Lesson 12. Using Hangouts for Video Chat

In this lesson, you learn how to use Google+ Hangouts to conduct a video chat.

Understanding Hangouts

Although Google+ offers many ways to share, connect, and collaborate with others, there are times when you can’t beat face-to-face communication. For those times, Google+ offers Hangouts.

Plain English: Hangouts

Google+ Hangouts enable you to participate in live video chats with up to 10 other Google+ users. Using Hangouts, you can casually chat with people in your circles or plan a hangout with specific people. You can also incorporate YouTube videos into your hangouts.

Preparing to Use Hangouts

Before getting started with Hangouts, be sure that you have all the required equipment, software, and plug-ins.

To participate in a hangout, you must

• Use a computer with a 2Ghz dual-core processor or greater and one of the following operating systems: Windows 7, Windows Vista with SP1 or later, Windows XP, Mac OS X 10.5+, Chrome, or Linux.

• Have a webcam, microphone, and speakers. A headset is optional but produces better audio results.

• Use one of the following browsers: Google Chrome 10+, Microsoft Internet Explorer 8+, Mozilla Firefox 3+, or Safari 4+.

• Have bandwidth of 900kbps (up/down) for one-on-one hangouts or 900kbps/1800kbps (up/down) for group hangouts.

• Install Google’s voice and video chat plug-in. Lesson 11, “Chatting on Google+,” described the installation of this plug-in. If you haven’t installed it, however, you can do so at www.google.com/chat/video.

Note: Can I Participate in a Hangout from a Mobile Device?

You can participate in a hangout using an Android 2.3+ mobile device or an iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch with iOS 4+. A front-facing camera is also required. See Lesson 14, “Using Google+ Mobile,” for more information.

Viewing the Hangouts Page

To get started with Google+ Hangouts, click the Hangouts icon on the Google+ ribbon. Figure 12.1 shows the Hangouts page, which opens.


Figure 12.1. Explore the latest hangouts.

On this page, you can learn more about hangouts, watch or join an existing hangout, or start your own hangout.

Starting a Hangout

To start a hangout, follow these steps:

1. On the right side of any Google+ page, click the Hang Out button, as shown in Figure 12.2.


Figure 12.2. Hang out with friends on Google+.

Tip: Check Out Other Ways to Hang Out

You can also start a hangout by clicking the Hangouts icon on the Google+ ribbon and then clicking the Start a Hangout button in the upper-right corner of the Hangouts page. Alternatively, click the Start a Hangout About This Post button at the bottom of any post in the stream. Another option is to go to http://plus.google.com/hangouts to access the Google+ Hangouts page directly from the Web.

2. Click the Settings button in the Google+ Hangouts window, as shown in Figure 12.3.


Figure 12.3. Set up Hangouts before using it the first time.

Tip: Skip Setup If You’ve Already Used Hangouts

If you’ve used Hangouts before and feel confident that your settings are accurate, you can skip steps 3 through 5. If you’re new to Hangouts, however, these steps are essential.

3. In the Settings dialog box, shown in Figure 12.4, verify that your webcam, microphone, and speakers work properly. Optionally, you can select the appropriate camera, microphone, and speakers from the drop-down lists.


Figure 12.4. Verify your settings before starting to hang out.

Note: I’m Having a Setup Problem

If you’re having problems with your webcam or microphone, click the Help Link in the Settings dialog box, which opens a page with troubleshooting tips. Common reasons for Hangouts setup problems are not installing the voice and video chat plug-in (www.google.com/chat/video), not turning up your microphone volume, or an outdated webcam driver.

4. Click the Save Settings button to save your changes and close the dialog box.

5. Specify who you want to hang out with. Your options include the following:

Everyone in your circles. By default, Google+ makes your hangout available to everyone in your circles. If you don’t want to make this hangout available to this wide an audience, click the Delete icon (x) on the right side of the Your Circles button.

People in specific circles. To hang out only with people in a specific circle or circles, click the Add More People link. In the menu that opens (see Figure 12.5), select the circle or circles you want to include. For example, you could start a hangout with family members, work friends, and so forth. When you’re finished selecting circles, click outside the menu to close it.


Figure 12.5. You can choose the specific circles and people you want to hang out with.

A specific person. This enables you to start a private hangout with another Google+ user. You can click the photo of a person on the right side of the window or type the person’s name in the text box and select from the pop-up menu of potential matches (see Figure 12.6).


Figure 12.6. You can hang out with just one person.

