Congratulations on getting to the end of Real Focus – so, how do you feel? Inspired? Surprised by what you’ve learned about yourself and Real Focus? Chances are, you’ll now want to close this book, let it all percolate, and come back to the bits you enjoyed the most or that you felt were the most relevant or helpful. Perhaps you’ve been making notes as you’ve read, and now want to go over them; perhaps you want to give this book to a friend.

However you’ve used or read this book, we just hope that you’ve got something from it. Also, of course, your journey towards Real Focus does not end here – in fact, we hope this marks your beginning.

Let’s face it, anybody can read a book like this, find it interesting but then never think about their focus again. We don’t want that to happen! We want this to be a ‘way in’/the catalyst for your talking about better focus, how you might achieve it, and how it could enhance your life.

We’d love this book to be your ‘Focus Bible’ from now on – a place to go back to again and again if in need of motivation, ideas, strategies, or just a little bit of inspiration on those days when you feel your focus is flagging (because every single one of us has them).

Each one of you will have your own reasons for picking up this book and we really hope you’ve enjoyed reading it as much as we have putting it together. We hope you can see that Real Focus is not about fancy time-management skills, learning to concentrate for hours on end or even getting more done. Real Focus is simply about living a life you want, having more time to do the sorts of things that bring you joy and fulfillment. All it boils down to, really, is that cultivating more focus in your life naturally leads to cultivating more happiness, and who doesn’t want that? Here’s to better, greater Real Focus today and in the future!

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