphones, 114, 114f

layout, 103, 103f, 153–155, 154f

learning management systems, 34, 176

learning objectives, 42–43, 44–45, 95, 150, 150t

lede, 168, 169, 170

lenses, 116–117

light, 123–124, 124f

lighting kits, 114

links, web, 33, 182

lists, 173–174

location plans, 105

long-term memory, 17–18

looking space, 130, 130f


media, defined, 2

memory model, 15–18

mental models, 14–15, 18

microphone input, 113

microphone selection, 66

microphone stands, 56

microphone technique, 67

microphones, 53–57, 54f, 114, 114f, 115–116, 128

mindsets, digital media, 20–21, 37–38, 92, 159

mixers, audio, 59, 60f

mobile platforms, 177, 177f

modality sensitivity, 20, 38, 92

monologues, 47

MOV files, 136

MP3 files, 64

MP4 files, 136

multimedia, as term, 8

Multi-Store Memory Model, 15–18

multitracking, 82–84, 81f

music, 36, 52, 102–103, 143


naming conventions, 135, 138

Nielsen, Jakob, 11, 161–162, 163, 168

noise removal effect, 81


omnidirectional microphones, 55

ordering pictures, 100–101


pace, in vocal presence, 69

panel discussions, 47

panning left/right, 99t

paragraphs, 172

pause, in vocal presence, 69

peak program meters, 64

permissions, 51–52

personal computers, as recording devices, 57

personalization, 21, 38

phone stands, 116

photographs, 148

pickup pattern, microphone, 55

pitch, 69

Pitney Bowes, 102

Plain English conventions, 163

planning stage overview, 13, 27–28

platform sensitivity, 20, 38, 92, 159, 163

plosives, 67

podcasts, 33. See also audio

power, in vocal presence, 69

production planning, video, 104–105, 104–105f

professional cameras, 110, 111t

project administration, 106–107, 106f

prosumer cameras, 110, 111t

Proximity Effect, 67


questions, asking, 71–72


rapid media technique overview, 25–29. See also work flow

reading, 160, 161–162, 161f

recording devices, 57–58, 59, 116. See also cameras

recording environment, 60–61

rehearsal, 17–18

release plates, 121, 121f

repetition, in vocal presence, 69

resizing graphics, 152

resolution, 152–153

responsibility charts, 106, 106f

role play, 48

roll for 10, 130–131

ROPES/ROPS model, 45–46


safety, 132

saving work, 136

screen capture videos, 86, 93

screen text, 159–165

about, 159–160

linguistic issues, 163

platform considerations, 163

reading behaviors, 160

strengths/weaknesses, 8

universal content principles, 160

using, 164

visual impact of reading, 161–162, 161f

work flow, 164–165

screen text, editing, 179–184

about, 179–180

copy editing, 181–183

editing process, 183

substantive editing, 180–181

screen text, planning and creating, 167–177

creating, 169–174

email, 176, 176f

mobile platforms, 177, 177f

planning, 167–168

structuring, 168–169

writing tools, 174–176

scripts, 48–52, 103, 103f

SD cards/recording media, 114

sensory register, 16, 16f

sentences, 50–51, 171–172

sequence videos, 86

Shiffrin, Richard, 15

shockmounts, 56

short principle, 19, 36, 91, 160

short-term memory, 16–17

shot formulas, 101

shot plans, 104–105f

shot sizes, 96, 97t

shotgun microphones, 55, 114, 114f


action, 131, 141–142

eye-level, 97, 98t

high-angle, 97, 98t

landscape, 127, 127f

low-angle, 97, 98t

mid, 97t

planning, 100

portrait, 127, 127f

trimming, 139, 140f

wide, 97t

words as, 88

silhouettes, 149

simple principle, 19, 36, 91, 160

Singh, Stephanie, 108

software, 65, 133–134

sound effects, 36, 103

speakers, 58

spirit level, 120, 120f

stability control, 116, 120–121, 120f, 121f

stakeholders, agreements with, 107

standard cuts, 142

storyboard process/tools, 100, 118, 133–134

streaming, online, 33

subject matter experts, 28, 107

substantive editing, 180–181

survival instincts, 18


talking head videos, 86, 93

telephone recorders, 60

teleprompters, 117–118

text graphics, 143

thirds, rule of, 128–129, 129f, 143, 151

3-D graphics, 148–149

tilting up/down, 99t

timeline, positioning audio elements along, 83

timeline editors, 133, 134

tone, 49, 170

transitions, 142

tripods, 114, 116, 120–121, 120f, 121f


unbalanced microphones, 56

United Airlines, 87

universal content principles, 19–20, 36–37, 91–92, 160

USB microphones, 54–55

USB mixers, 59, 60f



about, 85–86

digital mindset and, 92

equipment, inexpensive, 26

exporting, 141

forms, 86–87, 93

history, 85

importing, 137

as learning modality, 87–88

as message layers, 88–90

platform considerations, 9–10

screen text, editing, 182

shots and sequences, 88

strengths/weaknesses, 7

universal content principles, 91–92

work flow, 90–91

video accessories

consumer camera, 113–115, 114f

DSLR camera, 116–117

embedded camera, 115–116

production, 117–118

video cameras. See cameras

video content, creating, 119–132

cameras, embedded, 126–128

cameras, manual function, 120–126, 120f, 121f, 122f, 123f, 124f, 125f

framing shots, 128–130, 129f, 130f

shooting, 119, 130–132

work flow, 90–91

video content, editing, 133–144

audio, adding, 140, 143–144

cutting video, 141–142

graphics, inserting, 143

organizing edit, 134–137

software, 133–134

transitioning between cuts, 142

work flow, 91, 137–141, 139f, 140f

video content, planning, 95–108

learning objective and structure, 95–96

picture message layer, 97t, 98t, 99t

production planning, 104–105, 104–105f

project administration, 106–107, 106f

supporting message layers, 101–103, 103f

work flow, 90

video toolkit, 109–118

accessories, consumer camera, 113–115, 114f

accessories, DSLR camera, 116–117

accessories, embedded camera, 115–116

accessories, production, 117–118

cameras, consumer-level, 112–113

principles for selecting video equipment, 109–110

video camera types, 110–112, 111t

visual cues, 156

visual hierarchy, 155–156

vocal presence, 67–70

voice-overs, 47

volume, 83

vox pops, 48


WAV files, 64

waveforms, 63–64, 64f, 77f

web, 7

white balance, 113, 121–123, 122f, 123f

white space, 155

windscreens, 56

winging it, 27, 41

wipes, 142

WMV files, 136

words, 35, 50, 102, 170–171, 172, 181

work flow

audio, 38–39

audio content, editing, 83–84

benefits of, 23–25

limitations of, 29

rapid media technique overview, 25–29

screen text, 164–165

video, 90–91

video content, editing, 137–141, 139f, 140f

working memory, 16–17

writing tools, 174–176


zooming in/out, 99t, 100, 125, 125f, 128

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