
The servitization construct is generally described and accepted as a strategic model of organizational innovation and value co-creation for the manufacturing company through the identification and development of service opportunities.

In this context, the adoption of a servitization strategy is, first of all, a matter of managerial decision and a contingency factor with a high impact on the business model. A process that involves investigating the integrity of the company’s value chain to identify and estimate factors and business opportunities for services, determining potential profits and considering contingencies to minimize in terms of costs and risks.

It is a topic of high impact in today’s industries and that responds to the permanent contingency of business in highly competitive markets. It is based on the avant-garde scientific knowledge available and on the author’s extensive professional and academic experience on the subject, with the purpose of conceptualizing and building a valid referential framework that supports the learner1 in the entrepreneurial initiative of the company and its process of motivation, analysis, and decision to adopt a servitization strategy as a factor for the creation of value and better results.

The practical implication lies in providing a reliable, practical, and effective instrument from the academic and industrial perspective, and its corresponding collateral orientation for the development of the relevant dynamic managerial capability for motivation and adoption decision.


servitization; service; value chain; business integral value chain; service compliance; dynamic capabilities; innovation; sustainability

1 Manufacturing industry executives and managers, professionals interested in the service business, professors and university students, researchers, consulting firms and anyone else interested in adding service value to his or her business.

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