
Can you multiply 98 × 97 in your head in less than five seconds?

You may think doing such a problem in your head is a pipe dream, but it’s not. In fact, doing math without a calculator is critical. In places such as the United Kingdom, calculators are being banned from math tests. So if you can’t do the math in your head or on a piece of paper, you’re stuck.

This is where speed math comes in. By using the methods in this book, you’ll become more adept at solving problems, including the following:

  • Addition and subtraction
  • Multiplication and division
  • Fractions and decimals
  • Squares and square roots
  • Numbers to different powers

And that doesn’t cover everything you’ll learn. In fact, by the end of this book, you’ll be amazed at how quick and easy it is to solve almost any problem.

I hope you enjoy your journey into speed math.

How This Book Is Organized

This book is divided into two parts. The chapters in each part don’t have to be read in order, so if you have a type of math that’s of particular interest to you, feel free to skip to it.

Part 1, High-Speed Operations, provides easier ways of doing multiplication, addition, subtraction, and division. I lead off with multiplication, as it tends to have the most exciting tricks. I end this part by showing you how to check your answers using digit sums.

Part 2, High-Speed Math Applications, tackles decimals, fractions, and percentages. I also discuss how to find the value of powers and roots.

The appendixes include practice problems and answers to help you further grasp the concepts from each chapter.


Look for these handy sidebars throughout the book. They have important information you need to guide you through doing speed math.


These sidebars give you shortcuts and advice on different speed math methods.


Whoa! Watch out for these sidebars, which tell you about potential pitfalls you may encounter while doing your calculations.

But Wait! There’s More!

Have you logged on to lately? If you haven’t, go there now! As a bonus to the book, we’ve included tons of additional sample problems and other speed-math tricks you’ll want to check out, all online. Point your browser to and enjoy!


I would like to first express my gratitude to my guru and teacher, His Holiness Jagadguru Swami Shri Nischalananda Saraswati, the current Shankaracharya of Puri. He is the current global ambassador of Vedic Mathematics, and I owe him deeply for his valuable guidance and priceless teachings.

I would like to thank my parents, who have supported me and had faith in me through the last 13 years of my journey with Vedic Mathematics. I would also like to thank my wife, Shree, and my close friend, Varun Poddar, who have been pillars of support and encouragement, especially at times when I most needed it.

I would like to thank Carole Jelen of Waterside Productions and Alpha Books for considering me worthy to write this book. I would also like to thank my editors, Tom Stevens and Kayla Dugger, for their patience and support along the way.

Thanks to Manas Das and Amitava Ghosh in India, who helped me with the figure designs presented in this book.

Last but not least, I beg forgiveness of all those who have been with me over the course of the years and whose names I have failed to mention. Thank you.


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