
We are sincerely and humbly indebted to Roy T. Fielding for his PhD dissertation that described REST and created a radical shift in the way we envisioned the web and its core standards. Without his work on REST and the HTTP protocol, Restlet wouldn’t exist. We would also like to thank all Restlet Framework contributors, including past and present committers, as well as users submitting issues, helping with the documentation, and answering questions of other users.

Thanks to Jim Alateras, John D. Mitchell, and Steve Loughran for their help during the book’s inception phase, especially Guillaume Laforge who introduced us to Manning.

Our sincere thanks to the staff at Manning, including Marjan Bace, Michael Stephens, Mary Piergies, Maureen Spencer, Christina Rudloff, Corbin Collins, Elizabeth Martin, Ozren Harlovic, and Melody Dolab. Special thanks to our editor Jeff Bleiel for his patience and support during the book’s development phase.

Manning rounded up a great group of reviewers, whom we thank for helping to transform our drafts into the book you are now reading through incremental enhancements and some refactoring ideas. The reviewers include Adam Taft, Aron Roberts, Brian Sletten, Bryan Hunt, Colin Yates, Dave Nicolette, Dave Pawson, Doug Warren, Dustin Jenkins, Fabián Mandelbaum, Gabriel Ciuloaica, Gordon Dickens, James Ferrans, Jeff Thomas, Jeroen Nouws, Jim Alateras, Johannes Kirschnick, John Logsdon, Kristoffer Gronowski, Marcelo Ochoa, Rhett Sutphin, Richard E. Brewster, Stephen Koops, Tal Liron, Vincent Nonnenmacher, and Rob Heittman.

Special thanks to Tim Peierls and Nick Watts, our technical proofreaders, for their careful review, just before the book went into production, of the chapters and the appendixes respectively. Thank you as well to all our MEAP readers who posted feedback messages on Manning’s Author Online forum; we tried to take all of them into account. We also thank Brian Sletten for penning the foreword.

Finally, our special thanks go to Benoit Maujean and Stève Sfartz for their continuous support through the years and to our advisory team members, Didier Girard, Jean-Paul Figer, and Frederic Renouard, for sharing their experience and for helping us at both the technical and business levels.

Jérôme Louvel

First, I’d like to thank Lance Tatro who assured me that I could indeed write a technical book in English. Thanks also to my entire family and to my closest friends for their support. Finally, I’d like to thank my wife, Sandrine, and my two-year-old daughter, Clara, for their patience during the writing process and the numerous evenings and weekends spent working on the book. I am grateful for your support and your love.

Thierry Templier

I would like to thank my wife, Séverine, and our lovely little boy, Maël, for being by my side in life. I also want to thank Jérôme and Thierry for bringing me to this project, and thanks to the Manning team for their confidence, support, and professionalism. Thanks finally to everyone who helps me move forward in life and be the best that I can be.

Thierry Boileau

I am deeply grateful to Jérôme Louvel for bringing me to the Restlet project. I would also like to thank the Restlet community and its active contributors like Tim Peierls, Kristoffer Gronowski, Martin Svensson, Bryan Hunt, Wolfgang Werner, Shaun Elliott, and many others, for their time and dedication. Thanks to Benoît Roblin for reviewing the first chapters. Thanks to Didier Arnachellum for happily playing with the framework. In conclusion, and in French, un petit clin d’œil à mon frère Fabrice.

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