Learning for fun or as a hobby

This is a fun and relaxed way to learn. If you have a pet project that you've been wanting to build or if you simply like learning for the sake of learning, you'll discover a wide variety of resources that will help you achieve your goals.

When people ask me where to start when it comes to building code projects for fun, I typically point them to practical tutorials. If you're simply learning for fun you don't have to waste your time on complex computer science topics. Instead, you can focus on following step-by-step guides that walk you through how to build projects.

For these types of guides, you can access affordable ones on sites such as Udemy. The great thing about these types of courses is that they come with:

  • Videos
  • Written guides
  • The source code for the project that you'll be building

This approach to learning makes for a great way to be introduced to development. And you never know, starting with hobby projects could end up with you going to the next level and learning professional programming.

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