Caution: Think Carefully About Who You Want to Hang Out With

Although you can choose to make your hangout available to your extended circles or even the general public, you should think twice before doing so. If someone you don’t know or who is disruptive joins a hangout, you can’t remove this person without ending the entire hangout. Because only 10 people can participate in a hangout at one time, hangouts are best suited to small group communication.

6. If you want to place calls to landline and mobile phones during your hangout, click the Telephone link. Throughout 2012, calls to the United States and Canada are free.

7. Enter a name for your hangout in the Name This Hangout text box. This enables potential participants to know what your hangout is about.

8. Select the Enable Hangouts on Air check box if you want to produce a public broadcast. This feature enables you to start a hangout with up to 10 active participants and then choose to let anyone on the Web watch your live broadcast. You can also record Hangouts on Air as YouTube videos for later playback. To learn more, click the question mark next to this check box.

9. If your topic is suited to an adult audience, select the Restrict Minors from Joining This Hangout check box.

10. Click the Hang Out button to open the Google+ Hangouts window (see Figure 12.7) where you can start your hangout. Be aware that your video feed is now live.


Figure 12.7. Open the Google+ Hangouts window to start your hangout.

Google+ alerts the people you chose to hang out with in step 5. As soon as they join, you can start participating in your hangout. See “Joining a Hangout” later in this lesson for more information about how people join a hangout.

Note: My Hangout Isn’t Working Properly

If you’re having problems with a hangout, verify that you meet the system requirements specified in “Preparing to Use Hangouts” and that you tested your webcam, microphone, and speakers in step 4. If you did this and are still having problems, try closing any unnecessary programs you have open. If that doesn’t work, end your hangout, restart your computer, and start a new hangout.

Inviting People to a Hangout

Once your hangout gets started, you—or anyone in your hangout—can always invite more people. Remember, however, that no matter how many people you invite, Google+ allows only 10 people in a hangout at one time.

To invite people to an in-progress hangout, follow these steps:

1. In the Google+ Hangouts window, click the Invite More button (refer to Figure 12.7).

2. Click the Add Names, Circles, or Email Addresses link and select the circle or circles you want to invite. Optionally, you can also enter the name of a specific person you want to hang out with.

3. Click the Invite button to invite the selected people to the hangout.

Google+ alerts the people you invited to your hangout. See “Joining a Hangout” later in this lesson for more information about how people join a hangout.

Joining a Hangout

Google+ notifies you about hangouts in several ways, each of which enables you to easily join the hangout. When someone in one of your circles is hanging out, Google+:

Displays a post on your stream. Click the Hang Out button to participate. Figure 12.8 shows a sample post for a hangout.


Figure 12.8. Learn about hangouts from your Google+ stream.

Sends you a notification. Click the Notifications button in the upper-right corner of any Google+ page, click the right arrow on a hangout notification, and click the Hang Out button to join (see Figure 12.9).


Figure 12.9. Join a hangout with the click of a button.

Note: Google+ Disables Notifications for Large Groups

If more than 25 people are invited to a hangout (such as the inclusion of a large circle), Google+ won’t display a notification. Google+ will alert you to the hangout in your stream, however.

Displays an invite on the right side of the page. Click the Hang Out button to join.

If someone invites you personally to a hangout (selects your name rather than a circle you belong to), Google+ alerts you about the hangout in the chat window, shown in Figure 12.10. You must be signed in to chat to view this alert. Click the Join Hangout button to join the hangout or click the Ignore button if you don’t want to participate. If the hangout ends, the window closes automatically.


Figure 12.10. Learn about personal invitations to hang out in your chat window.

Adding Group Text Chat to a Hangout

You can add text-based chat to your hangout for another way to communicate with your group. Unlike traditional chats, Google+ doesn’t retain a record of a chat conducted during a hangout.

To add group text chat to your hangout, follow these steps:

1. Click the Chat button in the upper-left corner of the Google+ Hangouts window (refer to Figure 12.7).

2. In the text box at the bottom of the chat window, type your text and press the Enter key on your keyboard. Google+ displays your text in the chat window for everyone in the hangout to see, just as it does with a regular chat (see Figure 12.11).


Figure 12.11. Participating in group text chat.

