sa account, SQL-Injection Attacks, Locking Down SQL Server
sandboxes, Deploy and Run Your Application in the .NET Security Sandbox
scalability, effect on DoS attacks, Mitigating Threats
scenarios, attack, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan, Create a Blueprint of Your Application, Create Scenarios Based on Inroads for Attack, Get Focused—Prioritize Scenarios, Get Focused—Prioritize Scenarios, Get Focused—Prioritize Scenarios, Generate Tests
attacker’s view, taking, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan
brainstorming, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan
creating based on inroads, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
defined, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan
generating tests for, Get Focused—Prioritize Scenarios
including all in testing, Get Focused—Prioritize Scenarios
prioritizing, Create Scenarios Based on Inroads for Attack
relevance of tests to, Generate Tests
threat prioritization, Get Focused—Prioritize Scenarios
scoped addresses, The IPv6 Internet Protocol
screen saver passwords, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing
script kiddies, What Happens Next?
scripts, disabling, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan
Secure Hashing Algorithm, Practice Files (see )
secure sockets layer, How SSL Works (see )
Security Adjustment Wizard, Run Your Code in Different Security Zones
security policy, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Deploying .NET Security Policy Updates
changing, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
updates, Deploying .NET Security Policy Updates
security zones, Run Your Code in Different Security Zones, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites Zones, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
ASP.NET, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone
code-access permissions granted in, Security Zones and Trust Levels
default trust levels, Security Zones and Trust Levels
determination by .NET, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites Zones
Internet, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Permissions
Internet Explorer, Security Zones and Trust Levels
loading options for applications, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
Local Intranet, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions
My Computer, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Permissions
showing available, Run Your Code in Different Security Zones
symbols for, Security Zones and Trust Levels
trust levels, changing, Security Zones and Permissions
Trusted Sites, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Permissions, Security Zones and Permissions
Untrusted Sites, Security Zones and Trust Levels, Security Zones and Permissions
Windows Forms assignments, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone
SecurityLibrary.vb, Hash Digests, Contents of SecurityLibrary.vb
SecurityPermission, Security Zones and Permissions, Local Intranet, Internet, and Trusted Sites Zones
self-testing code, Testing Approaches
servers, Fundamental Lockdown Principles, Implement BIOS Password Protection, Locking Down .NET, Step 10: Design for Maintenance
locking down, Implement BIOS Password Protection
service packs, Fundamental Lockdown Principles, Locking Down .NET, Step 10: Design for Maintenance
ServerVariables collection, Parse Method
service packs, Fundamental Lockdown Principles, Locking Down .NET, Locking Down Microsoft Access, Step 10: Design for Maintenance
locking down, Fundamental Lockdown Principles, Locking Down .NET
maintaining, Step 10: Design for Maintenance
Microsoft Access, Locking Down Microsoft Access
ServiceControllerPermission, Security Zones and Permissions
SHA-1, Practice Files, Practice Files, Practice Files, Hash Digests, Hash Digests, Contents of SecurityLibrary.vb
defined, Practice Files
display format for hashes, Practice Files
function, Contents of SecurityLibrary.vb
function returning, Hash Digests
hash digests, Practice Files
verification, Hash Digests
shares, Run Your Code in Different Security Zones, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone, Enable Auditing
file, Enable Auditing
network, Run Your Code in Different Security Zones, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone
Shell command, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode, Review Code for Threats
attacks against, Use Server.HtmlEncode and Server.UrlEncode
code-access default, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe
defined, Review Code for Threats
Show function, How Actions Are Considered Safe or Unsafe
