About the Editors

Ivan Mistrik is a researcher in software-intensive systems engineering. He is a computer scientist who is interested in system and software engineering and in system and software architecture, in particular: life cycle system/software engineering, requirements engineering, relating software requirements and architectures, knowledge management in software development, rationale-based software development, aligning enterprise/system/software architectures, value-based software engineering, agile software architectures, and collaborative system/software engineering. He has more than 40 years' experience in the field of computer systems engineering as an information systems developer, R&D leader, SE/SA research analyst, educator in computer sciences, and ICT management consultant. During the past 40 years, he has been primarily working at various R&D institutions in USA and Germany and has done consulting on a variety of large international projects sponsored by ESA, EU, NASA, NATO, and UN. He has also taught university-level computer sciences courses in software engineering, software architecture, distributed information systems, and human–computer interaction. He is the author or coauthor of more than 90 articles and papers in international journals, conferences, books, and workshops. Ivan Mistrik has written a number of editorials for special issues and edited books. He has also written over 120 technical reports and presented over 70 scientific/technical talks. He has served in many program committees and panels of reputable international conferences and organized a number of scientific workshops. He was the lead-editor of ten books between 2006 and 2016: Rationale Management in Software Engineering; Rationale-Based Software Engineering; Collaborative Software Engineering; Relating Software Requirements and Architecture; Aligning Enterprise, System, and Software Architectures; Agile Software Architecture; Economics-driven Software Architecture; Relating System Quality and Software Architecture; Software Quality Assurance; Managing Trade-Offs in Adaptable Software Architectures.

Nour Ali is a Principal Lecturer at the University of Brighton since December, 2012. She holds a PhD in Software Engineering from the Polytechnic University of Valencia-Spain for her work in Ambients in Aspect-Oriented Software Architecture. She is a Fellow of UK Higher Education Academy (HEA). Her research area encompasses service oriented architecture, software architecture, self-adaptation and mobile systems. In 2014, the University of Brighton granted her a Rising Stars award in Service Oriented Architecture Recovery and Consistency. She is currently the Principal Investigator for the Royal Society Newton grant, “An Autonomic Architectural Approach for Health Care Systems,” and is the Knowledge Supervisor for the Knowledge Transfer Partnership project for migrating legacy software systems using architecture centric approach. She has also been the Principal Investigator for an Enterprise Ireland Commercialisation Project in Architecture Recovery and Consistency and coinvestigator in several funded projects. Dr. Ali serves on the Programme Committee for several conferences (e.g., ICWS, ICMS, HPCC, etc.) and journals (e.g., JSS and JIST). She has cochaired and coorganized several workshops such as the IEEE International Workshop on Engineering Mobile Service Oriented Systems (EMSOS) and the IEEE Workshop on Future of Software Engineering for/in the Cloud. She was the coeditor of the JSS Special Issue on the Future of Software Engineering for/in the Cloud published in 2013 and has coedited three books including “Agile and lean service-oriented development: foundations, theory, and practice” published in 2012. She is the Application Track chair for International Conference on Web Services (ICWS 2016). Her personal website is: http://www.cem.brighton.ac.uk/staff/na179/.

