Activities, serial vs. parallel, 71

Adages (Erasmus), 66

Adverse selection, 232

Aerobus, 41

Aerospace sector, xi, 32–33, 233

Aggregation of risk, 90–99, 156–158, 162, 219–220

Agile approach (software development), 139

Airbus A380 airplane, 53, 136–137

Apple, 145, 148

Ares I launch vehicle, 15, 28

Arrow, Kenneth, 58

Asimov, Isaac, 146

Atomic bomb, 93, 94

Atwood, J. L., 24, 25

Auburn University, 121

Augustine, Norman, 7, 9, 211

Australia, 148

Avatar (film), 86

Average(s), 2, 3, 62–65

B-2A stealth bomber, 211

Banking industry, 247

Baron-Myerson mechanism, 237–238, 237f, 238t

Baseball, 62–63

Batting averages, 62–63

The Battle for Investment Survival (Loeb), 144

Baumol, William, 120, 121

Belief, in God, 177–178

Bell, Alexander Graham, 143

Bell curve, 80–81, 81f

The Bell Curve (Herrnstein and Murray), 62

Bernoulli, Daniel, 67, 77

Bidding, contract, 24–25

Big data, 65–66

Billionaires, 87

Binet, Alfred, 62

Bivariate distributions, 115–116

The Black Swan (Taleb), 85, 123

Black swans, xv, 55, 105, 227, 242, 243

Black-Scholes model, 140

Boeing 737 MAX aircraft, xi, 41, 42

Boeing 747 aircraft, 53

Boeing Corporation, 24

Bohr, Niels, 123

Bol, Manute, 81

Book sales, 85

Boston Red Sox, 63

Box, George, 109

Brett, George, 63

Bridges, 4, 14t

Bubonic plague, 57

Budget constraints, cost growth due to, 44–46

Budget wedges, 204

Buffett, Jimmy, 105

Bureaucratic issues, 33–34, 46

Bush, George H. W., 38

Bush, George W., 106

Cabrera, Miguel, 63

Calibration, 124–132, 125f, 246

California Department of Motor Vehicles, 34

California High-Speed Rail (CHSR), 17–18

Cameron, James, 86

Cancer, 64

Candide (Voltaire), 1

Canute, King, 32

Capacity, excess, 51

Capen, Ed, 123, 124

Carew, Rod, 63

Carta Marina, 165, 166f

Cassini mission, 16

Central limit theorem, 133–134

Central tendency, measures of, 64, 85

Certainty, 174

Challenger, 17, 54, 55

Charlie Brown, 23

Chebyshev inequality, 172–173

Chernobyl nuclear disaster, xi

Chess-playing computers, 8

Chief risk officer, 229

Child, cost of raising a, 45

China, 74, 215

Church of England, 59

Churchill, Winston, 140

Citibank/Citicorp, xiv

Cities, population of, 85

Clarke, Arthur C., 146

Coefficient of variation, 170

Coefficients of variation, 127–129, 128t

Coherent risk measures, 181–183

Cold War, 215–216

Colorado Rockies, 63

Comanche helicopter program, 9

Commercial off-the-shelf (COTS) software, 70

Concorde supersonic airplane, 12, 136, 138

Cone of uncertainty, 21–123, 122f, 123f

Confidence intervals, 124

Confidence levels, 95–96, 101–102, 130t, 245

definition of, 95

and funding, 148–150, 156–160, 160t

in joint cost and schedule risk analysis, 224–226, 224f, 225f

in quantitative cost risk management, 216–221, 218f, 219t

tails and limitations of, 173–177, 175f, 176t

Consequence (of risk), 14–15, 74–77, 75t

Constellation program, 15, 28

Context of risk management, 226–227

Contingency, 223

Continuous distributions, 78


cost data held by, 233–236

and fixed-price contracts, 231–232

optimism of, 24

rough-order-of-magnitude estimates of, 24

Contracts, cost-plus vs. fixed-price, 25, 230–232

Cootner, Paul, 140

Copulas, 115, 117

Correlation, 66, 111–117, 113f, 114f, 117f, 118f

Cost and schedule risk analysis:

