Table of people


Neil Armstrong

Leo Mullin

Chapter One: WHY ME?

Background and arrival at IATA

A change of heart

Leo Mullin, Jürgen Weber

Walking into a collapsing structure

Leading a revolution

Jürgen Weber, Jean-Cyril Spinetta, Rod Eddington, Otto Loepfe, Jeff Katz, Richard Quest, Mario Monti, Leo Mullin, Jeff Katz, Michael Bell, Pierre Jeanniot.

Decision time

Jack Welch, Xavier de Irala, Isao Kaneko, Leo Mullin, Jürgen Weber, Elena Bisignani, Claudia Bisignani

Assessing the situation

Pierre Jeanniot

The right man

My father

Roland Christensen, Pietro Sette, Enrico Mattei, Colonel Gaddafi, Sid Ahmed Ghozali, Indira Gandhi, Rajiv Gandhi, Lee Kuan Yew, Romano Prodi, Li Peng, Li Ruihuan


New beginnings in Latin America

John Reed, President Menem, Romano Prodi, Narciso Andreu

A very special passenger

Pope John Paul II, Monsignor Stanislaw

A future saint in my office

Giulio Andreotti, Mother Teresa

Fashion statement

Giorgio Armani

Positive thinking

Ferruccio Pavolini, Colin Marshall, Karel van Miert, Jan de Soet, Peter

Bouw, Carlo Bernini, Jan Carlzon, Bernard Attali,

Call of the seas

Call of the skies

Jürgen Weber, Wolfgang Mayrhuber, Christoph Franz, Jean-Cyril Spinetta,

Rod Eddington, Peter Carroll, Nicolas De Santis, Jill Brady

Time to start work


Making internal changes at IATA

Blowing away cobwebs

Pierre Jeanniot

Ending the committee excuse

Kevin Dobby, CK Cheong, Rod Eddington

A strange animal

Sir Hildred William, Knut Hammarskjöld, Günther Eser

Why become relevant?

The right tools for the job

A bomb in the church

Tom Windmuller, Conchita Greiner, Dominique Durand, Jack Welch,

Noel Tichy, Xavier de Irala

Leaders developing leaders

Baojian Zhang

Performance assessment

A different organization

Guido Gianasso, Tom Murphy, Bob Hutt, Mark Hubble, Kevin Dobby

Regional variations

Patricio Sepulveda


The first external warning shots, views on airports

The Narita Case

Chikage Ogi

Blending Japan and Italy

Shouting politely

Isao Kaneko, Tony Concil, Andrew Drysdale, Robert Aaronson,

Ryutaro Hashimoto

Lessons learned

Masahiko Kurono, Kosaburo Morinaka, Jeff Poole

The Taj Mahal with gates

Louis Turpen, David Collenette, Robert Milton, Calin Rovinescu,

John Kaldeway

Airport privatization

Roland Randriamampionona, Annette King, Praful Patel, Naresh Goyal,

Robert Deillon

Stuck for space

Philip Hammond


Using the media to communicate strategy

Stop being shy

Marco Zanichelli

A plane is not part of the deal

William Gaillard, Tony Concil

Change, change, change

Tony Concil

Building a communication strategy

Niels Boserup

Internal and external confirmation

Star of the small screen

Leo Mullin, Lou Dobbs, Herb Kelleher, Lou Dobbs, Nik Gowing,

Richard Quest, Bob Hutt, Aaron Heslehurst

Hold the front page

Tony Concil, Romano Prodi, José Manual Barosso, Kevin Done,

Ven Sreenivasan

Raising the profile in North America

Janet Napolitano, Tom Ridge, Michael Chertoff, Raymond Benjamin

An eruption of truth

Richard Deakin, David McMillan, Sigurdur Helgason, Siim Kallas

Speaking clearly

Richard McCausland, Tom Windmuller, Gary Doernhoefer, Herb Kelleher


Simplifying the Business and the role of technology

Ambitious undertakings

Rod Eddington, Robert Milton, Leo van Wyck, Tom Murphy, Isao Kaneko

Time for a revolution

Robert Milton

False dawn

Michael Bell, Philippe Bruyère

Creating networks

Bryan Wilson

Colour by numbers

Phone a friend

Titus Naikuni

Eliminating paper tickets

Atef Abdel Hamid, Idris Jala, Orkhon Tseyen-Oidov, Francesco Violante

To extend or not to extend

Igor Levitin, Valery Okulov, Dimitri Shamraev, Steve Ridgway,

Robert Milton, Khalid Abdullah Almolhem, Katsuo Haneda

Celebration on the Bosporus

Good and bad technology

Bob Crandall, Rakesh Gangwal, Masayo Yamaguchi, Louis Chênevert


Environmental initiatives, including airspace issues and the EU ETS

The case for the defence

Romano Prodi, Richard Chartres

Widening the focus

Yang Yuanyuan, Praful Patel

Getting prepared

Tom Enders, Alan Mulally, Eric Bachelet, Sir John Rose, Marion Blakey,

Gerard Arpey, Fred Smith, Alexander Ter Kuile, Robert Aaronson

The industry under pressure

Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Al Gore, Thierry Lombard, Philippe Rochat,

