Page numbers followed by f refer to figures.

A Course in Miracles (ACIM), xvii, xxii, 17, 25–27, 29–30, 52, 72, 73, 77, 97, 104, 108, 110, 113, 121, 128, 155, 163, 175

Addiction, 106, 157

Adelaja, Sunday, 83

Adler, Alfred, 19

Affirmations, 176

Affluence, illusion of, 47

Affluent, 10

Al-Anon, xix

Albright, Madeleine, 170

Algoe, Kathleen, 167

Allen, Robert G., 50

Allen, Woody, 87

Altar of Truth, 113

Altered Traits (Goleman), 182

Aman, Jodi, 86

American Lung Association, 172

“Amrita,” 161–163

Amygdala, 182

Anderson, Adam, 47

Angelou, Maya, 57, 120


accepting, 142–143

repressed, 142

using, to tame anxiety, 124–125

Angry Letter (Rewire in Action exercise), 143–144

Annie Hall (movie), 87


and Respond Differently, 118

from submerging emotions, 32

tips for taming, 123–126

Arden, John, 19, 76

Aristotle, 169

Arnott, Robert, 55

Arthur Bryant’s, xii

Asking yourself questions, 110–111

Asset classes:

creating wealth through, 11

subclasses of, 64

types of, 51

Astor, Jacob, 5

Atkinson, Adele, 36


and brain wiring, 74, 100

paying, to the positive, 94–96

and perception of world, 100–101

selective, 53, 100

Attraction, Law of, 134

Augustine, Saint, 5

Aurelius, Marcus, 29

Automatic savings, 48


and anxiety, 123–124

financial, 20–21, 32–33

through Serial Seminar Addiction, 164

Bad habits:

