analysis software, can be used to test the functions and stress/strain of a virtual component,
or assembly, or product under different loading conditions. A lot of different computer-aided
manufacturing (CAM) can be used to animate the manufacturing process of a VC to check the
feasibility of manufacturing.
e first task in Phase Four is to construct VCs, VAs, and VPs, and then use available
computer software to conduct the numerical simulation to check the performances and func-
tions of different design options. Only some key components or key sub-assemblies might be
manufactured and experimented on the prototypes of components or sub-assemblies for check-
ing the performance of functions. e contents of this book will be an engineering design theory
to determine the dimension of a component with required reliability, that is, VC.
e second main task is to determine the best design option after performance and func-
tions of several design options under consideration have been evaluated through virtual tests,
that is, numerical simulation on VCs, VAs, and VPs. Since design project has several design
specifications and functions, systematic evaluation methods such as Decision Matrix, which is
fully explained in the book Engineering by Design [1], could be implemented to choose the best
e last main task is to build the prototype of the final design option and then thor-
oughly test and modify it until all required design specifications, performance, and functions are
properly satisfied by the final design option.
e outcome of Phase Four is a tested and approved final design option, which is ready
to be released for production.
e last phase in the engineering design process is the implementation, which mainly means
transforming a design into reality. e main task in Phase Five is to prepare a complete set
of engineering documentation, such as drawing, part list, operation and maintenance manual,
quality control procedures, manufacturing procedures, and manufacturing tool and fixture de-
sign. e complete set of engineering documentation is the technical information by which the
final design option can be manufactured or duplicated. e outcome of Phase Five is a complete
set of engineering documentation.
An iterative-interactive five-phase engineering design process shown in Figure 1.1 in-
cludes six items. e center is the project team. e project team is the core of any engineering
design process. e iterative-interactive process and all other design activities are carried out by
and through the project team. e other five elements are needs assessment (Phase One), de-
sign specification (Phase Two), conceptual design (Phase ree), detailed design (Phase Four),
and implementation (Phase Five). An engineering design project has its own life—it starts at
Phase One: Needs Assessment and ends at Phase Five: Implementation. e flow chart of the
engineering design process is naturally from Phase One, to Phase Two, to Phase ree, then
to Phase Four, and finally to Phase Five. During this design process, interactive activities could
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