Chapter 19. Creating Web Services with Other Toolkits

In Hours 1318, we examined some of the well-known Web services toolkits. Although they are the more popular toolkits from the larger vendors, it does not always mean that they are better. Because Web services are still a fairly young technology, there are still many smaller companies and groups offering competing solutions. In some cases, these offerings fill needs the larger companies have ignored. In this hour, we’ll examine the following toolkits:

For each toolkit, we’ll also demonstrate how to build a client using the toolkit, and in the case of GLUE and SOAP::Lite, how to build a service as well. Finally, we’ll discuss some of the advantages of each tool.

The Mind Electric GLUE

One of the smaller, yet very popular, Java-oriented Web services toolkits is GLUE by The Mind Electric. The company’s slogan for GLUE is “The Power of Java, the Simplicity of .NET.” In many cases, GLUE delivers on this promise and as such has built up quite a following in the Java-based Web services community since its introduction in August 2001.

One of the great features of GLUE is its capability to work either as a complete server or as the Web services module for another application server product (such as Websphere). When running as a standalone server, it supports JSP, servlets, JMS, and many other features typically found in full-fledged application servers.

The package itself is also quite small (around 500K). It comes in two versions: Standard and Professional. The Professional version adds a number of features, but the Standard version is quite capable in its own right for performing Web services development.

GLUE can be used to build both clients and services. For the service side, the user builds her code, and a simple Java servlet is wrapped around it, providing the SOAP interface. The system comes with a series of tools to create WSDL from java classes and vice versa.

Finally, the best part about GLUE is the price. In most noncommercial and even in many commercial situations, the package is free for 30 days.


The Mind Electric GLUE

See the terms and conditions for the GLUE product license at for the Standard version and for the Professional version.

GLUE provides full support of all the current standards including SOAP 1.1 and 1.2, UDDI 1 and 2, SOAP headers, SOAP with attachments, and so on. As such, GLUE is one of the most fully featured toolsets available at this time. Several benchmarks have also shown it to be quite fast compared to many of the other popular solutions. Also of interest is GLUE’s excellent integration with Enterprise Java Beans (EJB). This capability allows for easy exposure of your EJB services via Web services.

Building a Service with GLUE

Let’s build a simple service with GLUE to show you how it’s done. Later, we’ll build a client that can access this service also with GLUE. For our example, we’ll make a service that has two methods. The first will take a temperature sent to it in degrees F and return the equivalent temperature in degrees C. The second method will perform the opposite conversion. The code for our simple service can be seen in Listing 19.1.

Example 19.1. A Class to Perform Temperature Conversions

public class TempConverter
    public double CtoF(double degreesC)
      System.out.println("finding the F equivalent for "
         +degreesC+" degrees C");
      return (9.0/5.0)*degreesC+32.0;

    public double FtoC(double degreesF)
       System.out.println("finding the C equivalent for "
          +degreesF+" degrees F");
       return (degreesF-32.0)*(5.0/9.0);

As you can see from the code, there is nothing specific to GLUE or Web services added to the code. It looks like any other Java class you might write to perform this function.

In order for GLUE to turn the TempConverter class into a Web service, it is necessary to write a small wrapper program. This wrapper program will register the class with the server and assign it a specific service name. The code for the wrapper can be found in Listing 19.2.

Example 19.2. The GLUE Wrapper That Makes TempConverter Act As a Service

import electric.registry.Registry;
import electric.server.http.HTTP;

public class TempConverterService
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
        , new TempConverter());

In this file, we first import a pair of support classes provided by GLUE: Registry and HTTP. We then create a Java class that contains a main() method, so we can run it as a program. That main method establishes an HTTP connection to the GLUE server, and then instructs the GLUE service registry to create a new entry for TempConverter and instantiates a copy of TempConverter for use.

