Chapter 3

Macro Variables

Macro Variables

Macro variables are tools that enable you to dynamically modify the text in a SAS program through symbolic substitution. You can assign large or small amounts of text to macro variables, and after that, you can use that text by simply referencing the variable that contains it.

Macro variable values have a maximum length of 65,534 characters. The length of a macro variable is determined by the text assigned to it instead of a specific length declaration. So its length varies with each value that it contains. Macro variables contain only character data. However, the macro facility has features that enable a variable to be evaluated as a number when it contains character data that can be interpreted as a number. The value of a macro variable remains constant until it is specifically changed. Macro variables are independent of SAS data set variables.

Note: Only printable characters should be assigned to macro variables. Non-printable values that are assigned to macro variables can cause unpredictable results.

Macro variables defined by macro programmers are called user-defined macro variables. Those defined by the macro processor are called automatic macro variables. You can define and use macro variables anywhere in SAS programs, except within data lines.

When a macro variable is defined, the macro processor adds it to one of the program’s macro variable symbol tables. The variable is held in the global symbol table, which the macro processor creates at the beginning of a SAS session when the following occurs:

• a macro variable is defined in a statement that is outside a macro definition (called open code)

• the variable is created automatically by the macro processor (except SYSPBUFF)

When a macro variable is defined within a macro and is not specifically defined as global, the variable is typically held in the macro’s local symbol table. SAS creates the local symbol table when the macro starts executing. For more information about symbol tables, see “SAS Programs and Macro Processing” on page 13 and “Scopes of Macro Variables” on page 47.

When it is in the global symbol table, a macro variable exists for the remainder of the current SAS session. A variable in the global symbol table is called a global macro variable. This variable has global scope because its value is available to any part of the SAS session (except in CARDS or DATALINES statements). Other components of SAS might create global macro variables, but only those components created by the macro processor are considered automatic macro variables.

When it is in a local symbol table, a macro variable exists only during execution of the macro in which it is defined. A variable in a local symbol table is called a local macro variable. It has local scope because its value is available only while the macro is executing. “SAS Programs and Macro Processing” on page 13 contains figures that illustrate a program with a global and a local symbol table.

You can use the %PUT statement to view all macro variables available in a current SAS session. See “%PUT Statement” on page 321 and also in “Macro Facility Error Messages and Debugging” on page 124.

Macro Variables Defined by the Macro Processor

When you invoke SAS, the macro processor creates automatic macro variables that supply information related to the SAS session. Automatic variables are global except SYSPBUFF, which is local.

To use an automatic macro variable, reference it with an ampersand followed by the macro variable name (for example, &SYSJOBID). This FOOTNOTE statement contains references to the automatic macro variables SYSDAY and SYSDATE9:

footnote "Report for &sysday, &sysdate9";

If the current SAS session is invoked on December 16, 2011, macro variable resolution causes SAS to receive this statement:

FOOTNOTE "Report for Friday, 16DEC2011";

Automatic macro variables are often useful in conditional logic such as a %IF statement with actions determined by the value that is returned. For more information, see “%IF-%THEN/%ELSE Statement” on page 307.

You can assign values to automatic macro variables that have read and write status. However, you cannot assign a value to an automatic macro variable that has read-only status. The following table lists the automatic macro variables that are created by the SAS macro processor and the read and write status.

Use %PUT _AUTOMATIC_ to view all available automatic macro variables.

There are also system-specific macro variables that are created only on a particular platform. These are documented in the host companion, and common ones are listed in “Writing Efficient and Portable Macros” on page 145. Other SAS software products also provide macro variables, which are described in the documentation for the product that uses them. Neither of these types of macro variables are considered automatic macro variables.

Table 3.1 Automatic Macro Variables by Category




Read and Write


Unmatched text from %INPUT



The current condition code that SAS returns to your operating environment (the operating environment condition code)



Last unrecognized command from the command line of a macro window



Name of current graphics device



Return code that reflects an action taken on a damaged data set



Name of most recent SAS data set in two fields



Return code set by the FILENAME statement



Name of most recent SAS data set in one field



Return code set by the LOCK statement



Return code set by the LIBNAME statement



Value of the LOGAPPLNAME option



Message for display in macro window



Value specified with the SYSPARM= system option



Text of macro parameter values



Various system-related return codes



The number of bits of an address



The character width value



Value of the current running phase of the DATA step



The character value representing the date a SAS job or session began executing (two-digit year)



The character value representing the date a SAS job or session began executing (four-digit year)