signatures, digital, Authenticode Signing (see )
SignCode.exe, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
simplicity, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities
Slammer worm, Step 1: Believe You Will Be Attacked, Detection, Future Trends
SMTPSVC service, Enable Auditing
social engineering attacks, Cyber-Terrorism
sockets, Security Zones and Permissions
Software Publisher Certificates, Obtain an X.509 Certificate from a Certificate Authority, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
source code, attackers accessing, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
spoofing, Hash Digests, Strong-Name Signing, Identify Threats
attacks, Identify Threats
hashes, Hash Digests
strong names to prevent, Strong-Name Signing
SQL Server Authentication, Securing Databases
SQL Server authentication, Securing Databases, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Determining Who Is Logged On, Determining Who Is Logged On, Determining Who Is Logged On, How SQL Server Assigns Privileges, How SQL Server Assigns Privileges, How SQL Server Assigns Privileges
administration considerations, SQL Server Authentication
administrative permission privileges, Determining Who Is Logged On
advantages of Windows Authentication, SQL Server Authentication
blank passwords, SQL Server Authentication
changing Mixed to Windows Authentication, SQL Server Authentication
default users, Determining Who Is Logged On
determining logged-on users, SQL Server Authentication
groups, adding, SQL Server Authentication
guest user, Determining Who Is Logged On, How SQL Server Assigns Privileges
logons, setting up, SQL Server Authentication
mechanisms, Securing Databases
Mixed Mode, SQL Server Authentication
public role, How SQL Server Assigns Privileges
roles, How SQL Server Assigns Privileges
Windows Authorization, SQL Server Authentication
SQL Server authorization, Determining Who Is Logged On
SQL Server Profiler, Testing Tools
SQL Server, Microsoft, SQL-Injection Attacks, Securing Databases, SQL Server Authentication, Determining Who Is Logged On, SQL Server Authorization, SQL Server Authorization, Locking Down Microsoft Access, Locking Down Microsoft Access, Locking Down Microsoft Access, Locking Down Microsoft Access, Locking Down Microsoft Access, Locking Down SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server, Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture, Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture, Step 9: Secure the Network with a Firewall, Future Trends, Migrating the Employee Database to SQL Server 2000, Migrating the Employee Database to SQL Server 2000
access restriction, Locking Down SQL Server
account for running, Locking Down Microsoft Access
attacks, injection, SQL-Injection Attacks (see )
auditing, Locking Down SQL Server
Authentication, Securing Databases (see )
authentication, SQL Server Authentication (see )
authorization, Determining Who Is Logged On
buffer overruns, Future Trends
clustering, Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture
directory access, restricting, Locking Down Microsoft Access
encryption, Locking Down SQL Server
IPSec, Locking Down SQL Server
locking down, Locking Down Microsoft Access
logging, Locking Down SQL Server
named-pipes vs. TCP/IP, Step 4: Design a Secure Architecture
passwords, Locking Down SQL Server
permissions, SQL Server Authorization, Locking Down SQL Server
port, Step 9: Secure the Network with a Firewall
SA account, Locking Down SQL Server
sample database, Migrating the Employee Database to SQL Server 2000
stored procedures for authorization, SQL Server Authorization
stored procedures, adding to, Migrating the Employee Database to SQL Server 2000
system commands, danger of, Locking Down Microsoft Access
xp_cmdshell, Locking Down Microsoft Access
SQL Slammer worm, Step 1: Believe You Will Be Attacked, Detection, Future Trends
SQL-injection attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks, Validate Input Parameters, Use Parameterized Queries, Add a Stored Procedure to Validate the User, Add a Stored Procedure to Validate the User, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
application execution, SQL-Injection Attacks
defensive techniques, SQL-Injection Attacks
defined, SQL-Injection Attacks
EMS sample defense, Add a Stored Procedure to Validate the User
example, SQL-Injection Attacks
final parameter checks, Add a Stored Procedure to Validate the User
IIS, stopping, SQL-Injection Attacks
input validation, SQL-Injection Attacks
least privilege principle, SQL-Injection Attacks
