More Form-Related Functions

Let’s expand our Request a Consulting Quote screen to ask prospective customers a few other questions, such as the type of consulting engagement, and payment option.

Change the request.php script to the following:

$smarty = new Smarty;

if (empty($_GET[‘language’])) {
    $smarty->assign(‘language’, ‘english’);
} else {
    if ($_GET[‘language’] == ‘en’) {
        $smarty->assign(‘language’, ‘english’);
    } elseif ($_GET[‘language’] == ‘it’) {
        $smarty->assign(‘language’, ‘italian’);

// list of available consulting types
$smarty->assign(‘types’, array(
    ‘custom’   => ‘Custom Functions’,
    ‘review’   => ‘Code Review’,
    ‘database’ => ‘Database Design’,

// list of possible payment options
$smarty->assign(‘payment’, array(
    ‘pre’    => ‘Pre-paid’,
    ‘aswego’ => ‘Pay as we go’,

// list of available languages
$languages = array(
    ‘en’ => ‘English’,
    ‘it’ => ‘Italian’,
    ‘de’ => ‘German’,
    ‘pt’ => ‘Portuguese’
$smarty->assign(‘languages’, $languages);


Modify the request.tpl template file so it contains the following:

{config_load file=”$language.conf” section=”Request”}
{include file=”header.tpl”}
{include file=”navigation.tpl” page_title=”Request a Consulting Quote”}

<form method=”post” action=”request_quote.php”>
<table border=”1”>
    <td bgcolor=”{cycle values=”#F0F0F0,#DDDDDD”}”>Name:</td>
    <td><input type=”text” name=”full_name” size=”40”></td>
    <td bgcolor=”{cycle values=”#F0F0F0,#DDDDDD”}”>Phone Number:</td>
    <td><input type=”text” name=”phone” size=”20”></td>
    <td bgcolor=”{cycle values=”#F0F0F0,#DDDDDD”}”>
      Appointment Date and Time:
      {html_select_date display_years=false}&nbsp;
      {html_select_time display_seconds=false minute_interval=15}
    <td bgcolor=”{cycle values=”#F0F0F0,#DDDDDD”}”>
      Consulting Type:
    <td>{html_checkboxes name=”type” options=$types separator=”<br />”}</td>
    <td bgcolor=”{cycle values=”#F0F0F0,#DDDDDD”}”>
      Payment Option:
    <td>{html_radios name=”payment” options=$payment selected=”pre”}</td>
    <td colspan=”2” align=”center”>
      <input type=”submit” value=”Request”>

{include file=”footer.tpl”}

Reload the page in your web browser, and you should see something like the following:

More Form-Related Functions

There are several interesting features in this template:

  • You can build a custom list of checkboxes just by passing a PHP array to the {html_checkboxes} function with the options parameter, and you can customize how the checkboxes are separated. We are using line breaks here to make it easier for our users to visualize the options of consulting types.
  • You can also build a custom list of radio boxes in much the same way, and you can also set the radio box that should be selected by default by using the selected parameter to the {html_radios} function.
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