Chapter 6

Macro Expressions

Macro Expressions

There are three types of macro expressions: text, logical, and arithmetic. A text expression is any combination of text, macro variables, macro functions, or macro calls. Text expressions are resolved to generate text. Here are some examples of text expressions:





Logical expressions and arithmetic expressions are sequences of operators and operands forming sets of instructions that are evaluated to produce a result. An arithmetic expression contains an arithmetic operator. A logical expression contains a logical operator. The following table shows examples of simple arithmetic and logical expressions:

Table 6.1 Arithmetic and Logical Expressions

Arithmetic Expressions

Logical Expressions

1 + 2


4 * 3

A < a

4 / 2

1 < &INDEX

00FFx - 003Ax


Defining Arithmetic and Logical Expressions

Evaluating Arithmetic and Logical Expressions

You can use arithmetic and logical expressions in specific macro functions and statements. (See the following table.) The arithmetic and logical expressions in these functions and statements enable you to control the text generated by a macro when it is executed.

Table 6.2 Macro Language Elements That Evaluate Arithmetic and Logical Expressions

%DOmacro-variable=expression %TO expression<%BY expression>;

%DO %UNTIL(expression);

%DO %WHILE(expression);

%EVAL (expression);

%IF expression %THEN statement;






You can use text expressions to generate partial or complete arithmetic or logical expressions. The macro processor resolves text expressions before it evaluates the arithmetic or logical expressions. For example, when you submit the following statements, the macro processor resolves the macro variables &A, &B, and &OPERATOR in the %EVAL function, before it evaluates the expression 2 + 5:

%let A=2;
%let B=5;
%let operator=+;

%put The result of &A &operator &B is %eval(&A &operator

When you submit these statements, the %PUT statement writes the following to the log:

The result of 2 + 5 is 7.

Operands and Operators

Operands in arithmetic or logical expressions are always text. However, an operand that represents a number can be temporarily converted to a numeric value when an expression is evaluated. By default, the macro processor uses integer arithmetic, and only integers and hexadecimal values that represent integers can be converted to a numeric value. Operands that contain a period character (for example 1.0) are not converted. The exception is the %SYSEVALF function. It interprets a period character in its argument as a decimal point and converts the operand to a floating-point value on your operating system.

Note: The values of numeric expressions are restricted to the range of –2**64 to 2**64–1.

Operators in macro expressions are a subset of the operators in the DATA step (Table 6.3 on page 77). However, in the macro language, there is no MAX or MIN operator, and it does not recognize ’:’, as does the DATA step. The order in which operations are performed when an expression is evaluated is the same in the macro language as in the DATA step. Operations within parentheses are performed first.

Note: Expressions in which comparison operators surround a macro expression, as in 10<&X<20, might be the equivalent of a DATA step compound expression (depending on the expression resolution). To be safe, specify the connecting operator, as in the expression 10<&X AND &X<20.

Table 6.3 Macro Language Operators














positive prefix





negative prefix





logical not*

























less than





less than or equal










equal to one of a list**


¬= ^= ~=



not equal*





greater than





greater than or equal





logical and

A=B & C=D




logical or

A=B | C=D

*The symbol to use depends on your keyboard.

** The default delimiter for list elements is a blank. See “MINDELIMITER= System Option” on page 354 for more information.

** Before using the IN (#) operator, see “MINOPERATOR System Option” on page 355.

** When you use the IN operator, both operands must contain a value. If the operand contains a null value, an error is generated.


Integer expressions that contain exponential, multiplication, or division operators and that use or compute values outside the range -9,007,199,254,740,992 to 9,007,199,254,740,992 might get inexact results.

How the Macro Processor Evaluates Arithmetic Expressions

Evaluating Numeric Operands

The macro facility is a string handling facility. However, in specific situations, the macro processor can evaluate operands that represent numbers as numeric values. The macro processor evaluates an expression that contains an arithmetic operator and operands that represent numbers. Then, it temporarily converts the operands to numeric values and performs the integer arithmetic operation. The result of the evaluation is text.

By default, arithmetic evaluation in most macro statements and functions is performed with integer arithmetic. The exception is the %SYSEVALF function. See “Evaluating Floating-Point Operands” on page 79 for more information. The following macro statements illustrate integer arithmetic evaluation:

%let a=%eval(1+2);
%let b=%eval(10*3);
%let c=%eval(4/2);
%let i=%eval(5/3);
%put The value of a is &a;
%put The value of b is &b;
%put The value of c is &c;
%put The value of I is &i;

When you submit these statements, the following messages appear in the log:

The value of a is 3
The value of b is 30
The value of c is 2
The value of I is 1

Notice the result of the last statement. If you perform division on integers that would ordinarily result in a fraction, integer arithmetic discards the fractional part.