If you downloaded the code from the Web site, you will find these two java files in the webservice24hoursch19glueservice directory. You can compile both of these files by typing the following command:

javac *.java

Provided everything is installed and configured correctly, you should receive no compile errors. Start the service up by typing:

java TempConverterService

You should see the following output:

[STARTUP] GLUE standard 4.0b2 © 2001-2003 The Mind Electric
[STARTUP] soap/http server started on http://thismachinesIPaddress>:8888/glue

That’s all there is to it. You now have a service running on GLUE ready to handle requests.

Building a Client Application with GLUE

Now that you have a service running on GLUE, let’s access it with a client written using GLUE. As normal, the first part of writing a client is to access the service’s WSDL to determine the call structure. GLUE provides an excellent tool called wsdl2java that will take a WSDL and build the needed interface and helper classes for you.

If you downloaded the code from Sams’ Web site, you should find a directory named webservice24hoursch19glueclient. Open a new command-line window and CD to that directory. Then type the following command to generate the interface classes using wsdl2java:

wsdl2java http://localhost:8888/glue/urn:TempConverter.wsdl

You should get back the following output:

[STARTUP] GLUE standard 4.0b2 © 2001-2003 The Mind Electric
write file
write file

If you perform a DIR command, you will see that two new java files were created corresponding to the ones named in the output from the wsdl2java command you ran. Let’s briefly examine those files. can be seen in Listing 19.3 and is shown in Listing 19.4.

Example 19.3. The File Created by the wsdl2java Tool

// generated by GLUE standard 4.0b2 (wsdl2java) on
// Sun Feb 02 15:35:44 EST 2003
public interface ITempConverter
  double CtoF( double arg0 );
  double FtoC( double arg0 );

Example 19.4. The File Created by the wsdl2java Tool

// generated by GLUE standard 4.0b2 (wsdl2java)
//on Sun Feb 02 15:35:44 EST 2003
import electric.registry.Registry;
import electric.registry.RegistryException;

public class TempConverterHelper
  public static ITempConverter bind()
       throws RegistryException
    return bind("http://localhost:8888/glue/urn:TempConverter.wsdl");

  public static ITempConverter bind(String url)
       throws RegistryException
    return (ITempConverter) Registry.bind(url,ITempConverter.class);

As you can see from Listing 19.3, ITempConverter is a simple interface that lists the two methods found in our service. That’s all it does!

In Listing 19.4, you see the code for TempConverterHelper. This class is responsible for performing the actual binding of the method calls from our client to the service. You’ll notice that two versions of the bind method are given. The first takes no parameters and will create a binding to the exact service location that we provided during the wsdl2java tool invocation. The other is a more generic version that allows us to specify a different service URL. This can be helpful when you build both your client and service on one machine, and then deploy them on different machines because you can then specify their new addresses.

Now that we have the support classes created, let’s go ahead and build a client to call them. We have provided a simple client in the webservice24hoursch19glueclient directory called The code for this file can be found in Listing 19.5.

Example 19.5. The File Is Our Client Program

import electric.registry.Registry;

public class TempClient
   public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception
         System.out.println("You must give temp and scale.");
         System.out.println("For instance: 21 F");

      if(!(args[1].equals("C") || args[1].equals("F")))
         System.out.println("Incorrect Temperature Scale.");
         System.out.println(" You must specify either 'F' or 'C'");
      ITempConverter tempconverter = TempConverterHelper.bind();
      String temp_as_string = args[0];
      double starttemp = (new Double(temp_as_string)).doubleValue();
      double endtemp;
         endtemp = tempconverter.FtoC(starttemp);
         System.out.println("The equivalent temperature is: "+endtemp
            +" degrees C");
      else if(args[1].equals("C"))
         endtemp = tempconverter.CtoF(starttemp);
         System.out.println("The equivalent temperature is: "+endtemp
            +" degrees F");

Only part of this program is any different than it would be if the TempConverter class was local—the line where we instantiate the class. Instead of creating an instance of the TempConverter, we create an ITempConverter reference and link it to an object that the TempConverterHelper class gives us after binding to the remote service. Then we call and use this reference as though it were a normal local object.

