1:If the Web was invented after Perl, why is Perl a CGI language?
A1: Perl is a CGI language for the same reason that computers are used to play games—it's not what they were invented for—they're just good at it. The next hour presents a more detailed explanation of why Perl is a good CGI language.
2:I posted to Usenet and got a rude, flaming response. What should I do?
A2: First, does that flame contain some good advice? If so, take that and throw the rudeness away. Otherwise, just ignore it and go on. Life's too short to be wasted in a flamewar.
3:Is there an easy way to search CPAN?
A3: Yes! The Web page at http://search.cpan.org contains a general search function and allows you to browse recent changes to CPAN and look through the modules by category.
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