From the perspective of a speaker bureau owner for more than 15 years, this is a must read if you want to become a successful professional speaker and trainer. This book is the blueprint for your speaking career. There are not many books on this subject because no one has devoted the time or effort to such a task. Yet, everyone thinks he or she can speak because professional speakers make it appear easy. Just think, someone will pay you for talking! The reality is that this is hard and grueling work. As Anne has so vividly stated, “If you don’t have the stomach for this crazy ride, then you may not be cut out for the speaking and training profession.”

There have been many speakers and trainers who have gone by the wayside because they had neither the staying power nor earned the money with abundance. This is a business and it has to be treated as one. You will spend hours researching, compiling, reading, studying, and rewriting your stories until you want to scream. Yet, you will continue to polish your speech because it is your only marketing tool. If you do not receive immediate rewards such as spin-offs, then something is amiss—and then you’re back to the drawing board again and again until you get it right.

Once you have honed your speech, you need to market yourself. Anne has outlined this avenue beautifully for you. You can be the best speaker in the world, but if you cannot market yourself—sell yourself and make cold calls—then you are in trouble. You may want to consider a marketing manager to assist you in your marketing efforts because this is the tough part of any business. What makes you so different from all the other professional speakers and trainers on the circuit today? Anne helps you find your “true north” in this guide to professional speaking and training.

Anne Bruce has encapsulated in this book what it takes to be successful in speaking and training. Read and learn from her varied experiences and mistakes; she has ridden the roller coaster and survived! Use this book as a daily tool to launch your career in speaking and training. Anne will make your life easier as you begin your new career. Heed every chapter; savor it because it can make a difference in your success as a professional speaker and trainer.

Betty Garrett
President and CEO, Garrett Speakers International, Inc.
former president, Meeting Professionals International,
Dallas/Ft. Worth Chapter
May 2008

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