and aggregation of risk, 90–99, 219–220

calibration in, 124–132, 125f

correlation in, 111–117, 113f, 114f, 117f, 118f

definition of, 60

and estimation of uncertainty, 106–108

and evolution of S-curves, 118–120, 119f

issues in, 245–250

joint, 223–226, 224f, 225f

lognormal distributions used for, 89–90

probability distributions for (see Probability distributions)

sensitivity analysis, 99–102, 100f, 101f

tails in, 132–140, 135t

theory vs. practice in, 120–124, 122f, 123f

track record for, 108–110

Cost growth (cost overruns), xi–xii, 2–3, 5–7, 9–19

from black swans, 55

from budget constraints, 44–46

comparison of, in various industries, 13–14, 14t

and cost risk, 60–61, 61f

in development phase, 5

and diminishing returns, 47–48, 47f

from errors in estimation, 35–37

and external dependencies, 50–55

factors in, 21–22

with government projects, 3

insurance protection against, 155

with megaprojects, 11–12

with NASA/DoD programs, 6–7, 6f, 9–11, 10f, 11f

with Olympic games, 13

from poor execution, 32–35

from poor planning, 29–32

prevalence of, 2, 14–15, 242

scope reduction as response to, 15–19

with software/IT projects, 12–13

with Sydney Opera House project, 29–30

and unrealistic optimism, 22–27, 242

from use of immature/undefined technologies, 27–29

(See also Cost and schedule risk analysis)

Cost growth caps, 154–155, 154t

Cost phasing, 197, 198f

Cost reports, 233–234

Cost risk, 60–61, 61f, 82, 126 (See also Cost and schedule risk analysis)

Cost risk reserve phasing, 222, 222f

Cost uncertainty, 69–70

Cost-plus contracts, 25, 230–232


direct vs. indirect, 33

fixed, 5, 51, 209–210

variable, 209

Cost-sharing contracts, 232

COVID-19 pandemic, xv, 13, 35, 55, 241

Cramer, Jim, 145

Critical Design Review, 119

Critical path, 223

Dams, 4, 13, 14t

De Moivre, Abraham, 80

Deep Blue, 8

Deepwater Horizon oil spill, xi, 105, 106

Defense sector, xi, 56, 233

Delta 180 project, 200

Demand, predicting, 50–53

Demand curve, 233–238, 236f

Denver International Airport, 44

Department of Defense, xv, 7, 9, 31, 32, 35–37, 46–48, 56, 211, 226

Department of Energy, 148

Dependencies, external, 50–55

Derivatives, 153–154

Development phase, 4

Diminishing returns, 47–48, 47f

Direct costs, 33

Discover magazine, 64

Disposal phase, 5

Distributions, probability (see Probability distributions)

Diversification, 143–163

The Doctrine of Changes (de Moivre), 80

“Drinking the Kool-Aid,” 23

Ducats, transport of, 67–68, 69f

Economics, 120–121

Education costs, 121

80/20 rule, 86

Einhorn, David, 174

Elephants, 82

England, 58–59

English Channel tunnel, 12

ENIAC computer, 93

Enterprise resource planning (ERP), 18–19

Enterprise risk management, 228–229, 241–242

Entropy, xiii–xiv, 33

Ephesus, 229

Equivalent software lines of code (ESLOC), 12–13

Erasmus, Desiderius, 66

Estimates, rough-order-of-magnitude, 27

Estimation, errors in, 35–37

Euclidean geometry, 84

European Space Agency (ESA), 10–11, 16–17

“Everything Goes According to Plan” principle, 107

Exceptional variation, 173

Excess capacity, 51

Execution, cost/schedule growth due to poor, 32–35

Expected shortfall, 186-187, 186t, 219–221, 220t, 226, 248

and portfolio effect, 190–191, 191t

and tails, 184–189, 186t

Expected value, 64, 66–68, 70, 73, 76, 90, 178, 184

External dependencies, 50–55, 243

External factors, in cost/schedule growth, 22

Extreme events, 77 (See also Black swans)