Day of week SAS job or session began executing



Name of the SAS session encoding



An indication of the byte order of the current session



Foreground or background indicator



Return code set by SAS procedures and the DATA step



Text of the last error message formatted for display on the SAS log



The operating environment information if the HOSTINFOLONG option is specified



The host name of the operating environment



Number of macros that have begun execution during this session



Return code information



Name of current batch job or user ID (varies by host environment)



Name of current executing macro



Current macro execution environment



The current number of processors that SAS might use in computation



The number of observations in the last data set created by a procedure or DATA step



The value of the ODS ESCAPECHAR= from within the program



The value of the PATH variable in the Output Delivery System (ODS)



The process ID of the current SAS process



The name of the current SAS session run mode or server type



The process name of the current SAS process



The name of current procedure being processed



The abbreviation of an operating system



The name of an operating system



The number assigned to your site



The length in bytes of a long integer in the current session



The size in bytes of a pointer



The length in bytes of a Unicode character in the current session



The ID generated from the last STARTSAS statement



The process name generated from the last STARTSAS statement



The host names of the local and remote operating environments when multiple TCP/IP stacks are supported



The character value of the time a SAS job or session began executing



The time zone name based on TIMEZONE option



The time zone ID based on TIMEZONE option



The current time zone offset based on TIMEZONE option



The user ID or login of the current SAS process



The release or version number of SAS software executing



The release number and maintenance level of SAS software with a 2-digit year



The release number and maintenance level of SAS software with a 4-digit year



Text of the last warning message formatted for display on the SAS log

Macro Variables Defined by Users

Overview for Defining Macro Variables

You can create your own macro variables, change their values, and define their scope. You can define a macro variable within a macro, and you can also specifically define it as a global variable, by defining it with the %GLOBAL statement. Macro variable names must start with a letter or an underscore and can be followed by letters or digits. You can assign any name to a macro variable as long as the name is not a reserved word. The prefixes AF, DMS, SQL, and SYS are not recommended because they are frequently used in SAS software when creating macro variables. Thus, using one of these prefixes can cause a name conflict with macro variables created by SAS software. For a complete list of reserved words in the macro language, see “Reserved Words in the Macro Facility” on page 375. If you assign a macro variable name that is not valid, an error message is printed in the SAS log.

You can use %PUT _ALL_ to view all user-created macro variables.

Creating User-Defined Macro Variable Names

The simplest way to create a user-defined macro variable is to use the macro program statement %LET:

%let dsname=Newdata;

DSNAME is the name of the macro variable. Newdata is the value of the macro variable DSNAME. The following are the rules for creating a macro variable:

  1. SAS macro variable names can be up to 32 characters in length.

  2. The first character must begin with a letter or an underscore. Subsequent characters can be letters, numeric digits, or underscores.

  3. A macro variable name cannot contain blanks.

  4. A macro variable name cannot contain double-byte character set (DBCS) characters.

  5. A macro variable name cannot contain any special characters other than the underscore.

  6. Macro variable names are case insensitive. For example, cat, Cat, and CAT all represent the same variable.

  7. You can assign any name to a macro variable as long as the name is not a reserved word. The prefixes AF, DMS, SQL, and SYS are not recommended because they are frequently used in SAS software for automatic macro variables. Thus, using one of these prefixes can cause a name conflict with an automatic macro variable. For a complete list of reserved words in the macro language, see “Reserved Words in the Macro Facility” on page 375. If you assign a macro variable name that is not valid, an error message is printed in the SAS log.

Assigning Values to Macro Variables

The simplest way to assign a value to a macro variable is to use the macro program statement %LET:

%let dsname=Newdata;

DSNAME is the name of the macro variable. Newdata is the value of the macro variable DSNAME. The value of a macro variable is simply a string of characters. The characters can include any letters, numbers, or printable symbols found on your keyboard, and blanks between characters. The case of letters is preserved in a macro variable value. Some characters, such as unmatched quotation marks, require special treatment, which is described later.

If a macro variable already exists, a value assigned to it replaces its current value. If a macro variable or its value contains macro triggers (% or &), the trigger is evaluated before the value is assigned. In the following example, &name is resolved to Cary and then it is assigned as the value of city in the following statements:

%let name=Cary;
%let city=&name;

Generally, the macro processor treats alphabetic characters, digits, and symbols (except & and %) as characters. It can also treat & and % as characters using a special treatment, which is described later. It does not make a distinction between character and numeric values as the rest of SAS does. (However, the “%EVAL Function” on page 253 and “%SYSEVALF Function” on page 273 can evaluate macro variables as integers or floating point numbers.)

