Smashing Logo Design

The Art of Creating Visual Identities

UK_Simply wiley_logo.eps

Publisher’s Acknowledgments

Some of the people who helped bring this book to market include the following:

Editorial and Production

VP Consumer and Technology Publishing Director: Michelle Leete

Associate Director–Book Content Management: Martin Tribe

Associate Publisher: Chris Webb

Publishing Assistant: Ellie Scott

Development Editor: Elizabeth Kuball

Copy Editor: Elizabeth Kuball

Technical Editor: Mike Rock

Editorial Manager: Jodi Jensen

Senior Project Editor: Sara Shlaer

Editorial Assistant: Leslie Saxman


Marketing Manager: Louise Breinholt

Marketing Executive: Kate Parrett

Composition Services

Compositor: Indianapolis Composition Services

Proofreader: Susan Hobbs

Indexer: Potomac Indexing, LLC


For Mum and Dad. Without you, this book would not exist.

Author’s Acknowledgments

Many people have been involved in making this book a possibility. I’d like to thank my editor, Elizabeth Kuball, for managing with great patience to decipher my confusing thoughts into coherent English, and Chris Webb for giving me this amazing opportunity. I’d also like to thank Mike Rock for his invaluable advice and Charlotte Morris for being my human thesaurus and official logo tester. I’d like to thank the vast network of staff at both John Wiley & Sons and Smashing Magazine.

Finally, a massive thanks to all the designers who submitted logos for the book and to the following people, in particular, for putting up with my questions and for giving me some of their invaluable time:

Milton Glaser

Leighton Hubbell

Nav Iqbal

Raja Sandhu

Mike Erickson

Glen Hobbs

Steve Douglas

Nadim Twal

Oguzhan Ocalan

Von Glitschka

Denis Olenik

Jan Zábranský

Josh Hayes

Kevin Burr

Galin Kastelov

Sean O’Grady

Andrej Matic

Nathan Sarlow

Stephanie Reeves

About the Author

Gareth Hardy is a graphic designer based in Birmingham, England. He worked as a senior graphic designer but grew frustrated by the restrictions on creativity in the corporate environment, so he made the daring leap into freelance in 2008.

Gareth’s experience and knowledge spans the broad spectrum of graphic design. He has achieved a first-class degree in the field and been employed as a professional web designer. This vast arsenal of design-related expertise allows Gareth the opportunity to advise clients on the complete brand-identity package. He specializes in revolutionary brand-identity solutions for clients of all sizes, both domestically and internationally.

Gareth works under the tongue-in-cheek moniker of Down With Design. He also frequently writes articles related to design that provide a unique take on events. His works and more information about his background are available at

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