To run our client, first double-check that you have the service up and running in another window. Then, in this window, type the following:

java TempClient 100 C

You should get the following output:

The equivalent temperature is: 212.0 degrees F

In the service window, you should see output such as this:

Finding the F equivalent for 100.0 degrees C

That’s all there is to it. GLUE takes care of all the heavy lifting. This is one of the reasons that it has become so popular in the Java developer community. There is a lot more to GLUE than what we’ve shown here though. The Mind Electric provides excellent documentation on its product, and a number of good references are on the Web that can show you how to build more complex systems using GLUE. If you’re planning to do a Java-based Web services project, GLUE is an excellent choice and is highly recommended.


In late 2000, Simon Fell released the first version of PocketSOAP. His goal was to implement a mechanism to enable Web services to be easily built for Microsoft PocketPC-based PDAs (hence the “Pocket” in “PocketSOAP”). Because PocketPC machines are small and low powered, his goal was only to create a system to enable these machines to act as clients, not to provide a framework for building services.

Over the course of time, PocketSOAP has expanded its reach and capabilities. It now supports all versions of Windows from Windows 95 (OSR2) up to the current Windows XP releases, as well as PocketPC 2000 and 2002.

How is this any different from the Microsoft .NET platform? First of all, .NET will not run on Windows 95 or 98; PocketSOAP will. Second, the .NET tools for PocketPC are in beta at the time of this writing (although they should be released by the time you read this). PocketSOAP supports SwA (MIME-based attachments), which Microsoft seems to have no plans to do in .NET. As a result, PocketSOAP is a good alternative to .NET in some situations.

PocketSOAP really should be considered as one of a group of tools. They are

  • PocketSOAP—Provides both message and RPC-style (section 5) SOAP communications.

  • PocketXML-RPC—Provides RPC-XML style Web services (as opposed to SOAP-based communications).

  • WSDL Wizard—Helps create proxies based on a WSDL definition. The proxies are generated as Visual Basic 6 classes. The proxy classes can then be used by PocketSOAP or PocketXML-RPC.

  • PocketSOAP TransportPak—Provides additional transports other than HTTP for PocketSOAP.

  • 4s4c—A package for creating SOAP-based services. It exposes COM objects as Web services that can be called.

  • TcpTrace—An excellent tool for monitoring SOAP communications.

  • PcapTrace—Another monitoring tool similar to TcpTrace, but one that monitors through the Windows Packet Capture library.

  • ProxyTrace—Another tool for monitoring HTTP SOAP traffic. Works better with WSDL than TcpTrace.

The current version of PocketSOAP is 1.4.1. This version supports DIME, SOAP with attachments, Section 5 (RPC style) encoding, complex objects, multidimensional arrays, and HTTP 1.1. The current version is SOAP 1.1–compliant only, however. Upcoming versions are expected to include SOAP 1.2 support.

PocketSOAP has been tested to work cleanly against many of the other Web services toolkits such as Axis, GLUE, .NET, SOAP::Lite, XMLBus, and many others. As such, there is no reason to think it wouldn’t work when communicating with any other standards-compliant services.



An excellent Yahoo! group is set up at The developers of PocketSOAP and many of the supporting tools frequent the message board here and provide excellent assistance. If you run into problems with PocketSOAP, post to the message board here for help.

Now that you’ve gotten the background on PocketSOAP, let’s build a simple example client with it.



Appendix C, “Installing and Configuring Other Toolkits,” contains instructions on how to download and set up PocketSOAP and the various supporting tools.

Building a Client Application with PocketSOAP

Because PocketSOAP is meant for client-side development only, we’ll build our example client to communicate with a service found on the Web services directory site. In this case, we’ll write a client to interface with the Weather-Temperature service found on the site. Weather-Temperature takes a U.S. ZIP Code and returns the current temperature to the client.

PocketSOAP allows the developer to write client code in a number of languages. In this case, we’ll use VBScript because it is built in and readily available on all Windows-based machines.

In order to write our client, we’ll need to first examine the methods that the Weather-Temperature service understands. To do this, open your browser and point it to Scroll to the bottom of the page. Near the bottom is the link for Weather-Temperature. Clicking on the link opens up some initial details about the service. The first point of interest on this page is the endpoint value. We’ll need this for our code, so remember where you see it.