breaking, 8–16

development of, 5–7

and recognizing foolish financial choices, 3–5

and wealth, 7–8

Badenoch, Bonnie, 166

Bandura, Albert, 36

Beck, Martha, 161

Beckwith, Michael, 8

Begley, Sharon, 20

Bennett, Arnold, 139

Bensley, Jessica, 88

Benson, Tracy, 121–126

Bernock, Danielle, 75

Bhajan, Yogi, 185

Biller, Marga, 72

Blame your brain (Phase 4 of Recognize), 92

Bloch, Richard, xiii

The Body Keeps the Score (van der Kolk), 31–32

Bogle, Jack, 66

Bohm, David, 25

Bonds, 51, 64

Bowlby, John, 20


and brain lock, 106

evolution of the, 21–23

financial information processed by, xxiv

impact of language on, 174–176

and inner child, 154–155

logical, 76

and meditation, 182

mind vs., 17–19

and neuropathways, 5–6, 91

and positive reinforcement, 183–184

rational, 102

reptilian, 22

and resistance, 132

and Rewire Response premises, 73–76

and risks, 56

and saving, 47

stress impacting the, 181

tendecy of, to notice negativity, 84

visualizations impact on, 179

The Brain (Eagleman), 89

Brain lock, 106

The Brain That Changes Itself (Doidge), 14

Brainstem, 22

Breaking bad habits, 3–16

Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself (Dispenza), 128

Breathing, deep, 123

Brown, Ali, 118

Brown, Dean, 102

Brownn, Eleanor, 116

Bryan, William Jennings, 189

Buddha, 131

Buddha’s Brain (Hanson), 19, 101

Buffet, Warren, 57, 63, 65

Burke, Athena, 93

Bush, Sopia, 183

Campbell, Kim Ha, 159

The Career Finder (Rewire in Action exercise), 147

The Career Management Center, xiv

“Carmela,” 185–187

Cash or cash equivalents, 51

Cause and effect, law of, 25–28


“Carmela’s” story of, 186

to respond Differently, 183–184

Center for Healing Shame, 32, 33

Cerebral cortex, 22, 76

Chan, Yong Kang, 156

Cheng, Ken, 45

Cher, 1

Child, inner, 159–161

Child Trauma Academy, 154

Child within, 153–156


avoiding parental disapproval, 22

and child within, 153–156

and individuation, 145

Chopra, Deepak, 181

Chronic stress, 181

Clason, George Samuel, 46

Codependency, xix

Codependents Anonymous, xix

Cognitive dissonance, 133–134

Comfort zone, 132

Commitment, strengthening, 76–77

Commodities, 51

Compassion, 33, 108–109

Compassionate curiosity, 88

Congruence, Law of, 134

Conscious Competence (in Learning Curve), 59

Conscious Incompetence (in Learning Curve), 58

Cornell University, 47

Coronavirus pandemic, 9, 67

Costa, Rui, 183

Covert reframing, 104–106

Creating wealth, 41–54

by giving generously (rule 4), 52–54

by investing wisely (rule 3), 50–52

and resistance, 132

by saving more (rule 2), 46–50

by spending less (rule 1), 43–46

Curiosity, compassionate, 88

DA (Debtors Anonymous), xix, 157

The Dark Side of the Light Chasers (Ford), 114

Deactivating a triggered limbic system (see Self-protection strategies)

Debtors Anonymous (DA), xix, 157

Deep breathing, 123

Depression, xiii–xiv

Deprivation, 48

Diamond, Stephen A., 154, 158

Digging Deeper (Rewire in Action exercise), 136–137

Dillard, James, 32

Dispenza, Joe, 15, 128

Dissecting a Challenge (Rewire in Action exercise), 28

Diversification, 63–65

Divorce, xvi

Dobda, Russell Eric, 111

Doidge, Norman, 14

Dopamine, 123

Doubt, 85

Duhigg, Charles, 45–46

Dyer, Wayne, xxvii

Eagleman, David, 89

Earliest Money Memory (Rewire in Action exercise), 21

Early life stress (ELS), 154–155

Earnings, and importance of saving, 47

Economic status, money shame regardless of, 33

Education, as self-protection strategy, 57–60

EFT (emotional freedom technique or tapping), 35


author struggle with, 34–35, 115

fear of building wealth from, 55

and investing, 51, 57

and reframing, 97–98, 115

and resistance, 132–134

Respond Differently to, 119

and rewiring, 75

Soul vs., 29–30

and trauma/shame, 32

and warped perception of self, 91

Einstein, Albert, 26

Eliot, T. S., xvi

ELS (early life stress), 154–155

EMDR (eye movement desensitization and reprocessing), 34

Emory University, 151

Emotional freedom technique or tapping (EFT), 35


decision-making based on, 67

importance of dealing with, 89

and risk, 56

suppressed (see Suppressed emotions)

ETF (exchange traded funds), 63

Exchange traded funds (ETF), 63

Executive functions, 22

Eyal, Nir, 172

Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR), 34

Fagan, Patti, 108–110, 176–177


acting in spite of, to tame anxiety, 123–124

of building wealth, 55–56

decision-making based on, 67

embracing, 120

function of, 99

of Respond Differently, 119

Federal Reserve, 46

Fidelity, 4

Fidelity Money FIT Women survey, 11–12

Financial avoidance:

contributing factors to, 20–21

from shame/fear/trauma, 32–33

Financial literacy, 36, 50–51

Financial self-efficacy, 36, 50–51

Financial well-being, defined, 41

Finding My Motivation (Rewire in Action exercise), 54

Fonda, Jane, 98–99

Foolish financial choices, 3–5

Forbes, 7

Ford, Debbie, 114

Ford, Henry, 90

France, Anatole, 138

Franklin, Benjamin, 40

Freud, Sigmund, 33

Frost, Robert, 89

Fuhrman, Candice, xxi

Fuller, Thomas, 75

Furler, Betsy, 44

Gandhi, Mahatma, 35

“Gap,” 132, 148

Gender, xiii, xv

General Electric (GE), 122

Gibson, William, 12

Give generously (rule 4 of creating wealth), 52–54

Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 133

Goleman, Daniel, 182

Gordon, Jon, 140

Gossett, Holly, 110

Graham, Benjamin, 56, 61

Gratitude, 107–108

Great Recession (2008), 10

Green, John, 92

“Gretchen,” 163–166

Griggs, Joyce, 91, 94–96, 176

Groups, joining, 151

Guided visualizations, 159–160

Haggard, Merle, xii

Hanh, Thich Nhat, 158

Hanson, Rick, 19, 101

Harmon, Willis, 13

Harrell, S. Kelley, 148

Harvard Learning Innovations Laboratory, 72

Harvard University, 178, 181

Hay, Louise, 135

Healthy shame, 33

Hebb’s law, 5

Hellmuth, Phil, 174

“High Earners Slogan,” 120

Higher Power, 115

Hill, Napoleon, 1

Hinkins, Roger Delano, 114

Hirsch, Samson Raphael, 191

Honor your resistance by exploring it (Stage 1 of resistance work), 140–144

hooks, bell, 152

How God Changes Your Brain (Newberg), 14

H&R Block, xiii

Hutchinson, Alex, 146, 172

Illusion of affluence, 47

Index funds, 63

Indistractable (Eyal), 172

Individual psychology, 19

Individuation, 145

Inflation, 51, 55

Inner child, 159–161

An Inquiry with Resistance (Rewire in Action exercise), 141–142

The Intelligent Investor (Graham), 56, 61

Intentions, 114–115

Internal conflict, and resistance, 133


to create wealth, 50–52

personalized plan for, 60–63

power of, 11

James, William, 27

Jaworski, Joseph, 121, 174, 189

Jefferson, Thomas, 41

Journal of Economic Psychology, 36

JPMorgan Chase, 9

Judgment, suspending, 99–100

Jung, Carl, 154

Keaton, Diane, 87

Keen, Sam, 144

Kierkegaard, Søren, 115

King, Stephen, 164

Kristofferson, Kris, 126

Kübler-Ross, Elisabeth, 153

Language, impact of, 174

Lao Tzu, xx

Law of Attraction, 134

Law of Congruence, 134

Lazar, Sarah, 181–182

Learning Curve, 57–59, 58f

Leonard, George, 169

Limbic system:

about, 22

deactivating a triggered, 57–68

unhealed trauma affecting, 76

Lincoln, Abraham, 7

Lipton, Bruce H., 99

Literacy, financial, 36, 50–51

Logical brain, 76

Lou, Cindy, 172–173

Lyme disease, 122, 124–125

Lynch, Peter, 51

Lyon, Bret, 32, 33

Machado, Antonio, 117

Mackintosh, James, 65

Mantras, 103, 126, 182–183, 198

Market risk, 55

Marketwatch, 66

McCall, Karen, xxi, 44–45

McGonigal, Kelly, 184

McKay, David O., 189

The Meadows, xix

Meditation, 181–183

Meditation Practice (Rewire in Action exercise), 183

Men, financial information processed by, xxiv

Mental rehearsal (see Visualizations)

Mentors, 151–152 (See also Rewire Mentorship Programs)