logon issues, SQL-Injection Attacks
Microsoft Access databases, SQL-Injection Attacks, SQL-Injection Attacks
parameterized query defense, Validate Input Parameters
sa account, SQL-Injection Attacks
stored procedure defense, Use Parameterized Queries
testing against, Create a Blueprint of Your Application
user names, SQL-Injection Attacks
xp_cmdshell command, SQL-Injection Attacks
SqlClientPermission, Security Zones and Permissions
SSL (secure sockets layer), Securing Web Applications, Securing Web Applications, Securing Web Applications, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, Secure Sockets Layer, How SSL Works, How SSL Works, How SSL Works, How SSL Works, How SSL Works, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Validation Tools Available to ASP.NET Web Applications, Locking Down SQL Server
adding to applications, How SSL Works
advantages, Securing Web Applications
bidirectionality, Secure Sockets Layer
browser support, Secure Sockets Layer
certificates, Secure Sockets Layer
disadvantages, Secure Sockets Layer
ease of implementation, Securing Web Applications
https://, Secure Sockets Layer, How SSL Works
IIS sections, specifying, How SSL Works
methodology, Secure Sockets Layer
Page_Load events, How SSL Works
private key generation, Secure Sockets Layer
purpose, Securing Web Applications
requirements, software, Secure Sockets Layer
resources, consumption, Secure Sockets Layer
setting up, references, How SSL Works
speed, effects on, Secure Sockets Layer
SQL Server, Locking Down SQL Server
validating input, Validation Tools Available to ASP.NET Web Applications
Web services using, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services
staff as a design challenge, Design Challenges
steps for designing security, Step 2: Design and Implement Security at the Beginning (see )
storage, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely, Automated Tools
drives, Automated Tools
isolated, Ensuring That Your Code Will Run Safely
stored procedures, Use Parameterized Queries, Migrating the Employee Database to SQL Server 2000
adding to SQL Server, Migrating the Employee Database to SQL Server 2000
SQL-injection attack defense, Use Parameterized Queries
stress testing, Testing Approaches, Automated Unit Testing
stress, exceptions from, Where Exceptions Occur
STRIDE security threat model, Identify Threats
strong name security policy attribute, Update .NET Enterprise Security Policy
strong passwords, Fundamental Lockdown Principles
strong-name signatures, Create Scenarios Based on Inroads for Attack, When the Authenticode Signature Is Checked, When the Authenticode Signature Is Checked, When the Authenticode Signature Is Checked, When the Authenticode Signature Is Checked, Strong-Name Signing, Strong-Name Signing, Strong-Name Signing, Strong-Name Signing, Strong-Name Signing, Strong-Name Signing, Strong-Name Signing, Strong Names vs. Weak Names, Strong Names vs. Weak Names, Strong Names vs. Weak Names, Strong Names vs. Weak Names, Strong-Named Visual Basic .NET .DLLs and Partial Trust, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
.NET assemblies, Create Scenarios Based on Inroads for Attack
Authenticode, compared to, Strong-Named Visual Basic .NET .DLLs and Partial Trust
benefits, Strong-Name Signing
creating applications, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
defined, When the Authenticode Signature Is Checked
delay signing, Strong Naming, Certificates, and Signing Exercise
DLLs with, Strong Names vs. Weak Names
hash digests, When the Authenticode Signature Is Checked
integrity assurance, Strong-Name Signing
operation, Strong-Name Signing
partially trusted DLLs, Strong Names vs. Weak Names
parts, When the Authenticode Signature Is Checked
public keys, When the Authenticode Signature Is Checked
PublicKeyToken, Strong Names vs. Weak Names
recommended use, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?
representation, Strong Names vs. Weak Names
sample application, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?
spoofing, preventing, Strong-Name Signing
unique identity guarantees, Strong-Name Signing
version integrity, Strong-Name Signing
weak names, compared to, Strong-Name Signing
strong-named .NET assemblies, Create Scenarios Based on Inroads for Attack
subroutine input, validating, Input to Subroutines
Sun Microsystems vulnerabilities, The Arms Race of Hacking
symmetric encryption, Private Key Encryption (see )
system components, code-access security techniques, It’s On By Default
system crash DoS attacks, Denial of Service Attacks
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