Extremistan, 85, 86, 132, 137, 139, 156, 246

Exxon Valdez oil spill, xi

F-35 aircraft, 35–37, 43, 52

“Faster-better-cheaper” policy (NASA), 38–40, 200

Fat-tailed distributions, 86

Fermat, Pierre de, 58

A Few Good Men (film), 142

Fichte, Johann, 145

Fields Medal, 59

Film profits, 86

Financial crisis of 2008, 73, 241

Financial markets, 139–140 (See also Stock market fluctuations)

Fixed costs, 5, 51, 209–210

Fixed-price contracts, 25, 230–232

The Flaw of Averages (Savage), 63–64

Flyvbjerg, Bent, 11–12, 60, 149, 150

Ford, Gerald, 106

Fortuna (Roman goddess), 57

Forward pricing rate agreements, 37

FoxMeyer, 18–19, 136–137

France, 58

“Free lunch,” 145–147

Friedman, Milton, 120, 121, 146–147

Friendship 7 mission, 33

Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster, xi, 55

Full House (Gould), 64

Funding constraints, and portfolio planning, 202–211, 203f, 205t, 207f, 207t, 208t, 210f, 211f

Funding reserves, 216–223, 227, 247

Gains, reactions to prospective, 26

Galileo mission, 16

Game theory, 232–233

Gates, Bill, 85

Gauss, Carl, 80

Gaussian distributions, 80–85, 81f, 83t, 97–99, 98f, 99f, 132–134, 148, 150, 150t, 244–245

and expected shortfall, 186–187, 186t

lognormal distributions vs., 179–181

semi-standard deviation vs., 188–189

tails in, 167–168, 167f, 169t, 171–173, 171f, 174–177, 175f, 176t

Geometry, 84, 166

Giraffes, 82

Glenn, John, 33

Goddard Space Flight Center, 40–41

Goldin, Dan, 38, 41

Gould, Stephen Jay, 64

Government Accounting Office (GAO), 43

Government economic policies, 146

Government project(s), xiv–xv

and contract bids, 24–25

and cost overruns, 3

estimation problems with, 35–37

example of failed, 30–32

execution problems with, 32–35

incentives in, 229–239

misalignment of cost/schedule/technology in, 37–48

portfolio effect for, 151

risk in, 73–74

Government shutdowns, 46

Gradient allocation, 221

Grading on a curve, 80

Graunt, John, 59

Great Depression, 146

Greece, ancient, 166, 229

Greedy algorithm, 204, 208–209

Gwynn, Tony, 63

Hamlet (Shakespeare), 140–141

“Haste makes waste,” 37–43

Healthcare costs, 121

Heavy-tailed distributions, 86

Height (of people), 81–82

Heinlein, Robert, 146

Herrnstein, Richard J., 62

Hofstadter, Douglas, 7

Hofstadter’s Law, 7–8, 108

Household wealth, 86–87

Hubble Space Telescope, xi, xii, 30–31, 38, 54–55, 135

Hunt-Lenox globe, 165

Huntsville, Ala., xiii, 232

Hurricanes, 85, 89

Hydroelectric projects, 13, 34–35

Hypersonic weapons, 74

IBM, 8

Immature technologies, cost/schedule growth due to, 27–29, 243

Incentives, 223, 229–239, 249–250

Income, 85, 87–88, 88f

Indirect costs, 33

Inflation rates, 36–37, 205

Inflection points, 168 (See also Pain points)

Information technology projects, 12–13, 19, 128, 139, 201 (See also Software projects)