In the yellow block near the top of the screen is a link named Analyze WSDL. Click that link to get the WSDL analysis page provided by xmethods. This new page tells us the name of the service, the number of methods it supports, the call style, the transport protocol it uses, and the endpoint information again.

Click on the link that says 1 Operation. At this point, a new screen will appear listing the methods this service supports, the SOAP Action (in this case, none), the call style (in this case, RPC), and the input and output messages. If you click on the links for Input or Output message, you’ll see the list of parameters that this method expects, their types, and so on.

From the information in the screens we just viewed, we can conclude that a service with an endpoint at responds to a single method call named getTemp, which takes a single String parameter for the ZIP Code and returns a float for the temperature. You’ll note that we could also have gotten all this information by examining the WSDL file. (There’s a link for it on the main page for this service.) This method is just a bit easier for us humans.

Now that we have the specifics we need to call the service, let’s write our client. We’ll make it take a single parameter at the command line that contains the ZIP Code of the area in the United States that we want to get the temperature of. It will then build up the SOAP call, make the communication with the service, and get back the results. The results will be displayed in a small pop-up dialog box on our screen. Listing 19.6 shows the code for our example client.

Example 19.6. The Example Temperatureclient.vbs File Retrieves the Current Temperature for a U.S. ZIP Code Through the Weather-Temperature Service Found on

' get the command line parameter
dim objArgs
set objArgs = WScript.Arguments

' Create a new envelope object,
'this is the core part of any pocketSOAP usage.
dim env
set env = CreateObject("pocketSOAP.Envelope.2")

' set the methodName and methodname Namespace values
env.SetMethod "getTemp", "urn:xmethods-Temperature"

' create the parameter, pass along the zip code the user types
' at the command line.
env.Parameters.Create "zipcode", objArgs(0)

' now, we need to send the SOAP request to the
' endpoint, so we create a transport object
dim http
set http = CreateObject("pocketSOAP.HTTPTransport.2")

' we need to set the SOAPAction header
http.SOAPAction = ""
' now we send the request, the call to env.serialize,
' takes the envelope object we've been working with
' and serializes it out to the SOAP/XML format for sending.
strLoc = ""
http.Send strLoc, env.serialize

' now, we need to parse the SOAP message we get as a response
env.parse http

' and now, extract the return value
wscript.echo "Temp for "&objArgs(0)&"="&env.Parameters.Item(0).Value

Let’s examine the code of our client and see how the PocketSOAP system comes into play. In the first three lines, we do some setup to retrieve the ZIP Code as a command-line parameter to be passed in at runtime.

Next, we’ll set up the SOAP envelope object:

dim env
set env = CreateObject("pocketSOAP.Envelope.2")

Then, we’ll tell it what method we’re calling and from which service:

env.SetMethod "getTemp", "urn:xmethods-Temperature"

In this next step, we’ll pass in the parameters for the getTemp method. In this case, we’re going to pass in the "zipcode", which is stored in objArgs(0):

env.Parameters.Create "zipcode", objArgs(0)

Okay, now that the envelope for our request is all built, we’ll need to set up the transport object. We’ll do that with the next two lines of code:

Dim http
Set http = CreateObject("pocketSOAP.HTTPTransport.2")

No SOAP action is required for this method, so we’ll tell the transport not to use anything for it:

http.SOAPACtion = ""

At this point, all the setup work is finished. Now, we can make the actual call out to the service. We do that with these lines:

StrLoc = ""
http.Send strLoc, env.serialize

Next, we need to parse out the response. We can reuse the envelope object by using it to store the data returned by the http.Send command that we just executed. We’ll need to tell the envelope to parse the data that http returns to it. We do that here:

env.parse http

Now that we have the results, we report them back to the user:

Wscript.echo "Temp for "&objArgs(0)&"="&env.Parameters.Item(0).Value

As you can see, we requested the results of the service call by getting the first item’s value out of the envelope.

