Changing the color theme

Let's start our journey with VS Code by trying to change the color theme. By default, VS Code ships in a very dark theme, which is a stark contrast from Visual Studio's light and clean white theme.

In order to access settings, and modify VS Code behavior, we need to use the Command Palette. It's not visible by default, and it automatically hides when you click outside the Command Palette if it's visible. To make it visible, press Ctrl + Shift + P or click View | Command Palette.

The Command Palette has IntelliSense, so you can just start typing characters from a command or setting you need to find. Type theme and you should get a shorter list of settings to access.

From here, we can see that changing the color theme can quickly be accessed via the Ctrl + K, Ctrl +T Keyboard combination. Select the middle one, Preferences: Color Theme.

We get a long list of pre-defined themes. Choose any theme you feel might be good for your use. As an example, we'll select Light (Visual Studio) to mimic Visual Studio's look and feel. When you hover over the options, the theme is updated in real time.

You can now switch back to Dark+ (default dark), which is the default, or experiment with the other alternatives.

Click anywhere outside the Command Palette, and you're back to the initial welcome screen.

Whenever you need to find a tool or a setting, keep the Command Palette in your mind, as in VS Code it's a great little utility to help you navigate around. Developers coming from a Visual Studio experience might find the ribbon or toolbar more convenient. The approach in VS Code is more extensible and often less cluttered.

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