Initial costs, 45

Initial planning phase, 4

Initial year, 196

Insurance, 155, 227, 230

Integrated circuits, 49

Integrated risk management framework, 226–229, 228f

Intel Corporation, 49

Intelligent quotient (IQ), 62, 81

Internal factors, in cost/schedule growth, 21–22

Internal Revenue Service (IRS), 88

Investment portfolio, 143–145

Investment risk, 72–73

Iron Bowl, 121

Iso-confidence level curves, 225–226, 225f

James Webb Space Telescope (JWST), xii–xiii, 135, 138

The Joint Agency Cost Schedule Risk and Uncertainty Handbook, 90

Joint cost and schedule risk analysis, 223–226, 224f, 225f

Joint Strike Fighter (F-35), 35–37, 43, 52

Jones, Jim, 23

Jonestown massacre, 23

Journal of Petroleum Technology, 124

Juran, Joseph, 86

Kahneman, Daniel, 23, 25–26

Kansas City Royals, 63

Kasparov, Garry, 8

Keillor, Garrison, 32

Kelly, Walt, 241

Kennedy, John F., 43

Keynes, John Maynard, 144, 146

Keynesian economic policies, 146, 147

Knight Capital, 43–44, 200

K-standard deviation events, 83–84, 83t

Las Vegas Factor of Development Program Planning, 7, 9

Launch vehicle availability, 53–55

Law of Marginal Survival, 211

Leadership, 246

Learning (manufacturing), 51

Leibniz, Gottfried von, 1

Lemons (used cars), 232

Leverage, 72–73, 145, 153–154

Lewent, Judy, 229

Liberalism, 146

Littoral Combat Ship (LCS), 52

Lockheed Martin, 7

Loeb-Magat mechanism, 235–238, 236f, 238t

Logarithms (logarithmic scale), 87, 88, 87f

Lognormal distributions, 89–90, 90f, 97–99, 97f–99f, 134–140, 135t, 151, 245

and expected shortfall, 186–187, 186t

tails in, 170–171, 174–177, 175f, 176t, 178–181, 179f, 181f

Lognormal paradox, 178–181, 179f, 181f

Long-Term Capital Management, 73

Losses, reactions to prospective, 26

Lotteries, 59

Magnus, Olaus, 166f

MAIMS principle, 3, 38, 216, 240

Mandelbrot, Benoit, 84–85, 139–140

Manhattan Project, 94

Manufacturing costs, 51

“Margaritaville” (song), 105

Marginal cost, 234–238, 235f–237f

Marginal utility, 26

Market design, 233

Markowitz, Harry, 143, 144, 147–148

Mars, manned missions to, 28

Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT), 140

Mean (statistical term), 2, 81, 86, 91, 91f, 127

Measures of central tendency, 64, 85

Mechanism design, 232–233

Median (statistical term), 2–3, 81, 91, 91f, 127

“The Median Isn’t the Message” (Gould), 64

Mediocristan, 85, 132–133, 137

Megaprojects, 6, 11–12