When the macro processor evaluates an integer arithmetic expression that contains a character operand, it generates an error. Only operands that contain characters that represent integers or hexadecimal values are converted to numeric values. The following statement shows an incorrect usage:

%let d=%eval(10.0+20.0);  /*INCORRECT*/

The %EVAL function supports only integer arithmetic. The macro processor does not convert a value containing a period character to a number, and the operands are evaluated as character operands. This statement produces the following error message:

ERROR: A character operand was found in the %EVAL function or %IF
condition where a numeric operand is required. The condition was:

Evaluating Floating-Point Operands

The %SYSEVALF function evaluates arithmetic expressions with operands that represent floating-point values. For example, the following expressions in the %SYSEVALF function are evaluated using floating-point arithmetic:

%let a=%sysevalf(10.0*3.0);
%let b=%sysevalf(10.5+20.8);
%let c=%sysevalf(5/3);
%put 10.0*3.0 = &a;
%put 10.5+20.8 = &b;
%put 5/3 = &c;

The %PUT statements display the following messages in the log:

10.0*3.0 = 30
10.5+20.8 = 31.3
5/3 = 1.6666666667

When the %SYSEVALF function evaluates arithmetic expressions, it temporarily converts the operands that represent numbers to floating-point values. The result of the evaluation can represent a floating-point value, but as in integer arithmetic expressions, the result is always text.

The %SYSEVALF function provides conversion type specifications: BOOLEAN, INTEGER, CEIL, and FLOOR. For example, the following %PUT statements return 1, 2, 3, and 2 respectively:

%let a=2.5;
%put %sysevalf(&a,boolean);
%put %sysevalf(&a,integer);
%put %sysevalf(&a,ceil);
%put %sysevalf(&a,floor);

These conversion types modify the value returned by %SYSEVALF so that it can be used in other macro expressions that require integer or Boolean values.


Specify a conversion type for the %SYSEVALF function. If you use the %SYSEVALF function in macro expressions or assign its results to macro variables that are used in other macro expressions, then errors or unexpected results might occur if the %SYSEVALF function returns missing or floating-point values. To prevent errors, specify a conversion type that returns a value compatible with other macro expressions. See “%SYSEVALF Function” on page 273 for more information about using conversion types.

How the Macro Processor Evaluates Logical Expressions

Comparing Numeric Operands in Logical Expressions

A logical, or Boolean, expression returns a value that is evaluated as true or false. In the macro language, any numeric value other than 0 is true and a value of 0 is false.

When the macro processor evaluates logical expressions that contain operands that represent numbers, it converts the characters temporarily to numeric values. To illustrate how the macro processor evaluates logical expressions with numeric operands, consider the following macro definition:

%macro compnum(first,second);
   %if &first>&second %then %put &first is greater than &second;
   %else %if &first=&second %then %put &first equals &second;
   %else %put &first is less than &second;
%mend compnum;

Invoke the COMPNUM macro with these values:


The following results are displayed in the log:

1 is less than 2
-1 is less than 0

The results show that the operands in the logical expressions were evaluated as numeric values.

Comparing Floating-Point or Missing Values

You must use the %SYSEVALF function to evaluate logical expressions containing floating-point or missing values. To illustrate comparisons with floating-point and missing values, consider the following macro that compares parameters passed to it with the %SYSEVALF function and places the result in the log:

%macro compflt(first,second);
   %if %sysevalf(&first>&second) %then %put &first is greater than
   %else %if  %sysevalf(&first=&second) %then %put &first equals
   %else %put &first is less than &second;
%mend compflt;

Invoke the COMPFLT macro with these values:

%compflt (1.2,.9)
%compflt (-.1,.)
%compflt (0,.)

The following values are written in the log:

1.2 is greater than .9
-.1 is greater than .
0 is greater than .

The results show that the %SYSEVALF function evaluated the floating-point and missing values.

Comparing Character Operands in Logical Expressions

To illustrate how the macro processor evaluates logical expressions, consider the COMPCHAR macro. Invoking the COMPCHAR macro compares the values passed as parameters and places the result in the log.

%macro compchar(first,second);
   %if &first>&second %then %put &first comes after &second;
   %else %put &first comes before &second;
%mend compchar;

Invoke the macro COMPCHAR with these values:


The following results are printed in the log:

a comes before b
. comes before 1
Z comes after E

When the macro processor evaluates expressions with character operands, it uses the sort sequence of the host operating system for the comparison. The comparisons in these examples work with both EBCDIC and ASCII sort sequences.

A special case of a character operand is an operand that looks numeric but contains a period character. If you use an operand with a period character in an expression, both operands are compared as character values. This can lead to unexpected results. So that you can understand and better anticipate results, look at the following examples.

Invoke the COMPNUM macro with these values:


The following values are written to the log:

10 is less than 2.0

Because the %IF-THEN statement in the COMPNUM macro uses integer evaluation, it does not convert the operands with decimal points to numeric values. The operands are compared as character strings using the host sort sequence, which is the comparison of characters with smallest-to-largest values. For example, lowercase letters might have smaller values than uppercase, and uppercase letters might have smaller values than digits.


The host sort sequence determines comparison results. If you use a macro definition on more than one operating system, comparison results might differ because the sort sequence of one host operating system might differ from the other system. See the Chapter 55, “SORT Procedure” in Base SAS Procedures Guide for more information about host sort sequences.

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