We both started out as high-risk kids. Our parents were immigrants to the United States—they were economically poor and had little or no education. Our early lives were very hard and filled with challenges. Although our parents wanted the best for us, they did not know what that meant in American society or how to help us get it.

Fortunately, some of our teachers in the early years at school saw us as gifted and talented, and provided much-needed support and guidance within the educational process. We did not always get support from our schoolmates, however, as some of them saw us as smart, capable competitors. But, the support of our teachers helped us both decide to go to college, and to work at being successful there.

After college, Sal went right on to graduate school in clinical psychology, whereas Debbie concentrated on her singing career. Receiving his doctorate, Sal started his lifelong career as a college teacher, researcher, and practitioner. After some years as a singer, Debbie gave up this career and also went to graduate school in clinical psychology, received her doctorate, and embarked on a psychological career as a practitioner, teacher, and consultant.

Before long, the similarities in our career beliefs and efforts led our paths to cross. We both got into existential psychology, especially in how people can successfully navigate the turbulent waters of life change. We both locked on to hardiness as the key to resilience under stress, not only because our research and practice supports this view, but also because it fits with our own life experiences.

Now there is so much stressful turmoil in the world and workplace that we want to reach out to working adults by teaching the attitudes and skills we used to find personal and professional satisfaction and success. Hopefully, what we have to say in this book will help you turn stressful changes to your advantage.


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