Mensa, 172

Merck Corporation, 229

Merrill Lynch, 174

Ming, Kong, 215

Minnesota Twins, 63

Misalignment of cost, schedule, and technology, 37–48

Mitigation, risk, 227

Mode (statistical term), 3, 81, 91, 91f

Monopolies, 234–238

Monotonicity, 182

Monte Carlo simulation, 93–94, 97, 125, 126, 151, 245, 250

Montreal Olympics, 13

Moon, manned missions to the, 28, 43

The Moon Is a Harsh Mistress (Heinlein), 146

Moore, Gordon, 49

Moore’s Law, 49–50

Moral hazard, 230

Mortality, 58–59

Mortgage default risk, 115

Multiyear contracts, 233

Mumford, David, 59

Murray, Charles, 62

Mutually assured destruction, 215–216

Naive approach to risk analysis, 126, 129–132, 129f, 131f

Narrative fallacy, 123

NASA, xi, xii, xiv, xv, 4, 149

average project cost growth at, 6–7, 6f

charter of, 28

Constellation program, 15, 28

cost growth data for, 9–11, 10f, 11f

cost/schedule tracking by, 4

“faster-better-cheaper” policy at, 38–40, 200

Hubble Space Telescope, xi, xii, 30–31, 38, 54–55

human computers used by, 93

joint cost and schedule risk analysis used by, 223, 226

mission failures at, 40–41

and Moon mission of 1960s, 43

performance vs. cost/schedule at, 48

right tail in missions of, 135

scope cuts at, 16

Space Shuttle program, xi, 5, 15–17, 28–29, 54–55

National Association of Insurance Commissioners, 186

National Health Service, 201

National Missile Defense, 136, 200

National Public Radio, 32

Nature, randomness in, 84

Negative portfolio effect, 156–162, 158t, 161t

Net worth, 85

New York Public Library, 165

Newfoundland and Labrador, 34–35

“News from Lake Wobegon,” 32

Newsom, Gavin, 17–18

Niagara Tunnel megaproject, 148

9/11 terrorist attacks, 55, 139, 241

Normal distribution, 80–81, 81f

North American Aviation, 24

Nuclear weapons, 93, 94, 215–216

O Fortuna (Orff), 57

Obsolescence, 48–50

Office of the Undersecretary of Defense for Acquisitions, Technology, and Logistics, 149

Oil spills, xi, 105

Oilfield projects, 13

Olympics, 13–14, 14t

Operations phase, 5

Opportunity, 60, 61f

Optimism, unrealistic, 1–2, 22–27, 55–56, 110, 242, 250

Orange County, Calif., 73, 153, 244

Orff, Carl, 57

Oversight costs, 33–34

Oxford University, 11

Pain points, 168, 169f, 170–171

Parallel activities, 71

Parallel postulate, 84

Pareto, Vilfredo, 86

Pareto distributions, 86–89, 88f, 99, 135–138, 135t, 138t, 161, 174–177, 175f, 176t, 244, 245