Merzenich, Michael M., 96, 115, 178, 179, 184

Messy, Flore Anne, 36

Michaels, Eileen, 61–62

The Millionaire Next Door (Stanley), 10


brain vs., 17–19

thought systems of the, 29–31

training of, 24–28

The Mind and the Brain (Schwartz), 18, 25

Mindful meditation, 181–183

Mindfulness training, 35

Money magazine, xx, 59, 146

“Moral stigma of wealth,” 7

Motivation, increasing, 76–77

Munch, Edward, 119

“My Child Within” (Algoe), 167

My Reframe (Rewire in Action exercise), 107

National Science Foundation, 86

Negativity, 84–85, 174

Neocortex, 181

Neural circuits, 179

Neurofeedback, to treat trauma and shame, 35

Neurofinance, 13

Neurons, 5


attention creating, 74

development of, 5

and perception of world, 120

and repetition, 171

for self-efficacy, 36


and focused attention, 101

and mind vs. brain, 17

self-directed, xxv, 18


author exposure to, xxiv–xxv

and fear of building wealth, 55

and interpretation of the world, 98

Neurotransmitters, 106, 123

New York Times, 7, 124

Newberg, Andrew, 14, 174

Nin, Anaïs, 106

Oaten, Megan, 45

Observe without judgment (Phase 1 of Recognize), 86–87

Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD), 18, 86, 92

O’Connor, Richard, 14, 88

Optical illusions, 101

Ortega y Gasset, Jose, 74

Orwell, George, 175

The Osmosis School of Learning, 59–60

Overcoming Underearning (Huson), xxii

Overt reframing, 102–104

Pain, 31–35

Parenthood, xiii–xiv

Partners, finding, 151

Past experiences:

brain functioning based on, 74

and perception of present experiences, 98

pinpoint the conflict by reflecting on, 144–145

Paulus, Trina, xxvi

Pearson, Joel, 24

Penn State, 32

Perfect Day Visualization (Rewire in Action exercise), 180–181

Perlmutter, David, 21, 181

Perry, Bruce D., 154–155

Personal finance, xxv

Personalized financial planning, 60–63

Pew Research Institute, 9

Phillips, Michele, 101, 111–112, 134–135

Pinpoint the conflict by reflecting on the past (Stage 2 of resistance work), 144–145

Planning, as self-protection strategies, 60–63

Positive reinforcement, 183

Positive self-talk, 124

Positive words, 174–176

The Power of Habit (Duhigg), 45

Power Question, xxvii

Power Tools:

about, 128

reparenting (see Reparenting)

repetition (see Repetition)

resistance work (see Resistance work)

Power Up Your Brain (Perlmutter), 181

Powerful women, defining, 106

Prayers, 115–116, 134

Pressfield, Steven, 131

Prince Charming Isn’t Coming (Huson), xx

Professionals, reaching out to, 151

Projections, stopping your, 113–114

Psychological Review, 170

Psychology, xxv

Psychology, individual, 19

Psychology Today, xix, 154

Questions, asking yourself, 110–111

Ramsey, Dave, 9

Rating Your Relationship to Wealth (Rewire in Action exercise), 42

Rational brain, 102

React with curiosity (Phase 2 of Recognize), 88

Real estate, 51, 64

Recalling a Risk (Rewire in Action exercise), 126

Recognize (Step 1 of Rewire Response), 83–96

by blaming your brain (phase 4), 92

to heal your inner child, 159

by observing without judgment (phase 1), 86–87

and paying attention to the positive, 94–96

by reacting with curiosity (phase 2), 88

by separating your thoughts from yourself (phase 3), 90–92

Patricia Vitera’s story of, 83–85, 89–90, 93–94

Reconciliation (Hanh), 158

Reentry women, xiv

Reflecting on the past, pinpoint the conflict by (Stage 2 of resistance work), 144–145

Reframing (Step 2 of Rewire Response), 97–116, 198

about, 97–102

covert, 104–106

to heal your inner child, 159

overt, 102–104

techniques for, 106–116

types of, 102–106

Rehearsal, mental (see Visualizations)

“Re-Parent Your Inner Child” (Smith), 157

Reparenting, 153–167

“Amrita’s” story of, 161–163

and child within, 153–156

“Gretchen’s” story of, 163–166

healing your inner child with, 159–161

“Sandra” story of, 156–158

Reparenting Guided Visualization (Rewire in Action exercise), 160

Repetition, 169–187

“Carmela’s” story of, 185–187

exercise for, 170–171

of Respond Differently, 173–184

rewiring through, 169–170

umcomfortability of, 172–173

Repressed anger, 142

Reptilian brain, 22


about, 135–137

defining, 133–135

honor your, by exploring it, 140–144

signs of, 138–139

training for, 146 (See also Resistance work)