To run our new client, open a command prompt, navigate to the directory that you have the code in, and then type the following:

TemperatureClient.vbs 30096

You can replace the 30096 with any valid U.S. ZIP Code. The remote service will be called, and you should get back a prompt similar the one in Figure 19.1, but with a different temperature depending on current weather conditions.

Results of the TemperatureClient VBScript program, utilizing the Weather-Temperature service on

Figure 19.1. Results of the TemperatureClient VBScript program, utilizing the Weather-Temperature service on

As you can see, the process of using PocketSOAP is quite simple and easy to understand. Although we have demonstrated using only the PocketSOAP package to build your client and having to get the needed information manually, it is possible to automate some of this by making use of the WSDL Wizard and other tools found on the PocketSoap Web site. Regardless, the limited work involved in building Web service clients using PocketSOAP and its wide range of language support and features should make it quite useful to anyone looking to quickly prototype a Web service client.


SOAP::Lite is a Perl-based toolkit built to provide Web service capability through the Perl language. It has proven to be very popular with many users, particularly the UNIX crowd because Perl is usually found on most UNIX machines. SOAP::Lite is actually part of a suite of tools that provide the various pieces of the Web services puzzle. These tools include UDDI::Lite, XMLRPC::Lite, and XML::Parser::Lite.

Currently, SOAP::Lite supports SOAP 1.1, 1.2, the SOAP with attachments specifications, WSDL schemas, multiple transports such as MQSeries and Jabber, and COM interface capabilities. SOAP::Lite can be used to build both the client and service sides of the equation.

Building a Service with SOAP::Lite

In order to demonstrate the SOAP::Lite system, we’ll once again use our Temperature Conversion example. We’ll write a service using SOAP::Lite that will convert temperatures in degrees Celsius to degrees Fahrenheit and vice versa.

In Listing 19.7, you can see how easy it is to write the Perl SOAP::Lite-based service.

Example 19.7. The Web Service Program

#!perl -w
use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;
  -> dispatch_to('TemperatureConverters')
  -> handle;
package TemperatureConverters;
sub c2f
    my ($class, $degreesc) = @_;
    return 32+($degreesc*9/5);
sub f2c
    my ($class, $degreesf) = @_;
    return (5/9)*($degreesf-32);

This Perl code looks very similar to virtually any other Perl model except for the first couple of lines. Just to be sure that we understand what’s happening, let’s walk through the code line by line.

#!perl -w

This line tells the computer what to do with this code. Here, we’re indicating that this is Perl code and to use the Perl runtime interpreter to execute it.

use SOAP::Transport::HTTP;

Here, we’re indicating what transport mechanism to use for the SOAP communications. In this case, we’re indicating HTTP. We could have chosen Jabber or any number of others supported by SOAP::Lite.


Here is where we set up the linkage between the Web server’s CGI engine and the SOAP::Lite engine. We’re telling SOAP::Lite to accept calls to the CGI via HTTP and route them to the TemperatureConverters package. It will be the one responsible for returning the results.

package TemperatureConverters;

Here we’re declaring the package that our functions will be referenced by.

The rest of the code simply builds the two conversion functions—one for converting Celsius to Fahrenheit and the other to go in the opposite direction.

To deploy this service, simply place the file into the IIS default Web server’s cgi-bin subdirectory with the name

Building a Client Application with SOAP::Lite

Much as you saw that building services using SOAP::Lite was easy, so to is it relatively simple to write clients using the SOAP::Lite tools. Here we’ll examine how to write a client to use our new SOAP::Lite service. The code for our client can be seen in Listing 19.8.