Pareto principle, 86

Parkinson, C. Northcote, 9

Parkinson’s Law, 9, 38, 216

Pascal, Blaise, 58, 177

Pascal’s wager, 177–178

“Pay it forward,” 146

Pensées (Pascal), 177

Peoples Temple cult, 23

Percentile funding, 163, 166–171, 247–248

Percentiles, 95

Performance, and cost/schedule, 47–48, 47f

Pitt, Brad, 121

Planning, cost/schedule growth due to poor, 29–32, 38

Planning fallacy, 23, 25

Plato, 120

Platonic ideal, 120, 122

Pogo (comic strip), 241

Point estimates, 60

Portfolio effect, 132–133, 147–162, 219, 247, 248

and adjusting assumptions to match reality, 151–154, 153t, 154t

and capping cost growth, 154–155, 154t

and confidence levels, 148–150

examples of, 150–151, 150t

general failure to utilize, 155–156

negative, 156–162, 158t, 161t

reverse, 247–248

and tails, 190–192, 191t–192t

Portfolio planning, 195–213, 248–249

and cost phasing, 197, 198f

and focus on initial year, 196

and funding constraints, 202–211, 203f, 205t, 207f, 207t, 208t, 210f, 211f

and reserves, 219–223, 219t, 220t, 227

and schedule changes (zugzwang), 198–201, 199f, 202f

Portfolio theory, 143–145

Positive economics, 120

Positive homogeneity, 182

Positive semi-deviation, 187-189, 188t, 221, 221t, 226

Positivism, 120

Power law, 85, 86, 88, 103, 134–135, 137, 139, 161

Powerball lottery, 59

Practical Schedule Risk Analysis (Hulett), 102

Prairie Home Companion, 32

Private sector, xiv


definition of, 60

as field, 58

Probability distributions, 77–90

Gaussian, 80–85, 81f, 83t

lognormal, 89–90, 90f

Pareto, 86–89, 88f

triangular, 78–80, 79f

Probability Methods for Cost Uncertainty Analysis (Garvey), 102

Production, achieving better values in, 232–239

Production phase, 4–5

Professor Pangloss (literary character), 1

Profit maximization, 120–121, 230–231, 234–235, 235f

Project managers, optimism of, 1–2, 24

Project phases, 4–5

Prospect theory, 26

Public projects, 27, 45–46, 51

in ancient Greece, 229

risk in, 73–74

(See also Government project[s])

Pudd’n’head Wilson (Twain), 143–144

Quantitative risk management, 249–250

with costs, 216–222

with schedule, 223

Rail projects, 14t, 17–18

Random sampling, 93–94

Randomness, 84

Rate effect, 51

Reagan, Ronald, 147

Red River flood (1997), 64

Relative risk, 127

Religion, 177–178

Republican policies, 147


funding, 216–223, 227, 247

schedule, 223

Resource risks, xi, xii

Reverse portfolio effect, 247–248


aggregating, 90–99, 156–158, 162, 219–220

blindness to, 244–245

concept of, xiv

consequence of, 14–15, 74–77, 75t

definition of, 60

extreme, and negative portfolio effect, 161–162

investment, 72–73

mathematics of, 58–60

mitigation of, 227

in public projects, 73–74

relative, 127

technical vs. resource, xi, xii

terminology related to, 60–62

underestimation of, 110, 245–247

Risk analysis, costs and schedule (see Cost and schedule risk analysis)

Risk aversion, 26

Risk avoidance, xiv

Risk matrices, 74–77, 75t, 245

Risk-taking, xiv

Roads, 4, 14t

Rough-order-of-magnitude estimates, 27

Rumsfeld, Donald, 106, 125, 150

Russia, 74

Russian roulette, 173

Sampling, 124

San Diego Padres, 63

Santayana, George, 252

Satellites, 4, 53–54, 107, 227

Saturn V rocket, 5

Savage, Sam, 63–64

Scalars, 127

Schedule changes (zugzwang), 198–201, 199f, 202f

Schedule delays, xi, 2–3, 6–19

from black swans, 55

comparison of, in various industries, 13–14, 14t

and diminishing returns, 47–48, 47f

and external dependencies, 50–55

factors causing, 21–22

and hastened schedules, 37–44

and Hofstadter’s Law, 7–9

with NASA/DoD programs, 10–11, 11f

from poor execution, 32–35

from poor planning, 29–32

prevalence of, 2, 14–15, 242

and scope reduction, 15–19

with software/IT projects, 12–13

with Sydney Opera House project, 29–30

and unrealistic optimism, 22–27, 242

from use of immature/undefined technologies, 27–29

(See also Cost and schedule risk analysis)

Schedule reserves, 223

Schedule risk, 60, 82, 126 (See also Cost and schedule risk analysis)