Resistance work, 131–152

honoring your resistance by exploring it (stage 1), 140–144

pinpointing the conflict by reflecting on the past (stage 2), 144–145

receiving support by reaching out (stage 4), 148–152

stages of, 139–140

taking on small doable tasks (stage 3), 146–148

Respond Differently (Step 3 of Rewire Response), 117–128

about, 117–119

Tracy Benson’s story of, 121–126

celebrating to, 183–184

to heal your inner child, 159

meditation to, 181–183

practices to continually, 173–184

preparation (the Stretch) for, 119–121

and resistance, 133

and testing for rewiring, 128

uncomfortability of, 172

visualizations to, 178–181

watching your words to, 174–178

Rewards, focusing on, 125–126

Rewire (O’Connor), 14, 88

Rewire in Action (exercises):

Angry Letter, 143–144

The Career Finder, 147

Digging Deeper, 136–137

Dissecting a Challenge, 28

Earliest Money Memory, 21

Finding My Motivation, 54

An Inquiry with Resistance, 141–142

Meditation Practice, 183

My Reframe, 107

Perfect Day Visualization, 180–181

Rating Your Relationship to Wealth, 42

Recalling a Risk, 126

Reparenting Guided Visualization, 160

Sacred Wealth Circle, 150

Shave and Save, 49

Signs of a Wounded Inner Child, 158

statement check, 68

Taking Stock, 77–82

Tracking Your Spending, 44

What Am I Saying?, 177–178

What Do I Want?, xxvii–xxviii

Where Am I In Resistance?, 140

Which Voice are You Listening To?, 30–31

Write Your New Story, 197

Rewire Mentorship Programs, xxvi, 83, 88, 102, 111, 122

Rewire Response, 71–82, 169

exercise for, 77–82

and increasing motivation/strengthening commitment, 76–77

and need for correction, 73

premises of, 73–76

Recognize step of (see Recognize [Step 1 of Rewire Response])

Reframe step of (see Reframing [Step 2 of Rewire Response])

Respond Differently step of (see respond differently [Step 3 of Rewire Response])

steps of, 71–72

ReWIRE VIP Intensives, xxvi

Rewire Your Brain (Arden), 19, 76

Richards, Stephen, 69


and fear of building wealth, 55–56

inflation, 55

market, 55

minimizing, 57–68 (See also Self-protection strategies)

Rohn, Jim, 76

Roman, Sanaya, 94

Roosevelt, Eleanor, 60

Rose, H. Raven, 161

Rose, Laura, 34

Roth, Geneen, 31

Rule of 72, 52

Rumination, 85

Sacred Success (Huson), xxiixxiii

Sacred Wealth Circle (Rewire in Action exercise), 150

San Francisco Business Times, xx

Sanders, Bernie, 9

“Sandra,” 156–158

Save more (rule 2 of creating wealth), 46–50

Savings accounts, 46–50

Schwartz, Jeffrey, 4, 6, 18–19, 23, 25, 72, 74, 86, 89, 91–93, 100–101, 106, 118

The Scream (Munch), 119

Secret Shame of Successful Women, 32

Secrets of Six-Figure Women (Huson), xxii

Selective attention, 53, 100

Self-compassion, 33, 108–109

Self-directed neuroplasticity, xxv, 18

Self-doubt, 85

Self-efficacy, 35–37, 50–51

Self-loathing, 33

Self-preservation, 21–22, 84

Self-protection strategies:

