Rongpeng Li and Aiichiro Nakano

Simulation with Python

Develop Simulation and Modeling in Natural Sciences, Engineering, and Social Sciences

Rongpeng Li
Los Angeles, CA, USA
Aiichiro Nakano
Los Angeles, CA, USA
ISBN 978-1-4842-8184-0e-ISBN 978-1-4842-8185-7
© Rongpeng Li and Aiichiro Nakano 2022
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To Yan, for everything.



This book is a small gift to a younger me, probably in high school or even earlier. This book is by no means written for seasoned researchers or professionals. It should be treated as the first bite of ice cream which makes you want more.

This book contains several scientific simulation topics, ranging from physics, biology, and even finance. The approach is very gentle and newcomer friendly. I tried to remove the majority of the complexity that I would learn with the knowledge and scientific training I already had. Instead, I did my best to keep the most important essence in each topic. The persona in my mind is a young and curious student who just got the first computer and learned some basic programming, probably from the older brother. This student, pictured as a younger me, would be able to follow the content of this book without any difficulty and get amazed by the beautiful visualizations and scientific conclusions.

Each topic in this book is rather independent. According to the level of technical difficulty and required background knowledge, I categorize the chapters into three groups. Readers can start with any chapter.


Chapter 1: Calculating Pi with Monte Carlo Simulation

Chapter 4: Balls in a 2-D Box, a Simple Physics Engine


Chapter 2: Markov Chain, a Peek into the Future

Chapter 3: Multi-armed Bandits, Probability Simulation, and Bayesian Statistics

Chapter 7: Rock, Scissors, and Paper: Multi-agent Simulation

Chapter 8: Disease Spreading, Simulating COVID-19 Outbreak

Chapter 9: Misinformation Spreading and Simulations on a Graph


Chapter 5: Percolation, Threshold, and Phase Change

Chapter 6: Queuing System: How Stock Trades Are Made

I hope you enjoy this book as much as I do.


Rongpeng Li would like to thank all his previous students for the inspiration of this book, from readers at local libraries to learners in his Zoom classroom.

Table of Contents
About the Authors
Rongpeng Li

A photo of Rongpeng Li.

is the business intelligence team lead at Unit21. He was a senior data scientist and data science instructor at Unit21. Rongpeng Li graduated from USC with two masters, one in physics and another in electrical engineering. He is a keen educator. He authored one statistics book derived from his voluntary services in the data community.
Aiichiro Nakano

A photo of Aiichiro Nakano.

(advisory author) is a professor of computer science and physics and astronomy with joint appointments in quantitative and computational biology and collaboratory for advanced computing and simulations at the University of Southern California. He received a PhD in physics from the University of Tokyo, Japan. His research areas are scalable scientific algorithms, high-end parallel supercomputing, scientific visualization and informatics, and computational materials science. He is a Fellow of the American Physical Society.
About the Technical Reviewer
Kacie Webster

A photo of Kacie Webster.

is currently a data analyst in the telecommunications industry. After graduating from San Diego State University with a degree in statistics and economics, she completed a data science bootcamp where she gained the skills to become a data professional. As Kacie continues her journey, she enjoys the constant growth and change that comes with the data world.
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