B.1. Readability enhancements

Recall that Speed3 achieves its performance by representing groups of connected containers as parent-pointer trees. The root of each tree knows the size of its group and the per-container amount of water. Connecting two containers entails attaching the smaller of the two trees to the larger one—the so-called link-by-size policy.

Let’s focus on the connectTo operation because it benefits the most from a readability overhaul. Besides adding a proper documentation comment in Javadoc format, you can apply Extract Method and delegate the actual tree merging operation to a new support method, linkTo. In this way, connectTo becomes extremely simple: it finds the two group roots, checks whether they’re the same (in that case, no operation is performed), and finally merges the two trees according to the link-by-size policy.

This method also gets a small reliability enhancement: if you call it with a null argument, it throws an NPE with a custom error message, as shown in the following listing.

Listing B.1. Ultimate: Ultimate connectTo
/** Connects this container with another.  1 Javadoc comment
 *  @param other the container that will be connected to this one
public void connectTo(Container other) {
      "Cannot connect to a null container.");  2 Precondition check
  Container root1 = findRootAndCompress(),     3 This support method is the same
            root2 = other.findRootAndCompress(); as in chapter 3.
  if (root1==root2) return;  4 Checks if they’re already connected

  if (root1.size <= root2.size) {  5 Link-by-size policy
  } else {

The support method linkTo performs the rest of the job. In turn, linkTo gives rise to another extracted support method called combinedAmount, which computes the per-container amount after merging two groups.

Listing B.2. Ultimate: Private methods supporting connectTo
   private void linkTo(Container otherRoot) {
      parent = otherRoot;
      otherRoot.amount = combinedAmount(otherRoot);
      otherRoot.size += size;
   private double combinedAmount(Container otherRoot) {
     return ((amount * size) + (otherRoot.amount * otherRoot.size)) /
             (size + otherRoot.size);
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