
As this ebook edition doesn't have fixed pagination, the page numbers below are hyperlinked for reference only, based on the printed edition of this book.


Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) 57

Active Directory integration, on Kubernetes 128

mutating Webhook 128

validating Webhook 128

AD integration

setting up 57, 58

Amazon CloudWatch 143

Amazon CloudWatch Container Insights

using 149-151

Amazon CloudWatch Logs

components 144

log group 144

log stream 144

Amazon EBS CSI driver 109

Amazon EC2 nodes 106

Amazon ECS 15, 22

components 22

fundamentals 22-27

reference link 15

task networking 27-30

Amazon ECS Agent 39-42

Amazon ECS Anywhere

reference link 15

Amazon ECS cluster

deploying, with Terraform 30, 34

Amazon ECS-optimized Windows AMIs 38, 39

Amazon ECS service scheduler 26

daemon strategy 26

replica strategy 26

Amazon EKS

reference link 15

Windows Pod, deploying 129, 130

Amazon EKS cluster

connecting to 130

deploying, with eksctl 175-177

deploying, with Windows nodes using Terraform 113

Amazon EKS node groups 106

AWS Fargate 106

managed node groups 106

self-managed nodes 106

Amazon EKS-optimized Windows AMIs 106

AWS IAM Authenticator 107

containerd 107

CSI proxy 107

Docker 107

kubelet 107

kube-proxy 107

Amazon Elastic Block Storage (EBS) 8

Amazon Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 90

control plane 90, 91

data plane 91, 92

fundamentals 89, 90

limitations 93, 94

Linux node group 91

reference link 15

Windows containers, running 90

Windows node group 91

Windows Pod, deploying 129, 130

Amazon FSx for Windows File Server 62

Amazon Machine Images (AMIs) 153

Amazon VPC Container Network Interface (CNI)

for Windows 92, 93

Amazon Web Services (AWS) 11, 109

using, for Windows containers 11-13

AMIs, with EC2 Image Builder

reference link 172

App2Container (A2C)

workflow 177

Application Load Balancer (ALB) 79

deploying 68-72, 82-84

Auto Scaling group

creating 118, 120

availability zones (AZs) 90

AWS App2Container (A2C)

