
This book has its origins in a pamphlet, produced for the National Playing Fields Association Conference for Local Authorities in 1971. In this an attempt was made to rationalize the new approaches to sports ground drainage which were then being explored. At that time these were fairly simply described as being either ‘all sand’ or ‘sand slit’ in character. These have now been much more fully researched and refinements developed, greatly improving efficiency. Engineers and contractors have also contributed, developing purpose-built machinery whose potential has now to be taken into account when determining how best to proceed.

This new publication aims to provide a rational, scientific appraisal of current practice and practical guidance to those with problems to solve. No attempt is made to describe patented or commercially packaged designs, or to specify particular machines and materials by their trade names. The purpose of the book is to establish general principles and to illustrate these by reference to worked examples. It is assumed that clubs and local authorities will wish to adapt the advice given to meet their own special circumstances, some utilizing design consultants and contractors; others proceeding stepwise on a do-it-yourself basis. Those involved in the training of groundsmen, greenkeepers, agronomists, horticulturalists, landscape architects, environmental scientists, soil scientists, ecologists, etc. may find the specifications for construction and maintenance a useful starting point for discussions where the aim is to stimulate constructive criticism.

The advice given in this publication is intended primarily for those working under moist temperate climatic conditions, where rainfall exceeds evapo-transpiration, at least seasonally, so that efficient soil drainage is a priority and irrigation no more than an occasional benefit. The special needs of those working to create and maintain sports surfaces under arid conditions are not given specific mention, although some aspects are covered indirectly.

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