Macro variable values can represent text to be generated by the macro processor or text to be used by the macro processor. Values can range in length from 0 to 65,534 characters. If you omit the value argument, the value is null (0 characters). By default, leading and trailing blanks are not stored with the value.

In addition to the %LET statement, the following list contains other features of the macro language that create macro variables:

• iterative %DO statement

• %GLOBAL statement

• %INPUT statement

• INTO clause of the SELECT statement in SQL

• %LOCAL statement

• %MACRO statement

• SYMPUT and SYMPUTX routine and SYMPUTN routine in SCL

• %WINDOW statement

The following table describes how to assign a variety of types of values to macro variables.

Table 3.2 Types of Assignments for Macro Variable Values



Constant text

A character string. The following statements show several ways that the value maple can be assigned to macro variable STREET. In each case, the macro processor stores the five-character value maple as the value of STREET. The leading and trailing blanks are not stored.

%let street=maple;

%let street=          maple;
%let street=maple          ;

Note: Quotation marks are not required. If quotation marks are used, they become part of the value.


The appropriate digits. This example creates the macro variables NUM and TOTALSTR:

%let num=123;
%let totalstr=100+200;

The macro processor does not treat 123 as a number or evaluate the expression 100+200. Instead, the macro processor treats all the digits as characters.

Arithmetic expressions

The %EVAL function, for example,

%let num=%eval(100+200); / * produces 300 * /

use the %SYSEVALF function, for example,

%let num=%sysevalf(100+1.597); / * produces 101.597 * /

For more information, see “Macro Evaluation Functions” on page 164.

A null value

No assignment for the value argument, for example,

%let country=;

A macro variable reference

A macro variable reference, &macro-variable. For example,

%let street=Maple;
%let num=123;
%let address=&num &street Avenue;

This example shows multiple macro references that are part of a text expression. The macro processor attempts to resolve text expressions before it makes the assignment. Thus, the macro processor stores the value of macro variable ADDRESS as 123 Maple Avenue.

You can treat ampersands and percent signs as literals by using the %NRSTR function to mask the character. This causes the macro processor to treat it as text instead of trying to interpret it as a macro call. For more information, see “Macro Language Elements” on page 159 and Macro Quoting on page 84.

A macro invocation

A macro call, %macro-name. For example,

%let status=%wait;

When the %LET statement executes, the macro processor also invokes the macro WAIT. The macro processor stores the text produced by the macro WAIT as the value of STATUS.

To prevent the macro from being invoked when the %LET statement executes, use the %NRSTR function to mask the percent sign:

%let status=%nrstr(%wait);

The macro processor stores %wait as the value of STATUS.

Blanks and special characters

Macro quoting function %STR or %NRSTR around the value. This action masks the blanks or special characters so that the macro processor interprets them as text. See “Macro Quoting Functions” on page 165. For example,

%let state=%str( North Carolina);
%let town=%str(Taylor%'s Pond);
%let store=%nrstr(Smith&Jones);
%let plotit=%str(
       proc plot;
         plot income*age;

The definition of macro variable TOWN demonstrates using %STR to mask a value containing an unmatched quotation mark. “Macro Quoting Functions” on page 165 discuss macro quoting functions that require unmatched quotation marks and other symbols to be marked.

The definition of macro variable PLOTIT demonstrates using %STR to mask blanks and special characters (semicolons) in macro variable values. When a macro variable contains complete SAS statements, the statements are easier to read if you enter them on separate lines with indentions for statements within a DATA or PROC step. Using a macro quoting function retains the significant blanks in the macro variable value.

Value from a DATA step

The SYMPUT routine. This example puts the number of observations in a data set into a FOOTNOTE statement where AGE is greater than 20:

data _null_;
   set in.permdata end=final;
   if age>20 then n+1;
   if final then call symput('number',trim(left(n)));
footnote "&number Observations have AGE>20";

During the last iteration of the DATA step, the SYMPUT routine creates a macro variable named NUMBER whose value is the value of N. (SAS also issues a numeric-to-character conversion message.) The TRIM and the LEFT functions remove the extra space characters from the DATA step variable N before its value is assigned to the macro variable NUMBER.

For a discussion of SYMPUT, including information about preventing the numeric-character message, see “CALL SYMPUT Routine” on page 234.