used, for containerizing Windows applications 177, 178


AWS container orchestrators 15

Amazon ECS 15

Amazon ECS Anywhere 15

Amazon EKS 15

AWS Fargate 15

features 16, 17

AWS Copilot 178

used, for deploying Windows containers 178, 179

AWS Fargate

Hyper-V isolation mode 76

overview 74

process isolation mode 75

reference link 15

AWS Fargate Windows-based task

use cases 79

AWS IAM Authenticator 107

AWS Log Drivers 139

awslogs driver 145

as log processor 145, 146

AWS-managed 98

AWS Nitro

impact, on container performance 13, 14

Nitro Cards 14

Nitro Hypervisor 14

AWS services

deploying 35

AWS Systems Manager (SSM) 39

AWS Task Orchestrator and Executor (AWSTOE) 161

awsvpc mode 29, 30

drawbacks 30

AWS Windows faster launching 77, 163


Center for Internet Security (CIS) 172

Certificate Authority (CA) 108

Cloud Native Computing Foundation (CNCF) 107

cluster 22

IAM roles, creating 114, 115

OpenID Connect endpoint, creating 114, 115

Cluster Autoscaler 102


used, for adding Kubernetes permissions (RBAC) to node level 117

containerd 107

container definition 24, 54

container deployment 55

container image cache strategy

implementation, need for 167, 168

container images

rebuilding 156, 157

container instance 22

container primitives 4

Container Runtime Interface (CRI) 107

containers 4

container scheduling 55

Container Storage Interface (CSI) 109

control groups (Cgroups) 4

Core AMI 38

credential spec (CredSpec) 129

CSI drivers

Amazon EBS CSI driver 109

SMB CSI driver for Kubernetes 109

used for working with persistent storage 109

CSI proxy 107

custom AMI pipeline

building 161-165

custom AMIs

need for 160

custom components

EC2 Image Builder, extending with 171, 172

Custom Resource Definition (CRD) 129


DaemonSet 147

Datacenter version, Windows Server 8

Data Sources 39, 108

default mode

benefits 28

drawbacks 28

use case 28

Docker 107

Dockerfile 143

Domain Name Server (DNS) 108

dotnet-computevirtualization 6

Dynamic Link Library (DLL) 7


EC2 Auto Scaling 159

EC2 console 163

EC2 Image Builder 160-163

extending, with custom components 171, 172

EC2 Windows-based task

definition, deploying 66, 67

scheduling, with Terraform 66

ECS agent 22

ECS-optimized Windows AMI 160

ECS Service

deploying 67-82

ECS Windows container instance 145

eksctl 175

reference link 177

used, for deploying Amazon EKS cluster 175-177

EKS-optimized Windows AMI 160

consuming, with Terraform 108

EKS Windows bootstrap 108, 109

Elastic Block Storage (EBS) 62

Elastic Container Registry (ECR) 16

Elastic Container Service (ECS) 139

Elastic Kubernetes Service (EKS) 139

Elastic Load Balancer (ELB) 132

Elastic Network Interface (ENI) 27

ephemeral hosts 159

Event Log 139

Event Tracing for Windows (ETW) 139


Fargate Windows-based task definition

deploying 80, 81

scheduling, with Terraform 79

Fluent Bit 139, 145, 167

as log processor 146-149

Full AMI 38

Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) 70


generalizing process 77, 164

Group Managed Service Accounts (gMSAs) 15, 58

host computer account, using 59, 60

portable user identity, using 60-62

reference link 59


hcsshim 6

Horizontal Pod Autoscaler 102

host bus adapter world wide name (HBA WWN) 112

Host Compute Service (HCS) 5, 6

Host CPU management 123

Host Network Service (HNS) 107

Hyper-V isolation mode 76


IAM roles

creating, for cluster 114, 115

IAM roles and instance profiles

deploying, with Terraform 31-34

IAM roles for service accounts (IRSA) 114, 147

Identity and Access Managenent (IAM) role 145

Infrastructure as Code (IaC) 130

input-output operation (I/O) 64

instance metadata service (IMDS) 42

instance roles

creating, for Windows and Linux Amazon EC2 nodes 116

Integrated Authentication (IA) 59

Integrated Windows Authentication (IWA) 58

Internet Information Services (IIS) 143

in-tree drivers 12

IP address management (IPAM) 97


job object 6


Kernel-based Virtual Machine (KVM) 14

kubelet 107

kube-proxy 107


persistent volumes, managing 111-113

PVC 111

StorageClass 111

Kubernetes permissions (RBAC)

adding, to node level with ConfigMap 117

Kubernetes signer 128

kube-scheduler 122


launch template

creating, to bootstrap and launch Windows and Linux Amazon EC2 nodes 118

licenses, Windows Server on AWS

bring your own license (BYOL) 8

license included 8

log aggregation and streaming, to Amazon CloudWatch

steps 148

log forwarding 143

awslogs driver, as log processor 145, 146

Fluent Bit, as log processor 146-149

implementing 143, 145

log group 144

Logical Unit Number (LUN) 112

LogMonitor 139

implementing 139-143

LogMonitorConfig.json 141

LogMonitor.exe 141

reference link 140

log stream 144


managed mode groups 106

Microsoft Patch Tuesday 153, 154

Microsoft Security Response Center (MSRC) 153


named pipe 40

namespaces 4

Network Address Translation (NAT) mode 27

network-attached storage (NAS) 14

New Technology File System (NTFS) 62

Nitro Card

for EBS 14

for Instance store 14

for VPC 14

Nitro Hypervisor 14

node group 106


used, for avoiding pod-schedule disruption 100

Non-Volatile Memory Express (NVMe) 14

north-south workflow traffic 27


Open Database Connectivity (ODBC) drivers 7

OpenID Connect endpoint

creating, for cluster 114, 115

operating system (OS) 139

out-of-band patches 153

out-of-memory (OOM) state 122


persistent storage

CSI drivers, used for working with 109

setting up 62-66

PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) 110, 111

deployments 113

StatefulSets 112

Persistent Volumes (PV)

