Modifying Chart and Map Properties

After you have successfully created a chart or map and placed it on your report, you have a number of post-creation editing options at your disposal within the Crystal Reports Designer. Both charts and maps provide a number of easy-to-use methods to re-visit and edit your charts or maps. Several of the most common editing methods are listed in the following sections.

Modifying Chart Properties

After a chart has been created and placed on your report, you can perform numerous post-creation edits by right-clicking on the chart object while in Preview mode. From the Chart menu that appears, you have both the ability to revisit the Chart Expert and use a number of more finely tuned post-creation editing tools, including the powerful and flexible Chart Option functions.


Versions 9 and 10 of Crystal Reports give you greater abilities to perform numerous in-place edits to chart objects. For example, you can grab a chart title (or other object) and move its location or change its font directly in place in versions 9 or 10. Previous to version 9, this functionality was mostly accessible from a separate tab called the Chart Analyzer. This tab is no longer available.

Specifying Chart Size and Position

This option enables you to identify very specific x and y coordinates in addition to height and width measurements for the involved chart. Charts can also be dynamically resized and repositioned by grabbing any of the sizing handles that appear on the frame of the chart after it is selected.

Modifying Chart Options

The Chart Options menu choice enables you to fine-tune the look of your charts at a granular level not available in the standard Chart Expert. The following sections explore the variety of chart customizations and formatting options exposed through the Chart Options menu. These are especially useful where the functionality of the standard chart creation expert does not meet your exact requirements.

Specifying Template Options

This selection provides direct access to the same Report Gallery that is provided in the first step of the Chart Expert.

Specifying General Options

This selection provides a rich multitabbed interface with a chart preview window for editing a great number of the presentation components of the involved chart. Figure 8.13 highlights the interface, and the following paragraphs describe the details of the respective tabs.

Figure 8.13. The Chart Options dialog General tab provides advanced chart reporting functionality.

The General tab provides general formatting options for each chart type. The functions give you a great deal of flexibility in controlling the details of the involved graphics (such as Pie Chart tilt, rotation, hole size, and exploding pie characteristics, or Bar Chart shape, overlap, width, depth, and so on).

Some common options for pie, bar, and other charts include the following:

  • Overlap: Use this slider to change how much risers within each category overlap each other.

  • Gap Width: Use this slider to change the gap between the group of bar risers in each category.

  • Riser Shape: Use this list box to choose the shape of the chart's bars or risers.

  • Use Depth: Use this check box to apply a depth effect or to make a completely flat chart.

  • Depth: When Use Depth is selected, use this slider to specify the amount of depth to be applied to the chart risers and frame.

  • Pie Tilt: Use this slider to tilt the involved pie chart(s).

  • Pie Rotation: Use this slider to rotate the involved pie(s).

  • Explode Pie: Exploding a pie or doughnut chart detaches all slices away from its center. Click the Series option tab if you want to attach or detach an individual slice from a chart.

The Layout tab provides chart layout options. The options here enable alteration of different display options for different charts (such as 2D versus 3D, Horizontal versus Vertical Bars, and so on).

The commonly edited options for the most common charts include the following:

  • Type: Enables you to refine your selection of chart types based on the original (such as Pie or Ring for pie charts).

  • Dual Axes: Enables different charts to have two numeric axes (Y1 and Y2).

The Data Labels tab provides formatting and display options for data labels. The different options enable you to select the presentation of data labels based on either the underlying value representing the chart graphics, the associated label, or a combination of the two.

For Gauge charts, this functionality is exposed through the Display Options tab.

The Numbers tab provides formatting options for data label numbers. This tab is activated when data labels are selected on the Data Labels tab.

The category drop-down box enables you to select a general format for the numeric component of the data labels. After this is selected, more granular options are exposed for control over the display of each format.

The formatting on this tab does not control the numbers displayed on the chart axes. To edit those, access the Grids and Scales dialog by choosing Chart Options, Grids (discussed later in this chapter in more detail).

The Dual Y Axis tab provides formatting options for dual axes charts. This tab is only activated when a dual axes chart is selected on the Layout tab.

This tab facilitates the assignment of individual series to each axis and the definition of the location of an axis split line.

Dual Y Axis functionality is not available on Funnel, Gantt, Gauge, Histogram, Stock, Pie, or 3D charts.

