Table of Contents


Chapter 1: Exploring React Testing Library

Technical requirements

Introducing the DOM Testing Library

What is the DOM Testing Library?

Guiding principles

Executing test cases with Jest

Running tests with Jest

Enhancing Jest assertions with jest-dom

Adding jest-dom to a project

Advantages of using jest-dom with Jest

Testing implementation details

Problems with implementation detail-focused tests

Implementation detail-focused test example

How to move away from implementation detail testing



Chapter 2: Working with React Testing Library

Technical requirements

Adding React Testing Library to existing projects

Manual installation

Automatic installation with create-react-app

Structuring tests with React Testing Library

Rendering elements

Selecting elements in the component DOM output

Asserting expected behavior

Testing presentational components

Creating snapshot tests

Testing expected properties

Using the debug method

Debugging the entire component DOM

Debugging specific component elements



Chapter 3: Testing Complex Components with React Testing Library

Technical requirements

Testing user events

Simulating user actions with fireEvent

Simulating user actions with user-event

Testing components that call event handlers in isolation

Testing components that interact with APIs

Requesting API data with fetch

Creating mock API data with MSW

Testing the DrinkSearch component

Using MSW in development

Implementing test-driven development

Building the Vote component using TDD

Building a registration form using TDD



Chapter 4: Integration Testing and Third-Party Libraries in Your Application

Technical requirements

Testing integrated components

Using integration testing with the Vote component

Planning test scenarios better suited for isolated testing

Testing components that use the Context API

Testing a context consuming Retail component

Testing the Cart component in isolation

Testing the Product component in isolation

Testing the ProductDetail component in isolation

Testing context errors using error boundaries

Using integration testing to test view product details

Testing components that use Redux

Creating a custom render method for testing Redux consuming components

Using the test Redux Provider in tests

Testing components that use GraphQL

Testing Components that use Material-UI

Adding an ARIA label to test a Vote component

Adding a test ID to test a CustomerTable component



Chapter 5: Refactoring Legacy Applications with React Testing Library

Technical requirements

Using tests to catch regressions when updating dependencies

Creating the regression test suite

Upgrading the Material UI dependencies

Refactoring tests written with Enzyme

Refactoring tests written with ReactTestUtils

Refactoring tests to comply with common testing best practices



Chapter 6: Implementing Additional Tools and Plugins for Testing

Technical requirements

Implementing best practices with Testing Library ESLint plugins

Installing and configuring eslint-plugin-testing-library

Installing and configuring eslint-plugin-jest-dom

Testing accessibility with jest-axe

Selecting the best queries with Testing Playground

Selecting queries using the Testing Playground website

Selecting queries using the Testing Playground Chrome extension

Increasing our testing productivity with Wallaby.js

Installing and configuring Wallaby.js

Writing tests with Interactive Test Output



Chapter 7: End-to-End UI Testing with Cypress

Technical requirements

Getting started with Cypress

Enhancing Cypress commands with the Cypress Testing Library

Cypress-driven development

Writing Tests using Cypress design patterns

Creating page objects in Cypress

Creating custom Commands in Cypress

Testing APIs with Cypress

Writing Gherkin-style tests with Cucumber

Using React Developer Tools with Cypress




Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

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