Q1:My local site path is set to the root of my whole Web site, and I want to use the file upload feature to push all kinds of files into my Web space, not just material connected with my weblog. Is there anything wrong with that?
A1: Well, there's not really anything wrong with it. As long as Movable Type has the ability to write to the directories you want to upload into, it will work fine. However, you're still going to need to have an FTP or shell client of some sort on hand to handle things like deleting files or viewing the contents of directories. In short, I'd use the file upload feature in a pinch, or if I happened to already be logged in when I needed to put a file up, but I wouldn't really rely on it as my primary means of placing files on my server.
Q2:I have several authors who post to my weblog, but I don't want them all to be able to upload files to my Web server. How can I control that?
A2: You can allow uploading privileges on an author-by-author basis. Back in Hour 8, “Managing Multiple Authors,” you saw that one of the options you can set on the Edit Permissions screen is whether or not an author can upload files. Simply disable this option for the authors you don't want uploading files to your server.
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