The Look tab provides options for changing the appearance of the involved chart. The Color Mode drop-down box enables you to select a color scheme for the involved chart components. This is typically a decision between coloring by group or by series although other options are provided for surface charts. The visual effects of these modes are only truly realized when more than one Change By field has been set for the involved chart.

The remaining options surround the display of the legend (available on most charts) and its placement relative to the chart.

The Display Status tab provides options for displaying or hiding chart objects. Typical options made here include grid-line display, data label display, legend display (again), pie-chart slice labels, ring-chart total labels, and so on.

Specifying Titles Options

This option enables you to specify chart titles, subtitles, footnotes, and so on. Many charts also include axis title specifications such as Group Axis title or Data Axis title here.

Specifying Series Options

This menu option is used to apply formatting options to an individual series in a chart. The Series Option is only available for selection if a series was previously selected in the chart. This series selection is done in place in Crystal Reports (for example, highlighting a pie slice on a pie chart enables the Series Option functionality for that pie slice's series). Figure 8.14 highlights the Series Option dialog, and the following paragraphs describe the different tabs available on the Series option dialog and some common usage scenarios.

Figure 8.14. The Series Option dialog provides the capability to specify chart series options such as trendlines, data labels, and number formats.

The General tab shows general formatting options for a selected series. Common display effects enacted here include exploding a pie slice away from its pie chart, selecting markers on a line chart, or altering the visual metaphor for a selected series so it is different than the other series (for example, displaying the U.S. Sales results as an area visual on a bar chart). In certain charts such as 3D Charts, the selection of each series' riser shape is also available.

The Data Labels tab shows data label display options for the currently selected series. It enables you to specify series-specific data labels. This functionality is effective for highlighting a series of particular relevance. Unlike the General menu option's Data Labels tab, this series-specific functionality only enables the setting of numeric-based data labels.

The Numbers tab shows formatting options for data label numbers. This is only available when data labels have been selected in the Data Labels section of the Chart Options dialog.

This tab enables you to specify a series-specific numeric data label formatting. The category drop-down box enables you to select a general format for the numeric component of the data labels. After this is selected, more granular options are exposed for control over the display of each format.

The Trendline tab provides display and formatting options for a trendline selection. It enables you to represent trends in a data series graphically. You can add trendlines to data series in a number of unstacked charts (such as 2D area, bar, bubble, column, line, and scatter charts). Several different automatic trendline creations are possible including Linear, Logarithmic, Polynomial, or Exponential trendlines, in addition to Moving Averages.

Specifying Grid Options (Numeric Axis Grids & Scales Dialog)

This Chart Options menu selection is used to format chart axes, gridlines, and scaling. Through the associated dialog, all the axes in a chart can be formatted. The tabs on the left side of the dialog show the available axes in the chart: Group Axis, Data Axis, Dual Y Axis (only for dual-axes charts), X Axis (only for bubble and scatter charts), and Series Axis (only for 3D charts). When a left-side axis tab is selected, the tabs at the top of the dialog reflect the available formatting options for that axis. Figure 8.15 shows the Numeric Axis Grids & Scales dialog, and the following paragraphs describe the different tabs available on the Series option dialog and some common usage scenarios.

Figure 8.15. The Numeric Axis Grids & Scales dialog provides granular level control over chart axis display options.

The General tab shows general formatting options for a selected axis. You can specify the location of the Axis labels here (for example, top, bottom, left, right, both) through the Location of the Label radio buttons. Additional options of interest are the Descending Axis check box and the Draw Categories in Reverse Order check box.

The Scales tab provides options around the scale for the involved axis. The most common options set in this tab are the manually set maximum and minimum scale options. These enable increased control over the range presented on the involved axis. Other options include settings around the logarithmic scale and forcing the inclusion of zero in the axis range.

The Labels tab provides control over the involved axis labels. Typical functionality you can access here includes toggling off and on of the following check boxes: Don't Show Maximum Value Label, Don't Show Minimum Value Label, Staggering Labels, and Using Manual Number of Groups.

The Numbers tab shows formatting options for data axis numbers. This tab enables you to specify data axis numeric data label formatting. The category drop-down box enables you to select a general format for the numeric component of the data labels. After this is selected, more granular options are exposed for control over the display of each format.

The Grid tab provides access to the Gridline formatting options for the involved data axis. This tab enables you to specify the involved axis' displayed gridlines including Custom Gridlines specified at certain values and different grid formats.

