
1. The First Component of Emotional Intelligence

The key to understanding your emotions, strengths, and weaknesses.

By Daniel Goleman

2. What Self-Awareness Really Is (and How to Cultivate It)

See yourself from the inside and outside.

By Tasha Eurich

3. Successful Leaders Know What Made Them Who They Are

Lessons from the greats.

By Bernie Swain

4. Two Ways to Clarify Your Professional Passions

Know what drives you.

By Robert Steven Kaplan

5. Emotional Agility

Accept your feelings and act on your values.

By Susan David and Christina Congleton

6. Why You Should Make Time for Self-Reflection (Even if You Hate Doing It)

Stop dreading it and start small.

By Jennifer Porter

7. You, By the Numbers

A data-driven path to knowing yourself.

By H. James Wilson

8. How Are You Perceived at Work? Here’s an Exercise to Find Out

Two questions to get real feedback.

By Kristi Hedges

9. How to Solicit Negative Feedback When Your Manager Doesn’t Want to Give It

Show you’re committed to self-improvement.

By Deborah Grayson Riegel

10. Find the Coaching in Criticism

Counter your natural resistance.

By Sheila Heen and Douglas Stone

11. Shakespeare’s Characters Show Us How Personal Growth Should Happen

To change yourself, discover yourself.

By Declan Fitzsimons


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