Fail Fast

If slow responses are worse than no response, the worst must surely be a slow failure response. It’s like waiting through the interminable line at the DMV, only to be told you need to fill out a different form and go back to the end of the line. Can there be any bigger waste of system resources than burning cycles and clock time only to throw away the result?

If the system can determine in advance that it will fail at an operation, it’s always better to fail fast. That way, the caller doesn’t have to tie up any of its capacity waiting and can get on with other work.

How can the system tell whether it will fail? Do we need Deep Learning? Don’t worry, you won’t need to hire a cadre of data scientists.

It’s actually much more mundane than that. There’s a large class of “resource unavailable” failures. For example, when a load balancer gets a connection request but not one of the servers in its service pool is functioning, it should immediately refuse the connection. Some configurations have the load balancer queue the connection request for a while in the hopes that a server will become available in a short period of time. This violates the Fail Fast pattern.

The application or service can tell from the incoming request or message roughly what database connections and external integration points will be needed. The service can quickly check out the connections it will need and verify the state of the circuit breakers around the integration points. This is sort of the software equivalent of the chef’s mise en place—gathering all the ingredients needed to perform the request before it begins. If any of the resources are not available, the service can fail immediately, rather than getting partway through the work.

Another way to fail fast in a web application is to perform basic parameter-checking in the servlet or controller that receives the request, before talking to the database. This would be a good reason to move some parameter checking out of domain objects into something like a “Query object.”

Even when failing fast, be sure to report a system failure (resources not available) differently than an application failure (parameter violations or invalid state). Reporting a generic “error” message may cause an upstream system to trip a circuit breaker just because some user entered bad data and hit Reload three or four times.

The Fail Fast pattern improves overall system stability by avoiding slow responses. Together with timeouts, failing fast can help avert impending cascading failures. It also helps maintain capacity when the system is under stress because of partial failures.

Remember This

Avoid Slow Responses and Fail Fast.

If your system cannot meet its SLA, inform callers quickly. Don’t make them wait for an error message, and don’t make them wait until they time out. That just makes your problem into their problem.

Reserve resources, verify Integration Points early.

In the theme of “don’t do useless work,” make sure you’ll be able to complete the transaction before you start. If critical resources aren’t available—for example, a popped Circuit Breaker on a required callout—then don’t waste work by getting to that point. The odds of it changing between the beginning and the middle of the transaction are slim.

Use for input validation.

Do basic user input validation even before you reserve resources. Don’t bother checking out a database connection, fetching domain objects, populating them, and calling validate just to find out that a required parameter wasn’t entered.

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