Using Macro Variables

Macro Variable Reference

After a macro variable is created, you typically use the variable by referencing it with an ampersand preceding its name (&variable-name), which is called a macro variable reference. These references perform symbolic substitutions when they resolve to their value. You can use these references anywhere in a SAS program. To resolve a macro variable reference that occurs within a literal string, enclose the string in double quotation marks. Macro variable references that are enclosed in single quotation marks are not resolved. Compare the following statements that assign a value to macro variable DSN and use it in a TITLE statement:

%let dsn=Newdata;
title1 "Contents of Data Set &dsn";
title2 'Contents of Data Set &dsn';

In the first TITLE statement, the macro processor resolves the reference by replacing &DSN with the value of macro variable DSN. In the second TITLE statement, the value for DSN does not replace &DSN. SAS sees the following statements:

TITLE1 "Contents of Data Set Newdata";
TITLE2 'Contents of Data Set &dsn';

You can refer to a macro variable as many times as you need to in a SAS program. The value remains constant until you change it. For example, this program refers to macro variable DSN twice:

%let dsn=Newdata;
data temp;
   set &dsn;
   if age>=20;

proc print;
   title "Subset of Data Set &dsn";

Each time the reference &DSN appears, the macro processor replaces it with Newdata. SAS sees the following statements:

      IF AGE>=20;

      TITLE "Subset of Data Set NewData";

Note: If you reference a macro variable that does not exist, a warning message is printed in the SAS log. For example, if macro variable JERRY is misspelled as JERY, the following produces an unexpected result:

%let jerry=student;
data temp;
  x="produced by &jery";

This code produces the following message:

WARNING:  Apparent symbolic reference JERY not resolved.

Combining Macro Variable References with Text

It is often useful to place a macro variable reference next to leading or trailing text (for example, DATA=PERSNL&YR.EMPLOYES, where &YR contains two characters for a year), or to reference adjacent variables (for example, &MONTH&YR). You can reuse the same text in several places or to reuse a program because you can change values for each use.

To reuse the same text in several places, you can write a program with macro variable references representing the common elements. You can change all the locations with a single %LET statement, as shown:

%let name=sales;
   data new&name;
      set save.&name;
      more SAS statements
      if units>100;

After macro variable resolution, SAS sees these statements:

      more SAS statements
      IF UNITS>100;

Notice that macro variable references do not require the concatenation operator as the DATA step does. SAS forms the resulting words automatically.

Delimiting Macro Variable Names within Text

Sometimes when you use a macro variable reference as a prefix, the reference does not resolve as you expect if you simply concatenate it. Instead, you might need to delimit the reference by adding a period to the end of it.

A period immediately following a macro variable reference acts as a delimiter. That is, a period at the end of a reference forces the macro processor to recognize the end of the reference. The period does not appear in the resulting text.

Continuing with the example above, suppose that you need another DATA step that uses the names Sales1, Sales2, and Insales.Temp. You might add the following step to the program:

/*  first attempt to add suffixes--incorrect  */
data &name1 &name2;
   set in&name.temp;

After macro variable resolution, SAS sees these statements:


None of the macro variable references have resolved as you intended. The macro processor issues warning messages, and SAS issues syntax error messages. Why?

Because NAME1 and NAME2 are valid SAS names, the macro processor searches for those macro variables rather than for NAME, and the references pass into the DATA statement without resolution.

In a macro variable reference, the word scanner recognizes that a macro variable name has ended when it encounters a character that is not used in a SAS name. However, you can use a period ( . ) as a delimiter for a macro variable reference. For example, to cause the macro processor to recognize the end of the word NAME in this example, use a period as a delimiter between &NAME and the suffix:

/*  correct version  */
data &name.1 &name.2;

SAS now sees this statement:


Creating a Period to Follow Resolved Text

Sometimes you need a period to follow the text resolved by the macro processor. For example, a two-level data set name needs to include a period between the libref and data set name.

When the character following a macro variable reference is a period, use two periods. The first is the delimiter for the macro reference, and the second is part of the text.

set in&name..temp;

After macro variable resolution, SAS sees this statement:


You can end any macro variable reference with a delimiter, but the delimiter is necessary only if the characters that follow can be part of a SAS name. For example, both of these TITLE statements are correct:

title "&name.--a report";
   title "&name--a report";

They produce the following:

TITLE "sales--a report";

Displaying Macro Variable Values

The simplest way to display macro variable values is to use the %PUT statement, which writes text to the SAS log. For example, the following statements write the following result:

%let a=first;
%let b=macro variable;
%put &a ***&b***;

Here is the result:

first ***macro variable***

You can also use a “%PUT Statement” on page 321 to view available macro variables. %PUT provides several options that enable you to view individual categories of macro variables.

