Registering a Filter at Run Time

As an example, here’s how you would use register_outputfilter to register an output filter at run time:

$smarty = new Smarty;

function highlight($output, &$smarty)
    // highlight the word “smarty” on our template source
    return str_replace(‘smarty’, ‘<b>smarty</b>’, $output);



As you can see, the PHP function is being registered at run time with Smarty, and it will return a modified version of the output, highlighting the word Smarty. While this is a very simple example, we will expand it soon with a more complex version to dynamically highlight search keywords.

You could also pass an array to register_outputfilter (or any of the other register_*filter functions) to tell Smarty to call the given class or object method, as shown below:

$smarty = new Smarty;

class Misc
    function highlight($output, &$smarty)
        // highlight the word “smarty” on our template source
        return str_replace(‘smarty’, ‘<b>smarty</b>’, $output);

$smarty->register_outputfilter(array(‘Misc’, ‘highlight’));

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