3. Participate in group text chat during your hangout.

4. Click the Chat button again to close the chat window.

Tip: Add Some Emotion to Your Group Text Chats

You can add some emotion to your text with an emoticon, such as a smiley face, sad face, or heart. To do so, click the smiley face icon in the lower-right corner of the chat window. A pop-up box with numerous emoticon possibilities opens, as shown in Figure 12.12. You can select any of these to add a personal touch to your chats. Google+ also converts any text-based emoticon you enter—such as “:-)” to create a smiley face—to a graphic icon in your chat.


Figure 12.12. Add emotion to your text chat with emoticons such as a smiley face.

Adding Apps to Your Hangouts

To add more interactivity to your hangouts, Google+ enables you to incorporate a variety of applications including YouTube, Google Docs, SlideShare, and others.

Using Screenshare During a Hangout

If you want to discuss something that’s on your computer screen during a hangout, you can use the screenshare feature to do so. For example, you could review a presentation or collaborate on a document with a group of people using screenshare.

To use screenshare during your hangout, follow these steps:

1. Click the Screenshare button in the upper-left corner of the Google+ Hangouts window (refer to Figure 12.7).

2. In the GoogleTalk Screen Sharing Request dialog box, select the window you want to share.

3. Click the Share Selected Window button. The dialog box closes and your shared window displays in your hangout (see Figure 12.13).


Figure 12.13. Select an open window you want to share with people in your hangout.

4. To stop sharing, click the Screenshare button again.

Adding YouTube Video to Your Hangout

To add more interactivity to your hangouts, Google+ gives you the option of viewing YouTube videos while you’re hanging out. Anyone in the hangout can play a YouTube video, not just the person who started the hangout.

To play a YouTube video during your hangout, follow these steps:

1. Click the YouTube button at the top of the Google+ Hangouts window (refer to Figure 12.7).

2. Type a search term in the search box in the upper-right corner of the screen and click the Search button. For example, you can search for your own videos by entering your name. Optionally, you can play one of the random videos that display in the Featured Videos section.

3. Select the video you want to play from the search results, as shown in Figure 12.14.


Figure 12.14. Select a YouTube video to play in your hangout.

4. Watch the video during your hangout (see Figure 12.15).


Figure 12.15. Watching a video during a hangout.

5. By default, Google+ mutes everyone in the hangout while the YouTube video plays. If you want to talk during the video playback, click the Push to Talk button. Alternatively, you can click the Mute button in the lower-left corner of the YouTube player, which mutes the video soundtrack and unmutes your hangout microphone.

6. Click the YouTube button again to close the video.

Applying Google Effects to Your Hangout

To apply special effects during your hangout, click the Google Effects button at the top of the Google+ Hangouts window and select an effect from the available options. For example, you can apply humorous effects such as headwear, eyewear, and facial hair. Obviously, these effects aren’t suited to every hangout and are most appropriate when you’re hanging out just for fun. Click the Remove All button to remove all effects. Click the Close button (x) to close the Effects pane.

Using Google Docs During a Hangout

To integrate Google Docs with your hangout, click the Google Docs button at the top of the Google+ Hangouts window. Using this feature, you can also create shared notes and a shared sketchpad.

Adding Other Apps

To add other applications to your hangout, click the Add App button and choose your preferred app. Options include SlideShare (to share SlideShare presentations) or Cacoo for Hangouts (online drawing tool).

Muting During a Hangout

To control sounds and activity during a hangout, you can do the following:

• Turn off your microphone by clicking the On button (with microphone icon) in the upper-right corner of the Google+ Hangouts window (refer to Figure 12.7). Google+ notifies the other people in your hangout that you’re muted by displaying the Mute icon in the upper-right corner of your video thumbnail. For example, if you need to talk to someone else or answer the phone while you’re in a hangout, you should mute yourself. You can return to the conversation by clicking the Off button, which replaces the On button when you’re muted. (It acts as a toggle.)

• Mute a loud or boisterous hangout participant by pausing your mouse over this person’s video thumbnail and clicking the Mute button to the right of this person’s name. Be aware, however, that muted participants can unmute themselves at any time.

• Turn off your webcam by clicking the On button (with video icon) in the upper-right corner of the Google+ Hangouts window (refer to Figure 12.7). Google+ replaces your video thumbnail with a black screen until you click the Off button when you’re camera-ready again (see Figure 12.16).


Figure 12.16. Go black until you’re ready to face the camera again.

Ending a Hangout

To end a hangout, click the Exit button in the upper-right corner of the Google+ Hangouts window (refer to Figure 12.7).


In this lesson, you learned how to participate in video chat using Google+ Hangouts. Next, have some fun playing games on Google+.

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