The system option SYMBOLGEN displays the resolution of macro variables. For this example, assume that macro variables PROC and DSET have the values GPLOT and Sasuser.Houses, respectively.

options symbolgen;
title "%upcase(&proc) of %upcase(&dset)";

The SYMBOLGEN option prints to the log:

SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable PROC resolves to gplot
SYMBOLGEN:  Macro variable DSET resolves to sasuser.houses

For more information about debugging macro programs, see “Macro Facility Error Messages and Debugging” on page 124.

Referencing Macro Variables Indirectly

Using an Expression to Generate a Reference

The macro variable references shown so far have been direct macro references that begin with one ampersand: &name. However, it is also useful to be able to indirectly reference macro variables that belong to a series so that the name is determined when the macro variable reference resolves. The macro facility provides indirect macro variable referencing, which enables you to use an expression (for example, CITY&N) to generate a reference to one of a series of macro variables. For example, you could use the value of macro variable N to reference a variable in the series of macro variables named CITY1 to CITY20. If N has the value 8, the reference would be to CITY8. If the value of N is 3, the reference would be to CITY3.

Although for this example the type of reference that you want is CITY&N, the following example will not produce the value of &N appended to CITY:

%put &city&n;  /* incorrect */

This code produces a warning message saying that there is no macro variable CITY because the macro facility has tried to resolve &CITY and then &N and concatenate those values.

When you use an indirect macro variable reference, you must force the macro processor to scan the macro variable reference more than once. This process will resolve the desired reference on the second, or later, scan. To force the macro processor to rescan a macro variable reference, you use more than one ampersand in the macro variable reference. When the macro processor encounters multiple ampersands, its basic action is to resolve two ampersands to one ampersand. For example, for you to append the value of &N to CITY and then reference the appropriate variable name, do the following:

%put &&city&n;  /* correct */

If &N contains 6, when the macro processor receives this statement, it performs the following steps:

  1. resolves && to &

  2. passes CITY as text

  3. resolves &N into 6

  4. returns to the beginning of the macro variable reference, &CITY6, starts resolving from the beginning again, and prints the value of CITY6

Generating a Series of Macro Variable References with a Single Macro Call

Using indirect macro variable references, you can generate a series of references with a single macro call by using an iterative %DO loop. The following example assumes that the macro variables CITY1 through CITY10 contain the respective values Cary, New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Austin, Boston, Orlando, Dallas, Knoxville, and Asheville:

%macro listthem;
  %do n=1 %to 10; &&city&n
%mend listthem;

%put %listthem;

This program writes the following to the SAS log:

Cary   New York   Chicago   Los Angeles   Austin   Boston
Orlando     Dallas     Knoxville     Asheville

Using More Than Two Ampersands

You can use any number of ampersands in an indirect macro variable reference, although using more than three is rare. Regardless of how many ampersands are used in this type of reference, the macro processor performs the following steps to resolve the reference.

%let var=city;
%let n=6;
%put &&&var&n;

  1. It resolves the entire reference from left-to-right. If a pair of ampersands (&&) is encountered, the pair is resolved to a single ampersand, then the next part of the reference is processed. In this example, &&&VAR&N becomes &CITY6.

  2. It returns to the beginning of the preliminary result and starts resolving again from left-to-right. When all ampersands have been fully processed, the resolution is complete. In this example, &CITY6 resolves to Boston, and the resolution process is finished.

Note: A macro call cannot be part of the resolution during indirect macro variable referencing.

TIP In some cases, using indirect macro references with triple ampersands increases the efficiency of the macro processor. For more information, see “Writing Efficient and Portable Macros” on page 145.


Manipulating Macro Variable Values with Macro Functions

When you define macro variables, you can include macro functions in the expressions to manipulate the value of the variable before the value is stored. For example, you can use functions that scan other values, evaluate arithmetic and logical expressions, and remove the significance of special characters such as unmatched quotation marks.

To scan for words in macro variable values, use the %SCAN function:

%let address=123 maple avenue;
%let frstword=%scan(&address,1);

The first %LET statement assigns the string 123 maple avenue to macro variable ADDRESS. The second %LET statement uses the %SCAN function to search the source (first argument) and retrieve the first word (second argument). Because the macro processor executes the %SCAN function before it stores the value, the value of FRSTWORD is the string 123.

For more information about %SCAN, see “%SCAN and %QSCAN Functions” on page 260. For more information about macro functions, see “Macro Language Elements” on page 159.

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