managing, on Kubernetes 111-113

Pod CPU management 123

Pod memory management 122

Pod resource management

exploring 121

pod-schedule disruption

avoiding 98

avoiding, with nodeSelector 100

avoiding, with taints 100-102

avoiding, with tolerations 100-102

PodSpec 107

process isolation mode 75


resource controls 6

implementing, for Windows containers 6

right-sizing pillars, Windows container instance

memory 46

network 46, 47

processor 45

storage 43-45

role-based access control (RBAC) 91

Runtime Class 124

reference link 127

use case 124-128


scheduling priority 123

Secure Hash Algorithms (SHA) 156

security groups

creating 113

deploying 47-51

security identifier (SID) 77, 163

security patch compliance

on Windows container images 154, 155

self-managed nodes 106

serverless Windows containers

Fargate Windows-based task image pull time 78

Fargate Windows-based task start-up time 77

planning for 77

Server Message Block (SMB) 62, 109

service account 58

service-level agreements (SLAs) 16

services 26

site reliability engineer (SRE) 16

SMB CSI driver

for Kubernetes 109

high-level overview 110

workflow 111

SMB Global Mapping 62

standard output (STDOUT) 139, 140

Storage Area Network (SAN) 112

Sysprep generalize process 163

System Center Configuration Manager (SCCM) 3

System Center Operations Manager (SCOM) 4

system resource reservations 124



used, for avoiding pod schedule disruption 100-102

task 22, 25

task definition 22-24, 54, 55

placement constraints 57

placement strategies 55, 56


EC2 Windows-based task, scheduling with 66

Fargate Windows-based task definition, scheduling with 79

need for 30, 31

reference link 30

used, for consuming EKS-optimized Windows AMI 108

used, for deploying Amazon ECS cluster 30, 34

used, for deploying Amazon EKS cluster with Windows nodes 113

used, for deploying Windows container instance 47

using, to deploy IAM roles and instance profiles 31-34

Ticket Granting Ticket (TGT) 59


used, for avoiding pod schedule disruption 100-102


Virtual Filtering Platform (VFP) 107

virtual network interface card (vNIC) 27

virtual switch (vSwitch) 27

VPC admission controller 97


setting up, for Windows support 97, 98

VPC resource controller 97



VPC CNI, setting up 97, 98

Windows and Linux Amazon EC2 nodes

instance roles, creating 116

launch template, creating to bootstrap 118

launch template, creating to launch 118

Windows applications

containerizing, with AWS App2Container 177, 178

Windows-based node

limitations 93, 94

Windows container image 7

Extracted on disk 8

Nano Server 7

security patch compliance 154, 155

Server 7

Server Core 7

sizes, enumerating 8

Windows 7

Windows container instance

deploying, with Terraform 47

right-sizing 42

security groups, deploying 47-51

Windows containers

and gMSA integration 59

AWS, using 11-13

deploying, with AWS Copilot 178, 179

resource controls, implementing 6

significance 3, 4

Windows container startup time and container performance

issues 168, 170

Windows Desktop Experience 38

Windows Host

exploring 121

Windows Network Address Translation (WinNAT) 27

Windows Pod

deploying, on Amazon EKS 129-134

dynamically scaling out 102, 103

Windows Remote Management (WinRM) 178

Windows Server

container primitives, exposing 4

licensing, on AWS 8

resource controls, implementing for containers 6

Windows System Preparation (Sysprep) 77

worker Nodes 106

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