Mats Jansson

I have a dream

Neil Armstrong, CS Chew, Wolfgang Mayrhuber, Jean-Cyril Spinetta

Wolfgang Mayrhuber, Jean-Cyril Spinetta

A united approach

Tom Windmuller, John Leape, Paul Steele, Günther Matschnigg,

Brian Pearce, Roberto Kobeh Gonzalez, Dr Assad Kotaite

Assad Kotaite, Roberto Kobeh, Raymond Benjamin, Scott Carson,

Alan Mulally, Tom Enders

The road to Copenhagen Part 1

Ban Ki-moon, Al Gore, Dr Rajendra Pachauri, Jairam Ramesh,

Gerard Arpey, David Bronczek

G8 connections

Silvio Berlusconi, Wolfgang Mayrhuber, Robert Milton, Haruka Nishimatsu,

Dave Bronzcek, Carol Browner, Ambassador Massolo

The road to Copenhagen Part 2

Ban Ki-moon, Sergei Ordzhonikidze, Paul Steele, Doug Lavin, Yvo de Boer

Connie Hedegaard, Patricio Sepulveda, Juan Carlos Villate,

Adefunke Adeyemi

Improving air traffic management

Wolfgang Mayrhuber, Assad Kotaite, Roberto Kobeh

SES and NextGen

Colin Marshall, Karel Van Miert

Fuelling the future

Christina Figueras, Andres Conesa, Siim Kallas, Günther Oettinger

Emissions Trading Scheme

John Mica, Siim Kallas, Marthinus van Schalkwyk, Tony Tan Keng Yam


Making the skies ever safer

Number one

Handle with care

Yang Yuanyuan, Igor Levitin

Beginning the audit process

Mike O’Brien, Günther Matschnigg

The main players

Assad Kotaite, Marion Blakey

Devil in the detail

A maybe to a must

Robert Milton, Leo van Wyck, Jean-Cyril Spinetta, General Shafik

Atef Abdel Hamid, Wolfgang Mayrhuber

A meeting at the Kremlin

President Medvedev, Igor Levitin, Ray La Hood, Vladimir Tikhonov,

Günter Eser, Valery Okulov, Vitaly Savelyev, Jean Paul Hartman

A dangerous traffic jam

Harold Demuren, Diezanni Allison-Madueke, Fernando Conte, Tony Concil


The need for more efficient and harmonized security

A knee-jerk reaction

Admirals in the air

Tom Ridge, Michael Chertoff, Bernie Korkik, Admiral Loy, Admiral Stone,

Franco Frattini, Janet Napolitano

The Amsterdam incident

Janet Napolitano, Silvia Krahl

Trusting the shipper

Security costs

Tomorrow’s system today

Ken Dunlap, Janet Napolitano

Chapter 9: VISION 2050

A look at Vision 2050, liberalization and thoughts on the future

The need for change

The Latin American model

Cristina Fernández, Patricio Sepulveda, Mariano Recalde

Fernando Pinto, Ozires Silva, Omar Carneiro Da Cunha, Enzo,

Germán Efromovich, Juan Cueto, Enrique Cueto, Ignacio Cueto,

Rolim Amaro,

A leadership dilemma: colour and rules

Agenda for freedom

Binali Yildirm, Cem Kozlu, Temel Kotil, Jeff Shane

Tom Windmuller, Carlos Grau Taner, Antonio Tajani, Assad Kotaite

John Byerly, Paul Gretch, Aysha Al Hamili

A dramatic difference

The think tank and the venue

Ron Noble, Nader Dahabi, Anthony Albanese

Lee Kuan Yew, Cueto and Amaro families

Brian Pearce, Michael Porter, Harvard Professors

Michael Porter

Five forces

Governments must listen

Serving the customer

We need more runways

Paul Griffiths

Future technology

Bertrand Piccard, André Borschberg

Our greatest sin

Bob McGeorge, Gary Doernhoefer

Europe and the United States

Mary Peters, Franco Frattini, James Oberstar, Dave Barger,

Herb Kelleher, Jose Maria Aznar, Xavier de Irala, Antonio Vasquez,

Bob Crandal, Doug Parker


Praful Patel, Liu Shaoyong, Yoji Ohashi, Shinichiro Ito

Middle East

James Hogan, Maurice Flanagan


Titus Naikuni, Siza Mzimela

Latin America

Tony Tyler, Sebastián Piñera

The benefits of aviation

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