Chapter 9. Using Social Networking and Media Offline

A great friend of mine mentioned that all my social media stuff was great but that he was frustrated because a lot of his constituency wasn't particularly connected to the Net and didn't really use computers too often. It came to me pretty quickly that computers really aren't a hard-and-fast requirement for attempting to get the same results I often preach about. In fact, it kind of opened my own eyes, too.

Social Networking Online to Offline
Online: Status message, as in Twitter or Facebook.
Offline: Quick phone call to see whether someone's going to be at an event.
Online: Blog post.
Offline: Letter or newsletter.
Online: Friending.
Offline: Meeting new people at networking events.
Social Media Online to Offline
Online: Flickr.
Offline: Mail some photos to people.
Online: Podcasts.
Offline: Mail them a CD.


Essentially, you can do most of what you do online in the offline setting. It just takes a little longer and is a little less convenient. Yet the motivation behind what we do in the social networking space can be carried forth offline, and it would probably help us a bit to do so.

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