
acceptance, 70–71

Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT), 65

action, bias toward, 80–81

Albright, Madeleine, 40–41

anxiety, 27

attention trackers, 96, 98–100

auto-analytics, 89–108

about, 90–92

areas to measure, 93–103

defined, 90

future of, 104–107

goals for, 91

tools for, 92–93, 95–97, 101–102, 104–106

“aware” self-awareness archetype, 20

best self, 55–56


confirmation, 26

toward action, 80–81

Blair, Tony, 43

Bloom, Harold, 152, 153

Bradshaw, Terry, 45–46

Brokaw, Tom, 41

candor, about feelings, 7–9


passion for, 51–58

role of emotions in, 100–101

change, personal, 151–152, 154–156

characters, of Shakespeare, 152–167

Chua, Sacha, 94, 96–98

coaching, 139–141

collective impressions, 112–113

confidence. See overconfidence

confirmation bias, 26

critical feedback, 24, 30, 144–145

criticism. See feedback

decision making, self-awareness and, 4–5

defining moments, 39–47

Delphic oracle, 3

depression, 27

Drucker, Peter, 84, 98

Dupuch, Marie, 102–103

emotional agility, 61–74

emotional intelligence

measurement of, 101

self-awareness as first component of, 3–10

skills of, 8–9


ability to manage, 64–74

acceptance of, 70–71

auto-analytics for, 97, 100–103

candor about, 7–9

about feedback, 133–138

interpreting others’, 112

labeling, 68–69

negative, 61–67

patterns, recognizing, 67–68

empathy, 9, 19

environments, as most enduring influence, 43–47

evaluative feedback, 139–140

Evans, Bob, 106

events, as most enduring influence, 42–43

experience, as hindering self-awareness, 22–24

experience sampling method (ESM), 99–100

expertise, 22

external self-awareness, 19–21, 24, 30. See also internal self-awareness; self-awareness

facial expressions, 112, 117


analyzing, 141–143

coaching, 139–141

critical, 24, 30, 144–145

evaluative, 139–140

experimenting with, 145–147

importance of, 131

negative, 121–127, 136–139

about others’ perceptions of us, 111–117

person giving, 138–139

problems with, 131–132

receiving, 132–147

requesting, 121–127, 143–145

360-degree, 113

feelings. See emotions

Fields, Debbi, 43

fitness trackers, 95–96

Gates, Bill, 123


auto-analytics for, 91, 105

progress toward, 83

self-awareness and, 4–5

Goleman, Daniel, 100

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 153–154, 155

Henry IV, Part 2 (Shakespeare), 154–155

identity triggers, 134–135. See also triggers


collective, 112–113

of others, 111–117

Industrial Revolution, 94

inner thoughts and feelings

acceptance of, 70–71

difficult, 61–67

labeling, 68–69

recognizing patterns of, 67–68

internal self-awareness, 18–21, 30. See also external self-awareness; self-awareness

introspection, 25–31

“introspectors” self-awareness archetype, 20

journal writing, 82

knowledge work/workers, 94, 98

Krzyzewski, Mike, 41–42

labeling, thoughts and emotions, 68–69


bias toward action of, 80–81

critical feedback for, 24

emotional intelligence skills of, 8–9

overvaluing of skills by, 23–24

self-awareness and, 7–9, 13, 19, 21, 45–47


from negative feedback, 125

from reflection, 78

life, defining moments in, 39–47

long-term perspective, 51

loving critics, 24, 30

Mailer, Norman, 151

managers. See also leaders

performance reviews and, 131

soliciting negative feedback from, 121–127

training to give feedback, 132–133

Matthews, Chris, 45

meaning making, 78

mental models, 56–58

mindfulness, 69

mood-tracking apps, 97

motivation, 9

negative feedback. See also critical feedback

giving to yourself, 123–124

minimizing impact of, 125–126

reframing as learning opportunity, 125

responses to, 136–139

soliciting, 121–127

usefulness of, 122–123

negative thoughts/emotions, 27, 61–67

nudgers, 93, 98–100, 105

overconfidence, 22–24


identifying your, 54–58

professional, 51–58

perceptions, of others, 111–117

performance reviews

problems with, 131

self-awareness and, 6

Personal Analytics Companion (PACO), 106

personal growth and development, 151–156

perspective taking, 19

physical self, auto-analytics for, 94–98

“pleasers” self-awareness archetype, 20

positive thoughts, 61

Powell, Colin, 45

power, as hindering self-awareness, 22–24

presence audit, 113–117

professional passions, 51–58

progress, toward goals, 83

Quantified Self project, 104


defined, 77

lack of understanding of, 79

process of, 79–80, 82

results of, 80, 81

scheduling time for, 82–83

self-, 77–85

steps for practicing, 81–84

usefulness of, 77–78

Reich, Robert, 42–43

relationship triggers, 134, 138. See also triggers

Rice, Condoleezza, 44

ruminative patterns, 27, 28

Schwerner, Michael, 42–43

“seekers” self-awareness archetype, 20


archetypes, 20

assessment of, 15–16

auto-analytics and, 89–108

benefits of, 13

definition of, 8, 18

exercises to increase, 55–58

experience and power hindering, 22–24

external, 19–21, 24, 30

as first component of emotional intelligence, 3–10

identifying passions and, 54–58

internal, 18–21, 30

introspection and, 25–31

job satisfaction and, 25

recognizing, 5–7

research on, 14–17

types of, 18–22

valuing, 7–10

self-confidence, 6–7

self-consciousness, 18

self-improvement, commitment to, 124

self-knowledge, 6

self-measurement. See auto-analytics

self-reflection, 77–85

self-regulation, 9

Shakespeare, William, 152–156

sleep tracking, 94, 96–98

social rejection, 122

social skill, 9

success, defining moments of, 39–47

Taylor, Frederick, 94

thinking self, auto-analytics for, 96, 98–100


ability to manage, 64–74

acceptance of, 70–71

inner, 61–65

labeling, 68–69

negative, 65–67

patterns, recognizing, 67–68

suppression of, 63–64

360-degree feedback, 113

trackers, 92–93, 95–99, 101–102

transparency illusion, 112, 117


identity, 134–135

relationship, 134

truth, 134

truth triggers, 134. See also triggers

turning points, 39–47


acting on your, 71–73

identifying your, 72

self-awareness and, 4–5

wearable devices, 95–99

well-being, 25, 27

“What?” questions, 27–31

“Why?” questions, 25–27, 30–31

Winter, Nick, 106

Wolfram, Stephen, 89–90, 91

workability, 71

work performance, tracking, 90–92

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