List of Abbreviations

3G 3rd generation
3PP Third Party Product
ABI Application Binary Interface
AIS The SA Forum Application Interface Specification
AMF The SA Forum Availability Management Framework
AMM Availability Management Middleware
ANSI American National Standards Institute
API Application Programming Interface
ARP Address Resolution Protocol
ASN.1 Abstract Syntax Notation One
ATCA Advanced Telecommunication Computing Architecture
ATL ATLAS Transformation Language
BASH Born Again Shell
CASE Computer-Aided Software Engineering
CCB Configuration Change Bundle
CGBP Carrier Grade Base Platform
CIM Common Information Model
CIMOM Common Information Model Object Manager
CKPT the SA Forum Checkpoint Service
CLC-CLI component life-cycle command line interface
CLI command line interface
CLM the SA Forum Cluster Membership Service
CORBA Common Object Request Broker Architecture
COTS commercial-off-the-shelf
CPU central processing unit
CSI component service instance
CST component service type
DAM dependability analysis modeling
DAT domain alarm table
DBMS database management system
DET domain entity tree
DIMI Diagnostics Initiator Management Instrument
DMTF Distributed Management Task Force
DN distinguished name
DNS domain name server
DRT domain reference table
(E)AM external active monitoring
EE execution environment
ETF entity types file
EVT the SA Forum Event Service
FAR Federal Acquisition Regulation
FOSS free open source software
FRU field replaceable unit
FT fault tolerant
ftp file transfer protocol
FUMI Firmware Upgrade Management Instrument
GUI graphical user interface
HA high availability
HE hardware element
HP Hewlett-Packard
HPI the SA Forum Hardware Platform Interface
HTTP hypertext transmission protocol
HW hardware
IBM International Business Machines
ID identifier
IDR Inventory Data Record
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IETF Internet Engineering Task Force
IFIP International Federation for Information Processing
iLO2 HP Integrated Lights-Out 2
IMM the SA Forum Information Model Management Service
I/O input/output
IP the Internet Protocol
IPMB intelligent platform management bus
IPMI intelligent platform management interface
ISP in-service performance
ISV independent software vendor
IT information technology
ITU International Telecommunication Union
Java EE Java Enterprise Edition (formerly J2EE)
JCP Java Community Process
JMX Java Management eXtenstions
JSR Java specification request
JVM Java virtual machine
LDAP lightweight directory access protocol
LOG the SA Forum Log service
MAGIC Modeling and Automatic Generation of Information for Configuration and upgrade campaigns for service availability
MARTE OMG's Modeling and Analysis of Real-Time Embedded systems
MDA model driven architecture
MDE model driven engineering
MDS message distribution service
MIB management information base
MOF meta object facility
MSG the SA Forum Message Service
MTBF mean time between failures
MTTF mean time to failure
MTTR mean time to repair
NAM the SA Forum Naming Service
NEC Nippon Electric Company, Limited
NETCONF network configuration protocol
NTF the SA Forum Notification Service
NTP network time protocol
OA onboard administrator
OAM operations, administration, and maintenance (or management)
OCL object constraint language
OI object implementer
OI-API the object implementer API of the IMM service
OM object manager
OM-API the object management API of the IMM service
OMG Object Management Group
OS operating system
NP-hard nondeterministic polynomial-time hard
PCI peripheral component interconnect
PICMG PCI Industrial Computer Manufacturers Group
PLM the SA Forum Platform Management Service
POSIX Portable Operating System Interface for Unix
POTS plain old telephone service
RIBCL remote insight board command language
RDN Relative Distinguished Name
RDR resource data records
RPM RPM Package Manager or Redhat Package Manager
RPT resource presence table
RSA remote supervisor adapter
RTAS run-time abstraction services
RTP real-time transport protocol
RTSP real-time streaming protocol
SA service availability
SAF Service Availability Forum
SAI Service Availability Interface
SAN Storage Area Network
SEC the SA Forum Security Service
SI service instance
SG service group
SMF the SA Forum Software Management Framework
SMIv2 Structure of Management Information Version 2
SNMP simple network management protocol
SOAP simple object access protocol
SPNP stochastic Petri net package
ssh secure shell
SSL secure socket layer
SU service unit
SW software
TCP transmission control protocol
TID HP Telecom Infrastructure Division
TIPC transparent inter-process communication
TMR the SA Forum Timer Service
TWG the SA Forum Technical Working Group
UCMI universal chassis management interface
UML unified modeling language
UmL User-mode Linux
UCS upgrade campaign specification
URI uniform resource identifier
VLC VideoLAN Client
VLM VideoLAN Manager
VM virtual machine
VMM virtual machine monitor
VoD Video on Demand
WBEM Web-Based Enterprise Management
WG working group
XMI XML metadata interchange format
XML eXtensible Markup Language
xTCA ATCA and MicroTCA
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