Specifying Selected Item Formatting Options

This Chart Options menu selection enables you to format line, area, and text objects in a chart. It is only available when a chart object has been selected with the mouse or other pointer. Figure 8.16 highlights the Formatting dialog. Different tabs (Font, Line, or Fill) are highlighted and available based on the underlying selected chart item.

Figure 8.16. The Formatting dialog provides the capability to format user-selected objects within the involved chart.

Specifying Viewing Angles Options

This menu option is only available for 3D charts. It enables you to edit the involved chart's viewing angles, position, wall thickness, and so on. The basic options enable you to select a predefined viewing angle template. The advanced options enable you to create new templates and refine the manipulation of the 3D Chart. Figure 8.17 highlights the Viewing Angles Advanced Option dialog.

Figure 8.17. The Viewing Angles Advanced dialog provides the capability to specify precise viewing angles for 3D charts.

The Rotate tab and its X,Y, and Z dimension controls are used to rotate a 3D chart to any angle. There are three different methods or controls to change the rotation of the chart:

  • Use the X, Y, and Z left and right control buttons to incrementally rotate the chart in the preview window.

  • Use the directional arrows surrounding the globe to affect the rotation.

  • Use the preview window itself to click and drag the previewed chart around the different axes.

The Pan tab is used to pan and zoom a 3D chart. The same control options exist here as were described for the Rotate tab, with the Zoom option being an additional component.

The Walls tab provides a method to increase and decrease the thickness and length of the walls on a 3D chart. The same control options exist for this tab as those mentioned previously for the Rotate tab.

The Move tab provides a method to move and set the perspective of the 3D chart. The same control options exist for this tab as those mentioned previously for the Rotate tab.


You will find separate and advanced charting help instructions for these granular options available through the help button present on all the dialogs accessed from the Chart Options menu. This advanced help is provided by 3D Graphics—the third party responsible for the charting in Crystal Reports.

Modifying Map Properties

After a map has been created and placed on your report, you can perform numerous post-creation edits by right-clicking on the map object while in the Preview mode. From the Map menu that appears when you right-click, you have the capability to either re-visit the Map Expert or use a number of more finely tuned post-creation editing tools such as Zooming, Layer Control, Map Navigation, and Data Mismatch Resolution.

Layer Control

By clicking on the Layers menu option, you can specify the different layers that display on your map. Examples of this include World Capital Cities and the Mapping Grid. Crystal Reports version 10 is distributed with a number of built-in layers that are accessed through this Layer Control dialog. These layers can be added and removed from Crystal Reports using this dialog and more detail-oriented layers. Additional maps can be purchased separately from MapInfo (a third-party company) and integrated into Crystal Reports.

Resolve Mismatch

The Resolve Mismatch dialog provides two very useful functions for maps. First, the Resolve Mismatch dialog enables you to select a specific map to use for your report. Several maps are provided out of the box with Crystal Reports and others can be purchased separately. Additionally, you can match the field names stored in the Geographic field from which you are basing the map onto the names that the involved map is expecting. This powerful feature enables you to take raw, untransformed data and dynamically match it to a geographical map value that the mapping engine can understand. For example, on a map of Canada, you might have multiple inconsistent data entries in your database for the province of Ontario (for example, ON, Ont, Ontario, and so on). Using this dialog, you can match each of these to the expected value of Ontario, and the mapping engine successfully interprets all of them.

Size and Position

This option enables you to specify very specific x and y coordinates in addition to height and width measurements for the involved map. Maps can also be dynamically resized and repositioned by grabbing any of the sizing handles that appear on the frame of the map after it is selected.

Zooming and Panning

The Zoom In and Zoom Out options enable you to focus on a particularly relevant part of the involved map. The Panning option enables you to horizontally pan the view of the map to what is most interesting to you and your business users. When any of these options have been selected from the Map menu, you are then placed in an interactive mode with the map and your mouse/touchpad. Clicking zooms you in and out and double-clicking and dragging facilitates panning.


When selecting from the Map menu, the Map Navigator provides a thumbnail of the entire map you are currently working with. As you saw earlier, Figure 8.12 highlights this Map Navigator in your report sample. The Map Navigator also provides a dotted outline of the area that is currently selected for display. You can fine-tune the area that displays by grabbing this dotted line, double-clicking on any of its corners, and subsequently dragging or expanding them out or collapsing them in while holding down your second click.

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