Schedule uncertainty, 71–72, 71f

Scope of risk management, 227

Scope reduction, 15–19

Scottish Parliament, 136, 138–139

S-curves, 94–96, 95f, 96t, 101, 101f, 118–120, 119f, 125, 225, 250

Second law of thermodynamics, xiii–xiv


and portfolio effect, 191–192, 192t

positive, 221, 221t, 226

and tails, 187–189, 188t

Sensitivity analysis, 99–102, 100f, 101f

Serial activities, 71

Shakespeare, William, 140–141

Shannon, Claude, 7

Shark attacks, 111, 114

Shortfall, expected, 219–221, 220t, 226, 248

Simulations, 93–99

Skew, 3, 9, 14, 81, 82, 89, 148

Software projects, 4, 12–13, 14t, 18–19, 43–44, 69–70, 139

Soviet Union, 215–216

Space Shuttle program, xi, 5, 15–17, 28–29, 54–55

Spurious correlations, 121

Standard deviation principle, 183

Standard deviations, 77, 83–84, 83t, 86–87, 127, 133–134, 152, 187–188, 188t

Standard risk analysis, 129–132, 129f, 131f

Starship Troopers (Heinlein), 146

Statistics (as field), 58–59

STEREO space mission, 24

Stock market crash (1987), 84

Stock market fluctuations, 85, 136

Storytelling, 21

Strategic thinking, 215–240

and achieving better values in production, 232–239

by analyzing cost and schedule risk jointly, 223–226

and confidence levels, 216–221, 218f, 219t, 224–226, 224f, 225f

with cost risk reserve phasing, 222, 222f

incentives and information as factors in, 229–239

integrated risk management framework for, 226–229, 228f

with quantitative cost risk management, 216–222

with quantitative schedule risk management, 223

Subadditivity, 182

Suez Canal, 12, 136

Sunk cost fallacy, 18

Swiss Solvency Test, 185–186

Sydney Opera House, 12, 29–30, 136, 137

Systems engineering, 33

Tactical aircraft, 11

Tail dependency, 115–117, 117f, 118f

Tails, 165–193

estimating the size of, 132–140, 135t

and expected shortfall, 184–189, 186t

in Gaussian distributions, 167–168, 167f, 169t, 171–173, 171f

and limitations of confidence levels for risk management, 173–177, 175f, 176t, 247–248

and lognormal paradox, 178–181, 179f, 181f

and pain points, 168, 169f, 170–171

in Pareto distributions, 86, 88

and portfolio effect, 190–192, 191t, 192t

and risk measures, 181–185

and semi-deviation principle, 187–189, 188t

Taiwan, xv

Taleb, Nassim, 85, 123, 174

Technical risks, xi, xii, 242–243

Telephone, 143

Texas Instruments, 51–52

The Theory of Investment Value (Williams), 144

There’s No Such Thing as a Free Lunch (Friedman), 147

Thesis-antithesis-synthesis cycle, 145

Titanic, xi, 204

Tokyo Olympics, 13

Tornadoes, 121

Traffic, 195–196

Translation invariance, 182–183

Triangle of death, 40, 40f

Triangular distributions, 78–80, 79f, 174–177, 175f, 176t, 244

Troyer, Verne, 81

Tunnels, 4, 14t

Tversky, Amos, 23, 25–26

Twain, Mark, 143–144

Ulam, Stanislaw, 93–94

Ulysses program, 10–11, 16–17

Uncertainty, 57–58

assessment of, 244–245

and averages, 62–65

cone of, 121–123, 122f, 123f

cost, 69–70

definition of, 60

estimation of, 106–108

mathematics of, 66–68, 69f

schedule, 71–72, 71f

terminology related to, 60–62

Undefined technologies, cost/schedule growth due to, 27–29

Uniform distributions, 78

United Kingdom, 148, 201

Units, number of production, 4–5

“Universal Fantasy Factor,” 7

University of Alabama, 121

Unknown unknowns, 106–107, 125

Up-front costs, 45

US Congress, 17, 43, 46

US Navy, 52

Used cars, 232

Utility (term), 26

Value at Risk, 148

Variable costs, 209

Venice, Italy, 48–49

Voltaire, 1

Von Neumann, John, xiv

Wadlow, Robert, 82

Walker, Larry, 63

Washington State Department of Motor Vehicles, 34

Wealth, household, 86–87

Weapons systems, 4, 11, 52, 74

Wedges, budget, 204

Whales, 82

Williams, John Burr, 144

Williams, Ted, 63

Word frequencies, 85

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS), 91–92, 92f, 97, 99, 111–113, 113f

World War II, 93

Wright brothers, 143

Wriston, Walter, xiv

Yangping, China, 215

Zipf, George, 85

Zipf’s law, 85

Zugzwang (schedule changes), 198–201, 199f, 202f

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