Example 19.8. The SOAP::Lite Temperature Conversion Client

#!perl -w
use SOAP::Lite;

my $soap = SOAP::Lite
  -> uri('')
  -> proxy(''),
print "Enter the temperature you wish to convert";
print "
print "for example: 100.0";
print "
$temp = <STDIN>;
print "
Enter the scale to convert FROM (either C or F)
$scale = <STDIN>;

if($scale =~"C")
   print $soap
     -> c2f($temp)
     -> result;
   print " degrees F";
elsif($scale =~ "F")
   print $soap
     -> f2c($temp)
     -> result;
   print" degrees C";
   print "You must enter a valid scale. Either C or F";

Let’s examine this code as we did with the service. First, we start out with the usual declaration telling the system what to do with the file:

#!perl -w

We then tell the Perl runtime engine that we want to make use of the SOAP::Lite service module and that we want to link this code to the TemperatureConvertors module found in the file. This sets up the call binding for us to make use of the functions found in the service:

use SOAP::Lite;

my $soap = SOAP::Lite
  -> uri('')
  -> proxy(''),

In the remaining code, we request some input from the user, both the temperature and then the scale that the users are converting from. Depending on which scale the user tells us he is converting from, we pick the correct function of the service and call it. We take the results and display them back out to the user.

Now that we have the code for our client, let’s try it out. Type the following command:


You should see the following prompt:

Enter the temperature you wish to convert
for example: 100.0

Enter a value, say 212 (the boiling point of water in degrees F) and press the Enter key. You’ll next be prompted to enter the scale you’re converting from as seen here:

Enter the scale to convert FROM (either C or F)

In this case, type in the letter F and press Enter. You should get back the following results:

100 degrees C

That’s all there is to it. Try the program a few more times, entering different values for the temperature and the scale, and see what happens.

As you can see, there isn’t much involved in terms of creating the binding to the remote service. This really is the only difference between calling the remote functions and what would be needed for calling local ones. That’s why SOAP::Lite has the word lite in its name!


The SOAP::Lite Temperature Conversion Client

Although the view of SOAP::Lite that we have shown is very basic, it should be enough to get you started. Much like the other tools we’ve examined in this hour, a good support group can be found on the Yahoo! Groups system at


In this hour, we briefly covered several additional Web services toolkits. Each of these products, although not quite as big as the others we’ve looked at in this book, are quite capable and have strong followings among the developer communities that they service. We’ve seen how to build services for deployment on GLUE and SOAP::Lite. In addition, we’ve seen how to write clients on each of the toolsets that can talk to and use those services. We also have examined where each toolset’s strength in the market lies and what makes it unique in relation to other offerings.

Although we’ve only shown the basics for how to use each of these toolsets, they all have a lot more to offer. We encourage the reader to look into each of these tools further because each contains a wealth of capabilities.



You’ve only covered the basics for creating and deploying a service. Is there more involved with these packages?


Although it is true that we have only demonstrated the very basics in order to give you an idea how to get up and running, each of these toolsets has a lot more to it. If you are interested in using any of them, we encourage you to explore the online documentation and ask questions of the various discussion boards found online for each of these tools.


What is different or lacking in these tools compared to the others covered in this book?


Frankly, nothing is missing from any of these toolsets. Each is quite capable of providing complete Web services capabilities (albeit some with add-on packages in the case of PocketSOAP and SOAP::Lite). We simply chose not to cover these toolsets as extensively because they are less likely to be found in a commercial development setting.


This section is designed to help you anticipate possible questions, review what you’ve learned, and begin learning how to put your knowledge into practice.



What are the advantages of using PocketSOAP instead of .NET if both work on MS platforms?


Can you write services in PocketSOAP?


What is the name of the tool in GLUE that builds the helper classes from a WSDL schema?


What transport protocols are supported by SOAP::Lite?

Quiz Answers


PocketSOAP was available first. At the time of this writing, no .NET system is available for PocketPC, and PocketSOAP supports some of the older versions of languages such as VB6.


No, PocketSOAP is for client-side development only. However, an excellent package called 4s4c provides service creation capabilities from COM objects.




A good number—HTTP, Jabber, MQSeries, and so on.



Take a look at the documentation for each of these packages. Each has a lot more to it than what we’ve covered in this hour. If you’re planning to use one of these for a project, you’ll need to be aware of the additional information and capabilities.


Pick the toolset of your choice and attempt to make a client to interface with some service available on the site.


Pick the toolset of your choice and attempt to write your own version of one of the services found on the site. See if you can make yours do the same sort of work as one of theirs.

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