Rami Bahsoon is a Senior Lecturer Software Engineering (Assoc. Prof.) and founding member of the Software Engineering Research group and the Cloud Software Engineering interest group at the University of Birmingham, UK. He holds a PhD in Software Architecture from University College London. During his PhD, he was awarded a fellowship to attend London Business School (LBS) for MBA studies in technology strategy and strategy dynamics. Bahsoon's research interests are in Cloud software Engineering, Software Architectures, Self-adaptive and Managed Software Engineering, Security Software Engineering, Relating software requirements (nonfunctional requirements) to software architectures, testing and regression testing, software maintenance and evolution, software metrics, empirical evaluation, Software Sustainability and Economics-driven Software Engineering research. His Birmingham Group comprises 10 PhD students and was among the first groups worldwide to carry fundamental research on cloud software engineering and software architectures evidenced by publications to top-tier venues such as IEEE Transactions on Cloud Computing, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE Transactions on Services Computing, IEEE Computer, ICWS, IEEE Cloud, WICSA, SEAMS/ICSE, UCC, HPCC, among others. His group has been working on self-adaptive and managed architectures for supporting the development and evolution of dependable ultra-large software systems covering cloud; dynamic resource allocation and federation in cloud; self-aware cloud; cloud elasticity, autoscaling and dynamic management of Quality of Service (QoS); utility models for service composition; volunteer services computing. Bahsoon had founded the IEEE International Software Engineering IN/FOR the Cloud workshop (in its 6th version now) in conjunction with IEEE Services and IEEE Cloud, the leading venue for cloud research. He was the lead editor for a special issue on the Future of Software Engineering for/In the Cloud and another on Architecture and Mobility and with the Journal of Systems and Software, a leading software engineering journal. Bahsoon has coedited a book on Software Architectures for Cloud and Big Data (Elsevier). He coedited another three books on Software Architecture and Software Quality (Elsevier 2014); Economics-Driven Software Architecture (Elsevier 2014); Aligning Enterprise, System, and Software Architectures (IGI Global in 2012). He has acted as the workshop chair for IEEE Services 2014, IEEE Cloud, IEEE Big Data, ICWS; the Doctoral Symposium chair of IEEE/ACM Utility and Cloud Computing Conference (UCC 2014 and UCC2016); track chair for Utility and Cloud Computing of IEEE HPCC 2014; Visionary Track chair for IEEE Services (2015); Emerging Technologies Track Chair for IEEE Services (2016); IEEE Big Data UK Satellite session chair (2015) on Big Data Software Engineering for Cloud and Mobile Services (2015); Big Data Software Engineering for Cloud, Edge Computing and Mobility; workshop chair for ECSA 2016 and programme chair for IEEE Services 2017. He is a member of EPSRC Associate College Board and acted as a panellist for the NSF/EPSRC Software Grand Challenge for expertise in cloud software engineering, had reviewed for major EU/UK funding bodies and software engineering and service science conferences and journals. His website is: https://www.cs.bham.ac.uk/~rzb/.

Maritta Heisel is a Full Professor for software engineering at the University Duisburg–Essen, Germany, since 2004. Her research interests include the development of dependable software, pattern- and component-based software development, requirements engineering (including quality requirements), software architecture, and software evolution. She is particularly interested in incorporating security and privacy considerations into software development processes and in integrating the development of safe and secure software. She has published over 100 scientific papers in various fields of software engineering. She is a member of the board of paluno – The Ruhr Institute for Software Technology. She is a member of the European Workshop on Industrial Computer Systems Reliability, Safety and Security (EWICS). EWICS runs the annual International Conference on Computer Safety, Reliability and Security (SAFECOMP), for which Maritta Heisel is a regular program committee member. She also served as a member of the steering committee of the working group on secure ICT research and innovation established by the European Union in the context of the NIS (Network and Information Security) Public–Private Platform, and is coeditor of a deliverable “Cybersecurity Education Snapshot for workforce development in the EU”. Furthermore, she has been appointed as an independent expert and project proposal evaluator by the European Commission. She was a member of the Network of Excellence on Engineering Future Internet Software Services and Systems (NESSoS), which was funded by the European Union. Furthermore, she was involved in different projects, investigating the derivation of design alternatives based on quality requirements, and developing a support tool for documenting security requirements for cloud computing systems, checking their consistency, and generating documentation for the certification of cloud computing systems. Her personal website is: https://www.uni-due.de/swe/maritta.

Bruce Maxim is Associate Professor of Computer and Information Science at the University of Michigan-Dearborn. He has worked as a software engineer, project manager, educator, author, and consultant for more than 30 years. His professional experience includes managing research information systems at the University of Michigan Medical School, directing instructional computing for the University medical campus, and working as a statistical programmer in the School of Public Health. He served as the chief technology officer for a game development company. His research interests include software engineering, human computer interaction, game design, social media, artificial intelligence, and software engineering education. He is coauthor of nine books, including a best-selling introductory computer science text and a best-selling software engineering text. He has published a number of papers on software quality, project management, computer algorithm animation, game development, and engineering education. He is the chief-architect of the ABET accredited software engineering program at University of Michigan-Dearborn. He established the GAME Lab in the University of Michigan-Dearborn College of Engineering and Computer Science. He has supervised several hundred industry-based software development projects at both the graduate and undergraduate levels. He is the recipient of several distinguished teaching awards and a distinguished community service award. He is a member of Sigma Xi, Upsilon Pi Epsilon, Pi Mu Epsilon, Association of Computing Machinery, IEEE Computer Society, American Society for Engineering Education, Society of Women Engineers, and International Game Developers Association. His personal website is: http://www-personal.umd.umich.edu/~bmaxim/.

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