W3SVC service, Enable Auditing
Warhol viruses, The Arms Race of Hacking
weak names, Strong-Name Signing
Web applications, Securing Web Applications, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Applications in the Real World
defined, Securing Web Applications in the Real World
services, Securing Web Services (see )
vulnerabilities, Securing Web Applications
Web services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services
access issues, Securing Web Services
authentication issues, Securing Web Services
authorization issues, Securing Web Services
design considerations, Securing Web Services
Enhancements download, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services
GXA, Securing Web Services
managed security issues, Securing Web Services
platform compatibility, Securing Web Services
SSL, Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services
test mode, Securing Web Services
Windows authentication, Securing Web Services
WMI reporting example, Securing Web Services
Web sites, ASP.NET Authentication and Authorization, Securing Web Applications in the Real World, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan
ASP.NET, ASP.NET Authentication and Authorization (see )
basic principles of security, Securing Web Applications in the Real World
replication by hackers, Plan of Attack—The Test Plan
Web-page manipulation tools, Testing Tools
Web.Config files, ASP.NET Authentication and Authorization, ASP.NET Authentication and Authorization, Forms Authentication, Forms Authentication, Install the Passport SDK
Authorization section, ASP.NET Authentication and Authorization, ASP.NET Authentication and Authorization
Forms authentication, Forms Authentication
Forms authorization, Forms Authentication
Passport authentication, setting, Install the Passport SDK
WebPermission, Security Zones and Permissions
WebTester sample application, Example: Create a Test Tool for Testing Web Applications
WEP, What Happens Next?
Windows 2003 Server, Microsoft Initiatives
Windows 9x, locking down, "I’m Already Protected. I’m Using a Firewall."
Windows API functions, Review Code for Threats
Windows authentication, Role-Based Authorization in the Real World (see )
Windows Authentication, Securing Web Services, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities
advantages over SQL Server Authentication, SQL Server Authentication
changing from Mixed Mode, SQL Server Authentication
determining logged-on users, SQL Server Authentication
logons, setting up, SQL Server Authentication
recommendation, Step 5: Threat-Model the Vulnerabilities
SQL Server 2000, for, SQL Server Authentication
Web services, securing, Securing Web Services
Windows clients, Automated Tools, Automated Tools, Automated Tools, Automated Tools, Enable Auditing, Enable Auditing, Enable Auditing, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing, Implement BIOS Password Protection
auditing, enabling, Enable Auditing
BIOS passwords, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing
disabling auto logon, Automated Tools
file-sharing software, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing
floppy drives, disabling booting from, Implement BIOS Password Protection
locking down, Automated Tools
MBSA with, Automated Tools
NTFS recommended, Automated Tools
screen saver passwords, Turn Off Unnecessary Sharing
sharing, turning off, Enable Auditing
turning off services, Enable Auditing
Windows Forms, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone, Direct User Input, XCopy Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?
adding to Web pages, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone
Authenticode signing, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?
no-touch deployment, XCopy Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment
strong-name signing, Should You Authenticode-Sign and Strong-Name Your Application?
validation tools, Direct User Input
zone assignments, How Visual Basic .NET Determines Zone
Windows Installer, XCopy Deployment, Cabinet-File Deployment
Windows integrated security, Role-Based Authorization Exercise, Windows Integrated Security, Role-Based Authorization in the Real World, ASP.NET Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Install the Passport SDK
advantages, Role-Based Authorization in the Real World, Windows Integrated Security Authentication
anonymous logins, denying, Windows Integrated Security Authentication
ASP.NET authentication, ASP.NET Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication
best use, Install the Passport SDK
creating applications using, Windows Integrated Security Authentication
domain restriction, Windows Integrated Security Authentication
firewalls, Windows Integrated Security Authentication
Impersonation, Windows Integrated Security Authentication, Windows Integrated Security Authentication
Netscape browsers, Windows Integrated Security Authentication
purpose, Role-Based Authorization Exercise
using with applications, Windows Integrated Security
Windows NT, "I’m Already Protected. I’m Using a Firewall.", Locking Down Microsoft Access
file protection for Microsoft Access, Locking Down Microsoft Access
locking down, "I’m Already Protected. I’m Using a Firewall."
Windows servers, Fundamental Lockdown Principles, Implement BIOS Password Protection, Microsoft Initiatives
2003 version, Microsoft Initiatives
locking down, Implement BIOS Password Protection
service packs, Fundamental Lockdown Principles
WindowsIdentity objects, Role-Based Authorization
WindowsPrincipal objects, Role-Based Authorization
WMI (Windows Management Instrumentation), Securing Web Services, Securing Web Services
purpose, Securing Web Services
Web services example, Securing Web Services
WS-Security, Securing Web Services
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