Book 4

Using Social Media

Contents at a Glance

  1. Chapter 1: Marketing and Communicating with Twitter
    1. Understanding the Business of Twitter
    2. Putting Your Best Face Forward
    3. Networking on Twitter
    4. Building Brand Awareness
    5. Offering Promotions and Generating Leads
    6. Promoting Bands and Artists
    7. Sharing Company Updates
    8. Building Community
    9. Conducting Research
    10. Going Transparent
    11. Advising Employees on Tweeting
    12. Sharing Knowledge
  2. Chapter 2: Building a Following and Running a Facebook Marketing Campaign
    1. Understanding the Importance of Engagement
    2. Integrating Facebook in Marketing Campaigns
    3. Comprehending What Makes Social Marketing Campaigns Work
    4. Identifying Types of Facebook Campaigns
    5. Implementing Sharing Contests
    6. Marketing a Facebook Contest
    7. Eyeing the Power of Crowdsourcing
    8. Preparing Your Business Page for the Campaign
  3. Chapter 3: It’s All in Your Image: Instagram and Pinterest
    1. Promoting Your Brand on Instagram
    2. Creating and Using Your Instagram Account
    3. Determining What Is Photo-Worthy for Your Brand
    4. Using Hashtags in Your Instagram Posts
    5. Finding Friends and Fans on Instagram
    6. Getting Going with Pinterest
    7. Sharing on Pinterest
    8. Driving Traffic with Pinterest
  4. Chapter 4: Marketing Yourself and Your Business with LinkedIn
    1. Joining LinkedIn
    2. Marketing with LinkedIn
    3. Marketing Your Business Through LinkedIn
  5. Chapter 5: Being Prepared for What’s Next
    1. Reviewing Your Goals
    2. Researching Minor Social Networks
    3. Assessing the Involvement of Your Target Audience
    4. Choosing Social Sites Strategically
    5. Understanding the Statistics of Mobile Device Usage
    6. Going Mobile: Create A Mobile Responsive Version Of Your Site
    7. Reaching People on the Move with Social Media
    8. Harvesting Leads and Sales from Social Mobile
    9. Measuring Your Mobile Marketing Success
    10. Counting on Tablets
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