
R.B.Gooch, F.F.S. (Technical Director, N.P.F.A.) assisted as co-author until his death in 1987 and was largely responsible for Chapter 8 and portions of Chapters 1 and 2. J.C.Parker, BSc(Hort), A.L. (Chief Landscape Manager, Kent County Council) contributed Chapter 5. E.D. Stewart, MA, PhD (currently Research Fellow, Department of Physics, University of Kyoto, Japan), contributed Appendix E and portions of Chapters 4 and 13. D.R.Stewart, BA(Design), (currently Illustrator/Graphic Designer, Reprographic Services, University of St. Andrews) contributed all the figures and illustrations. Secretarial and editorial assistance was provided by R.B.Gooch until 1987, then by P.J.Heseltine (formerly General Manager, N.P.F.A. Playground Services Ltd.) until 1989, and finally by Wm.C.Runciman, LLB (formerly Director, N.P.F.A. Scotland) and my wife, Shirley Stewart who saw the project through to its conclusion.

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