

acceptable use policies See AUPs
access control, 121, 124, 126–7, 132, 136, 178
acceptable use practices, 159–61, 165, 167, 196–7, 247–8, 254
security controls, 136–7, 142, 147
statistics, 14
threats to, 95, 98, 102, 106–7, 109, 241–2
Flickr, 22
Twitter, 18, 70–2, 233–5
applications, 33–88
accessing Twitter data, 233–6
geo-togg, 28
location-based, 28
SaaS, 131
social media, 7
Web 2.0, 4, 6
Web 2.0 patterns, 22–3
within social media sites, 107, 161–2
within Twitter, 18
architecture of participation, 25–6
centralized, 90
information, 140
patterns, 21, 23
peer-to-peer, 21
streaming on Twitter, 233
acceptable use practices, 169
cloud computing, 110
Mumbai, 48
security controls, 118, 123–4, 138, 147
to information systems in public sector, 94–7
types of attack, 236–8
attackers, 97, 110, 118
AUPs, 166, 169, 171, 247–54
Australian Secret Intelligence Service, 95
bodies involved in security, 149–50
bogus Twitter account, 106
school online media, 178


BitTorrent, 5, 21
Blackboard, 176, 255
brand name, 104


citizen reporters, 69–70
acceptable use practices, 159, 165
banning, 13
e-participation, 38, 40–3, 46–54
emergencies, 59–73
law enforcement, 55–6
monitoring what they say, 41
online services to, 2–3
other uses of Twitter, 79
security controls, 129, 132, 136, 142, 146, 151
threats, 108, 110–11
CFP: Technology Policy ’08, 3
relevant to topic of book, 229–30
using videos, 59
Web 2.0, 4
cost-benefits, 207


Dept of Trade and Industry, 91


Edmodo, 181
acceptable use practices, 159, 161, 164
attachments, 103
begging, 102
Grum botnet, 102
marketing, 35
phishing, 100, 194
retention, 108, 131
security controls, 132, 139, 194–200
usage in schools, 179–80, 182
enterprise applications, 42


Facebook, 9–12, 35, 58
AUPs, 158, 160, 166, 247–8, 250, 253
Facebook Places, 28
future, 27
in court, 55
inter site communication, 17
law enforcement, 56
role in political events, 39–40, 43, 45
schools, 181
security controls, 135, 147, 192, 196
sentiment analysis, 76
tag gardening, 22
fires, 62–3


general public See citizens
AUPs, 157–71
call for citizen engagement, 1–3
Chinese websites, 95
cyber attacks, 89, 94
cybersecurity bodies and acts, 117, 119, 148–50
GovLoop, 46, 177
impersonation of a minister, 106
international aid, 80
involvement in school online media, 178, 182
jury service, 55
overthrowing governments, 13, 38–9
politicians’ usage of social media, 43–4
security controls, 119–53
sharing of information, 46–7
threats from government, 96, 119
US school expenditure, 57
US Twitter accounts, 79
Web 2.0 applications, 33, 37–8, 48–54
wisdom of the crowd, 42
VIPs comments about government, 45–6
group Twitter accounts, 79


acceptable use practices, 163–5
Google, 6
security controls, 139, 201
threat, 102–4, 200


IBM Center for the Business of Government, 229
Information Systems Audit and Control Association, 137
integrity, 90–1, 94, 120, 123–4, 126, 143–4, 252
international aid, 80–2
See also Web 2.0
access, 2
bots, 237, 239
IP, 134
large file transfer, 5
statistics, 9
teaching and learning, 57
transport layer security, 245
trusted connection, 134, 192, 199
Voice over Internet Protocol, 134


learning communities, 59, 179
lecture in Singapore, 152
Liu, Betty, 10–11


Malaysia, 43, 92
AUPs, 158
security controls, 118–19, 130, 133, 140–1, 143, 190–1, 194, 199–202
threats, 111
uses of social media, 37, 41–2, 52, 60–1, 68, 71–3, 78
marketing, 23, 35–6, 54–5
McFaul, Michael A., 44
microblogging, 13–18, 46, 119, 158 See also Twitter