diversify, 63–65

education, 57–60

planning, 60–63

time, 65–66

unplug, 67

Self-talk, 124, 175

Semrad, Elvin, 19

Seneca, 39

Separate your thoughts from yourself (Phase 3 of Recognize), 90–92

Serial Seminar Addiction (SSA), 163–164

Shame, 31–35, 108–109

Shave and Save (Rewire in Action exercise), 49

Shetty, Ashweetha, 1

Signs of a Wounded Inner Child (Rewire in Action exercise), 158

Simmons School of Management, 53

60 Minutes, 155, 159

Small doable tasks, taking on (Stage 3 of resistance work), 146–148

Smith, Lisa J., 157

Soft-Wired (Merzenich), 115


Ego vs., 29–30

finding path of, 190

and reframing, 98, 115

and resistance, 133–134

Source (Jaworski), 189

Spend less (rule 1 of creating wealth), 43–46

Spending, tracking your, 44–45

Spirituality, xxv

SSA (Serial Seminar Addiction), 163–164

Stafford, Stewart, 67

Stanford University, 36, 184

Stanley, Thomas, 10

Statement check (Rewire in Action exercise), 68

Stocks, 51, 64

Stress, 181

Stress hormones, 76, 89

“The Stretch,” 119–121

Support, 148–152

importance of, 148

resources for, 151–152

Suppressed emotions:

and anger, 142

anxiety from, 32

dealing with, 89–90

Synchronicity (Jaworski), 121

Taking a break, 111–112

Taking on small doable tasks (Stage 3 of resistance work), 146–148

Taking Stock (Rewire in Action exercise), 77–82

Talk therapy, 34

Templeton, John, 63

Therapy, 34

Thomas, Dionne, 48, 191–196

Thoughts, self separated from, 90–92

Time, as self-protection strategies, 65–66

Tolstoy, Leo, 71

Touchable savings account, 50

Toxic shame, 33

Tracking Your Spending (Rewire in Action exercise), 44

Train Your Mind, Change Your Brain (Begley), 20


mind, 24–28

mindfulness, 35

for resistance, 146 (See also Resistance work)


effects of, 31–35

and healing your inner child, 159

unhealed, 75–76

Trauma Center, 76

UCLA School of Medicine, 18

Unconscious Competence (in Learning Curve), 58

Unconscious Incompetence (in Learning Curve), 58

Unhealed trauma:

rewiring process inhibited and undermined by, 75–76

and Serial Seminar Addiction, 163–164

and stress hormone release, 89

University of Missouri, xiv

University of Oregon, xxvi

University of South Wales, 24

Unlearning, 72

Unplugging, 67

Untouchable savings account, 50

Van der Kolk, Bessel A., 31, 34, 76

Vanguard 500 Index Fund, 63

Vanzant, Iyanla, 153


“Carmela’s” story of, 186

guided, 159–160

to Respond Differently, 178–181

Vitera, Patricia:

and covert reframing, 104–105

in step 1 of Rewire Response (recognize), 83–85, 89–90, 93–94

Volatility Index (VIX), 55

Wage gap, 9–10

Waldman, Mark Robert, 174

Wall Street Journal, 47, 58, 59, 65, 90, 172, 174

Washington Post, 182

Watching your words, 174–178, 186

Wayne, John, 129

Wealth, 39–68

causes of fear around building, 55–56

creating, 41–54 (See also Creating wealth)

and deactivating a triggered limbic system, 57–68 (See also Self-protection strategies)

defining, 40–41

Wealth gap, 9–10

Weight loss, 132

Well-being, 40–41, 174

Wellspring Institute for Neuroscience and Contemplative Wisdom, 19

What Am I Saying? (Rewire in Action exercise), 177–178

What Do I Want? (Rewire in Action exercise), xxvii–xxviii

Where Am I In Resistance? (Rewire in Action exercise), 140

Which Voice are You Listening To? (Rewire in Action exercise), 30–31

Whitman, Walt, 88, 196


failure of, 24

and tracking spending, 46

The Willpower Instinct (McGonigal), 184

Winfrey, Oprah, 107, 155, 159

The Wizard of Oz (movie), 118


and fear of investing, 11–12

financial information processed by, xxiv

money as birthright of, 8

powerful, defining, 106

self-efficacy in, 36–37

Words Can Change Your Brain (Newberg and Waldman), 174

Write Your New Story (Rewire in Action exercise), 197

Yawning, 123, 151

Yoda, 71

You Are Not Your Brain (Schwartz), 6

You Are the Placebo (Dispenza), 15

Zuckerman Institute, 183

Zweig, Jason, 74

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