commercial, 36
Google News, 10
Habitat, 107
harness collective intelligence, 6–7
impact, 80
law enforcement, 56
News International, 96
sharing, 76, 81
statistics, 10
newspaper, 7, 39, 43, 69
NGOs, 46, 80
nonce, 118, 239
nonprofit organizations, 45, 167
notification system, 255


online participation See participatory
OPEN Forum, 36
open government, 1–3
outward sharing, 46, 143


parents, 178–85, 255–6
acceptable use practices, 159, 165, 171, 251–4
open public services, 2–4
schools, 175–87
security controls, 117–56
Web 2.0, 4, 6, 23, 25–6
as web content, 7, 10, 76, 100, 108, 177, 247
e-petitions, 52
ease of creation, 39
Flickr, 22, 24–5
Google, 37
police, 39, 46, 56, 111, 162
AUPs, 157–71, 202
general security, 90
schools, 177–8, 184
poll, 38, 81
postings, 132, 179, 249, 254
privacy, 91–4
acceptable use practices, 159–60, 166, 169, 247–8, 250, 254
policy-making, 3
secure computing, 243–4
security controls, 120–1, 124, 130, 132, 139, 147, 149–52, 195–7
threats, 106–7, 110
public forum, 147, 252
public service applications, 33–88
public service employees, 166–71, 251–4


Quantcast, 14–16


risk, 129 See also security risks
risk management, 82, 119, 121, 129, 141


sandbox, 135, 192
schools, 175–87
acceptable use policies, 169–71
products for parental involvement, 255–6
security threats, 109
social media for teaching and learning, 56–9
security, 90–4
security breach, 98, 135, 146, 151, 190
security control plan, 202
security controls, 82, 90, 97, 107, 117–56, 189–203
online media in schools, 177–9, 182
security risks, 89–115
due to increased contacts, 106
due to increased use, 98, 130
internet awareness, 137
Singapore, 11, 39, 45, 152–3
SMS, 14
social media, 1–32
social media sites, 1–32
social networking, 9–11
names, 11
open public services, 3, 40
sentiment analysis, 76
teaching and learning, 56
trust, 92–3


technical controls, 132–8, 147
technology skills, 58
collaborative production, 49
Facebook and Twitter policy, 248
in secure computing, 243–6
of service agreement, 127
participation-collaboration pattern, 6
security objectives, 91
threats, 89–115
train users, 141, 146, 193, 195, 200–1
computing, 245
internal and external, 126
internet connection, 134, 192, 199
National Strategy for Trusted Identities in Cyberspace, 118
path, 122
platform module, 243, 245
site, 158, 200
third party, 243, 246
Trusted Computing Group, 245
user, 133, 159, 161, 196
trusted path, 122
trusted third party, 243, 246
tweet, 14, 16–17 #, 43
application programming interface, 233–6
direct messages, 111
example, 78
monitoring of, 41
sentiment analysis, 76, 78
shortened URLs, 104
use by public figures, 43–4
use in emergencies, 61–73, 111
uses, 79
Twitter See tweet
Twitter users, 14–15


advice for schools, 170–1
blog, 9, 12
bodies involved in security, 150
BT Tradespace, 35
Communications Electronics Security Group, 145
e-petitions, 51
Facebook users, 9
FireEye, 102
Get Safe Online, 166
hacking, 95
Parent Teacher Online, 255
police, 56, 111
risk management, 129
social media in court, 55
UK Security and Resilience Industry Suppliers’ Community, 150
US government, 2, 46, 96, 119, 149, 201


Web 2.0, 1–28
web page:, 137
hyperlink, 6, 103–4, 163
Like page, 109
Million Dollar Homepage, 7
Mumbai attack, 48
of public service department, 142, 247–8, 250
online communication between home and school, 180
Syrian revolution, 39
user’s profile page, 14, 17, 107, 136, 159, 169, 195–6
World Wide Web, 1–28


YouTube, 6–7, 10, 20–1, 23, 34, 43, 59, 82, 180
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